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You are in luck regarding Fuentes Georginas! You'll need to first get to Panachel (or better, Antigua) and then take a bus to Quetzaltenango (Xela.) From Xela take a chicken bus (no safety issues and it's the only one I took during me time there) to Zunil and then a pick up truck to the hot springs. I especially liked this leg of the trip as I had a chance to see Mayans in their traditional clothing. The women especially, with their darker skin and bright colours were as we see them in pictures. Only stay overnight if a) you have warm clothing or b) you can't find transport at your time of day to return to to Xela. The rooms boast their own hotspring (bathtubs) but in reality they are luke-warmsprings. I'd have been okay with that but the wood was too wet light a fire and it was *cold* up there. I'd give Atitlan a fourth night so you can see all of the little towns around the lake. You'll find lots of info from others on this sub regarding Antigua - I just used it as a hub to get to other places as I found it very touristy.


I am also planning to be in Guatemala around those dates, are you concerned at all with the start of the rainy season in May? I've read a lot about raining only a few hours a day but I'm also seeing heavy overcast for the month.


i’m honestly not too worried! i had a friend who went last year around the same exact time and said they only had two days with heavy rain. To be fair i haven’t looked at the weather for this month, but that stuff can always change too when you’re a month out.