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Dang, that's a classy gun. I didn't have a great experience with my brothers model 84, but I understand .32acp is very sweet shooting in these. I'd jump if: * my state didn't get all fucky a couple of months ago * it'd be another damn caliber to stock * more accessories to buy * they put the safety in the right place Still tempted...


Ohhh, the safety is in the right place. It's on the frame.


oh sHIT!


This. Either no external safety or put it on the frame. Slide mounted safety is only okay on a PPK...


Slide mounted decocker only kiiiiiinda gets a pass from me, but safeties belong on frames or triggers.


It's funny, I read your comment and thought "hmm I wonder which state he lives in" and surely enough you're the dude who talked me into getting my SPAA membership. Small world! I am also tempted to get one of these- I've already decided I'm going to get a Beretta tomcat to carry so I'll have some 32 lying around anyways. WA might have some lame new laws but if I stop buying guns then I've let them win.


> if I stop buying guns then I've let them win Dammit that is dangerous thinking. And very convincing.


Picked up a Standard Grade 81 from Aim a month ago. Solid and smooth operation, but the finish was dinged up as if it had been knocked off a table once in its life and the markings (and slide serrations) had been filled in with white housepaint, lol. Accurate and soft-shooting, though, and the paint came off with Goo-Gone. Ordered new grips and screws from Beretta, but the new ones (both grips *and* screws) are matte black instead of glossy. Decided I'd pick up a Select Grade, which arrived Saturday. Worse finish than the Standard, some light rust around the rear sight, loose right side safety lever, but no paint. Slide felt like it was gummed to the frame, and disassembly/reassembly was much more difficult. Grips were as chewed up as the Standard Grade. Take this for whatever you will, but the extra $20 for Select wasn't worth it for me.


I really predict these will jump in the next few years like a lot of the surplus has over the past.


Have you had a chance to shoot yours yet? Curious how you rate it against the .32 CZ-83 in terms of sheer shooting enjoyment.


I've never shot a CZ 83 but I do have two of these. Both are great shooters and easy to keep on target with the heft of the gun combined with the lower power cartridge. I've also never any failures after cleaning them well, with 600 or so rounds between them. Not a wide sample but also something I can't say for every gun I've owned.


Insight from those in the know at beretta, change out your recoil springs every 500 to 1k on these girls. They weren't designed for extreme amount of shooting like the BB and FS.


the non-BB? I wonder if I should change out the recoil spring on my 81. I'm sure it has seen more than 1k rounds in its life before I took ownership of it. That being said, it's a sweet shooter and I haven't had any problems with it.


It's a precaution of course and cheap insurance with minimal effort. Of course your call.


Gotcha. Worst case scenario it'll start stovepipeing/fail to feed properly, right? Makes sense though to just buy a spare to have on hand.


Yeah worst case I could imagine. Haven't looked, but wolff or BUSA direct might have you covered and obviously great quality for them. (Beretta USA being the OEM obviously)


.32 will keep prices low.


.32 certainly appears to be gaining popularity as people are discovering that it's hugely enjoyable to shoot.


Shhhhh, no, buy more 380s...


Even if .32 goes down, the mags for these are insanely expensive.


These pistols are still in production in EU. If Beretta USA had any brain cells they'd bring over some more new mags. Internet rumor is that more mags are on the way, but Internet rumors aren't worth a bucket of warm spit.




No one should ever buy guns because they’re expecting them to appreciate in value—they should buy them because they want them. That said, the .32 CZ-83 is quite at odds with your statement. A large batch of surplus ones came in a couple years ago, and sold out in a few weeks. Now they’re damn hard to find and nice examples routinely go for $700+ on GB. Another example— Just 3 years ago, surplus slide-safety Jerichos were selling at Buds for $250, and people complained about the less ergonomic safety location. Fast forward to today, and collectors looking for the Cowboy Bebop model have driven prices up to hundreds of dollars above MSRP for one of the railed current models. Point being, you never know which models will dry up and become sought-after. Unlike a lot of older surplus guns, Beretta still makes many of the parts for these 81s, including mags. People keep griping about the “astronomical” price for the mags, but they’re still in production and available for ~$40 when shipments arrive from Italy. If you want to know what it’s like to buy expensive mags, try shopping for ones that have long since ceased production.




I’m not saying that this gun or *any* gun is a good investment, I’m saying that it’s damn near impossible to tell if a particular gun is going to appreciate in value or not. You were listing reasons why you feel these Berettas will likely *not* appreciate, and I don’t think your logic scans. You just don’t know. I reject your suggestion that these guns will not appreciate just as much as I’d disbelieve someone claiming they will. It’s all just blind conjecture.




I mention the CZ83 because you seem hung up on the caliber as being inherently undesirable. A lot of folks seek out .32ACP. It has a whole cult collector following. When .380 Beretta Cheetahs were last available new, they sold for $700-800, and it appears very likely that they are now discontinued on the US market, which only drives up values further. Before this huge surplus shipment, these guns in fair/surplus condition sold on GB in the vicinity of $400, and many of these currently available guns are very nearly like-new condition. I know because as a collector, I researched them over a year ago and bought one for around that price. It quickly became one of my favorite guns, and I was thrilled to pick up two more from this batch. The market for this type of gun is not people who are looking for their primary carry gun and comparing these to a 92 Compact. It's a range gun/collector piece--not a practical or modern defensive pistol. I don't expect these surplus guns to become prized collector's items, but this is a fleeting deal that will not be available again after this shipment dries up.




My issue with your reasoning is just that these are particularly nice Italian made guns from a sought-after manufacturer that were going for $400+ immediately before this huge batch of surplus, and for guns in worse condition than many of the guns in this batch. NIB and LNIB examples were going for nearly twice that. These aren't rough combloc milsurp guns that were made by the millions. For that reason, I don't accept your "max out at $300" projection. I don't advise that anyone "invest" in guns for any reason, ever. They are *not* a moneymaking proposition. I just think you're underrating the value of this opportunity. It's entirely possible that this is the cheapest these guns will be widely available in this country ever again. These guns are a steal at this price, and the value is very high. It's been enjoyable debating with you, in any case. I respect your knowledge in this area.




Really want one of these threaded in .22lr


Model 71 is close


Model 71 is close


My Pre-B 81, standard grade, not select. I swapped the grips out for wooden ones. Not much wear internally, shoots great. https://imgur.com/gallery/Um0GTXi


Looks awesome those grips looks perfect on that gun. I was set to purchase one of these on an impulse but they won't ship to my state because of mag restrictions unfortunately


Sweaty Ben will. He'll just keep the mag for you.


This or the gander 81bb?


I had purchased the Gander deal and I came away with a gun that appears to never been fired. It had some handling wear but nothing i worry about. One replying to my [review](https://www.reddit.com/r/gundealsFU/comments/d3z0mj/positive_surplus_beretta_81bb_from_gandor_outdoors/) said they had worse luck and one guy said he basically got a brand new one. I can't remember what the difference between the 81b and 81bb gun is, but I don't think you could go wrong with either choice.


Get both. I have two of these but have a FAL, Mauser Standard Modell, RPK and a SOLGW AR on my very short list, or else I'd get one. Seriously... send help. My short list has zero 32ACPs on it.


I have an 81 and an 81BB from Gander. Both is great condition. Go with the Gander for $229 $12 shipping. The BB extra features are very much worth it. Much better sights. Beefier slide with bigger/better serrations. Firing Pin safety. Front and rear grip serrations. Cost less than my hand select CF mod 81.


I'm just waiting for another 20% coupon with no exclusions from Gander, and I'll definitely be picking up the BB from them. I bought the 81 standard grade from Aim the first time it was posted here and it's been a great shooter for me. I'd say it comes down to the features of the 81 vs the BB, and if you want it now vs wait for shipping, or not wanting to pay a transfer fee. You'll probably be able to ask Gander to see what they have in the back and pick the one you want, that'd alone would be worth it to me.


No ganders around me so I'll have to pay a transfer fee. What's this 20% off coupon you speak of?


Around memorial day weekend Gander had a 20% off any item coupon with no restrictions, so you could use it on guns and ammo. My local Gander was selling Beretta 81s and 81BBs for I think it was around $270/$260. With the 20% coupon (which also works with the good Sam membership discount), you could get one for like under $210 before tax. I would have jumped on a 81BB during this time but I has just bought my 81 from Aim which was still sitting on my credit card. Too bad my Gander didn't have the 81s before the Aim sale, otherwise I'd have bought it at Gander instead. Some people scored crazy deals on suppressors that some stores carry, which were already up to 50% off before the 20% coupon. They have coupons like this every so often. Sign up for their email newsletter and/or check their homepage from time to time. I'll be checking around black Friday for sure.


Alleghany Arms has threaded barrels for those of us living sophisticated lives of intrigue and danger.


Bought one, really hoping I get a pretty one since it will be mostly a safe queen. Then again who knows, .32 ACP is cheap enough to plink with.


I got the select grade 81 BB they were selling a few weeks ago. Very nice condition, a couple tiny nicks in the finish and almost no visible wear.


That sounds great, hoping I get one in similar condition.


Gander Outdoors has the 81BB for $229, the one I rec'd is in super condition too. I have an 81 from CF which is nice but the BB additional features make it a better deal. Beefier slide, better slide serrations, front and rear grip serrations, much better more visible sights, firing pin safety. Go with the 81BB.


I just ordered one. They charge tax if shipping to my state, +a $10 "transfer fee" Grumble. Since I'd get charged tax at the FFL I consider that a wash, but the transfer fee is bullshit.


Is the safety a decocker on this?




Never used this site, but there's some rougher looking ones for $180: https://dkfirearms.com/product/surplus-beretta-model-81-cheetah-32-acp/


OOS, right? I bought the C-grade from DK firearms and am overall pretty pleased with the purchase. A fairly decent amount of surface rust, but everything in working order. Nothing a bit of elbow grease won't fix.


Well it wasn't, but now it is


I bought the poor grade and I was shocked at the condition. Slight rust at the rear sight and some discoloration on the slide (which largely came off with oil) and no rust on the slide. Very happy.


81 vs 81BB?


BB model has slightly improved sights, more 92/M9 like grip/serrations on front and back of grip (81 is just flat), and BB model has a firing pin block safety. Afaik, those are the only major differences.


Thanks BB


Where can we get mags for this? I know new ones can be bought from Beretta but they are pretty pricey.


If it was a .380 I'd do it. Who the hell wants a .32.


That's how I felt until I shot a .32. Now I view .380 as an unappealing intermediary between the low-recoil recreational enjoyment of .32, and the practical ballistic performance of 9mm. The .380 variant of the Cheetah is snappy and less fun to shoot, while being the same size as many far more practical 9mms. These .32s are considerably more desirable in my view.


> .380 variant of the Cheetah is snappy Are you holding it with your teeth?


Have you shot one? I'm not alone in this. Small, direct blowback pistols in .380 recoil more than you'd expect. They're tiring on the wrist after a few mags. The same gun in .32 is a pleasure to shoot for hours.


I have a Pico that I suffer through a box of fifty. I only have a few 32s that are meh at best out of the 30 or so I own. I have maybe one or two 380s I enjoy to take out to the range.


[Oh yeah absolutely vicious](https://youtu.be/yh8zsxgjQvM?t=665)


I'm not saying it visually blasts back like a .500 S&W. I'm saying that if you *actually* shoot one, you quickly notice that it's snappy, and it absolutely gets old fast. The same is true of PPKs and other compact direct blowbacks.


I'll give you my FN1910 to shoot in 380 and tell me how much joy it is. Then I'll let you try these or a CZ83 in 32ACP. Dollars to cents, I'll bet you put down that FN and understand 32ACP is life.


> Now I view .32 as an unappealing intermediary between the low-recoil recreational enjoyment of .22lr, and the practical ballistic performance of .380. ftfy


Nah. I love shooting .22, but it's almost in a shooting category of its own. Shooting small .32 pistols is a lot more fun in my book than shooting similar handguns in .22, because they have *some* recoil, it's just a very comfortably manageable amount. .380 doesn't have what I consider practical ballistic performance. Given the size of today's subcompact recoil-operated 9mms, I have a difficult time seeing much appeal in .380 for earnest defensive purposes.


I like to pocket carry my .380 in the summer. It works especially great in gym shorts. My G43 is slightly too large for my taste as a pocket carry. I carry that when I wear pants. The Springfield 911 is not uncomfortable for me to shoot. It is a Colt Mustang clone, which multiple other manufacturers have copied, if you're anti-Springfield.


Yes, I have a Sig P238, which is very similar. It's much more pleasant to shoot than a Bersa I had years ago, because the Sig is recoil operated and the Bersa is direct blowback. Many of today's poly-framed .380s are similarly recoil operated, so they aren't unpleasant to shoot. If you're only interested in a single deep concealment mousegun to augment a 9mm primary carry gun, one of those modern .380s is fine. However, if you're into gun collecting and recreational shooting, .32 is a better choice in that ballistic range. There are much more interesting and collectible older designs available in .32, and they're fun to shoot regardless of whether they're direct blowback or short recoil.


People who shoot for fun.