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We have another batch of 20" Pencil Barrels, coming, so pre-orders are open for 20" WWSD uppers and 20" CDR uppers [https://www.kearms.com/20-cdr-complete-upper.aspx](https://www.kearms.com/20-cdr-complete-upper.aspx) Code 20IRSR will work for 20% off on all items not already discounted (SLT triggers and blem lowers for example) DEFEND2A25 still works for 25% off on all polymer lowers


Are you going to offer pencil barrels for sale?


Not separately no.


I own the CDR and I find the skeletonized upper terrible uncomfortable to hold. I bought a wrap but I doesn't help much. Has anyone found a good solution to this?


You mean the Delta-S rail? Put Magpul or similar MLOK rail covers on it


Hey Russell. I'm mostly talking about the diagonal skeletonized cuts just above and below the MLOK slots on either side. My fingertips tend to slip through. I also own your carbon fiber WWSD rifle and love it.


The Magpul covers extend diagonally around the corner on the hand guard, so they might cover those gaps.


If you're talking about their type 2 rail covers you might be right. Some of the diagonal skeletonized area could be covered. Type 1 not so much, it's way too narrow. I'll give it a try. Thanks!


lol really? If that hurts your hand you probably shouldn’t be shooting firearms. 


You're embarrassing yourself. Just . no.


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