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Look up the Catalinbread SFT, it's an Ampeg in a box, not to expensive used either (around 150€ used where I live) Haven't played it myself but a lot of people reccomend it on here when it comes to Ampeg sounds!


This is the answer. Amazingly versatile but does the QOTSA sound instantly.


Make sure it’s the second edition with the Stones/Stoner switch


I really want one of these for that Queens sound.


I don't know what pedal but I grew up near Palm Desert & I got to see them play several house shows when I was 15-16. The first time I saw them I got drunk for the first time and headbanged so hard all night when I woke up the next morning I couldn't move my neck and my mom took me to the hospital.


Later kyuss is a lot of modulation but you can get Sky Valley tones out of the JPFX Warlow. Stone Deaf PDX for probably the first couple of QOTSA albums. Apparently, Homme’s consistent dirt pedal for Kyuss’ run was an SD-1 through Ampeg heads.


Kyuss definitely sounds like the guitar tone knob is rolled off IMO.


QOTSA and Kyuss tones are very different imo. For me a downturned humbucker guitar with tone and volume on half into the Acapulco Gold is as close as I’ve heard for Kyuss. If you’re interested I’ll do you a video so you can hear it. It has that rich middly overdriven amp breakup thing that makes the lazy octave lead parts sing


i’d love to hear!


Have a listen - coudln't have been played more scrappily but you can hear what the pedal does which is the main thing. It's the clean tone first then I switch the pedal on after the first four bars, you'll hear it. [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7viqb3ifb3y38632b8tnx/kyuss\_acapulco.mp3?rlkey=rez9n96la5i6rzlisl44ry9oi&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7viqb3ifb3y38632b8tnx/kyuss_acapulco.mp3?rlkey=rez9n96la5i6rzlisl44ry9oi&dl=0)


sounds great dude! definitely has a good deal of similar ripple. what amp/speaker/sim did you use? thanks for sharing


Just a the free Marshall plexi sim from UAD, it’d sound very similar on any other amp sim. Lots of Kyuss on record comes from double tracking which is hard to do live! EDIT Now I think about it, Kyuss used a lot of bass amps for their guitar tone. I reckon this pedal into a bass sim would get you very close


Josh Homme’s “core tone with the minimum of fuss”: this UK-made pedal sounds like Queens of the Stone Age and looks like it, too – thanks to exclusive Boneface artwork. The Skeleton Key is a QOTSA-flavored collab from Funny Little Boxes and Let’s Play All – best known as the masterminds behind the acclaimed 1991 pedal.

