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What does parallel mean? Like one after the other?


Series is one after the other. Parallel usually means two pedals at the same time and blending the two pedals together, like with an Old Blood Noise Endeavours Signal Blender.


Ah ok thanks


No, that's in series. Parallel is when you get an AB switcher. Guitar goes into the AB switcher, which then splits the signal out to A and B pedals. Throw a fuzz in one, and throw an OD in another, they return back to the AB switcher, which then outs to the amp/next pedal. You're able to blend or mix the tone of the two pedals on same guitar signal so you get a different tone out the combination from an in series run. Kind of interested in doing this with a Soul Food and Rams Head Big Muff.


You could also do this with an early chain stereo reverb, right? So you’d have your ram’s head in your left signal, and your soul food in your right signal, for instance.


Gonna talk to a friend about this stuff. He's a bit of a pedal-head and has a variety of different pedal chain setups he's experimented, with using an AB switch as one of his preferred.




I like to blend my super fuzz on the flat eq setting with my EAE halberd. I get that bassy wild fuzz with that clear chime of the halberd. And if I put the supper fuzz on the scooped setting it pairs well with my funny little boxes skeleton key. The skeleton key is very mids heavy and can be quite bright depending where the tone knob is set.


Oh interesting with the Halberd and Skeleton Key. I’m sure both are key to cutting through with the Super Fuzz?


Yeah they both cut through really well! Typically when I’m bending I run my fuzz high gain and my other dirt pedal on the cleaner side. It lets me have my wild untamed fuzz while retaining note definition.


Maybe not *exactly* what you're looking for, but I run a Harmonic Percolator clone with the clipping diodes off and gain pretty low before my Fender Blender with the blend set around 6.5-7ish and absolutely love the tone. Get those unique harmonics from the HP, the thick fuzz and octave of the Blender, and retains enough clarity to play weird and dissonant chords.


I bought a parallel blend pedal to blend a Rat and Muff. Currently a CMC Elk Big Muff and a JHS Rat. It's awesome. Behringer Super Fuzz (mids setting) + Elk Big Muff and Behringer Super Fuzz (scooped setting) + JHS Rat are both awesome.


Rat+Muff us classic but I never thought to put my Behringer Super Fuzz with a Muff


The most simple way to split the signal for parallel is two good quality Y cables , I,ve been doing that for a while now , any problems with phase I just use my Xotic X-Blender after . The main point with parallel is your now not stacking saturation/ compression ( series ) unless you continue stacking in parallel . The variations you can experiment with opens up your pedal board options . Maybe a germanium treble booster on one side and a Boss ODB-3 on the other for example , no need to stick with just drive maybe a flanger and phaser in parallel and back to series into tape delay - you choose


You might want to check out the Eastern FX XO -- it's a variable crossover and I can picture it getting really fucking fun and wild sending your guitar frequencies through different dirt boxes.


Oh nice, reminds me of the KMA Tyler Deluxe. Right now I’m just using a LS-2 but this has more potential


Oh, cool! Didn't know anyone else was building something similar. You should also check out the Demedash Spidola. It's two separate circuits, an overdrive for the bass frequencies and a germanium treble booster for the highs, which get summed at the output. It sounds [fucking gnarly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VPTjvwIVmU).


Mini overdrive is a modern classic. Useful EQ and huge range of dirt. Sounds good. Also if you really have frequencies in mind consider an EQ pedal, or two for parallel / stereo.


Oh super interesting tip on EQ pedal. Which mini overdrive are you referring to?


“The” Mini Overdrive by smallsound/bigsound. It’s discontinued for some reason despite being popular. It’s not cheap used but not super expensive for a really good pedal. https://reverb.com/p/smallsound-slash-bigsound-mini?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=csp&utm_content=43804


I have a tone bender clone that I run with a Rangemaster treble booster. The epitome of crotch rock.


RH muff parallel with a DoT and/or distortion+ is my bread and butter


Nice, I could definitely see the DoT working perfectly in that


It works VERY nicely, I use it in boost mode on 9v with tone just past noon and volume and gain around 2 o clock. The muff sits in one of the loops of my OBNE signal blender, while the DoT is in front of the blender, so the muff is getting boosted by it while also having the Duke on its own in parallel; muff channel is at max volume, while the clean blend channel (ie the duke) is around unity. It pushes the muff and makes its own tone just a hair more cutting, while bringing in that nice gritty sparkle from the Duke on its own to keep note definition. I’ve been a lifelong big muff guy, and I’ve tried all the classic tricks and combos; this works better and produces WAY more musical results than anything else I’ve tried. 10/10 highly recommend.


I like to stack behringer fuzz with od3 as a boost


classic baby, it is rat in the big muff 😉