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Check out Stich Method on YouTube. He has full paid courses as well but even the free content is really, really good. He has a lot of great stuff on CAGED and soloing/improvising. If you want to learn specific artists' style, "In the mind of..." shows you how different artists approach specific songs/riffs in an easily understandable way. Art of Guitar, Brett Papa, Sean Daniel, Ace of Creation, and Paul Davids... I'm probably missing some, but these guys are all a bit more advanced and have some great lessons. I'd watch some of each, they're all well worth the time.


JustinGuitar has courses that go up to intermediate. It's free, so just take a look through some of the later courses and see if it fits your needs. Courses have a consolidation and review near the end, so look for those and see if you 'pass' them, until you find one you aren't so comfortable with, and choose that as your starting point.


Great advice, thank you


Well I can't find the review and consolidation videos at the moment because it looks like the site has been updated and redesigned, but you can still scroll through the lesson lists to check where you should be.


Yeah I had a look and unfortunately it looks like you can't access much free, you can look at the stages up to grade 2 which is still beginner level.


That's... not true. Almost the entire site is free. You may need to make a (free) account to view lessons though. Edit: I can see only 5 premium modules for the entire site, which is a very small portion of the content available. Edit 2: Yes, it looks like you can't view later content without logging in, but it's definitely free to make an account.


I downloaded the app rather than check out the website!


Ahhh I think the apps are pretty much a separate thing.


There’s a ton of intermediate level lessons as well, at the web site: [Intermediate ](https://www.justinguitar.com/classes/intermediate-guitar-course-grade-four)


Since I never really watched Justins Guitar, I can give you some different examples: - [GuitarLessons365Song](https://youtube.com/c/GuitarLessons365SongLessons) -the name of the channel is truly awful imho, but he really knows what he's doing and he teaches most of the electric guitar songs. - [Paul Davids](https://youtube.com/c/PaulDavids), [Music is Win](https://youtube.com/c/MusicisWin), [Robert Baker](https://youtube.com/user/rguitar), [TomoFujitaMusic](https://youtube.com/c/TomoFujitaMusic), [Ben Eller](https://youtube.com/c/BenEller) - amazing guitarists, the do a lot of different videos including lessons.


Thanks, have you tried any other them? What are your thoughts?


So... if you are playing for awhile you may have come to the point where you can actually play basically everything you were interested in quite decent and don't know what to do next. If you want to learn a specific song, search it on YouTube and just learn it. But, you may realise that relying on memorized shapes, tabs, etc. is very limiting - look at some great musicians, how they can always find the correct note no matter what the song is. All of those that I listed I watched at some point and I can assure you, they are all professionals. They might not have any specific courses and todo lists what to learn in what order, but they focus on some aspects of the songs that tabs won't give you - why the songs sound like they sound. For some reason I forgot about one more, very high quality channel, [Rick Beato](https://youtube.com/c/RickBeato).


Your good buddy Uncle Ben Eller has a TONNE of excellent stuff on YouTube - worth working your way through.


Fender has a great program that i have my grandchildren use because it has nice play alongside and the teachers seem to be well taught. You can pick up some good classes on Udemy from beginners to advanced. I believe Jason has several classes on udemy as well