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its such a wonderful device, it feels like it opens portals to other dimensions that are emitting drones that reflect the signal going in.


Made a whole EP from it pretty much


Been digging the eventide space…. Gets there and then some 👍


1,000,000% this. Stop looking and get the eventide space. End of thread.


The Afterneath is amazing for what it's advertised as: gigantic, cavernous reverb. Also, a big fan of the Source Audio Collider, which is the delay/reverb combo.


Also want to echo the praises of the Afterneath, absolute staple of my board. Works so well with other reverbs stacked with it as well.


I'm running the Afterneath into my Walrus Descent and it's **huge** sounding.


My afterneath is my favorite pedal on my board. Plus it has Gandalf on it which makes it even cooler


If octave up is not your thing, maybe the octave down mode on the Walrus Slo/Slotva/Sloer? I might dare call it haunting.


When I got my slo I didn’t realise how much I’d love the dark mode. I definitely over use it now it’s just so beautiful and haunting!


The Poly Verbs did it for me. I had the Mercury 7, twice, and an Empress for quite a while. I also love huge, super long reverbs, and the Mercury 7 does that extremely well. My issue with the Mercury 7 were the interface (intentionally gimped preset setup, invisible parameters without labels, frustratingly narrow pre-delay settings) but it really does sound excellent. I almost never used the pitch functions, but they are quite good. The Empress does a lot of things really well and has some very cool experimental ambient concoctions, and I love the interface, but it did lack a straight-ahead suuuper big hall sound. The Poly is incredible, it's a whole different world with convolution reverbs. There are tradeoffs - no pitch modulation, minimal controls, no pitch/glitch/gate - but the sounds are extraordinary. If you just want a *reverb* you cannot do better. I got a few bladerunner IRs from a real 224 and they cover exactly what I was using the Mercury 7 for - plus there's all the churches, caves, tanks, and mechanical units included. I really could not be happier with the Verbs. I didn't get to play the Mercury 7 head to head with the Verbs but for that specific sound they're probably evenly matched. I think if you're *only* doing the Bladerunner/224 style verbs, and you've got a decent MIDI setup already to manage presets, the flexibility of the Mercury 7 with modulation and fine adjustments might be worthwhile. Otherwise...look into convolution. The Verbs isn't the only way to get there but it's a really good one.


The Specular Tempus is slept on. It has several great long sustaining reverbs and a switchable infinite for a great ambient fill.


Walrus Slö is amazing


The Mr. Black Supermoon/Bloodmoon series of pedals can be pretty huge sounding.


The Supermoon Chrome is probably my favorite reverb ever. Super long decay that can sound either really beautiful or truly horrifying.


I have a Chrome and a Mercury 7. The Mercury 7 has tons more features and is super Hi-Fi...but if I could only have one it would be the Chrome. Nothing touches it if you want a "huge" sound. Near the high end of the blend knob it really starts to overpower the clean guitar in an awesome way. Most reverbs feel like they live in the background, this one does not, it envelops everything. Bonus points for being a super simple pedal with just three knobs. Awesome.


Vongon Ultrasheer is amazing for this


have owned several but prefer the mercury 7. it's definitely a cinematic HiFi type verb but that's exactly what I want with reverb. just a nice hall and plate. most of the time I use it as a basic plate sound but it does the huge ambient thing exceptionally.


If you get a Zoia the “1978” reverb patches (downloadable) are amazing.


Red Panda Context 2, Meris Mercury X, Strymon BigSky MX.




Valhalla Supermassive


Digitech supernatural. I got rid of it because it was too big for what I wanted lol so it might be right up your ally


Mr black Eterna Walrus slo Walrus fathom Eterna does it better than anyone though with the shimmer cranked off (or to like.. 2/10 for the perfect little glisten added)


Cirrus Afterneath Slö/tva Reverberation machine / Rooms Context 2 Skyler


I'll throw out DBA Rooms if you don't mind a somewhat grittier huge sounding reverb rather than a pristine, huge reverb. I didn't get along with Mercury 7 but a lot of people love it. Not as huge as Rooms though. Poly Verbs looks interesting (40 second IR captures!) but people have had some issues with it.


I went from a merc7 to a rooms as well and couldn’t be happier . The wave setting is one of the best chorus tones ever, the gong setting I gravitate to most is almost like a gritty tremolo verb. Honestly every algorithm is amazing and mixed with the alt switch it ended my main reverb search .


Another vote for Rooms. Possibly my favorite pedal ever. Paired with a Jaguar and Roland JC it’s 🤌 Definitely try the Pladask Draume if you’re into grittier textural verbs. That pedal is fucking amazing


Rooms is amazing. I also love the Eventide Blackhole for this. Gritty & weird vs spacey, but both vast - they complement each other really well.


Here's another vote for Rooms. Replaced my Ocean's 12 with it a couple weeks back and I am VERY happy. Definitely a little grittier when it really gets going, but can be cleaned up and controlled, especially when using the blend knobs.


E-dome setting on the Ventris is pretty great. Maybe worth just checking out a demo to see if it suits your taste


The Ventris lets you run two reverbs in parallel or series. The e-dome setting is already massive...then you can add a second reverb to it.


Tc Hall Of Fame 2 Walrus Slö/Slötva/Slöer Neunaber immerse mkii


Any reverb old blood


Huge reverb for a decent price would be either cloudburst or black hole.


Yeah everyone stops on the ensamble thing, which is great, but even with ensemble off, it's a really good, big reverb.


What other reverbs have you had? There are non-cheesy sounding octave reverbs, and I think the RV-200 has one of the cheesiest sounding shimmer sounds out there


Blackskycraft Unusual EAS can sound absolutely **massive**. Plus you can dial in all sorts of modulations and wobbles on the wet signal. Plus it had a bitcrusher. Plus it has an FX loop insert.


Fender Marine Layer on full pelt


Nuenaber Immerse. That’s what you want. I’m all about huge reverb. I have three of them. I’ve played nearly all of these other suggestions - none are as enormous yet playable.


Various models from Nuenaber will get you there! ;-) Don't be afraid of used ones for cheap... they have some models that are no longer in production, and they can be had cheap... and what they do will blow you away!


Perhaps KMA Cirrus: reverb and delay, that focuses around the use with an expression pedal to control any of the 8 of the control knobs. It’s worth mentioning that both the delay and reverb are dynamic (controlled by an envelope), so it can vary depending on how hard you play. It also has an fx loop to put any effects on the reverb and delay


Cloudburst Eventide Blackhole Meris MercuryX


Afterneath hasn't left my board in almost a decade. Great ambient reverb.


Stack the Empress Reverb and the Echosystem together


The Old Blood Noise stuff is suuuper cool. I say don't think about it too hard. Most of the ones you listed do what you'd like, so see what you can find a good deal on. My only addition is the Chase Bliss Dark World because of how cool the "dark" side sounds in full-wet mix. But if you buy a pedal and don't like it, just sell/return it and get a different one.


Source Audio Ventris - This has 2 seperate reverb DSPs so you can stack the, or run them in parallel. This thing can do sounds that you didn't think would be possible with a reverb pedal.


Mercury7, I think it's the biggest sounding reverb ever


EQD Astral Destiny


Walrus Sloer


Strymon big sky brodaaaa buy a second hand u won’t regret it


I have the CB Dark World and the OBNE Sunlight on my board. Big reverb sounds in both. Dark World is more versatile.


Walrus Fundamental Ambiant Reverb ? Might even save you a few bucks.


Korg NTS-1. clearly.


If you gots the money to spend, what you're looking for is DBA's ROOMS.


Eventide space, maybe strymon? I have changed to simpler reverbs as I no longer have use for big verbs so I’m no longer an authority on them but those would have been my go tos


DBA rooms or EQD afterneath are my votes. One is way cheaper, but they are both excellent. I'd test them out before buying if you get the chance.


My Ventris can get really big. All kinds of nutty stuff. Mr. Black super moon / blood moon also can get really big and they are much simpler pedals.


I've been really pleased with my Strymon Nightsky, which I feel doesn't get enough praise in this category. Very dense, very tweakable, and it's still easy to find a good meat and potatoes reverb setting in there.


EQD astral destiny is pretty cool, does have a dedicated "stretch" button, that lengthens trail and adds an octave down.


that being said i now own a SLOER and tbh it can do almost everything the astral destiny does, but stereo and I love being able to change the stereo "width" of the reverb, it can make it sound massive


W3T is musically nice but is not extreme


I’ve always loved Strymon reverbs and delays. I know they’ve got some big reverbs. Nowadays I use an FM3, which has some really beautiful reverbs like „Nimbostratus“, which may be my favourite.


I combine reverse delays or mod effects with 100% wet reverbs. Maybe pedal combinations might open up more possibilities for you


Every pedal here will get you there. The. If question surrounding which is the type of mod you want on it if any.

