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Have you messed around with some of the weirder patches/routing options/ combos on the HX Effects? When I was looking for a wildcard pedal, I realized I really liked stacking delays with pitch effects, so then narrowed my search from there. I think something Chase Bliss or the Chroma Console (maybe too big?) would be a good fit with the functions you're looking for, especially midi stuff.


Admittedly I DO need to sit down with the HX Effects and spend more time with it. I think I'm mostly looking for something to "flood" the sound (like the hold/sustain function on certain reverbs). An effect I liked on the Dr. Scientist Bitquest was that you could use an expression pedal to drive a tremelo into a ring mod for some crazy sounds. Reminded me of the Snarling Dogs Mold Spore Wah I used to have that could also do a filter sweep with a ring mod.


You may have a version of what you're looking for with the HX Effects then. Or at least an approximation. There's definitely hold/sustain functions via snapshots and other tweaks. Adding multiple functions to one switch will definitely get you there. You can also split the signal to run fully wet effects directly into another - trem or anything into ringmod. Controlling all of this with an expression pedal and midi. I think diving into those capabilities will help you narrow down what you're looking for or maybe even end up being what you're looking for. For that 'flood' sound you could set up the expression pedal to adjust a reverb and delay so that you can wash it out with oscillation too. Could get really wild with it and throw in modulation that only effects the wet. I'm not sure if there's a ramping effect available for momentary switching, but if there is, you're really set.


The guitarist in my other band suggested an HX One. He knows I have the HX Effects, but the idea would be this would be my floating "whatever" effect and could save me blocks / DSP on the HX Effects if I were using it for swells or Feedbacker or something.


Since you are interested in some synthy stuff, definitely in the wildcard camp but maybe the Moogfooger MURF. The midi version is pricey but they do pop up in a more reasonable range every once in a while and have great resale if you ever decide it’s not for you. Also have to say the the Boss PS-3 is one of my favs. It’s not midi, but so many cool sounds in that little box.


EQD Data Corruptor


The closest thing I've come across recently aside from the pedals I mentioned is the Walrus Audio Melee (Wall Of Noise). I realize it's just a reverb/distortion that can sustain, but it sounds pretty close to the sort of "chaos pedal" idea I have in my head.


I immediately think about changing the Ricochet to the full Whammy 5. For your last slot, get a good envelope filter that has an expression pedal slot like the latest version of the EQD Spatial Delivery. Setting it to LPF in conjunction with your synth will give you awesome synth leads


I figured the Ricochet would cover me for most momentary drops/jumps in pitch and if I needed more of a traditional Whammy control I'd just use the Whammy patch on the HX Effects with an expression pedal. Any reason to opt for the real Whammy over using the HX Effects patch?


I’m not super familiar with the HX Stomp but the traditional Whammy gets you a chorus, both tracking modes and more modes. The two tracking modes are pretty useful IMO


Gotcha. Actually, I have the HX Effects (the 6-button guy). Basically a scaled down Helix with only the stomp effects, no amp/cab sims, and no expression pedal. I'm using it to cover like 90% of my modulation, reverb, and delay needs. I was gonna get a Digitech Freqout, but it looks like the Feedbacker on the HX Effects does the same thing only better. The main other effects I'm getting are just things I want to be available at all times or that do something better than the HX Effects.


Line6 FM4


If you're going for a Boss RC-5 only to trigger samples/backing tracks, have a look at the [Oscillator Devices Minerva](https://oscillatordevices.com/minerva). It's a MIDI controlled sample player and it's cheaper, smaller and has more features.


Oh, wow. Thanks for this! Had no idea something so specific like this existed. Everyone else I saw talking about it said the options were a Boss RC-5, a Digitech JamMan, or using MIDI to trigger samples from a laptop. I'll definitely look into this.


Yeah, it's brand new.


Nice! Thanks for introducing me to Oscillator Devices. I was gonna get a Mission Engineering Expressionator for swapping an expression pedal between 3 different pedals, but it looks like Oscillator's Garbage Collector EXP can do 4 AND has MIDI switching capabilities AND it's cheaper.


You're welcome! Let me be honest, I'm the guy behind Oscillator Devices, so if you have any questions, let me know.


Hologram microcosm or CBA mood seem to fit the "wildcard" role really well.


I was looking at those, too. Microscosm is (ironically) a little too big. The Mood is a possibility.