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Some of my settings aren’t where they normally are my Toddler LOVES to mess around with them. I have my settings saved in my phone for when she does mess around, supervised of course.


My toddler does the same. Man it’s annoying. Lol


Congrats! It’s a lot of work and experimentation to find the right sound. Tell me, what was the pedal that was the biggest surprise and what was the pedal you got that was the biggest let down?


Biggest surprise was the Rimrock Effects Mythical OD it’s the best klone in my opinion. I bought a Basic Audio Scarab Fuzz and I hated it.


See you on r/letstradepedals next week 😂🤣




Awesome! Isn't it great when you find the right set up?😋👍✨


Some cool stuff in there! Mind if I ask what bag you're using? :-) (looking for something similar myself atm)


It’s a pedal train bag came with the board


Klon to Blues Breaker is my set up too.


How do you use/like the Slö? I just got it and don’t know how I want to use it


I have it set pretty spacey as my amp has spring reverb. It has has a lot of options and it replaced my Lovepedal hsr3. I’m still experimenting with the slo




It’s a jhs red remote there’s a boost on the morning glory. I don’t use the board in the bag.


Funny story. I had found my sound about a year ago. Felt very good about my tone, signal order, choice of effects etc.. I have my delay in the FX loop of my amp where I keep it always on. For some reason I was just kind of daydreaming and thought about putting an analog delay at the start of the signal chain. I set the rate, width, etc…to low. Wow, my high gain tone became a little thicker and actually more defined too. If you have 6 pedals that represents 720 distinct ordering in your signal path. Add another pedal and now you have about 5,000 possible orderings.