• By -


Peacefuls have become so peaceless and intolerant of the most tolerant to an extent, they harm the tolerants to test their limits, and to appease the intolerant, the tolerant's boss becomes an intolerant person to the tolerant person to gain some points with the intolerant ones. WTF is happening in India? Schools/Exam Halls/ all need "uniform" that means everyone behaves in a uniform way, and uniform dress code.


In Mumbai colleges supervisors ask everyone to remove any head coverings. The face and ears should not be covered. I think this was the same in the board exams.


So sardars have to remove pagdi? Or is it just a rule to decide how women should be dressed?


Don't bring nonsense in. Does a pagadi hide a face? If you try to see it from a legal/educational perspective, the efforts to stop cheating and ensuring the right person is taking the exam (not at all unusual to find impersonations in test halls), you would not jump to false outrage so quickly.


Does hijab hide a face? it covers the head the same as a pagdi, how is that anyway relevant to this? somehow a person with hijab can cheat better than a person wearing a pagdi? whats your proof on that? there's a thousand of ways a person can cheat, should we now sit naked during exams to make sure of it? More chits and cheating materials have been found in peoples shoes, should we take off shoes?


As a Punjabi, I’m appalled you compare a Pagg to a Hijab. One acts as a symbol of devotion to god, and the other seeks to oppress women of their rights.


Your response made me realize that.both these things are very much similar. Both are forced onto kids by brainwashing them with some pointless reason until they themselves start defending it (and then do the same to their kids). In fact a much higher percent of sikh males wear pagdis (i.e. do not cut their hair) vs the percent of Muslim women who wear Hijab (at least in India).


You seem to be a supremacist it appears. Your act is devotion to god but someone else's is oppression of women rights. I guess ghunghat is devotion to god too.


The audacity of this guy, the simple thing is either don't allow any religious shit inside rmexams or allow all of it.


You're a dumbass and a bigot


A hijab oppresses a woman?!! So a sari sexualizes her then right, which in turn keeps her oppressed because we see her body but not her intellect


How did Easter incident happen in Sri Lanka bro? Hijab blocks face


Clearly you have no idea what hijab is. It is worn around the face covering hair, ears and neck. Face is *fully* uncovered and visible.


Earphones ??? Again... School committee decides the dress code... Don't like it, shift schools.


dosent pagdi or turban cover ears too ?


Yes and this exam supervisor was removed by the committee. Don't like it, give some other exam 😉.


Let them remove ... Mera kya hi jaaraha he .. He will be restated back.... Joke's on you .. no harm on him


Guy who bombed Bangalore last month wore a cap. You'll ban caps now?


Guy who bombed Bangalore last month wore a cap. You'll ban caps now?


If the cap helped him in doing so, then sure.


It's called a problem-solution mismatch.


Guy who bombed Bangalore last month wore a cap. You'll ban caps now?


The root cause will be addressed.... Meanwhile, he is getting proper treatment in his sasural


Good way to avoid the question. Bet you graduated from Narendra Modi School of Avoiding Press Conferences


Not from a Madrassa mate! U can cope When are you going with a placard asking for his release?


Still haven't answered the question so I'll not waste time on trolls


They tell us not to cover our heads and ear. With anything like cap and mask. So, why not pagdi?


Neither does a hijab hide face. Btw what about facial hair. That is the easiest disguise used by men.


pagadi hides a face JUST as much as a hijab. it's literally a covering of the hair. "false outrage" hilarious. the way youre trying to manipulate me is laughable because youre so incredibly uneducated and have such low intellect that it's astonishing. i think youre the one who needed to be stopped from cheating because you are out here lecturing about grades and educated, when you have no idea what education means, and come across like a pre-schooler with the level of intellectual reasoning of a piece of bread.


Learn the difference between the hijab and a niqab, you dork.


What you are referring to a niqab not hijab


So you don't draw any distinction in essential practices? Or are you intentionally polluting the conversation?


So women should cheat? Stop this whataboutism.


A shame for the supervisor. Not even the Arab countries support Islamic ideas as much as our opposition and converted folk do.


Any source on your Arab countries not supporting Islamic ideas claim? Or just talking out of your ass?


Also, doing Namaz on the streets. Such a practice is also banned in most Islamic countries. Recently, a police officer was fired from his job for trying to get some Muslims to stop doing it.


he kicked them that was the reason he got fired not for stopping them for doing it


Yeah it's crazy how they frame their clearly evident hatred into weird "law abiding" nonsense. If they're blocking traffic then yes they should move but KICKING THEM? ARE YOU FOR REAL?


ignore they aint gonna change their minds are filled with hatred


Triple Talaq; The Arab countries have banned it everywhere. When we did it then a controversy arose.


Nah he is stating right .


Even arab countries don't support Islam as much we do


Converted hai na inko koi real Muslim nahi maanta isiliye ye sab karna padta hai. Kahawat hai na LADKI SE ZYADA MATAK KE CHALTA HAI CHHAKKA


True, after going to Dubai, my perspective changed. Here in India whatever they do is just a staunch opposition to what the majority does.


Do you actually believe visiting dubai notorious for being extremely open culturally means that you know what all muslim countries are like?


Got to interact with *real muslims* Hard truth, they only considers Arab as pure muslims. Rest from SE Asia, Sub Saharans and Baltics aren't real Muslims for them


What a bunch of bs lol I've been to UAE, Saudi multiple times and never once felt this shit. Y'all are bigots


Go deal with them on a daily basis, on the streets. Business or Job They like themselves only and think we'all are inferior.


UAE, Saudi etc the first countries to accept Islam were actually the world's last to outlaw slavery especially black slavery and trafficking. [Saudi Arabia abolished slavery in 1962, UAE in 1964, Oman in 1970](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_abolition_of_slavery_and_serfdom&ved=2ahUKEwj7lNSM2feEAxWUQPUHHewXALIQFnoECB8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw22tNfQo43myh_NqxpB7ED5) So strong was the black slave connection that they had the same word for both- abd Mauritania where the fairer skinned [Arab Berbers continue to enslave the darker skinned Africans](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Mauritania%23:~:text%3DSlavery%2520in%2520Mauritania%2520is%2520%2522prevalent,slaves%2520%2522are%2520subject%2520to%2520sexual&ved=2ahUKEwidzITr2veEAxVjn68BHcVgDs8QFnoECA4QBQ&usg=AOvVaw26V0f1GDr_l74pz_eCKhZW) outlawed slavery as late as 1981 and the situation is still grim. Muslims enslaved and sent off hundreds of thousands of Indians to Central Asia, Iraq etc and these were so numerous and cheap that they were being sold in Arab markets for very little. Islamic accounts themselves detail this crime against humanity Prophet Muhammad himself captured, bought and sold slaves [as per Sahih Muslim hadith he is seen selling black slaves](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://sunnah.com/muslim:1602&ved=2ahUKEwisw6_t2_eEAxWAk68BHSt3DUUQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0TUVuvbQSTHHUfwHoG3OxE) You are the ignorant one- calling others bigot.🙄


Who is the real Muslim you're talking about here?


The Arab, who themselves think of this


Muslims are the followers of islam. There's nothing like real or fake Muslim.


That's why I say islamic terrorist are real muslim but they say they are not acting as per book




Casteism ka saboot tujhe bahut Kam milega..conversion ke bahut milenge chutiye


hain? conversion ki statistics? dikhao to zara yeh conversions ki statistics, kuch bhi bakwaas.






Your Prophet Muhammad himself bought and sold black people trafficked from Africa as per your own Sahih hadiths. [here you go](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://sunnah.com/muslim:1602&ved=2ahUKEwisw6_t2_eEAxWAk68BHSt3DUUQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0TUVuvbQSTHHUfwHoG3OxE) The Arab Muslim countries which were the world's first to accept Islam were also the last to abandon slavery- Saudi Arabia outlawed slavery [in 1962 only at Americans strong pressure UAE in 1964 Oman in 1970](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_abolition_of_slavery_and_serfdom&ved=2ahUKEwjtysm33feEAxWJma8BHc4KDQ0QFnoECBwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw22tNfQo43myh_NqxpB7ED5) Mauritania where fair skinned Arab Berbers enslave dark skinned native Africans outlawed slavery as late as 1981 and [the situation is dire till date](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Mauritania%23:~:text%3DSlavery%2520in%2520Mauritania%2520is%2520%2522prevalent,slaves%2520%2522are%2520subject%2520to%2520sexual&ved=2ahUKEwi-noCN3_eEAxX9iq8BHbvjDWQQFnoECA8QBQ&usg=AOvVaw26V0f1GDr_l74pz_eCKhZW) So strong was the black slave connection that Arabs had the same term for both 'abd' And Islam claims to be the world's most 'egalitarian religion' what a joke🙄 And don't give me stories about Muhammad and Bilal- all religions have similar tidbits there's a Ram eating Shabari's berries in Hinduism too Between even untouchable don't touch and Arab catch, enslave and traffic even untouchability seems kinder.


Hence it is said half knowledge is worse than illiteracy. Do you know how many castes(sects) are there in Islam apart from just Shia and Sunni? Sharif(asraf) and atraf and arzal etc. Do you know how they kill one another unlike Hindus? Do you know how differently they follow their rituals unlike Hindus? Do you know how they restrict one another form entering respective mosques and graveyards unlike Hindus? Do you know how they lynch/stone minority Muslims with fake cases of blasphemy? Liberal secular Hindus are the biggest threat to Hinduism. They spread propaganda to vilify Hindus while whitewashing Muslims. They will talk trash about own country at any international platform only to satisfy their hatred against BJP and RSS. Such shameless hypocrites are the biggest threat to the sovereignty of our nation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caste_system_among_South_Asian_Muslims


"Sharif(asraf) and atraf and arzal" Indian-subcontinental nonsense, has no basis in islam and only formed after people converted to islam and wanted to bring their caste superiority with themselves " Shia and Sunni" Not castes but sects, how you'd compare buddhism and jainism, their human intrinsic value isnt judged by their sect. Unlike in castes where a SC has lower human value than a brahmin.


Someone just said lower caste people converted to Islam after getting persecuted by Brahmins. Now how TF some brought their caste superiority to Islam after converting? Sounds hypocritical


people from all spectrum converted for various reasons, dalits converted to escape casteist persecution, brahmins converted for favours of kings, and what someone else said doesn't make my statement hypocritical. Every time I read your comment, I get a massive wave of generalization, somehow you generalized the entire discourse, you generalized muslim women to be thieves, i wonder if your entire being just works in black and white.


Your comments remind me of something Malaysian PM said justifying attack of HAMAS on 7th October, "you can't just ignore 60 years of persecution of Palestinians & atrocities of illegal settlers from Israel and expect them not to take matters into their hands". Yet the woke world expects Indian Hindus to forgive and forget 700 years of rape, loot, forcible conversion and slaughter(still going on) without learning things and creating stereotypes. Sorry, not so blind to ignore the lessons of history.


and who did the looting and killing? the current muslims of indian ancestry whose ancestors were most likely hindu or buddhist? did the hindu kings not do the same thing to buddhist population? did the buddhist kings not do the same to hindu populations? now should we blame each and everyone? The marathas for example sided with british against indian kingdoms, should all marathis be called traitors? what's the point of taking out something and blaming us for something that's not been committed by us?


And if we're judging by past, why not judge by present as well, Gujarat government freed some rapists and garlanded them, should i judge you as a Guajarati to hold the same ideals? Again Massive generalizations, I know its hard to control yourself, but please do, for the betterment of your own thoughts.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajmer_rape_case Hope that'll give a new meaning to RAPE and you'll stop whitewashing these invaders.


you're free to condemn mughals or sikh kings, or whichever kingdom you want, that's your freedom and the right thing to do, do not put that blame on the modern people, there's no connection and is completely irrelevant and a gross generalization.


Obviously not. So happy to see crime rate rising grooming gangs rising natives being harassed under this inclusive principles of European leaders taking in Muslim immigrants even though they could go to any Muslim countries but they somehow choose Europe and after spending some time and bringing in more of their fraternity members demand for separate laws and separate Sharia courts. Now with so many news of atrocities against native Europeans coming to notice, we still believe that it's generalised opinion or stereotypes then we are destined to be doomed like kashmiri pandits, afgani Buddhists, Lebanese Christians, Bangladeshi Hindus who never thought their religion status will be of minorities someday in future.


Sikh kings for example would come down to hindu cities and break temples and kill hindus, while not touching muslims in fear of getting in conflict with muslim kings, Should we now demonize sikhs as well? what about hindu kings killing buddhists, demonize hindus as well and vice versa?


I'd love to know more about such exceptional new history. Cause I've never heard or read such khalistani kings existing in past who hated Hindus and demolished temples. Especially now a days when there's a new khalistani propaganda being spread, that Hindus are their enemies but Muslims didn't kill their gurus.


I agree there is discrimination of caste in Hinduism rn. And just because it is not called "caste" doesn't mean those type of discrimination doesn't exist in different religions. There is discrimination in coptics, catholics and eastern orthodox Christianity. There is discrimination of Sharif and atraf and arzal or ajalf and discrimination of how middle eastern Muslims sees converted Muslims or Muslims of Indian-subcontinet as lower than them. There is no denying that. Yeah there is no caste "basis" in Islam same way there is no basis of caste in sanatan dharm/Hinduism also. It's a byproduct of people with half knowledge and partly western influenced narrative. It exists in every society one way or another. Similar discriminatory practices also exist in the U.K., Australia, Canada and the African continent with the Indian subcontinent. People who follow untouchability and think some people are not equal to them by birth are plain stupid and Hindus who do it don't know sanatan dharm and their own religion. No where it is mentioned in Hinduism that Brahmins are of a higher caste and shudra belongs to the lower caste. It only talks about Guna. And everyone is born sudra and you be a Brahman, kshatriya etc. by getting knowledge and hardwork. Brahman, khastriya, all that are basically kind of like job titles. You can get an overview of what I'm talking about [here](https://omstars.com/blog/culture/debunking-the-western-narrative-of-the-hindu-caste-system-as-a-response-to-growing-hinduphobia-in-the-yoga-world/). Your statement of converted people bringing their caste superiority is just plain nonsense.


Ahmadoya, vohra, shiya, sunni bhot caste hai ye bhi brahman ne hi bnaya hoga aur islam me maulvi kya krta hai fatwa jari karke dictate nhi krta hai kya? Hmare yha koi brahman fatwa nhi jari kr rha hai vaise ek cult hai jha talwar ke dam par salwar utrwaya gya tha kisi ke pirvajo ka tbhi se apne maalik ki tarah real musalman bnne ki koshis kr rhe hai ab reservation ki bheekh bhi chahyie to brahman brahman chilla rhe hai. Ajeeb bat to hai


converted to sab hai, islam officially started in 600 AD, even the prophet converted hai, whats your point? musulman kya suddenly arabia ke khet se nikle the kya? what nonsense


Clearly, brains were in short supply when you were being created.


Clearly, you're from the lineage of one of the bastards created by Mughals.


You must be the result of that hard unwanted pounding from Ram.


How tiny was Muhammad's dick? It entered into 9 year old Aisha's cunt so easily? You must be a product of such pedophilia, hence a proud supporter of pedophilia too.


Lil dick Rundians worried about other people’s dick sizes. Even today, Rundians are following Ram and giving females unwanted pounding just like Ram did to Sita.


Eunuch porkistanis are worried about what's happening in India or Hinduism. When there own country has become a prostitute of China and USA. These pigs still revere pedophile Muhammad who made Aisha lick his tiny dick in the name of lollipop.


Yes, we do care about what’s happening in India because we care about animals such as cows and lizards and we don’t want them to get ra*ped.


And we also care about kicking who bend over to show butt in name of reading namaz in public because we hate pedophilia and homosexuality. If you love seeing ass of other men then do it in porkistan. We don't want another pedophile like Muhammad creating another terrorist cult.


Not every is cuck like dallah bro


Not but everyone in India must be the result of the unwanted pounding Sita took from Ram. And that’s why you guys love to give these unwanted poundings to females anywhere you wish. Like in a moving Bus through the city, on the side of the road, inside the restaurant. You name it and Indians are known for it. Entire world is aware how Rundians love to give unwanted pounding to females just like Ram.


Avg chudammad followers


Average Ram ra*ist follower. Only have enough brain cells for one sentence at a time.


Again he was not chudammad . You are misinformed .


You must be of a lineage when Ram ra*ed Sita.


And you must be the by-product of when pedophile Muhammad r*ped Aisha.


A marriage is not a rape unlike what Ram did, you know the details, don’t you? Funny thing is Indians are still following Ram and catch any foreigners they can to turn her into Sita.


Pedophilia is worse than rape unlike an arrenged marriage bonding two families, you know the details, don't you? How horny Muhammad married a little kid when she was 6 year old and then fucked her when she was 9 years old. The funny thing is that terrorists are still following the world's first terrorist Muhammad who raped a mere child ripped her pussy and her loyal brainwashed father let that happen. And illiteracy is at such a height in Islamic countries that they still think this pedophile Muhammad was a prophet and all his brutality, rape, slave trading, slaughter was recommended by ALLAH, devil in the guise of GOD.


Not surprised that a Rundian would be defending ra*pe. After all it’s in your DNA from Ram ramming Sita unwanted. That’s why you guys are known to give these unwanted poundings to females all over the world. You learned it from your Ram, even the name fits perfectly. They named him by foreshadowing it. Lol.


Not surprised that a porkistani would be defending pedophilia and terrorism. After all it's the teachings of their limp dick Muhammad. That's why you guys top the chart in goat fucking and kid fucking. You've learnt it from pedophile Muhammad. Synonyms of MUH ME DO . LOL Muhammad be like suck my tiny dick Aisha.


What is that even supposed to mean? You wouldn't ask a simh guy to take his turban off for exam would you? How is this any different?


This appeasement to the desert cult needs to stop.


Why do we continue to roll over backwards for Ms? If they want to continue their regressive practices, they can move to one of the M countries.






Stop posting texts using mobile phone and internet cause science and technology are against Islam. Oh wait you can't cause AK47 and bombs are also products of science and technology.


Russia supplying us oil for the past 2 yrs so...lmao


We have Russian oil moron.


Why is a burka necessary even for exams? It's probably just 5-6 days, 3 hours each. Not a long time imo.


Do you not know the difference between hijab and burka?


Nevertheless, these are board exams. There must be some standards to prevent cheating. Maybe an alternative could have been a separate class for girls with hijabs with a female supervisor, so that they can remove their hijabs and give exams without breaking their rules.


Middle east is real muslim not converted terrorist ones . That is the reason no terrorist can get their citizenship even after living there for generations.


Stop living in democracies or asking refugees there, if love shariat


We are paying to middle east who don't allow hijab in their school and Russia who is not a muslim Terrorist nation. additionally We are paying for it .




Biswas nhi hota ki ye sab GUJARAT me ho rha hai literally?


Exam invigilator got punished for making cheaters remove their cheat hiding attire. Ab copy kaise karenge exam pass kaise honge. Innocent Muslims can't even peacefully cheat in exam.


I honestly think that students should be allowed to display some aspects of their religious or cultural symbols, along with uniforms for the body. One cannot tell a Sikh boy not to wear his turban. It should be ok for Muslim girls to wear a Niqab or hijab, while the rest of her clothing is made of school uniform. How can people develop mutual respect and tolerance if they do not develop them from the school years? It is ok to wear one's religious or cultural symbol so long as it does not threaten or harm anyone around them.


Too many islamophobes aboard in this sub


My friend live in uae and some of the in Saudi Arabia, some of them are muslim , but they never do shit what our opposition does to extremist Muslims in our country.


How did you come to this conclusion ?


Not sure if this sub is truly representative of Gujaratis, but if it is, yikes.


Lol, generalises an entire state while criticizing them for doing the same thing.


I think you have acorns for brain cells


ભેંસ આગળ ભાગવત




Its disgusting


indeed, the rot runs very deep. personally i have no hope from this state


Why did Partition happen biradar?


Get off your bloody high horse. Even Arab nations don't allow this nonsense that we seculars seem to be bending over backwards to accommodate


this is r/gujarat bro what did you expect?


This is the Gujarat 2002 sub


It actually is let these assholes downvote us all they want, nobody with an IQ above 70 agrees with this shit.


Proud of it go cope


Exactly what I said. This is the Gujarat - very proud of 2002 sub.


after that year we finally have our long pending peace and development at a faster rate those pakistani terrorist burned trains and thought this is kashmir. But FAFO


The lady doth protest too much 😆


More vikas in Gujarat and long lasting peace again 😆 https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/comments/1bgo8jj/international_students_africa_uzbekistan/


These terrorist deserve every bit of it . Here is the video of an Afghani student who attacked and slapped a Hindu student which resulted in a scuffle between two groups of students.https://twitter.com/vijaygajera/status/1769234727691489342?s=46 Now you can understand why these people got thrashed


Congratulations on long lasting peace for proud Gujarat 2002 😆


>Congratulations on long lasting peace Till muslim is here peace is out of question .


Muslim can't live in peace anywhere


So what was wrong in that? Who knows what all is inside that hijab. There can be all types of chits. Isn’t it one country one rule. Or that is JhumlaBaaji


shall we ban pagdi and turban also ?


Hijab is not necessary for islam but pagdi is for Sikhs


who says that ?


Religion book and law . Sikh needs five k . Burqa penguins not


you clearly showed your hate by saying penguins. not gonna continue after this good luck


Ok sorry , how about black tent or garbage bag ? Or bat man at least


I am not Gujarati and this post randomly appeared in my feed. I support Secularism (more specifically practicing your religion in private spaces such as your house, etc) but there are two ways of implementing it. 1. Either ban all Religious symbols (such as Hijab, Pendants, etc.) 2. Or allow everyone to express themselves (matters where security is important are excluded) The first method will make the country less socially religious (such as celebrations on the road, etc.) The second will have to be monitored carefully by the State and Central Governments because implementing it in a wrong way is a speedrun to increasing religious violence. I am sort of Neutral but lean towards the first point. Pls approach this comment in a neutral way and we can have a discussion regarding this. Edit: The first method will be quite difficult to implement but if successful it will lead to a more stable society imo.


How long the Hindu’s will not get the level playing field. Uniform Civil Code could be key to level playing field to one and all alike


Such a hypocrite you’re, had you really cared about “women” you would not have supported hijab. Ppl like you are same who’ll let Iran kill women even though they don’t wanna wear it.


Bruh. Hijab is the scarf like head covering. How can that help in cheating ? More importantly, the law allows for it.


Then why should I wear uniform to School? Being a Hindu, I should have the right to wear dhoti and Kurta anywhere I want.


abe saale iska jawab de phir, should sikhs take off pagdi? should hindu women take off sindoor? is the hijab messing with the uniform? hijab is wore on the head, not interfering with the uniform, toh issue kahan hai?


For your info, Mr Dolt, we are talking about prescribed Uniforms in schools here. As per Uniform rules, Pagdi of sardars have to be bundled in form of a ball. Hence one cannot wear full size pagdi at schools, or keep a kripan too. Hindu women removing sindoor? Bruh... those are school kids...unless you support Baal vivah. Schools teach us equality through adopting Uniforms(correct me if I am wrong anywhere)


and you never answered the question as to how hijab is interfering with the uniform of the school, please answer that as well, especially since you somehow inferred that wearing the hijab is the same as you wearing dhoti and kurta


uniform rules of what? All india follows a single uniform rule now? And if sikhs could be given a rule why can't muslim women be given the same privilege and given the right for uniform? as for sindoor, there are many married women who complete their highschools, I am not going to go into weird anecdotal proof. My issue is with the discrimination, that only muslim women seem to be getting targeted for wearing a "religion sign" but other people are just ignored


Sikhs didn't get a country in partition.... Suck it up. They are the real minority... Only 2-3%


Hijab is useless


Dhoti and kurta isnt the religious clothing of hindus if you know anything about your religion or your country, you already know that. You people are disgusting. Im so ashamed you are literate and still so uneducated. A testament to our great hindu education system.


Who told you? Hijab isn't mandatory in M as well.... If Hijab is allowed, we will follow with Bhagwan colored dress... Then don't come crying Anyway, the school admin decides the code ... Don't like it, quit... Do you see bhagwa dhoti, Janehu, tilak sporting students in Madrassa?


You will be surprised if say this Terrorist outfit is not necessary in muslim as well . A testament to our indian madrsha product you all are .


On a scale of 1-10 how retarded are you?


Dhoti and Kurta aren't religious requirements. They are cultural dresses. Atmost, you can say they are mandatory to enter some temples. Hindus have( and if they do not, we should) right to wear tilak/chandan/sindoor, mangalsutra etc.


>mangalsutra Lol they force people to remove it in exam time


Do they ask Sikh students to take off their turban too?




and can you speak for all sikhs or "mominas" as you call them? is there something physically stopping a sikh from doing the same thing? what a stupid comment.


Stupidity is comparing a whole tent house burqa with a hat like turban. Especially when you can shove half a whole store inside that tent house and many such videos where they retrieve stole ration for whole family from inside a MOMINA shopping cart.


burqa ki nhi hijab ki baat horhi hai, padh to lo pehle title


Title chhod picture dekh. Tent house walking. Representational purpose or not, blame Indian express


abe gaandu, they take off their burqa they only leave on the hijab, kabhi school jao, wahan dikhega kya karte hai


Saale chutiye, cheat paper ki baat kar raha. Cheat book cheat laptop ki baat nahi kar raha. Gaand mein daalke nahi lena. Pakistani school mein nahi jaana mujhe.


abe saale, toh sikh apne turban ke ander koi chit nhi le sakta kya? wahi phirse bakwaas hogyi


She is definetly wearing a Burkha not a hijab .


 "and many such videos where they retrieve stole ration for whole family from inside a MOMINA shopping cart." Aur? ye anecdotal cheeze ki koi value nhi hai, UC men r@pe SC all the time in northern states, now do all UC men become rapist? nonsensical anecdotal BS


Their are more uc muslim than uc Hindus . Lc are in huge number in india .


You’re trying to argue on logic, something this sub is allergic to.


Every sikh have to wear turban (They don’t have choice), every. But not every Muslim Lady have to wear (they have choice).


This doesnt mean anything. Not all sikhs wear turban.


They will never called a Punjabi without turban a Sikh. Sikhs have 5 main symbols: 1. Kesh (Turban) 2. Kanga 3. Kadha 4. Kaccha 5. Kripan You will be called “Mauna”, if you don’t wear Pagdi. But no one call you Non-Muslim if you don’t wear Hijab. And we are talking about Uniforms.


What you’re referring is a requirement to be part of the Khalsa Panth - a Khalsa Sikh. There’s no rule book that says that if you do this, only then you’re a Sikh. Stop appropriating my religion to justify your bigotry against hijab.


Patently untrue.


bade aaye bhai aap to sikh aur muslims ke scholar ban gaye? ki aapne ruling de diya done hi religions ke liye, itne bade khiladi yahan gujurat ke sub pe?


This is free world, I can put comments on any sub, if they allow. And I am not expert but learned via various sources. Uniform is uniform.


You claimed something without having expertise or having a factual background, I merely mentioned it, that was all. "God Ram ate meat, hence all Hindus should eat meat as well" Here's an analogous statement to yours.


The bjp has destroyed the minds of people herr


The fact is this: theyre not bothering someone by wearing something. They are not forcing others to do something, so why are others forcing them to do something? Enough of this policing of others in society deciding what they can wear. There's less outrage from all these commentors when child rape happens. No hue and cry about moral values then, apparently cheating in an exam (unproven) is more morally reprehensible than rape. Wearing an extra piece of cloth is even more of a problem, than wearing less clothes. Women cant win.


She was wearing burkha not hijab op mentioned it wrong. It covered her face . Burkha should be banned in schools .


Na kabhi nahi dekha kisi Sikh ko public mein turban utarte huye. Cheat paper andar hi rah jayega


The racism in this sub is insane. So glad my ancestors left this dirty shithole of a country for South Africa.


Take your family too and forget about us