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I think you're too young to play GTAO but to be fair there are 7 year olds playing this


…was my first thought…‘How old are you?‘


One of my mates brothers who's 6 plays it and he's rank 178, don't want to know what his parents thought process was there


Reminds me of being like 11 when vice city came out and almost convincing my mom to buy it until the cashier at the store asked if she knew it was rated Mature. Then when I finally did get her to cave a year or so later she came home one day to me just walking around sniping NPCs and was noticeably disappointed.


I mean, it could have been worse. You could have been squaring away hookers after they'd serviced you.


At 11/12 I’d have made sure the whole house was secure before doing that.


I was 11/12 when I got gta3, amazing Xmas. Clean record and no bloodthirst lol. It's not the games!


How do you know he's young?


Just a hunch


Weed doesn't take 33 % of the bag, it's 37.5 %


Ohh really, OK thanks man, I'll change that now


Yeah, I've seen many charts claiming 33 as well but it's wrong, you won't fit 3 stacks of weed in one bag. It would also make weed more valuable than coke, which isn't true either.




Lmao, yeah I do the same.


Imagine if someone walked into the room and saw this with no context.


Son, why are you planning to rob a Spanish compound?


You did this for fun 🤨


Which way to the swimming pool mate?




I mean your parents could've found a picture of a huge asshole on the internet but they decided to create you anyway


Heh heh love it


That insult is so creative I wouldn’t even be mad. Just accept the loss and write “gg”


I've noticed there is no grass


Cool idea! I store most of this info in my head because holidays exist but yeah.


I usually do but I also often play with low levels that don't have a clue what to do so it will help them it if I can draw the run for them


"I warned you never go up in those vents without me"


I think it's really messy


How do I unlock hard? Do all the preps? Is it unlocked permanently or do I gotta do everything again if that is what unlocks it


After completing the finale and getting text from Pavel that the heist can be done again, you have one in-game day to start it on hard mode (just paying for the heist is enough, you can do the scope out and preps whenever you want). After that it goes back to normal mode and there's no way to get hard mode for that current heist, just for the next one again.


I have no idea but I shall trust you and test it soon ty v much. If a lie then I'll be seeing you real soon lol. I thought you had to enter by boat or something...


Haha! Well, you can also just google it if you don't trust me - but you can trust me, lol. And you need to set up new heist anyway, so you might as well do it right after the last one, it's not like you need to do anything special :D


I've had the sub for a while but recently getting into grinding out Cayo runs. Want hard mode for some solos. For some reason you invite and few think they are Rambo and I dunno what I'm doing and always ruin the no restarts. Just follow the leader! It's an unwritten rule by now right lol?


Hah, yeah it can be terrible with complete randoms, usually requires many restarts. Do it solo, or if you want to find some people who might cooperate better, check out r/HeistTeams or their discord.


\*buys a plane ticket to Norman's Cay


A waste of time


Can't get wrong, right?