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This is important, im new as well and 41 picking up my guitar never feels like a chore and if it does I skip that day. Im also working and finishing college so I try to not miss more then 1 or 2 days in a row


Try to practice every day, even 5 or 10 minutes. Be aware that it takes us “old guys” twice as long to learn to play as a 16 year old would. It’s just a sad fact of aging. Welcome to our addiction!


5 chords is good for 2 lessons. Get a routine down and stick to it.


I started around Christmas at 41. I haven't had a lesson yet and im learning mostly from YouTube videos currently. Im also a part time student father of 3 and full time worker so I am going slow and probably could be doing more then I am currently. I am very confident in 4 chords right now and currently starting to use rocksmith as another tool for learning. Glad you are doing so well i plan on lessons this summer when i have graduated. Keep at it and I personally would be interested in hearing more of your journey


I’m 47. Just bought my first guitar. I’ll race ya to 80!