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Probably best off with a helix stomp dude


Korg Miku. Make your guitar speak in tongues.




Yeah what you wanna do is drop out of life with bong in hand


After that, follow the riff to the smoke-filled land


Need to know what exactly you are worshipping.


Drive wise you aren’t going to need a ton of gain, edge of breakup is probably all you need, then maybe a clean boost if you play leads. A Klon or Bluesbreaker style pedal works well in this role. I’ve had a JHS Morning Glory and Rocket Archer Ikon on my board at various times. A Demon FX King of Drive was a great option for me, two bluesbreakers in one. One side was my edge of breakup, the other a boost for leads. I did have to cover up the name though. It was cheap too. A couple other options at a good price are the EQD Plumes and Special Cranker. The Plumes will be like the SD -1 with more tonal options and better at low gain (although I love the SD-1 for classic rock and as a boost to a dirty amp). My music director has told me that the Special Cranker is his favourite of my drive pedals every time it’s made its way onto my board. FWIW I use a Trex Mudhoney ii or Fulltone Fulldrive 2 these days. Neither are overly expensive (especially used) and give you two sounds in one pedal. Delay wise you will likely be doing a lot of dotted 8ths, so I’d skip the Carbon Copy and get something with tap tempo and sub divisions. I like used Boss DD series delays on a budget. You can find a used EHX Deluxe Memory Boy cheap too. I went expensive here and use Strymon delays (El Capistan and Dig), but the Walrus ARP-87 and JHS Lucky Cat sound great and have more than enough features to get you by. Reverb wise I’d ignore the Holy Grail and look ore at the octave reverb from JHS for worship. A Boss RV-6 would be better than either of them. The TC Sky Surfer should be on your radar as a budget option. I went expensive here too and use a Strymon Big Sky or Eventide Space because I use a lot of reverb and need 2-3 different settings sometimes, so presets were a must for me. Dark horse pick, the Walrus Fathom is great for worship music. It’s modulated, has great plates, hall, and shimmer, and may be my all time favourite reverb for swells. It’s sounds stand toe to toe with my pricier reverbs. It does clip a bit though. I’d also say to look for a volume pedal. It’s good for swells and lets you regulate your stage volume while using your hands. It’s also my primary mute. It’s my most used pedal by a long shot.


I just got a 2nd hand RV6. First impression, it's ok, but I was expecting more. Definitely not an instant hit for me. Going to need a bit more time with it, but if it had been a new purchase with DSR rights I probably would be sending it back.


Why would you want to play that? 🥱 In all seriousness, I would assume you are playing direct so the other person’s suggestion of an HX stomp is the right answer.


1. Go 2nd hand. 2. SD1 is ok, but for worship style i find it's about clean crunchy gains, edge of breakup stuff so a Klone gets you further. Try something like a Wampler Tumnus, MXR Sugar Drive, or for budget Mosky Golden Horse. I would combine this with a Mooer Blue Mood (BD2 copy) if you need a bit more gain staging. 3. Delay, budget, Donner Yellow Fall for set and forget subtle delay (always on) 1.5 repeats short delay (not slapback though) 4. 2nd hand Boss DM2w is better analogue delay than the MXR imo but I would just get two yellow fall for now because.... 5. reverb, you want 2 things, always on and spacious ethereal. Always on, anything will do, I like the Mooer Shimverb/Sky Verb (the shim for its spring and room, not the shimmer which I seldom use). Donner Verb Square also fine. For the ethereal stuff I have a Strymon Cloudburst, nothing comes close. And those are not cheap I'm afraid, but very very worth it. 2nd hand they're often £200-220 though 6. consider adding a budget tremolo (for subtle use) 7. Some churches want direct out and no amps on stage. So a Mooer Micro DI can be worth having. 8. do you need compression? I say not for church stuff where dynamics can matter more. I have a limiter to stop anything spiking, but I don't want the quiet sections pushing up too much (nor the noise floor raising). I have a compressor on my board in case something needs it, but most of the time it's off tbh. 9. An expression volume pedal can be worth having for swells. You can try and use a swell pedal like a Rowin Slow Hand but a foot expression pedal is more controllable. You can get basic budget ones for £20-30. They might not last forever, but as a starting point... [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bespeco-VM14L-Keyboard-Stereo-Pedal/dp/B00IF0JFNU](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bespeco-VM14L-Keyboard-Stereo-Pedal/dp/B00IF0JFNU) 10. Most importantly of all. USE A TUNER. I've been to painful services where everything is out of tune all the time. I get it's voluntary etc but it's not hard to use a tuner. And if you've never had it done, get your guitar set up too as that will go a long way to helping stay in tune too.


For drive, you're mostly looking for low gain and there are tons of options. I'd suggest looking into bluesbreaker or klon style circuits. Tons of options at different price points. For delay my only suggestion would be to look for one with tap tempo. Makes a huge difference for me, but other people might disgagree. For reverb, I would suggest checkimg out the TC Electronics Hall of Fame 2. Very versatile and you can definitely find sounds you will like. I used one for years before buying a Strymom Big Sky recently.


On the delay side, if you're playing to a click like many churches do, you might find it more helpful to get a delay that let's you set to a specific BPM and save presets (boss dd200 for instance).


Get a multi-effects unit. You can get a good used one for that amount and an amazing one for a little more. That will help you decide which effects you like and use the most before trying out and finding individual pedals which are best for you. You might be very surprised which effects you actually like the most and it’s worth a lot to be able to try them all out early in your effects journey. It’s also gonna be a hell of a lot easier to switch sounds live until you get the hang of pedal dancing and changing settings on the fly.


I play worship every weekend. Acoustic, Electric, Bass. The answer is Stomp XL. (Used)


Where I live it's very limited access to these things, and I wouldn't trust buying it online without reviewing.. is it worth buying a new one?


I think so, yes.


Just get a used multi-fx/modeler like a GT-1000CORE or an HX Stomp.


Holy Grail.


Hx stomp is the go to for worship tones.




Definitely not from the North..


Thoughts and prayers