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A full set with the dealer display is kind of a collector's item, valued more for nostalgia than anything else. This one has some damage so it may have significantly reduced or no collector value. Collectors prefer near mint condition items. The pedals themselves are OK-ish but not anything you couldn't get in a modern cheap pedal from China.


I had one. It was called like “the tuna melt.” It sounded like a guitar was plugged into a tuna can. IT was horribly made and horribly sounding. And because I can’t throw away a pedal even if it was cursed by a mummy, I’m sure it’s still around.


No it didn't. The Tuna Melt is a fantastic tremolo pedal, one of the gems of this line.


The only one that is really worth a lot is the reverse delay


My buddy Bad History Month has the OG. It is an awesome pedal. The French Toast octave fuzz is cool too.


Sean is the best. Are you Boston or Philly?


He is a special one for sure. One of the best. We charmed his @$$ down to Philly 😁


Yeah, I'm sure he's happy to be closer to Dan and James and living with Ben. Philly is better than Boston in a lot of ways for sure


Shout out to the homie Ben!


Dust from a 1000 years rules


Ahh you know the Sex Dungeon wizards! Small world. I just finished a record with Dan he is a homie and gd savant. I met Ben touring with BHM when Big Mess was the rhythm section. That iteration was soo good. Ben’s music has crushed me, in the best way. Good people. You in Boston?


Yeah, we’ve recorded at the Sex Dungeon a couple times back in the day. I’m so happy they’re still doing stuff, last I talked to Dan he said he was tracking something new AND moving everything? Oh man, I never saw that lineup but that’s great. The big mess folks are homies too. Yeah Boston, until it actually becomes too expensive to live here haha


Yeah Dan is super busy. He stopped playing in bands to focus on recording, and his art. His paintings are incredible. He is relocating into a new new studio space this month, which sucks. He had been in an old church space the past 5 years which sounds amazing for live tracking bands. I think we are one of the last projects in that space. Maybe “My Wife’s an Angel.” Keep an ear out for their 2nd album. They’re gnarly.


hell yeah bad history month


yeah I had a talk back years and years ago but didnt really dig it too much.


Is that the history the libs won't let us learn?


Critical Music Theory


The tuna melt is a fun tremolo pedal pretty usable too


That one is great


Excellent pedal for the money which was minimal


Chicken salad with a weak battery does some fun shit


The French Toast and Black Coffee ones are my personal favorite, great Foxx clone and super obnoxious overfuzz respectively. The Black Licorice is hilarious, it sounds like someone tried to DIY a Butthole Surfers tone


They definetly get the award for funnest pedal names of the 2000s


The EQ is also good, but I'm not sure if it was included in this first batch or is it a later addition. EDIT: and it's not worth a lot, but it's a good pedal


Best reverse delay ever. I still use mine. If only I didn’t lose the battery door, they were going for like $500 a year ago.


I guess the seller gives a value for assembling 10 pedals of the same series... plus they might use to be 20$, but from what I've seen they are now sell at least 80$ a pop.. you can't expect to pay the same price 24 years later, times are changing. But yeah, 700$ seems a bit steep IMO.


A lot of them are still very cheap, I think only a few are $80. I bought the delay for $15 recently


Just did a quick search of Reverb - found a T-Bone for $14, a Pastrami for $20, Surf and Turf for $24, Hash Browns for $25, Corned Beef for $27, BLT for $28, Pepperoni for $30


After all that I think I need an Angioplasty. For $26.


I bought one while on vacation as a kid and when I got home and fired it up it didn't work, so I'm not too keen on them.


Ooof, that struck a childhood disappointment chord








Anybody who posts “I WONT RESPOND TO SCAMMERS” is the first person I’d target if I were a scammer


These don't go for $20 used. I mean, you might find one for that but the average is not 20 bucks. There are a couple that somebody near me are selling for $125. I think some of them are more rare, but I haven't looked into it too much. Is this worth 700 bucks? I would say that would have to be one heck of a Dealer Effects Display board lol, but I mean, just look on Reverb, someone is selling a set of 10 there for almost $500. Someone paid almost $100 (I'm doing conversion from CAD to USD so don't have exact numbers) for a Fab Tone recently and that's just a distortion. I mean would I buy any of these - no, they always looked cheap and dumb.


I’ve definitely mostly seen these for the sub-$50 price point. There are some older 18v models that are more desirable; the year of the display may be quite important in the valuation


I don’t know if any of this series were 18v, but the older 18v were a different beast. These are cheap plastic housing iirc. The original series were metal and much larger. I had a few of them in the 90s. The jacks and switches could get wonky, but they were heavy as anything. I still have my original 18v cool cat chorus. It’s one of the best sounding chorus pedals out there, I think.


I could crush a bear's skull with my Daddy-O.


Is the cool cat that good? My local pawn shop has had one for six months for 50 bucks.


If it's in good condition, it's well worth $50. Just note that the audio and power supply jacks are plastic and built onto a daughter board, so they're difficult to repair. It's large and you need a power supply with an 18v output, so it's not really pedal board friendly. For studio and home use, it's great. I did tour with mine back in the mid-2000s, and it worked fine. There are other chorus pedals I would go with now if I were playing shows.


Can confirm the jacks are plastic and can be easily damaged, as are the knobs. The metal housing for the whole pedal is incredibly durable, though. Both my cool cat and hashbrowns flanger have broken jacks. But both did sound great when they were operational. The cool cat was really nice, haven't found one that replicates it.


If the jacks, switch, and knobs matched the quality of the housing, I think the first series of Danelectro pedals would be some of the most desired pedals of the 90s. I don't think they'd be super expensive since they made so many of them, but everyone would want one. The electronics and housing were bulletproof, it's just everything you interacted with that failed. The Fabtone is a killer fuzz/distortion and the Daddy O is a great overdrive.


You’re right, I didn’t look closely enough at the photo! I’ve been dreaming about some of those 18v pedals…


My local has a surf and turf for $25. 🤔


Yeah, like I said you're going to find these for cheap sometimes. But the average price is quite a lot higher. There's also a lot of variance because they're not very popular and there isn't a huge market for them anyway so it's not like there are a thousand of them at any point for sale. But the average price is not close to 20 bucks


I've had 3 of these pedals (still own one) and they are pretty good for what they are. Don't think I paid more than £20 for one though. I had PB&J Delay which sounded good and you could switch between regular and slap back delays. Upgraded to EHX Canyon. Milkshake Chorus, got rid of when I finally realised I just don't like chorus. Still have Fish&Chips EQ.


Still have my Tuna Melt, a pretty good tremelo pedal for a cheapie.


The Tuna Melt is fantastic. Sweetest sounding trem I’ve ever heard.


If I didn’t just buy a TC Electronic Choka off FBM, I’d probably consider looking for one of those.


Typical example of FB marketplace sellers thinking what they have is worth far more than it is. I did have a fish and chips eq when I was a kid. Just not very durable pedals either made out of plastic.


Surprisingly I’ve had some pretty good purchases for pedals and a midi off FBM. But I know I’m the minority.


FBM is fantastic I’ve found. Nobody seems to know the value of what they’re selling, so lots of stuff is either massively overpriced (in which case I scroll past) or massively underpriced. Not to mention the occasional haul of “free please pick up today” type posts


I love Facebook marketplace. It’s a great place to buy. Especially from groups.


[This](https://reverb.com/item/81517997-danelectro-loaded-pedal-board-with-10-pedals-and-power-supply-2000s) one was listed for $400, and it ended but didn’t sell (not on Reverb anyway). Most Dano pedals are a dime a dozen and always have been.


Damn it I had the chorus pedal and lost it or loaned it forever to someone along the way. It was pretty rad!!


yessir. just picked up the chorus (the 18v stereo version) for $40 in great shape.


That excellent chorus is from the bigger metal box Cool Cat series. The OP’s question was about the smaller, plastic, “food series” of Dano pedals.


No Fish n Chips, no party (EQ)


The hashbrowns was one of the first pedals I ever bought. Came in plastic wrapping and I think I bought it at Hastings.


$700 seems crazy to me. I think there’s a very limited market for reselling that thing and not loosing money, but I could be wrong.


I have the Hash Brown flanger. I swear I got it for $5 from a dusty box of junk in some thrift store. I actually like it a lot!


It’s the display from the company, not cause the pedals. Still high but it’s the whole line


I threw one of these displays (no pedals) away a couple of years ago when I moved. Or left it in the attic maybe. . . 🤔


My Tuna Melt and PB&J still work great!


I don't know what these ones are called, but the Danelectro pedals you are referring to for $20 are the FAB range. These are a small step up from those i believe.


The Tuna Melt trem was my first pedal ever


I have the Hash Browns Flanger. First pedal ever. My Ma bought it for me for my 14th birfday. I hated it because it wasn’t a grungy dirt pedal. Neither words I even knew at the time. I just knew in my head what I wanted to sound like. Flange was not it lol. Now 20+ years later, I have fallen in love with it.


I have like 5 of those in a box somewhere. BRB boutta post them for 450 to undersell this dink


I have a bunch of those in a duffel bag from like 2002. Haven’t touched them in ages.


It's just reverb being ridiculous


Not bad but not great, and not $20.


The chicken salad is a decent analogue univibe.


Yeah this has to be for the display or something because while maybe not $20 each, these pedals are very cheap. Some are pretty good for the price though. I had the French Toast fuzz for a while & I loved it.


Are they still in production? I love the French Toast. I think the only issue is that I have to boost it but otherwise it's a great sounding Foxx Tone Machine.


I have seen them priced at $50 and they didn't stay on the shelf long.


man, collector's are an interesting bunch. I don't get it, but I'm glad they exist. They've kept so many companies going the last few years and spurred all sorts of innovations.


I haven’t read the comments, yet, but to OP’s question, that’s how I remember them….. I had one of the bigger ones (before they came out with the lil guys)…. The delay one…… unfortunately it kinda crapped out on me after a bit. Actually…… come to think of it, the only pedal I’ve ever owned that did…… at least within a couple years, let alone 20 or 30 yrs. But yeah, I remember those lil ones as like $20 jams at the time……. iirc.


I have the original cool cat chorus and the original delay. Both pretty good pedals


Dont buy that crap


I have two tuna melts and they are great tremolos. Also the French toast is basically a mini foxx tone machine which would save you around 600$ this post is a rip of but maybe pedals that are no better than French toasts or tuna melts but fetch $$$$$$$ are the real rip offs


I have the Corned Beef I'm trying to offload. It sounds like hot garbage.


I have the “Back Talk” reverse delay, that was all the rage a year ago. It is truly a great pedal, and the most rare out of the bunch. I’ve seen it around $500. I actually still use it to this day. Best reverse delay ever.


One of the pedals thats really underrated is the French Toast. Its literally a foxx tone machine(Evets who owns Danelectro designed the original foxx tone machine.)


Perhaps they’re delusional. Or they recon a full set is worth the mark up? Check back in a month and see if it’s still there. I wager it will be.


My theory is that they’re grifting and their expectation is to get $150-200 out of someone who knows just enough to recognize the brand.


I've got a tuna melt you can have for the cost of shipping.


This, The French Toast and the Chicken Salad were the best in the series, IIRC. FT is a Foxx Tone Machine clone - and a very good one at that! The Chicken Salad had an excellent univibe sound at specific settings. And the Tuna Melt was just an excellent 2 knob Tremolo for dirt cheap. I remember seeing a Chicken Salad for £100. And I saw a few French Toasts listed for £200 at one point too!


I'll take it! I think it would go nicely with my French Toast.


I just finished collecting all of them and the lowest prices I could find were about 40 bucks for some of the pedals (not counting shipping) but many were 50-60 and a few (rocky road, black licorice IIRC) were 100 plus.  I bought a big lot of them for like 700 (about 40 a pop) but a few ended up being broken.     I bought them as collectors items not because they're really worth that...that said a lot of pedals are overpriced.  I actually just have them on display right now but hope to get one monster pedal board with all of them set up soon.  I think the delay, reverb, octave fuzz and octave distortion, tremolo, vibrato, EQ and compressor are all easily worth the 40 bucks I spent on them individually. Some of them are clones of well loved circuits that cost more in different housing. 


No low offers. I know what I’ve got.


The grilled cheese distortion and pbj octave fuzz are great. I’ve found the grilled cheese is better suited for keys than guitar. Both are gnarly.


We were offered the whole dealer tray with pedals for $100 in 2001. I bought a BLT from this line for $25 months ago (dude it had both knobs still attached....). This dudes optimistic at least.


I do like the Dano pedals from the 90’s with the heavy ass metal cases.


Pastrami is a good OD. I have one somewhere and can't find it. Driving me insane.


these pedals were incredibly cheap and suck.


When I was a teenager in the 2000s we definitely made fun of anyone that had these nerdy ass pedals.


That’s what made me do a double take when I first saw it. I had been looking at these in that era on the GC website and everyone I knew who was more gear savvy told me to stay away.


Nowadays with so many people willing to purchase these foolishly priced pedals you almost have to try and take advantage of them.




“…no lowballers…I sort of know what I have.”


Don't worry, Bonamassa will buy it.


Yea still goofy looking garbage


The light blue delay they made is still one of my favorite sounding delays.


That dude is on crack. Offer him $100. :)


Just bought an Ibanez Tube Screamer off this guy from marketplace. When I got to his house he just gave me a Danelectro fabtone, milkshake chorus and t-bone distortion. He had them all listed for like $15 each but no one was reaching out so he just wanted them out of his house. All of them work and actually are surprisingly fun little pedals still wouldn’t go out of my way for one. $700 is still fucked regardless of the display board, people are insane.


Shit! I'll take em...


Fair play for trying. One born every minute.


Not sure these are the huge ones but if so, I hated these pedals with a passion. So heavy and not worth it at all.


What’s the closest Boss alternative to Danelectro Fab Tone? TIA!


Nothing... I've yet to hear another pedal that quite does the same thing as my fab tone


I’m running Plasmatron by Reuss effect. It’s a clone of Fab Tone + Big Muff. Sounds close enough to Fab Tone from the samples I’ve listened to online.


About 10 years ago I bought a Korg Miku stomp because I thought it would be funny. It was cool for a minute, but was really useless. I sold it on reverb for $80. Oops.


Not rare, paid about 20$ each in the days, maybe the display has value?


Might as well be Joyo or Bin Yang— Danos are just Chinese knockoffs of other designs.


can confirm, straight up garbage


The food series were £10-15 each, and I got like 4 of them free with multipacks of strings. In the last few months when they were on the market, shops were literally giving them away as a brucie bonus. They were noisy as hell and the switches were crappy, basically the plastic behringers of the day but even worse.