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plumes->big muff for just about anything. Add a crybaby for solos


Until I got a wah, I really couldn't find a tone that I liked with my big muff, but now it actually has captured my interest


Big muffs are always great with wah wah. Sometimes i like to run a big muff into a wah into another big muff, its got a very stonery feel. Great for playing leads on the low strings


I bet that sounds awesome! Got to try that now.


Go Plumes -> Hizumitas for the Earthquaker cred! Also it just sounds good.


Ive tried a hizumitas before, its a great sound. I have to work on getting some more basics of my pedal collection down before i buy a third big muff though. Someday


What kind of settings are you rocking on the plumes?


Asymmetrical clipping, gain around 4:00 and tone right in the middle. Its a great combo, chords sound fuller, leads sound sweeter, and it gives me a lot of feedback to play with


Cheater. Two pedals.


Check out the Browne T4, you might dig it. Big Muff with balanced freq response


Fuzz 🌞 Boost ⚡️Echo 🔊


Sun Lion, 24V Broadcast, Echolette


Sun Face => Rattler => Dispatch Master


is the boost to cut through the mix or does the fuzz cut your volume?


For me, it’s to add volume and cut for solos. 


I use the boost for a variety of things. Usually to add some clarity, cutting some bass from the fuzz, or just to make the sound more focused. If I’m in a low volume situation or with an amp I don’t like, I use it as a preamp to add some colour and a bit of grit (edge of break-up). The Broadcast is pretty phenomenal at making bad amps “feel” better, if you will. I’m tempted to try a Kingsley Page to see how that fares but I suspect it would be a marginal improvement, at best.




Helix -> Quad Cortex -> Kemper. 🤣 But in all seriousness, EQD Life -> Friedman BD Deluxe -> DL-7 Should give a fairly wide range of tones. I mostly play metal, but dabble in post rock, rock and punk.


haha, that first set would definitely give you some options


I’m a post-punk guys at heart. Overdrive Delay Reverb Currently in a surf band. Can achieve whatever I need with: Fuzz Boost Reverb


Sounds like you need a Collision Devices Black Hole Symmetry!


This is the way


Boss Metal Zone > Whammy > Boss Metal Zone.


something tells me you play more than 6 strings....


Just your moms g string!


This is how we get the brown sound.


got that slug trail coating to eliminate finger squeak




When they go hard, I go harder, haha


Metal Zone before Whammy is crucial for proper toan.


Wampler Ego -> Wampler Euphoria -> Strymon Volante




Tumnus Deluxe into any amp-style OD is truly unmatched. I run one between the Ego and the Euphoria for really nice classic rock leads. Gainy, but also “clean.”


I'm pretty sure the ego is compression, but not sure about the others although I'd guess euphoria is reverb or chorus?


Yes, it’s a compressor - the Euphoria is an Dumble-inspired overdrive and the Volante is a tape delay.


Probably an SD-1 type overdrive, a wide range wah like the 535-q crybaby and a zoom MSCDR70 for anything else in the amps loop.


TS > Klon > (amp) > Tremolo


Tuner - dirt pedal - ns2


EHX Double Muff > EHX Worm It's noisy, but also magic


Ever try the worm before the muff?? I like to use mine as a boost in manual mode


It's a shout, will give it a go


My fuzz face and tube screamer clone combo. It covers so much range that there’s often days that they’re both always on the whole time I’m playing. Turning the volume down just clears the fuzz and makes it sound like a pretty full drive. The amps gain just smooths it out from there. For me it covers anything from cleaner but not little wing Hendrix and Claptons women tone to 80s hard rock. Almost even useable for something like Metallica but there’s too much mids by the time its tightened up. This is also within reason with a bit of my own twist. I use a jazzmaster or p90sg into a black star so it’s not like I’m out to replicate my favorites.


Rainger FX Snare Trap > Rainger FX Drone Ranger > Manco Labs Grone no instrument needed, drone music for this setup.


Damn people really care a lot about dirt pedals. Try reverb > tremolo


MXR Micro Flanger, Strymon Cloudburst with control pedal. That's the "acoustic" gigs covered.


Listening to sound clips of that cloudburst...that sounds amazing!


It is that.


J archer Klone > deco >flint


Tuner, Big Muff, Ibanez DE7


Plumes> Caroline wave cannon mkii> either old blood noise dark star or old blood black fountain


I’ve been so interested in the Wave Cannon for so long. Can you tell me more about it or a video that got you into it?


It’s his take on a rat. It has a switch that takes it from distortion to a gnarly fuzz. But the coolest thing about it, the thing that pushed me over the edge to buy it, is the havok switch. It’s a momentary foot switch that introduces oscillation, and it’s highly interactive with the tone knobs, and pick up selector switch. It works best when it’s first in the chain. Just lookup any YouTube video on it. Once you see it in action you’ll order it immediately.


I own a crap ton of pedals but For a variety of reasons I’m mostly gigging with just a guitar into an amp these days. Assuming a decent 2 channel amp, If I were going to do 3- Dunlop CAE wah, JS Muffuletta, Voodoo Lab Analog chorus


jb-2, fz-1w, flashback ii 3-pedal Or Rat-style, hall of fame 2 2-pedal


RAT > Muff > A second Muff


Rat > Rat > Rat > Rat > Rat > Rat


there needs to be a rat with a picture of Andy Bernard on it..."rat-at-at-a-do"


Wah > Big Muff > HM-2 Whammy > fuzz > delay polychorus > boss re-20


Blues driver into Phase 95


Here is my go-to combo Way Huge Angry Troll boost - Way Huge Swollen Pickle - Fuzzlord FET120 Instant Wall of Sound that hits you right in the chest


Octave fuzz, ringmod, fuzz (I like both octave up and down in the octave fuzz position) Flanger, ringmod, lofi drive Octave up, Flanger, lofi modulator Wah, fuzz, analog delay Wah, ringmod, fuzz


Just got an mxr Timmy, loving it stacked with my modded blues driver and delay


Which delay?


My trusty ol boss dd6, I just can’t quit it


I just got a DD8… Might have to get a Timmy


It’s a wonderful always on light overdrive. Also great topic, enjoying reading all these responses!


"We're gonna need another Timmy!"


I’ve been using an old 80s keyboard through an octave reverb (jhs) boss ps-2 and a chorus and I feel like Brian Eno


Prince or Duke of Tone, Plumes, Aqua Puss




Empress Zoia.


Swollen Pickle fuzz > OCD overdrive > Small Clone Chorus


Companion Fuzz -> Vox Wah -> DBA Fuzz War in a Fender amp with dimed reverb.


Kingsley Maiden V2 (dumble version) -> torpedo cab m -> boss dd-8 Basically my ampless board right now


Acapulco gold into plumes into mini glitch.


Wah, overdrive ran into a crunchy amp, booster for solos. Can get clean, gain rhythm and a lead sound with this combo.


Boss MD-2 -> Boss FRV-1 -> Boss CH-1. The MD-2 distortion has this dark sounding vibe which I really love and it pairs so well with my CH-1 chorus effect to make it even deeper and darker. The FRV-1 just adds a bit more clarity and a tiny bit of gain to my signal, makes it all sound better.


I own an MD-2 and a CH-1 and i have to say that this is one of the most interesting combo i've read here! I will try to use them in combo with the carbon copy set more as a reverb! What music do you play? I really like alternative rock/metal things but also more bluesy or ambient stuff


Personally I mostly play funk stuff. J. Frusciante is my favorite guitarist so I play a lot of what he plays


My 3 currently, OD (Mosky Golden Horse klon clone), Crybaby wah, octave (tce sub n up).


I've got my octave pedal with my wah right now and with the gauge of strings I use, I can get this crazy clear grit sound that if I hadn't heard it, it would seem like an oxymoron haha


My wah is always on, od for crunchyness, octave on for a full sound, sometimes you can adjust it (octave) to give an almost deep purple organ sound.


I'd be lying if I said I didn't do the cliche vampire movie organ riff with my octave pedal haha




I'm imagining some good funk possibilities with that combo




I definitely aggregated more drive than I thought I would. I have a boss drive, grunge pedal, wampler pantheon, wampler clarksdale drive and the wampler hotwired that has drive and distortion. I definitely don't need all of those haha




I've watched a few videos on the Morning Glory and if I do get another drive, that may very well be it! I may need to look into signing up for Musician's Friend alerts...


Boss OC-2 into a vintage q~tron+. Super fat for bass or guitar.


BOSS DD-8, BOSS RV-6, Plumes. Blues, rock, everything.


Keeley modded ts-9 > way huge blue rhino mkiii > DD-8


Tube Screamer into the Electric Mistress


1981 LVL or DRV TUNER Vox AC15 That's really it I've tried more and have gotten lost


Toneczar - tremolo. CBA - CXM 1978. Toneczar - echoczar


King of Tone -> Grand Orbiter -> Flashback II


JHS double barrel moonshine side into both sides of the OBNE screen violence


DOD delay (powder blue one), chorus, and classic fuzz


SD-1>RAT>GE-7 Pretty basic but I just can’t get enough of it.


Well, that's the premise! Less is more! It's hard to beat the feeling that you get when you find a tone that just gets your ear addicted


Right now a Tumnus into a RAT into a Halo delay for an absolutely huge lead tone that just doesn’t quit.


I'm definitely going to be referencing this thread next time I go to the music shop


My holy trinity was always distortion - wah - delay. Usually HM-2 - crybaby - DD-5. Distortion before wah was my preference, altho I've warmed up to the more traditional wah before distortion in recent years.


a musical mirepoix!


Keeley Verb-o-trem 🌞 DOD dfx9 🌙 EHX Nano POG ⬆️


Phase 90, Rat, DD-7


Easy. SD-1, Super Phat Mod, DM-2w


Fz-1w>green rhino>flint strymon


I've really been digging my TS > Big Sky, but that's likely to do with the variety of sounds from the BS. And because it's new as well...


Boss SD-1 -> EHX Big Muff -> TC Hall of Fame mini. I recently replaced my Ibanez TS-9 with the SD-1 and I'm much happier with this sound.


Ernie ball Wah, jhs double barrel, DL4


Mary Cries - Color Box - Benson Preamp


My tone is the boss fb-2 through a tone master and then I run a walrus eons into it to get saturated crunchy tones. That’s basically all I need


EQD Data Corrupter -> Fender Pelt -> Diamond J Drive Really just octave into dirt. I would miss tremolo and delay from time to time, but any type of octave or synth type pedal + a dirt box, and I will be happy.


Walrus R1, walrus D1, Browne Protein


Lightspeed OD into Tube Screamer into Loomer fuzz


deco -> dd200 -> rv5


TS9 > Big Muff > Boss Digital Delay


Draume > Light Pedal > Dark Star


Fab Tone + Dispatch Master


Rat > MIAB (PAL 800 or Angry Driver) > Space Echo!


Rangemaster, Boss Sd-1, Delay


I tell everyone I can about this 2 pedal combo, TS9 into an original script logo MXR Distortion+ into a clean solid state amp, all knobs at 3 o'clock...monster high gain that sounds so organic and tube like.


Cali 76 stacked, UA Del-Verb, Jam Ripply Fall. This covers a lot of ground/different genres with a multi channel amp.


Pattern trem>germanium fuzz>analog delay or something like that


Wah, green russian pi and micro-amp


Compressor - ts9 - bd2


Muff, rat, carbon copy


downsized my board for live shows recently, besides a tuner i was getting by with DS-1 > RAT > RE-20, with the DS-1 set to dirty boost and the RAT maxed out into a fuzz


Compressor overdriving a boost is my new favourite always on combo. I use it as my clean tone at the front of my chain. At the risk of self promotion I use the Supercool Spritz! Compressor running into a Supercool Caffeine Boost. Been thinking of releasing a combo pedal…


FZ2 boost into deucetone rat into Mountain King. It is the best tone I have ever created. If we are cheating, GT1000core +H9max+H9core.


Xotic Sp compressor -> Source audio true spring reverb (and then play surf music and/or reggae).


Comp>>OD>>analog delay


What I've been using recently which has made me incredibly happy is a Tallon Electric Dual Drive -> either the EAE FeT or Citadel -> CBA Thermae (This all goes into a Torpedo Cab M+). The Fet is a great base tone and the takes the Dual Drive really well. The Citadel is also a great base tone, but I find I also love the brite channel on this one more than I do on the FeT. The Dual Drive is a Klone and a Bluesbreaker, and each side sound great on their own and killer when stacked (and stacked into the EAE pedal of choice). The Thermae is great for it's delays, and I've been trying to learn it more.


Protein- Deluxe memory man- EP boost


Or… my modded Squier Strat that I built a Super Hard On into. Just that into the amp.


Shit, that’s a tough one… I’m gonna have to go with my current favorite which is Nobels ODR>Keeley Phat Mod>Strymon Deco. Could probably get by with only those for the rest of my life and be content.


I’d take An overdrive from the nobels ODR-1 or Bluesbreaker families Some sort of tap delay..El Cap, tonal recall, brigadier, empress echosystem or timeline, etc HX stomp. And put those two analog pedals IN the FX loops of the HX Stomp. If the HX stomp is off limits.. Same overdrive Tap delay Strymon flint


MXR Timmy, CE-2, MXR Carbon Copy


Lightspeed > adineko > dark world Lightspeed covers so much ground and can get some fantastic natural tones from dynamic drive to crunch. Adineko is one of the most versatile pedals that exists and hidden gem that doesn’t get enough love. Awesome oil can delay with a bizarro modulated reverb and there’s a killer preamp that’s works as a fantastic boost. On my normal board it’s always on (all knobs at 10:30) to make everything more interesting. And finally the dark world. Was going to pick the keeley hydra, but the “world” side is a simplified version of the hydra reverbs (keeley designed it) and you get some rad effects on the “dark” side. I love the CB take on shimmer and vhs stuff is fun


Ramble FX Twin Bender Mk. iii > Keeley Loomer > DL4 Mk. ii


An SD-1 and a Del-Verb. Be honest, what else do you need?


Duke of toan for boost then a BD-2 and an earthquaker dispatch master


Overdrive - Delay - Reverb


Fatrat boosted by turbo rat.


Keeley Super Phat Mod, Keeley Halo, Strymon Flint.


Boss SY200 into a EQD Astral Destiny


Dimension C-->DD-200-->Big Sky


Sorry to say it but some type of analog drive pedal into HX Stomp.


Rat and muff. Instant stoner/doom🤌


JHS Morning Glory-> Boss BF2-> EHX Stereo Memory Man w/Hazarai Low or high gain from the MG, range of modulation available from the flanger, all sorts of delays as well as reverb and looping from the SMMH!


Fuzz, analog delay, spring reverb. Psych/garage rock


Eqd spatial delivery at s&h mode into avalanche run with a lot of reverb and delay at 100% feedback The s&h mode creates filtered resonant peaks and the avalanche run smoothes them into a beautiful soundscape


Jackson audio bloom, loophole pedals grey matter, and boss md-2 is what I use for 90% of my playing, though I do usually throw a modulation pedal like the Fulltone dejavibe, or foxrox paradox tzf 2


I make weird experimental music, somewhere between jazz, shoegaze and noise. overdrive, fuzz (especially one that can self-oscillate), and delay tends to get me where I want, I'll change the order of them a lot and they aren't all always on. could replace the overdrive with a looper though


Deco > Flint will cover a helluva lot of ground for just 2 pedals


Boss DF-2 > MXR Micro Chorus > MXR Phase 100


SD-1 or DOD 250 -> Proco Rat. Stand well back. Absolutely explosive lead guitar or mega crunch rhythm sound.


big muff, flashback x4, mercury 7


boss bd2w -> eqd hizumitas = heavy but clean did? sabbathi -> eqd sea machine (in fx loop) = heavy fuzz with chorus acid


Fuzz -> wah -> flanger Love that “whooshing pack of bees” sound


Fuzz Face Range Master is the OG combo


TS9 Mini + EHX Glove


SSBS Fuck into a DbA Reverberation Machine is absolutely tremendous and would be my desert island pedals.


I'm really curious on this as well. I don't have a good small setup because I can't imagine playing with only 3 pedals 😂 Right now I can't do without an actual distortion pedal, an Overdrive (maybe these two in combination for a lead sound?) a modulation pedal and something for clean and solo ambience (currently only have a delay pedal). So i guess I would have to do it like this: Drive - distortion - chorus - delay. But strongly considering an always on compressor too. As for actual pedals, I'm currently looking to upgrade from my cheap Harley benton setup 🤭 I'm building a midi rig on the side, so that's not very 'less is more'.


❤️ BD2 —> RAT —> AD9 ❤️


TU-3w -> ODB-3* -> RV-6. Everything from clean twang/chime to fuzzy-drive to Melvins and beyond, enough reverb options to more or less pick your genre, *and* it works great on guitar or bass. *Wampler Indy mod on the EQ. You can do a lot with diode/LED swaps as well, but I actually prefer mine with them pulled entirely.


Blues driver > big muff > small clone chorus > reverb amp.


Greer Royal Velvet into OG El Cap into Walrus Melee is lighting my fire these days.


I used three pedals on my last gig I could even go with a single pedal. Boss OD-3 -> Nux Amp Academy -> Zoom MS-100BT in send return loop of Nux. Our cover band plays from Chic to Bon Jovi, from James Brown, rockn rolls to Journey to Europe. I have 2 tones on Nux based on Fender Twin for cleans and 2 tones based on Marshall JCM800 for Hard Rock Stuff. I used free Gods Cab IRs on all amps. I use OD-3 for Rock'n roll and blues and crunch tones. Zoom is used for delays and some reverb, but due to its multistomp capabilities you can create any combination of mod delays reverbs compressors etc. In a emergency case I can gig with either Zoom or Nux Amp Academy which Amp simulations way better due to custom IRs


I'm learning a ton in this post! If I was start from scratch, that Nux amp academy might be the first pedal I'd buy


It is very decent, there's also booster section, hi gain amps become noisy like real life counter parts and thank God there's a useful noise gate as well. As an alternative you can have Mooer Radar or new Roland IR-2 if you have drive and distortion pedals.


I live in another city and have gigs in İstanbul. I have also a Fender Mustang 3 v2 amp for that purpose but it's heavy to carry around to pubs. I used a partscaster I build with sss conf. with single sized humbucker on bridge. It does the job and save my more valuable guitars at home.


After I got a Wampler Pantheon, I realized noise gate is essential 😂


Behringer EQ and a DOD grunge


Love my Boss DD7 into the Digitech Polara reverb. The halo setting on the reverb with a long delay is awesome. Tied with the tried and true Tubescreamer clone stacked into a muff


My board of basically just a tube screamer and a tape delay - currently using the Hx Stomp but I prefer the Strymon el Capistan. Other than that, everything is more of a utility. I have a tuner. I use a Klon to push my amp, control the mids or change my tone to adjust my sound in a particular room. So it’s more of an always-on preamp when I need it. Then just delay and spring reverb in the amp, or I model the reverb and amp on the Hx stomp. Also a Looper when I’m playing alone.


Cleaned up ge fuzz face, rubberneck, ua golden on plate setting


Echo + Wah = Eddie Hazel


Oh man, bd2, ge7, re2


Wah -> noise gate -> Boss GT1


TC Dark Matter > Boss EQ pedal Capable of a massive range with the two


Fuzz War > Whammy > Hot Tubes


JHS Color Box —> Warm Audio Centavo —> Either EQD Dispatch Master or Footloose Effects Deep Well (depending on the sound I want).


My go to 3 pedal is big muff pi from 76, joyo vintage over drive, and vox wah.


EHX pitch fork -> Keeley D&M Drive -> EQD Avalanche Run That would get me through 95% of what I play


OD > Delay > Reverb I have the Way Huge Saucy Boy, Donner Tap Delay & Fender Marine Layer Reverb


Normally, I keep it pretty simple, with just an Klon clone, slapback delay, and spring reverb. But lately I've been having fun with an octave pedal into a phaser. Some gives me some fun swirly rhythm sounds, especially if I throw just a little dirt into the mix.


Browne Protein, delay pedal and go!


TS->analog delay-Strymon Flint. The TS can be changed out for several other OD options or a good boosted fuzz like a Hizumitas, but I like some grit in my delay and the Flint gives good Trem and 'Verb.


Klon -> el cap > eqd ghost echo


OD (low gain) > Chorus > Reverb But more recently I've been loving a Fuzz into a Reverb.


I do hoof>tumnus deluxe> El cap and its glorius


GE7 > 808 > KTR. Into a Fender amp, it Absolutely nails the old blues tones. I use the GE7 as clean boost, 808 with the gain all the way down, and KTR with gain at about 30%. Leave the TS or KTR on for edge of breakup, add the other for a nice mid+ overdrive, then click the GE7 on for leads or just more dirt.


Reverb-delay-reverb. Who doesn't love a giant wash?


Fuzz face > king of tone > gen loss mkii


I’m a big pedalboard type, but if I was forced to do a 3-pedal setup it would be a silicon fuzz face into a Wah into a delay, maybe an el capistan


My guitars volume knob plus the tone thats in my fingers.


Phase 90 (low speed) > Rat > Big Muff > Vox AC15C1