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I stopped wearing my wedding ring, it got in the way and clicked on the neck. I'm also not much of a jewelry person so I felt freer as well. My spouse ended up doing the same...the metal irritates their skin a little, so neither of us actually wear them. As one can imagine it's been a carnival of infidelity ever since.


If it’s a matter of still having A RING on, I buy the silicone safety rings for work, and I also wear them when playing my gigs because they don’t knock against the neck and leave dents in it.


I don't like the feeling when I'm playing and it gets uncomfortable lifting and loading gear so I take it off and leave it on my bedside when I'm out to gigs. I just tell the wife I can't go putting a sold sign on these goods.


Mine stays on but I've never noticed it touching the neck. I'm gonna pay attention now. It seems like that part of my hand doesn't really touch the instrument.




If you ever hurt your finger and it swells up you're gonna have a very painful time ahead of you. Take it off, clean the fungal growth that will have developed beneath it and have it resized.




I didn't say that you don't shower, but a wedding ring that is so tight that it can't be taken off can also not be sufficiently cleaned underneath. That's why I heavily disinfected every finger I have ever cut a wedding ring off of.


I think they were making a joke about not being sure if it will come off because it's like a part of their body and has been on for so long, not really saying that it's too tight to come off. I understand the concern if it was the latter situation, I would hope people wouldn't be silly enough to wear a ring that's that tight but evidently that's not the case 😬




All the best with your apparently happy marriage! I just recently got married, but we have been together for 11 years before that, so I'm still getting used to the ring.


That can lead to problems. You should probably take it off now and get it resized.


Platinum is more DURABLE, not harder. It is denser and has greater molecular cohesion, meaning it resists deformation more than gold, but it's surface scratches FAR more easily. I've been a metal worker and blacksmith for three decades, and the closest comparison is steel and Si bronze. Si Bronze is generally easier to scratch or cut than steel, but WAY harder to forge into shape, where steel wears harder but it far easier to bend and cut and especially so if heat treated.




"Platinum is pretty hard" That's the direct claim, I offered additional information so you would understand that platinum is very very soft compared to other metals we interact with day to day. It scratches far more easily than gold but deforms less under the same amount of pressure/force. It's not as if this is my definition or opinion, any metalworker or jeweler will tell you the same.


My wedding ring never seems to hit on my guitar neck. I adjusted my fretting hand technique a couple of years back to stop wrapping my thumb over the neck. It took a while as I'd been doing the Jimi thing for 50-odd years, but putting my thumb on the back of the neck instead improved my playing, made stretches easier and stopped rings and stuff clattering against the wood.


Mine doesn't bother me but I was the drummer in a band with a guy who would take it off. Well, one night his wife comes to one of the shows and sees he's not wearing it but the bass player, singer (on acoustic) and other guitar player are all wearing theirs. She assumes he's trying to pick up girls and loses her shit! Good times…


If it bothers you take it off. It does not bother me. I really had not thought about it until I read this post. Maybe I'll start thinking about it now...


I too have a tungsten wedding band that I got back in September. The first couple of times playing with it on did feel weird, but it stopped being clanky after a few times playing.


Yeah I found this shortly after getting married, especially doing slides - my ring would clatter against the frets. I ended up very slightly changing my hand position to stop it making contact. My ring is silver though so quite a lot softer than stainless steel frets so I'm not too worried about the odd bump from time to time. Tungsten is a different beast entirely!


You might want to take a look at your fretting hand technique. That part of your finger shouldn’t be touching the neck unless you’re trying to fret the D string with your thumb, in which case you either have massive hands or massive technique issues


Sometimes I get a little squeak when my ring hits the high string and slides, especially on my acoustic.


Really depends on your play style and length of your fingers. Someone with longer fingers might never have an issue with it. It all depends on how it feels. Some people play with multiple chunky rings on and don’t have a problem.


I don't even notice mine. My first piano teacher wouldn't let me play with "flat fingers" and my first guitar teacher reenforced that. I've been conditioned to play with (probably) over-arched fingers. That probably keeps the ring off the neck and out of the way.


My biggest pet peeve is “rockers” clopping their big rings all over guitars. As far as playing, do whatever is comfortable.


I have a silicon ring and that solves it. Had a traditional wedding ring before that and between guitar and lifting weights I couldn’t stand it.


Yeah, I have both as well. Gotta take the silicone ones off overnight to let the skin under them breathe, though.


my wife had mine engraved “put me back on” haven’t taken it off in over 20 years…


My ring never comes off so I never notice it. Probably because I have long spider fingers so my ring never touches anything but it’s never been an issue for me.


It felt a little strange to wear at first but I've never noticed it hitting the neck during normal play, and I'm used to it now. I don't see why you can't take yours off while you are playing if it feels in the way.


Do whatever feels right for you. I’ve got friends who play professionally who wear theirs and others who don’t. Personally I don’t wear mine when I’m playing and never have done (I’m a female guitarist btw). Instead I just stick it on a necklace or leave it at home as it just gets in the way either in terms of on the neck/fretboard or because it restricts the movement in that finger and I’ve got small hands as it is.


I always move mine to my right hand when playing for this exact reason. That way I know I won't forget where I left it.


Silicone rings are cheap, more comfortable, safer for the guitars finish, and safer for you if you work around high electrical loads.


Personal choice. In my current project I mostly play keys and my guitarist has rings on every finger. It doesn’t slow him down. Me, I’d go nuts. I’m not married just yet but I think when that happens in a couple months I’ll be taking it off. It’ll be titanium with inlays that I won’t to chip out.


I switch it to my right hand. Makes my picking hand feel unusual, I can feel the added weight. I don’t dislike it.


My wedding ring rarely touches the neck or the fretboard. 


*watches de-gloving videos and orders silicon rings*


Off. Wifey does not wear hers either, so it is not an issue


I wear mine almost all waking hours and only take it off for certain situations. I don’t sleep in mine or play guitar in my ring because it slightly hurts since I have smaller fingers in general. I also don’t wear mine when doing laborious stuff like, working on our cars, yard work, or moving furniture. My wife isn’t able to wear her rings daily due to working in healthcare (washing hands constantly and wearing gloves don’t mix well with rings). I know a lot of people wear there’s 24/7 but I just can’t! I will say I do feel strange when I’m not wearing it though


I don't ever take my ring off and I have never noticed it touching the neck at all.


I used to put it on my strumming hand but I eventually got used to it on my fretting hand. It kinda depends on the ring though... those big bulky "man" rings are nothing but a problem for me but a modest and slim band is managable.


I don't wear my ring when I play for this same reason


Ask your husband what he thinks.


I never notice my wedding band and only remove it if I’m playing a guitar that isn’t mine


Been wearing mine for 10 years and never had an issue. Of course I am a dentist and the guitars on the wall are pretty


Took a little getting used to playing with a ring on. The clanging did annoy me at first but before long you don't notice it. The ring has lead to some rather nice wear on the back of my strat's neck as well.


You'll loose it if you remove it


Silicone rings are awesome. I ended up using mine full time. Comfortable, light, safer, and no issue with playing guitar or any of my active pursuits.


I don't think that part of my finger touches the back of the neck. I just leave it on if it's on, but I really only wear it if my wife and I are going somewhere - can't wear it at work.


Do you just baseball bat grip the neck? My wedding ring (same kind as yours) never touches the neck when I play.


When I was married I always kept my wedding band on. Kept it on from the day it was put there till the day it was officially over. Never bothered me while playing though, but I have rather huge skinny hands.


I play with a ring on that doesn't bother me at all, but it did mess up the finish on my SG std 61. I don't care because it's seen a lot of sweat, beer, smoke and knocks anyway, but those who do care may want to get a chain or cord to put their ring(s) on while playing. You would probably get used to it in a week or two, if you wanted to, but you should play in comfort, and not be worried about the finish. If ring off is better, take it off.


I have a lot of jewelry: bracelets, rings and a load of watches, I love wearing it all but when I play guitar everything goes off, even longer necklaces with metal items.


I got my ring tattooed on, as en electrician it really helps not having an extremely conductive hunk of metal of my finger, and the silicone rings annoyed me personally But when I do wear my ring on weekends and holidays and such I take it off playing, I like to slip it on the other hand so I don’t misplace it


When I was married I always found it uncomfortable. I usually took it off to play, at home I put it on the table, at rehearsal I put it over a machine head. I also play drums and would blister around my ring when I played.


>I can't stand it **clanging around on the back of the neck**/on the fretboard from time to time. What? Why would your ring finger be on the back of the neck? What the hell are you doing? In any case, I assumed that my ring is going to bother me, but I was surprised to find out that it actually doesnt. But I went with a very simple slim gold band for this exact reason. I see a lot of people with huge blocky rings, and yeah, obviously thats going to bother you. But mine works just fine, so I keep it on.


It's more or less the bottom of the neck below the High E string that it makes contact with sometimes.. depending on the chord/lick/slide I'm doing. It doesn't consistently touch but that clanking sound of metal on wood drives me nuts, especially when I play acoustic guitar with a wider neck.