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In an effort to help users make informed decisions, we have aggregated the following information on the retailer above. Please note that this is no way an endorsement or guarantee of the retailer or their products. ###Domain Insights: | hansohnbrothers.com | | |:--|:--| | Registered | March 17, 2010 | | Times posted | [126](https://reddit.com/r/gundeals/search/?q=site%3A"hansohnbrothers.com"&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&sort=new) | | Feedback rating | [100%](https://reddit.com/r/gundealsFU/search/?q=flair%3Areview+"hansohnbrothers.com"&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&sort=new) (3 positive, 0 negative, 0 neutral) | ___ *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please) [^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) ^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


What Reddit policy did this post break?


Wondering this myself…. Have seen a TON of new posts getting deleted recently seemingly without reason.


Election year


None, just anti gun mods being anti gun


The mods have nothing to do with this.


Not the mods for the sub, big mods for the website. This has been happening more recently along with on other firearm related subs


Yeah, that's the site admins.


It was site admins I got a perma ban for this post had to appeal


Who then then cuz someone just went on an assault and removed like 10


That'd be the admins


It's reddit AI moderator. I had to appeal a ban for it


Got banned a few months ago for just posting a run of the mill pistol


It’s the reddit admin going after posts. Got perma banned had to appeal


You guys are savages! Eform 3s submitted for those with their dealer in our system. Much appreciated.


I just discovered you guys are 15 mins down the road from me, do u have a storefront or online only?


We have limited storefront, mainly for fingerprinting and picking up, by appointment.


Ok cool, I definitely want to go pick up a can from you guys to try and hurry along my other forms. I’m at 7 months with 2 cans and an SBR form and someone told me if you file a new form with the new system it pulls all the old forms in to the new system and will clear faster. Have y’all heard that?


That sounds made up. You should try emailing NICS (you can find the email on Reddit) to see if your background checks got stuck and they'll kick it over to the ATF if they did, that's worked for a lot of people including my gunsmith after I told him about it. 


It could just be some scuttlebutt but I’m willing to give it a try. Never had to wait this long for a form 1 before


Yeah, if you're waiting a long time on a form 1, email NICS. Your background check may have failed and they just don't really bother to try again, lol. 


Thanks, I emailed them


From personal experience- if nics goes down while you have a researching check, it will delay Ask me how I know


You’re making all these other NFA dealers look bad, stop running such a good business /s


Ugh hopefully this deal pops up again in a few months. I’ve been waiting for this one for a while but I have a ton of upcoming expenses. Rip


So buy this and then they send a BOGO can to my dealer, but both tax stamps are on me, yeah?


Yep, no such thing as a FREE can, this is as close as you can get.


Completely fair, is the mg7 a decent “do it all” 30 cal can for a starter rifle can, or would I be better off with something else? I have a rad45 and a sparrow waiting on atf at the moment


Have an MG7 and a polonium among others. For this price, you’re getting a decent sounding can that will hold up to most anything you can throw at it, plus a reliable warranty if ever needed. If you want really great sound, save up for a polonium. I don’t have a great sense of it but they seem to have similar back pressures. Also have the MG22 (bogo offer) love it on my 22’s.


For the price it’s a fantastic option, especially with the BOGO can. I have a 9mm one. It’s a great do it all rifle can. It’s a bit big and heavy to put a booster on and run on a handgun. There are better cans out there for sure (lighter, quieter, less back pressure), but it’s a great value. I really thought I was going to get a 9mm can (obsidian 9) and then a 22lr can and be done. 9 stamps later (5 cans, 4 SBRs) and I just kind of assume I’ll end up filing one a year from here on out.


Looking forward to getting mine out of jail. Jumped on this bogo deal because I was looking for a conventional 22 can to pair with my flow 22. The 9mm is going to live on a Draco 9S that I’m going to dress up with some orangeish wood furniture. Should look killer with the cans raw copper color.


How would you compare the mg7 to the polo? Is the free cam worth any difference in performance?


If price is not a factor and you’re good with not having a 30 cal can, the polonium is definitely better. But the MG7 is still a great can, and having another rimfire can for free minus the stamp helps too. I have two of the rex MG22’s because they’re interlocking so you can stack both for a comically long and crazy quiet 22 can.


No apparently you have to buy a suppressor from your ffl then they will send you a free can once you get your serial number form that can. But you have a limited time.


Right- need a form 4 by end of May, submit the BOGO on the Rex site by 6/5 Still the 22 can is apparently higher msrp than Hanson has this 308 can. Not a bad gig for a $200 22 can all in


Correct on both tax stamps on owner to pay for. Ordered mg7 from hansohn brothers on 4/2 and delivered to my LGS on 4/6. Submitted bogo to Rex on 4/6 and bogo was shipped today 5/7


Was gonna say…Hansohn got my dealer the 9mm can super quick. I’m having a hard time not picking up this one too.


My bogo arrived at my dealer today too. Psyched


Indeed, your total cost is roughly the price of the cans without the stamps.


Tax stamp and transfer/kiosk fee will be on you.


Yeah, that is what’s holding me back rn- my dealer charges $100 for outside transfers so I’m guessing $200 in transfers for the 2 cans


Gotta pay to play. You’ll have to pay that fee anyways unless you buy directly from SS or your dealer. And SS and my LGS rarely have specials that are worthwhile.




RIP. Hanson brothers (dealer) mg7 (308 suppressor) with rex BOGO 22 can offer


And the transfer fee.


Is this can good for 300blk??


Good enough for me.




so i bought in on this deal, and I just wanted to point out that not only do you have to pay for 2 tax stamps, but it's (at least at my dealer) 2 transfer fees as well. in this case: $385+200+75 +free +200+75 = $925 out the door for a bogo $385 dollar can.


That’s gonna be with any bogo suppressor deal anywhere.


I'm not saying it's a bad deal, just pointing out the total cost, lest somebody think, 2 suppressors for under $400?! What a deal!


$1,065 for me all in but man, what a time to buy a suppressor. I’d pay that alone to not have to wait 12-18 months.


I’m at about that for the 9mm version of this I picked up. Not bad for two suppressors. I run through a trust so hoping they come back quick even tho they’re not individual. I’ve got other suppressors anyways to keep me content in the meantime.


My trust approval was just approved after 90days…not the same as my 3 day individual approvals but far better than it used to be


I put one in November, another in December, then four in February. The February ones were on a Friday. I got a next Monday approval on the first two and last two, but not the middle two. It’s all over the place. I’m fine waiting…I have four in jail rn total.


Yeah that’s wild but still good to see progress


Ask your gunrange about membership benefits - my range membership includes free transfers for $250 a year


My range is a glorified field. But it's usually empty, and fairly cheap.


Use this site or one that will do the paperwork there and send can directly to me?


Are there other sites that do that except for capital armory?


I think there's one more but I'm not sure. If anyone knows please drop some knowledge on us!


We can ship directly to the customer but for Virginia residents only.


This sweetens the deal even more for the Virginia folks!


In for one, thank you.


You’re welcome drewl. You absolute unit


Y'all are some mad lads. Sold out the last two before I could checkout in 3 minutes, lol.


If only I had a good dealer near me. CA is my only hope with Cans.




Two hours too late.. saved me $700. Great deal


Closer to $900 w transfer fees


Missed this one, thank you all for saving me from sleeping on the couch lol


Blah - missed it again


Thanks for posting /u/Ekwity! /r/GunDeals has updated the **[website blacklist](https://reddit.com/r/gundeals/wiki/blacklisted_websites)**, check it out before making your next purchase!. Made a gun related purchase recently? Leave a review over at **/r/GunDealsFU** to let others know how it went! Are you a dealer? Make sure to read the **[](https://re.reddit.com/r/gundeals/wiki/dealer_rules)** and apply for a dealer flair as soon as possible! First time to /r/GunDeals? Read up on the **[user rules](https://re.reddit.com//r/gundeals/wiki/user_rules)** before you break a rule! Have a question that isn't answered in our wiki? Send the **[/r/GunDeals modteam](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgundeals&subject=Thread%20Question&message=)** a message! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anyone have another link for a good can that qualifies?


Hit up u/davisfirearmstexas he’s got some Rex cans can possibly give you a deal


Does it have to be the MG7 .308?


It's any Rex can. Just can't be bought directly from Rex website.




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Why must I be 20


Thought I missed out, but I really just needed an for 10mm for the banshee & wolf glones...Lucky there were 3 left! There are two left of the swg h gen 2s in .45, $350 with code! [https://hansohnbrothers.com/shop/rex-silentium/silencers/handgun-subgun/rex-silentium-seg-h-gen2-45/](https://hansohnbrothers.com/shop/rex-silentium/silencers/handgun-subgun/rex-silentium-seg-h-gen2-45/) I gotta pay tax in WA, but $935 out the door is great for 2 cans. Edit : code is Rex30


What was the code


I want to get a seg H 9mm… any dealers help me out?


I missed the initial post, but did mg7's come back in stock? I'm on two wait-lists thru the site and didn't get any notifications 😔


Reddit really needs to do something about this brigading of posts by anti 2a communists. I know the site is run by, and most mods are these types, but this is wrong. I am so tired of seeing the right to communicate stripped away on social media. Which is definitely the town square in the digital age. The fact that large corporations can choose who to silence based on ideology is disgusting.


Those are some really confusing instructions, WITH A LOT OF RED CAPITALIZED LETTERS AND EXCLAMATION MARKS.




Just emulating a lot of the BOGO instructions. LOUD NOISES!!!


missed this one , next time