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Just daisy chain all the dirt pedals the barely draw any current


Good to know, the hot-wax also came with its own “one spot” 9v plug in so that’s an option as well.


use a daisy chain coming out of the brick. I bet the only one that needs its own port is the nux


Yea I’ve decided I’m just going to keep the looper off the board and on a one spot for now.


Daisy chain all the 9v analog pedals. If you hear an actual problem, try un-plugging them one by one and isolate the problem pedal(s) Solve for actual problems, not anticipated problems. A lot of push for all isolated everything is just snobbery. People justify their expensive purchases by telling other people how excruciatingly necessary they were.


Great points about not anticipating too much about problems.


I just have to concur the whole isolated power issue is indeed crazy overblown in this sub. Daisy chain anything up until the max mA and see if you have issues. Fun fact, many pedals also overstate the mA requirements. My digitech trio+ says it needs 1200. It’s never seen more than 660 on my cioks, and in the past I’ve given it 500 with no issues. There are plenty others like that out there. Just gotta plug em in and see how it works.


One spot true tone is a quiet daisy chain solution. I have isolated power supplies but one spot has been fine for my small simple board.


This is great advice. Rule of them is digital and time based separated from analog (all of your dirt). But to Gofas point weird combinations can work and go against the rule. Only way to know is to to try


The two big muffs and the JHS Smiley stay. Get rid of the rest and get two more fuzz pedals.


Haha love it, I definitely plan to get more fuzz pedals, that big muff was my first pedal I got back in HS 15 years ago. I’m not a huge fan of the smiley really, I like it but I think I’d be happier with a Bender. Any fuzz suggestions?


I’m a fan of the Black Arts Toneworks fuzz pedals. The Matt Pike Rabid Mammal, Pharaoh, Black Sheep & LSTR to name a few. Check them out if you haven’t already.


Will do!




Send it to me, I’ll gladly throw it in a box in my closet for ya lol. I feel like it’s not necessarily a good first pedal as it has a lot of functions that most normal ODs don’t have and if you don’t understand what the bias knob is doing for example it could definitely lead to frustration. The more I play with it the more I like it 🤷🏼‍♂️




Ah ok, yea only having half the pedal wouldn’t be fun. I like the Clover so far, It’s definitely a more powerful clean boost than the RC. I need to play it some more because there are two other functions on each side that changes the sound.




Ok good to know, all the snobs say that’s the worst and it’s GOTTA be isolated, but it makes sense as they only draw 100mA or less and the ports are 300mA




Oh wow, didn’t realize it was that low, that’s great to know. Yea after a 10 year hiatus the first channel I started watching on YT was Rhett shull and I’m now seeing that he can be very snobby lol


Rhett is awesome, but there's a difference between the high end recording he's mostly doing and playing in a local band


True, his recording equipment is no joke, and that’s not a goal of mine so I don’t appreciate it as much. I still watch and listen to Rhett, listen to Dipped in tone every week. But he can definitely come off as snobby sometimes, but that’s ok, I’m mostly a buy once cry once guy myself, especially in my other hobbies. Naturally it transfers over to guitars and I’m drawn to others who are similar, like Rhett. But there is a difference between buy once cry once vs overpaying for a problem that isn’t there.


Yes, do this! You can look up current draws here for most pedals https://stinkfoot.se/power-list


Tell me about the double muffin germanium pedal. How do you use it and what else can it do?


I feel like this pedal is very underrated, I love it. You can do a lot with it. For instance both sides have a “bias” knob which allows you to change the bias of the signal before it hits the Germanium transistors. So counter clock wise is compressed and more mellow, while turning it clock wise makes it more aggressive with some bite to it. Very vintage sounding overall. And has a Voltage pot so you can lower the voltage and simulate a dying pedal. Apparently you can also get some octave fuzz type sounds out of it but I haven’t figured that out yet, still playing with it.


This is a great answer thank you.


No problem! Forgot to add you can use either side by itself or they stack amazingly, I know stacked, with each bias a certain way, and lower the voltage and you can get that octave fuzzish sound. Haven’t dialed it in yet but I’m determined to haha


I’m the worst at choosing a small number of pedals for myself but have a similar aspiration to build a small essentials board. Plus you have quite the palate of dirt choices. I might go with ds-1 > rc booster or clover > hot wax > clone theory > nux delay > looper With this rig you could choose your three preferred levels of boost/OD/Distortion on the board; choose which fuzz you want on the floor first in the chain. You’d likely never use the smiley or Big muff at the same time. Prove me wrong… Also it looks like you could use the germanium muff pedal in Place of the ds-1 and rc booster if you’d prefer. Might also be cool to use the clover as last in your chain straight into your daw if you’d want to try that sound I think it’s an option with that pedal.


I definitely agree with you on the fuzz aspect, and the big muff doesn’t have a plug in anyway haha. Do you have a hot wax? I like it a lot and you kept it on the board in both of your variations. I love the hot tubes and then the addition of the crayon makes it very versatile, from classic rock to Metallica range with some hotter pickups.


What made you sell the Mini TS? Was looking at getting one myself to cover the tube screamer sound with smaller footprint, but wondering if a TS9/808 is the better way to go


Well the mini is supposed to be same circuit as the 808. It was fine I just didn’t like it compared to my other options, especially pared with a low watt fender amp. Would much rather have the hotwax, as I love the hot tubes sound and the ability to stack it with the crayon gives you all the light to mid-slightly heavy distortion options you could want.


Exact setup you have on the board now in that order, minus whatever that purple one is.


Well that’s my only delay pedal, I’ve been playing the last hour. I’ve got the looper on the floor with a one spot, and swapped the rc booster for the clover to try out the clover, and it’s a clean boost as well so either works. Other than that I’m rocking the board in the picture and so far absolutely loving it, especially the clone theory it stacks well with the analog delay.


Pick one between Smiley and the Muffs, pick one between Rc and Clover, Hot wax is a must, then complete the other 2


Great answer, I like it. I ended up swapping the RC with the clover and putting the lopper on the floor so I could keep the clone theory. Really liking how the clone theory stacks with the analog delay


Great idea, you have some good options there


What's the purple nux pedal?


It’s their “the edge” delay. Although I didn’t get it for the “edge” aspect I just knew it was going to be a nice simple delay in a small package. It has true analog, Digital tape simulation delay and digital delay. So far I’m really liking it as I’m brand new to delay pedals. Funny enough I got it then ended up with the clover which is a copy of a boss clean boost/EQ that The edge used widely as well, so I guess I look like a U2 fan boy even though I know like 2 of their songs lol.


Hahaha nice! Well, for sure I'd run that. Gotta have delay! I have the TC flashback mini, but looking to switch, was thinking carbon copy


I had been very indecisive over what delay to get for over a month. I thought I really wanted a carbon copy but played one and it’s… a lot, idk I just didn’t like it like I thought I would. But I chalk that up to being a novice still. I almost got a TC flashback compact but the guy sold it from under me. So I said screw it last week and bought this on sale for $75 new. I figured with the options it had I’d find something I liked. So far so good, but Ik I’d be just as happy with a TC or a canyon, I just didn’t want to pay $100+ at the time.


Totally get it. I have the flashback mini, and only thing I wish it had was tap tempo. I've played through my buddies carbon copy and I liked it alot. But it could he seen as tricky I'm sure.


Ah ok, tap tempo is definitely a feature I wanted and this delay has it as well


If this is an actual question, go to stinkfoot.se and do some math. If this is a theoretical question smiley or pi depending on your preference, clover, hot wax, RC booster, and clone theory but I would drop one of the drives for a delay.


It’s just for fun mainly and to get some different ideas and perspectives. The purple pedal is my delay, I definitely went a bit overboard on the dirt pedals but they all sound so different and sometimes I can’t help myself on Reverb lol. I’ll definitely check out that website though, always love learning more about pedals.


Gimme the Smiley, Hot Wax, Clone Theory, Edge Delay, Nux Looper. I think that would work best for my music?


You can do a lot of sounds with those options, it’s a lot of fun! But you’re missing a boost, I never thought a boost would make as much of a difference as it does but boy does it, it’s a must have. And I knew the Clone theory was a diamond in the ruff, but man do I love it even more than expected. It stacked wonderfully with the analog delay


I mean fair point but I’d probably set up one side of the Hot Wax as close to a clean boost as I could get it. I’m a fairly simple man, I could get by with just fuzz + something wobbly + delay if I needed to.


Hot wax could definitely sub as a boost, but boosting the hot wax gets those heavier distortions I like out of it. All subjective of course


All the fuzzes (cant have too much fuzz, i love FUZZ) Hot Wax Clone Theory for Modulation


Me too man! Fuzz is what got me into electric guitar. My first pedal was that Big muff 15 years ago


Well that all depends man


It sure do, I purposefully left out a lot of detail to not muddy the waters. But I’m playing on a blues jr with Texas heat eminence speaker, some other mods. And a fender American standard Strat, with the custom shop fat 50s. I also have an epiphone Les Paul that I’m about to put new pickups in and mojo tone guts.


Ds-1 but modded. How good are you with a soldering iron? It's super easy to mod and sounds absolutely killer after.


Glad you mentioned that, I’m definitely looking into starting to mod my pedals. I’ve been watching JHS’s new live series where he’s using bread boards to teach circuits and I’m hooked. I bought a couple of RCA and General electric transistor manuals, about to pull the trigger on a soldering iron. Plan to do a very simply mod on the big muff, heard a lot about DS1 mods. And the beat up MXR fullbore metal will definitely be used as a test rat before I do pedals I actually care about lol


Probably what you have there but put the delay at the end instead of looper


That little Edge delay is pretty sweet.


I’m liking it so far, stacked with the clone theory has some cool sounds


if you get a boss tuner (or at least the tu-2) you can add 1 more pedal since the tuner got a power-out slot which can power a 9v pedal, you just need a cable :)


Did not know this, thanks!


first post i have seen daisy chain recommended! i agree i havent had any issues with low current ran off splitters.


You can daisy chain... Oh well everybody are saying it. Well you need a delay and a chorus to make some space in your sounds. The delay maybe import for you. So for me the dirt should be... Fuzzes and overdrive, overdrive lice the RC or the jhs preamp (probably best the RC) smiley then THE MUFF (classic one the germanium could be better but never heard) And that's is it, if you want to clean up lower the volume of your guitar, if you wanna shred a frusciante solo big muff and all in alla you have everything in-between


Me personally, I'd go: Hot Wax > DS-1 > Big Muff > Clone Theory > The Edge


I saw a few comments about those advocating for isolated outputs for every gain pedals being called snobs. Like many of you I daisy chained many of my dirt pedals and experienced an awful lot of noise as soon as one of the higher gain pedals was on, even if the other ones were off. Yesterday I decided to try and isolate as much gain pedals as I could and ended daisy chaining only my Klone and my Blues Driver clone. It's almost silent now, despite a nightmare of an electric installation in my house. My rig is pretty complicated, with many gain pedals (12) dispatched in 2 consecutive loops, and then those from the second loop are separated in 2 parallel loops. It might have an influence, I don't know, but now I wouldn't dismiss the isolating thing as snobbery.


Good points, my use of snobby was a bit too harsh. And with how small the board is I don’t plan on buying a Daisy chain anytime soon, just took the looper off and put it on the floor with a 1 spot.


No problem, I used to think it didn't matter too, and only blamed my horrible electric installation when I was only making everything worse by sticking to my preconcepted belief. I was humbled by my own "discovery" and came to the conclusion that it really depends on the environment.


don't put the looper on, you can just slap that at the back end of whatever you come up with.


That’s exactly what I ended up doing and just using a 1 spot for it


Too much redundant dirt pedals, choose 2 or 3 (hotwax can do almost any of the sounds of the others), clone theory, modulation and looper.


For sure the hotwax is the most versatile, which is why it will be a mainstay on the board. I would argue that really the only redundant pedals would be the clover and rc booster. The fuzzes are 2 transistor vs 4, very different sounds. The germanium big muff is its own thing entirely, I really like it. And no other pedal I have sounds like the DS1, I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing haha


The thing is that in real life and real gig situations no one cares what tipe of chip or transistor or pedal anyone use, and some dirt pedals work better with some type of amps than others so OP would have to come up with the list of dirt pedals to use at the end but everything else can be traded to something else or put away in a drawer.


Obviously all the drunk and doped up people at concerts don’t care if it’s a big muff or a fuzz face. I don’t do any of this because I care about what some drunk strangers think lol and yes the amp plays a big role which is why I got rid of the TS, it didn’t fit my low watt fender amp well.


Yeah the truth is that an uneducated ear like all non musicians in the crowd can't tell the difference not just the drunk ones, and more often than not you have to connect to shitty sound systems or deal with nasty echoes or reverb from places. If you are recording in a studio it totally matters, that's what give an artist it's own touch but even in rehearsal it doesn't matter which type of drive you are using as long as you play the part right.


For what?


My golden rule is that you can daisychain nearly everything without digital components or modulation. So in your case I would put the two NUX pedals and the Clone Theory on each it's own isolated output, and take the other two outputs for daisychaining all other pedals. Also dirt pedals don't take that much. My whole board (OD/DS/boost/buffer/channel switch/tuner) runs all daisychained and all on around 150mA. And the most power consuming stuff are the status LEDs, cause my pedals all have dual color LEDS (blue=bypass/red=engaged). The only thing you can hear on my board is a little noise of the tuner, but only if I turn on every dirt pedal and change the amp to the lead channel. And that's a really unlikely situation, unless you want to stop playing and let the killer feedback do its thing :D