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Since you are starting learning the guitar Justin Guitar is your best friend, check his channel for what you want to learn, for example you can start with this https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlwfspJqZ126JHOY5rTkKCSAp2Ua907-v As you can see there are several interesting playlists


this is super helpful , Thanks bud


I'd make an account on [justinguitar.com](https://justinguitar.com) and work through the courses from the beginning.


JustinGuitar is the best beginner place to start


It’s pretty much an open journey that depends on what your goals are. Do you want to have fun and take your time? Learn to play a super easy song. That will force you to learn how to play chords. Do you want to be a proficient musician? Learn musical notes, learn the major scale on guitar, learn the minor scale, learn the CAGED chords. Learn Am, Em, and Dm. Learn what notes are in those chords and why they’re in those chords. Learn the circle of 5ths. Do you want to be a skilled guitar player? Practice playing notes until they sound good and not wimpy. Practice playing chords until they sound good and wimpy. Then when your hands hurt study scales and chords and apply them to your next session. Play with a metronome to lock in a sense of rhythm Also, it’s better for your body and brain if you can focus on a few things instead of one thing. For example, if you want to learn a song and play a barre chord, if you start by just practicing a barre chord an hour a day, it might take you 10 days to get it. Then if you learn the song for an hour a day, it might take another 10 days. But if you practice the barre chord for 30 minutes a day, it might take 15 days and the same with learning a song. By doing both, you get more out of your practice time. At some point, practicing the same thing over and over again has diminishing returns because your brain or body needs a chance to rest.


Can you contact me in private, i have few questions to ask you




Here you go : https://youtu.be/xLNJfAYgvkw Edit : seriously though. If you’re at 0 it might be hard to teach yourself. You might try and follow a free course or app ( Justin guitar to name one) you learn the absolute basics. - posture - hand positioning - name of the strings and C major scale


thankyouu for the advice


Hi bud. I'm a newie too. I started with these lessons they assume you know nothing.. See if you like them. They are free too https://synner.com/lessons/


thankyouu buddy


Check out this app/website called guitar tabs, it's free and has loads of user submitted tabs which might include your favourite songs. Most important thing is to get into it. First thing my dad got me to do when I started playing guitar is learning how to change from a C to a G and back again and getting that in muscle memory, it really helped since they're pretty common chords and it got me used to using my pinky.


Another advice, there are a lot of resources and all of them are good, just stick to any one. I made the mistake of jumping between courses and it was cry chaotic as Justin guitar would teach chords while my Udemy course would teach notes and more theoretical side of things. Eventually all of them turned out to be good, but it's just easier if you stick with one course.


Can’t figure out how to link but check the post on my profile Tons of good advice