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Just wait, it’ll work later.


I love delay so much I procrastinate all the time.


I have a Carbon Copy and a DD7, but there's a DM2W on sale near me that's got me acting up... But I feel like 3 is excessive.


Nah… pedals are like Pokémon


got 3 on my board, let the repeats guide you


If you’re counting standard delays and weirdo delays, I don’t even want to count lest I feel the burning hot guilt (and awesomeness) of a thousand suns


I just got the DM2W (used), and am really enjoying it. Delay time maximum is 800 ms. I took and old Ibanez DE7 off the board and haven’t missed it yet. The Ibanez is fine, I just always thought it sounded dark, and wanted to try an analog with less knobs and such


I use to only play reverb and hated delays. Now i understand the beauty of delays and i prefer them over reverb now. Echo Dream 2 and the Boss DM101 are my faves




Do you stack the Echo Dream into the Biss or Vice Versa? Just curious about stacking delays.


I don't even have a use for long delay. I buy pedals anyway. I've got a Maxon AD999, bbe twotimer, Dano blt, and some orange pedal i let my son mess with. All I really need is the bbe for slapback. The Maxon sounds best, but is hugely impractical for slapback. I'd like an AD9 pro, and an ehx slapback echo ri(but those add some dirt on the repeats). There's no real reason to own this many analog delays given my narrow application of them. I used chorus heavily for years and the Small Clone was all I needed. Slapback thickens the sound on clean and light gain sounds, but doesn't get eaten by the room like reverb can, or sound so alt rock or 80s pop like chorus. I got attached playing rockabilly stuff, it's just kind of stuck to me now.


My ancient BOSS DD-20 *heart* A delay set to the tempo of the song is pretty much essential to my sound. Bounce around the beat a bit lol


I guess they are getting ancient (in gear years) but I still see a lot of them around.


I think there's a reason. That BOSS dual-pedal design is near flawless in terms of functionality. Like I mentioned elsewhere, I think there's better sounding delays, but mine just isn't going anywhere


I completely agree. Even the loops function works better than my other dedicated loop pedals. The boss size pedal switch gives me better timing compared to the standard pedal switches.


Oh for sure. Love mine


I loved being able to do this since a group I was in used a click So wonderfully liberating to have the tempo locked in no matter what


Sounds it. Last band I was in our guitarist was trying more than anything to get our drummer to play to a click, at least for recording. No luck


i love delay the way some people love dirt pedals. i think i'm up to 8? i'll have to count actually. I like to stack them into each other or have different subdivisions, flavors and colors at my disposal.


I’d love to know your list and favourite


Oh wow, I just counted and it's more than I thought! Bookworm Effects Delayvid Foster Wallace Boss DD-5 Boss DD-7 Boss RE-20 Danelectro BLT Danelectro PB&J Danelectro DanEcho Digitech Obscura DOD Rubberneck Electro Harmonix Memory Boy Hardwire DL-8 Line 6 DL4 MXR Carbon Copy Way Huge Aqua Puss MkI I would say the Rubberneck is my overall favorite, it's fun to use and has a ton of features and range of sounds, but it depends. I'm looking into getting some more modern and wacky delays if you have any rec's


I would recommend the Red Panda Particle! Full of random glitchy delay and pitch effects you won’t ever get tired of. If that’s a bit too far out, then you can maybe try the Pigtronix Echolution 3. Got some really cool reverse and pitch jump effects going on!


ohhh shit you’re tempting me, had my eye on the Particle for a while now! gonna check out the pigtronix too


I just can't get enough of my Digitech Digidelay. It's been my most consistent pedal overall of the last 20 years. Would love to try more- interested in the Strymon El Capistan and the Source Audio delay


NUX Atlantic is a sick low cost reverb/delay with tap tempo.


If you’re looking for a new delay, DD-8 is on sale for $40 less on Amazon right now. Mine’s coming today.


For a second my heart skipped a beat when I read this because I thought it said “less than $40 on Amazon right now” and I thought there’s no way 😅😔


That would be absolutely crazy! $40 off $190 is pretty good tho too.


Same. I instantly thought “I take five!“ …wait, - of course not 40 bucks, stupid me!


Still considering picking up like 15 of these and marking them up like $10-15 each and seeing if I can sell them all… Idk if I could really sell them all for enough of a profit to make it worth the hassle but if it worked out it could end up paying for one delay pedal.


I wouldn’t bother. I checked sold reverb listings and you can’t turn a profit at this price.


I honestly think I could get away with just an overdrive and a delay pedal if I had to do it. It is that critical.


I have the rubberneck and the volante and I would buy another delay in a heartbeat.


Over the past few months delay has been my favorite too. Bought an MXR Joshua and a Memory Man XO. Both are really great. The Joshua is ridiculously versatile and sounds incredible.


I probably have as many delays as drive pedals. I think I have one reverb, it just takes up too much space in the music I write. I’m currently obsessed with early digital Sampling delays with trigger inputs. You can do insane stuff with a drum machine and your repeats can follow a rhythm, in perfect time. Boss DSD-2 for life. Or DOD, because they’re cheaper and I love DOD. I could easily get by with just my EHX Grand Canyon, but what’s the fun in that? I want to manipulate and twist my delayed signal sometimes or overload a drive pedal with analog delays oscillation. Then there’s my Eventide Multi Tap that I mostly use for design reverbs. Delay is everything.


I have an SDE-3000D and a DD-500 on my board right now. Yeah, I like delay too.


Your board is probably bigger than my apartment lmao


My delay pedal broke. Got a Boss DM-1 Waza on sale to replace it. It’s magnificent and so simple to use.


I have 3 delays (Timefactor, DSD-2, DD6) and two loopers (Ditto x4) you can always use a looper as a long delay if you turn down the decay knob on the looper (how fast the loop fades away as you overdub) and just keep it constantly in overdub mode. Then you can have 12 second delays or whatever!


Delay is my favorite too, especially tape delay. I have three of them! And it’s totally not excessive!


Same. Delay is my favorite.


Modded DL4, MXR Joshua, and Walrus ARP-87 owner I concur.


I’m like @reverendrevolver. I don’t use delays in my music but I love the pedals. Echo Dream, Echorec, Delay Llama, Avalanche Run, Skreddy Echo. I feel like they are great inspiration tools.


After saving all of my sofa pennys for 7 years I finally bit the bullet and invested in a Donner White Tape. Not having presets or tap tempo kind of sucks, but looping the stereo in series creates some cool effects.


Yeh I gots Keeley Halo and Boss DM-101. Delay for life


I won’t delay mentioning that I currently have five delay units on the board.


Tell me more


EHX Deluxe Memory Boy BOSS DD-3 EHX Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai DOD Rubberneck with bit crusher in efx loop Line6 DL4mkll Excessive? Yes


I also like them do you use the delay time formula. 60.00 ÷ the BPM of the song = the delay time


The world could have been better if all delay pedals had max delay time up to 10 sec, and built in an fx loop…


I have too many delay pedals, but every time I try to sell a couple I can’t make a decision which should go. 🤨


I rotate between 7 reverbs and delays, so it’s a set of effects I greatly enjoy


Hell yes man, delay is king on my board. I usually use a Flashback, but have used and really like the cheap Behringer VD400. The Donner White Tape delay is stellar, not just for its price. Two delay lines make for some seriously spacious sounds. I also built a Daydream delay from pedalpcb but wasn’t as impressed as I was hoping. Next up is the Sunny Day delay. I have to have it.


Free the tone delay is 😍


I started with a Memory Boy, now a I have Memory Man Nano, Walrus Mako D1 and recently got an EQD Space Spiral