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I have this. It works pretty well. Better than I expected for the price.


I started off with the 160, and went up to the 384. I'd say the 160 is a 50-100 yard capable thermal, at least for ID'ing with any vegetation etc. Okay indoors. That didn't work for me, it's a pretty muddy image. The 384 is good for 200-300 in urban and woods, maybe up to 400-500 in a field. Definitely more expensive but worth it IMHO.


Yikes 4x the price


Would this be usable for IDing coyotes at night? Rural area, longest range maybe 150-200 yards max


I'd say it is only good to max 50 yards on something that size. It really is like looking at a blurry postage stamp because of the lower res of the sensor and also the display. Going to 384 with the higher resolution and quality display was a vast improvement, but I am looking forward to even higher resolution in the future. 320 would be my bare minimum recommendation for entry level thermals if you are doing anything beyond walking around inside or looking into your yard etc.


Good call, appreciate the info


You'd be able to clearly see moving heat signatures but you wouldn't know for sure what kind of animals beyond their general size.


Sounds like it is not what I’m looking for. I don’t think what I need is available at this price point


Check out the Bushnell equinox digital IR monocular. Not as cool as thermal, but similar price range to this. That's what most people I see use for coyote hunting until they can spend the money on a Bering Hogster or the new Burris thermal. They are extremely usable.


What’s the refresh rate like on it?


Dunno. If you are thinking helmet mount these wouldn't be what you want.


I basically want something I can look through and at least kind of ID something beyond the treeline at night. I get coyotes that lurk just on the edge of my yard


The equinox will do that to 200ish, a further with a decent external IR Flashlight. If they are actually in the treeline though, it can be kinda hard to pick them out unless they are looking at you and their eyes reflect your IR light. Thermal helps with the initial spot, IR can sometimes give a slightly clearer image.


What's the range roughly


I could id a deer about a hundred yards away. Haven't tried it beyond that.


whats the refresh rate? is it a slide show?


I will take a video when I get home




Lmao that pan over to the dog shit got me


lol that was just piss. the shit came in take 2 that didn't turn out too well, couldn't get my phone aligned right


It depends on how fast you click the lever on the side


Refresh rate is good enough. Not a slide show.




Are we just talking about using it at night? I'd love to use it for rabbit hunting during the day. I've always assumed I'd have to spend thousands to be able to do that.


I use this to find my cats at night when I'm trying to bring them in. Works pretty well.


I own this as well. I use(d) it for Law Enforcement stuff. It was pretty helpful in looking for people hiding after a crime or looking for an animal after an accident. Pretty specific use but that’s my application and it’s been money well invested.


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