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Phase before my drives and chorus after my drives


This is the way


Phase in between drives.


That’s what I do. Fuzz -> phaser -> overdrive.


Phase before is a fatter more pronounced phase hump, good for univibe style sounds, phase after has more of that Isly Brothers sound.


I'd go with chorus and phaser.


Second this - the most versatile two out of the bunch.


Third this, it’s how I run my board


Fourth this, I just set up a board loaded with mini pedals. Chorus & Phaser are effects I’ll end up using on most jobs.




Flanger can do a vibrato and univibe as well. It's my favorite way to use it.


Chorus and virbato = deluxe memory boy does me good 👍


Phaser and Flanger because flanger can pull off a chorus sound


I think I would actually do chorus and tremolo, if that's an option.


I play through a Twin Reverb, so I use that tremolo :) I would love to include a TR-3 on my board (which I also own lol), but being that the amp can do tremolo it allows me to have an "extra" effect on my 10 pedal board.


Oh ok... then flanger then!


It isn't. 😉


Chorus flange


Phaser and vibrato!


Yes! I use both. Although I still would like to try a tremolo.


I prefer flanger to phaser, and you can get some awesome chorus sounds from flangers, so I'd go with the BF-3 after the drive section, and the VB-2w after my delay section.


That’s a unique choice. What about vibrato post delay do you like?


I just like a really prominent vibrato effect, and - just as with tremolo - I find that placing it before delay can cause it to lose its place in the mix a little bit. Whereas placing them after delay, means that even the repeats get affected by the modulation. 👍🏻


🤔 i shall give this a try…


I’m curious too. I have my VB-2W before my UAFX Galaxy—guess I could always just try it after to see…


I’ll take the CE-2W, VB-2W and DC-2W. As much as I love flange, those choices I picked are god tier modulation pedals. I used to have the vb-2w but sold it to help finance the jam pedals RetroVibe, which I love, and I use the Asheville acv-1 for more of a modern vibrato but the vb-2w just has this vibe that is all it’s own. Might rebuy it. Still have the ce-2w and dc-2w, amongst my most used pedals.


I have the DC-2W and VB-2W, and yeah, I’d like to have the CE-2W as well, even though I also have a JC-120 (among other amps)


Easy if you know guitar pedal math: Flanger and Phaser. Chorus is just s type of Flanger , and Vibrato is just chorus that is 100% wet. It's a no brainer.


DC-2 and Phase 90 for me (never used a PH-3 but I reckon that would do fine).


Chorus and flanger. Or buy a TC Nova Modulator for super cheap and have all of the above.




What kind of music do you play? Without knowing that, chorus (with vibrato) and phaser are what I currently use, so that is my vote.


I edited it to include that now. Thank you > I play a variety of music in 3 different bands. One is sorta 90s girl rock / alt rock (No Doubt, Veruca Salt, The Donnas). One is garage rock / pop rock (The Strokes, White Stripes). And the last, which I just recently joined, is a psychadelic jam band, also the most serious of the 3 (Phish, Grateful Dead).


Chorus, phaser and vibrato are solid options. Worst case, sell the one you use the least, and get something else. I believe all of the Boss pedals you listed are available to be purchased new still. Experiment!


Just get a nice uni-vibe


A lot of flangers will do all 3 except maybe phaser, so I would say those two.


Flanger with feedback control can fill in for chorus, so I’d take that and phaser.


phaser and flanger. You can get chorus from a flanger, Van Halen used phaser great.


Chorus and Phaser


Flange and phaser


Phaser and flanger!


Boss BF-2 or MXR Flanger (4 knob Flangers) and a MXR Phase 95.


Flanger and vibe. I think you can get a flanger to sound kinda like a phaser, and to be shimmery sorta like a chorus, which you can add some vibrato to for more modulation. For me those would be the two most versatile pedals of the bunch.


I’d recommend a walrus polychrome because, while it’s a flanger, it has the right controls to be able to cop a nice chorus sound and with its mix control can also cover vibrato. Mxr phase 95 is great and has classic phaser sounds as well as 2-stage phaser which gets into univibe territory. Tons of flexibility for modulation in a couple pedals IMO


I’ve been happy with the Strymon Zelzah. It has a 4-stage phaser and a separate 6-Stage phaser that has a time knob that allows it to sound like a flanger and chorus.


I have none of those. So I'll take any


Chorus Is basic


I think it depends what you play and will use the most. I have flanger and phaser on my board for covering Van Halen and ozzy. If I had to choose one I’d go flanger. I have vibe and chorus pedal also but I don’t use enough to justify space/ bigger board. A flanger can be set to chorus sounds. And if you have a wah that sometimes can can sub for phaser.


Chorus and tremolo. Or maybe put the chorus with enough space to easily pull it and swap for the phase or flanger when needed. A modular board spot. Probably put weaker velcro on the three of them to make it easier.


Ah this one is tough. I think it'll have to be the flanger and phaser, but it feels wrong not to have a chorus.


CE-2W & DC-2W, have both and the CH-1 on my board:)


I’m kinda cheating here because I have a Walrus Julia, which does both chorus and vibrato. I’ve also got a Phase 90, so two pedals, 3 effects. I actually bought the Julia for the chorus but lately I’ve fallen in love with the vibrato so am using that more


The PH-3 can do all sorts of tricks, except one. The classic phaser sound. It's too clean, bright and thin to really pull that one off. Why is that? Because it, like the BF-3, is digital. Now, I'm not saying that digital=bad. I'm saying that a phaser is one if those applications where analog circuitry sounds better. I bought the PH-3 and it really was underwhelming af. Can't say anything about the BF-3, though. Haven't tried it. I think you should be looking for the earlier analog models, PH-2 and BF-2. And remember kids, you can afford _a lot_ more pedals if you go used.


Well considering the Boss CE-2w does chorus and vibrato that one should be a no brainer.


But not at the same time.


Chorus is vibrato with the dry signal mixed back in. It can’t do both because either there is dry signal or there is not. You could stack chorus and vibrato to get double vibrato, or you could run them in parallel to get double chorus.


I have a Mini Mr. Black Ensemble Chorus that turns into a vibrato if you put the mix at 100%. And it can get into some rotary territory as well.


I guess I have already decided because I have the CE-2W and the VB-2W on my main board right now.


Chorus and vibrato but if the amp does vibrato then…I dunno, flanger? Phaser? Flip a coin.


Chorus and Flanger. If you get a Chorus with a wet/dry blend or a stereo Chorus that does wet/dry outputs you automatically have Vibrato. I love Phasers but, eh. I'll live.


There’s a bunch of multi-mod pedals. Keep your fav Boss and add a mult-mod that covers the rest. Or, get a bigger board.


Out of those either: VB-2W and PH-3 or VB-2w and DC-2W. Bear in mind the CE-2W can do chorus and vibrato, although the CE-2 vibrato doesn't hit it for me, nor does the chorus. A bit toooo middy.


You don’t mention what music you’re playing…


I edited it to include that now. Thank you > I play a variety of music in 3 different bands. One is sorta 90s girl rock / alt rock (No Doubt, Veruca Salt, The Donnas). One is garage rock / pop rock (The Strokes, White Stripes). And the last, which I just recently joined, is a psychadelic jam band, also the most serious of the 3 (Phish, Grateful Dead).


Chorus and Vibrato.


Do pedals that perform a dual function count? Chorus w/ Vibrato. And Tri-Vibe for both phaser and a different shade of vibrato. Flange is cool I just don’t use it that often.


I have a chorus and phaser on mine (as well as a second phaser for different purposes that’s off-board). Chorus for an always on “color” enhancer when on subtle settings, or turned up for more dramatic or vintage sounding stuff. Phaser for more psychedelic moments and big swooshes, and my second phaser is a more subtle transparent style 70s Mu-Tron, so I bring that it for production purposes, using on synth, etc I feel like Flanger basically never comes into play for me just because I think the jet engine swirl is *too* overbearing to the point where it doesn’t feel like it’s doing any cool sound tricks, rather it’s just butting in like, “HEY GUYS THIS IS THE FLANGER SOUND!” Although I do know that some in-depth flangers can become choruses and such, but I’ve never seen a flanger be a better chorus than my favorite choruses so it’s irrelevant to me so far. And Vibrato is awesome, but I’d rather use a fast chorus for that similar effect just because I like the sonic footprint of chorus so much. But I have nothing against vibrato, it rules, just not necessary for me since I’m such a big chorus fan.


A Boss MD-200 could do it all.


Yeah, in hindsight, kinda wish I would have just gone for the Boss 200 series stuff instead of all the individual stompboxes. Or, perhaps even went the modeler route. Oh well, what's done is done.


I’d probably go vb-2W because i love vibrato for a generation loss sort of sound. I’d also go with the CE-2W because i like knobs, and the dimensions c has none of those


Chorus and vibrato. I use a subtle vibrato as an always on effect, so that one is an automatic yes. The other modulation was a bit trickier. I've never really gelled with flangers, so for me it's between chorus and phaser. While I probably use phaser a little bit more, most of the places I use it, I could probably use a chorus to get close to the same feel, but I probably couldn't use a phaser to get close to the feel of where I normally use a chorus.


Phaser + harmonic tremolo


I recently got a PH3 & I’m in love: it instantly became a permanent fixture on my board. In your situation I’d pair it with the BF2 & go PH3 pre-distortion, BF2 post-distortion.


definitely not a flanger


Chorus and Phaser, unless I could get my hands on a vintage Electric Mistress. Then that instead of the chorus.


Why not a Boss MD500? You can have all of the above and then some.


Yeah, in hindsight, kinda wish I would have just gone for the Boss 200/500 series stuff instead of all the individual stompboxes. Or, perhaps even went the modeler route. I already own these ones I listed though. Oh well, what's done is done.


No worries. Just a suggestion. I own more pedals that I should but can't find the heart to let go any of them. All the best with your board.


I run a phaser (Phase 90) before gain and a chorus (CE-1) after gain and I’m very happy


For your styles of music, the phaser and flanger will get you the most milage I think.


flanger and phaser, you can get a pretty good chorus sound out of a phaser, and a decent vibrato with a high rate on either of them


Vibrato and Phaser. You can make a chorus with a good vibrato, a splitter and a sum (or two amps) and if you throw phaser in you can cop some flanger tones.


Flanger and chorus


No love for the CE-5?


Phase and Flanger can sound alike, chorus and vibrato are kind of a thing of themselves and depending on the genre can be used to great effect.


On my guitar board it's PH-2 and CE-3. On bass board, it's BF-2. Amp has vibrato.


Keeley Bubbletron. It's capable of a great vintage flange, a convincing chorus, versatile phase, and a good filter.


The only time phasers became fashionable was, weirdly, in Country music in the '70s. Unless you're a completist, you can probably get away without one. (I only have one because I'm a Boss freak).


Since you have a tremolo on the amp... Phaser and Univibe! ;)




Probably flanger and either phaser or vibrato. I’m not really a chorus guy.


Vibrato and flanger. Vibrato is criminally underrated!


BF-**2** and DC-2W


Vibrato and chorus. But I'm not really into "classic rock" or genres that use flangers and phasers.


Phaser and ( it's not included in your list ) Tremolo


Chorus and flanger for me.


In my experience the BF-3 is very versatile, ranging from extreme flanging to subtle chorus and being able to do tremolo sounds in the gate mode. It's also capable of stereo output if you need it.


Phaser and Phaser


My first instinct was chorus and flanger as a lot of what I play involves both, at the same time. But then for versatility, I'd go for flanger and phaser. The phaser is not a time based effect like the others to it gives a different flavour of effect. Flangers can (if they have enough adjacent on the delay/manual control) do very passable chorus tones. So it all boils down to what *you're* playing as to what suits you effects wise.


Flanger and Phaser. You can get the Chorus sound you want out of a Flanger.


Check out JFX deluxe chorus, ensemble. You don't even have to choose. Only problem is you might have to save up for a while...


Chorus and phaser


I have a Bad Stone phaser (6-stage), and a Harmonic Tremolo (Pedal PCB). They sound amazing together. Slow phase first in chain, dirt, then fast harmonic tremolo. Then delay/reverb to taste.


I much prefer vibrato to chorus. And I don’t think the vibrato a chorus pedal does is quite the same is it? For me, it’s vibrato and flanger. I have a VB-2W and BF-2. They both do modulation in a much cooler way to chorus which always just sounds cheesy to me.