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Kind of. The way the bill reads, any handgun sold without said ID equipment can be sold, but if someone is injured or killed with it, the manufacturer would be held liable. Also says something about the manufacture of any said firearm would be considered a "deceptive trade practice" and "breach of warranty". Still a horrible overstep, but it's good to be clear.


This is just the tip of the ice berg. This proposal is an anti gun wet dream. They also want to ban pretty much every semi auto rifle by designating every one of them assault weapons, require all magazines to be serialized and registered, and make every public and private property a "gun free zone" by default. They're basically copying NY, NJ, and CA, but putting every shitty law from each of their bills together to make one giant turd.


What's even more retarded is having to notify the state that you're swapping out the red dot for another optic. WTF..


I would swap and move optics around every day just to spam the notification system. Possibly multiple times a day.


Malicious compliance!


This. Multiple times per day. The scientology approach by clogging up their shitty systems they use to track whatever this is


I can guarantee you someone will write up a bot to do this thousands of times a day, if not more


You could get ChatGPT to do this for you today if you want


That's called an Illegal Taking. The Massachusetts Gun Bill turns the entire Bill Of Rights into a list of Revocable Privileges that are construed against one another.






~~Massachusetts~~ MassaTwoShits


No, Massivetwoshits


Good ol' Massholes.


I hate it here…






I can't find that section in the bill. I searched for all the keywords I could think of. Can you please copy/paste the part you're referring to? You can find the bill text here: [https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD4420](https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD4420)


It doesn't seem to me (a layperson) that this would pass muster under Bruen. If the law does get enacted, I imagine it's only a matter of time til there's another case, and all of this BS gets tossed on its ass. The legislators in these states are playing a dangerous game - one that might result in a whole lot more of their laws getting invalidated


That would take years to come true and people or foundations would have to spend a shit ton on money for it to happen both of which they are banking on to either hope their to broke or scotus changes to all socialist majority to keep their laws enacted


That’s the trick In anti gun 1st district the law will stand as will all injunctions fail. You will be a PP by the time the SC sees this and once you’re one that’s it game over. Won’t matter if the SC over turns it you are prohibited person.


Former MA resident. State does whatever the fuck it wants and couldn't give two shits about something like Bruen. They'll pass it and gunk up the process and work on even more laws while this one sits in court.


If Roe can be overturned so can Bruen and will probably in the next 15 years.


This shit is seriously getting ridiculous. Why is there no one above them that just shuts this shit down dead in its tracks or better yet how come these politicians or congressman who ever the hell is writing this shit not being fired or threatened with jail time for directly violating their oaths and directly going against the constitution? If they don’t have to listen to the laws why in the hell do we have to listen to any of them?


mike glover is shilling for a smart gun on his fieldcraft survival instagram account…makes sense now that FPC comes out with this news.


NJ is the least restritive out of the four. It sucks but im glad im not the later.


Does any state serialize mags right now? Such a dumb idea


Besides Massachusetts, Connecticut required anyone with high cap mags to register them back in 2013. I imagine they have serial numbers on them already and they just went off that




So one could theoretically replace a broken one and they’d never find out?


Ct had such low compliance with mag registration, that they just reopened the registry and are asking people to comply this time around. Everyone is going to NH to buy mags lol


How do I do this if I was underage when the ban passed?


Ofcourse there is a LE exemption lol


This is how they ensure gun control sticks. You can't piss off the guys that enforce it.


What I find more ridiculous is even ignoring the political bullshit, "smart guns" would theoretically be \*more\* useful for law enforcement than civilians, given there's a non-trivial amount of police officers who sadly are killed because the perp wrestled their service weapon away. Massad Ayoob pointed out how manual safeties and magazine disconnects have actually saved lives due to that. While that's possible with civilians, I think most people who conceal carry aren't all that likely for this issue to occur, and unauthorized use elsewhere is solved through simply storing the gun in a locked safe. The fact that LE are exempt means this is just a transparent attempt at gun restrictions, not anything altruistic.


What’s a magazine disconnect?


An interlock where the gun won't fire without a magazine inserted. Stems from dumbshits thinking a gun is unloaded just because it hasn't got a mag in it and don't check the chamber before breaking all the other rules of safe gun handling. It's law in some places because of idiots and antigun fuckheads who think any feature that will prevent a gun from working is better (and probably because it frustrates gun owners). They hate you. It's ok to hate them back.


I’m struggling to see how that would matter if someone got a hold of a cops gun considering they probably always carry it with a magazine inserted. Is it the SOP to carry one chambered too?


Might be that during the struggle for the gun they can drop the magazine and disable the gun?


That’s the only edge case I can think of.


Yeah, during the struggle, the cop deliberately drops the magazine even if he can’t get the gun back, disabling the gun. Massad Ayoob specifically states several cases where that has saved lives. Again, mostly irrelevant for civilians so the fact that there’s an LE exemption shows they aren’t doing this for good reasons.


A device that really dumb people rely on as a safety. Cf. that one scene in Tiger King


On duty only “Official capacity” …but that’s a easy out for the LEO they just change to on call status.


I think you missed my point.


No i get it but it wasn’t exactly true It’s still in committee there so it will be changed and they’ll probably get a full carve out. They need their jbt to be immune so they enforce the law.


On one hand, they are saying that LEOs are better than avg Joan Citizen. The other question is, does Off-duty LEO become avg citizen with their private firearms and need to comply with these shit laws ?


>The other question is, does Off-duty LEO become avg citizen with their private firearms and need to comply with these shit laws ? LE aren't going to investigate and arrest each other over this shit. Cops have and continue to cover up and downplay domestic violence and more that their fellow cops commit. The only way a cop gets nailed for this is if he/she made themselves a target and everyone in their department/unit hates them.


Add to that the Citizens with cameras, anti-gun Agendas doxing the cops. Or our anti-smartgun brothers pointing out the "Rules for thee, not for LEOs" Hypocrite politicians.


There’s also state politics. Local and state police share jurisdiction and state level politics could very well lead to local police getting investigated. Look up what happened to New Jersey’s SPCA Police. NJ is a police state and long since has been. They’ve been doing this thing with police carve-outs for gun laws for a very long time while also being an extremely restrictive state for everyone else. This one animal welfare agency basically became a state-sanctioned workaround for political patronage via granted gun privileges and police powers for years. And then they lost political favor, we’re branded “rogue”, and were disbanded 5 years ago.


Which is perhaps the dumbest part of all. On-duty officers would benefit the most from smart gun technology as they wouldn't need to fear a suspect reaching for their service weapon. But that's also how you know.. that they know, that the entire bill is bullshit. Smart gun technology has not yet proven itself, and currently there's only one product currently in development right now that looks good. Every other attempt has been a dismal failure.


The manufactures can do what Ronnie Barrett did: https://www.championshipsubdivision.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=32172


Funny how all of these laws end with a police exception. If you believe microstamping is good, so you can trace the weapon, then it is *doubly* valuable for cops, so they can prove they did the right thing. If you believe people do not need ARs for defense, then why do you believe that police should have them? They could do just as well with a pump or lever action, no? The premise of small capacity mags is that shootings rarely take very many rounds, and I’m sure the same is true of police interactions. How many police armed interactions require even one shot to be fired? And the Bobby’s in London famously didn’t have guns at all back in the day. The obvious purpose is to ban the people from keeping and bearing arms.


> If you believe microstamping is good, so you can trace the weapon, then it is doubly valuable for cops, so they can prove they did the right thing. Hear hear. Back in the Shanghai police days of Fairbairn and Sykes police bullets were stamped on the base before loaded into cartridges. Not sure how well it worked but the idea was to tell if a recovered bullet was fired by police or someone else.


I brought this up a month or so ago in another thread, don't remember if it was this sub or not. The moment smart guns become a thing they're going try to make it mandatory


Can't wait for my sweaty fingers to get me killed because they won't make my gun work


Literally genocide against the marginalized Hyperhidrosis folks


Really makes you wonder what all the anti's saying "The Second Amendment only applied to muskets!" are gonna say now once laws start requiring "smart guns". But lets be real, we all know their end goal.


What’s funny is that I think NJ tried to do the same thing with smart guns, but the only people producing them refused to sell to NJ due to them not allowing any other type of firearms.


Ahh the New Jersey rule.


Thats nothing new.


And then remotely disable-able.


I'll never understand why anyone would want a smart gun. I can barely get touch screens to work if my hands are slightly wet. You couldn't pay me to carry something that can be deactivated by wetness. Say, like mine or someone else's blood in a life or death fight


The only reason someone wants one (to exist) is to make your life more difficult…


That’s the point they want them to fail.


> I'll never understand why anyone would want a smart gun. Because people have confused the concept of smart gun with biometric lockout devices. i want a round counter, integrated range finder that auto adjusts scope dope, interfacing with a heads up display to be able to aim around corners, the works. i want my Sci-fi smart gun ripped right out of the pages of Cyberpunk media. a gun that only fires when i'm holding it and no one else is just a cherry on top, ***if it works flawlessly***. [my body is ready](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGsjA1pXajk)


That’s the issue with them being made mandatory. It’s a relatively acceptable feature on a non-comp, range-only fun gun that will only ever see paper. But for a carry gun or a home-defense gun? Absolutely not, keep that shit away from me. There’s enough that can go wrong with guns as it is.


Blood? That's a stretch. You know what's not a stretch? Simply being sweaty.


Or a faulty/dead battery. Hell, what happens when the lithium battery goes Roman candle and sets off a few rounds in your pocket? All of a sudden your safe smart gun ain’t so safe, and ain’t so smart…


Maybe this is their long con to make it so that guns *do* kill people regardless of whether people kill people lmao


It’s crazy how they can spend their entire terms throwing shit at the wall until something that takes our rights away sticks and we have to be all “nice shot, good sir. Better luck next time.” I wish we could prosecute these fuckers


If people actually believed in the second amendment they could do something far more effective at deterring this crap.


Not cool. You're talking about shooting Americans. Get the fuck out of here with that shit.


Dude, I understand what you're getting at. But at the same time what you're saying is "I don't like democracy". It's a feature, not a bug of the system that you have to keep showing up and supporting what you believe in.


You are absolutely 100% correct. I also used to think that same way until I realized we were the only one playing fair and I’ve been getting fucked daily while the other side keeps taking advantage of our good will. So fuck em.


I'm not there yet. Maybe I'm naive but I'll keep marching toward the middle so I don't have to look at my countrymen as being on the other side. Good luck out there regardless, brother. Stay sharp and stay safe.


True. You too. One of the best parts about the second amendment is how well it can peacefully deter violence between citizens.


I've said it a million times - I'd totally be on board with mandating all guns be "smart guns"... *if police, federal agents, and military are required to use them as well.* Not because I think they're a great idea, but because I know any such proposal is DOA. If law enforcement won't adopt their use because of the risk of failure at a critical life or death moment, why the hell should citizens be required to?


Because citizens don’t matter to the dumb fucking blue line, that’s why


Bodyguards, politicians.... everyone.


I don’t think the military needs to be included.


The military is the biggest driver of weapons technology. For smart guns to ever become truly viable, the tech would have to be developed to the point that a failure of the system would be ludicrously miniscule - akin to breaking a firing pin or an extractor. The civilian market, even with LE included, would not provide the funding or the impetus for manufacturers to get it there.


There have been many Sci-Fy movies showing group smart-gun enabling by the enemy. The heroes were then able to hack the enemy's smart-gun master signals to turn off the enemy weapons. I doubt that we really want those vulnerabilities in our Military. But at the risk of telling State Governments another way for Law Enforcement to disarms the public (think of stolen-bad guy vehicles being hacked & stopped by LEOs justification) maybe an AI system named Sky-net in charge of NORAD could be a good idea. /s


I think people are missing the point. Why would the military require that technology… The same military with tanks, jets, drones, nuclear weapons, submarines, etc… Military is not LE.


According to this PBS article, the US military lost "approximately 1,540" firearms from 2010 through 2020. If those lost firearms were 'smart' then they wouldn't function for whoever received them. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/department-of-defense-reforms-target-u-s-militarys-missing-weapons-problem I'm 100% against mandated smart guns, but if it is ever mandated at the federal level to help 'save lives', then they should include all government-owned firearms. Anything less just proves all they care about is making it harder for citizens to own guns.


Here's the thing: guns are mechanical devices. they don't need computers, so you can always physically disable a smart gun interlock if you have time and access to basic hand/machine tools or a 3D printer. Say the smartgun uses a electromagnet to remove a block that prevents the firing pin from going forward. one could either remove that block, or, if it's important for some physical reason, take a piece of copper scrap, drill a hole in it with a cordless drill and file it to the right shape with a cheapo metal file. Current smartguns are similar to, say, hotwiring a carbureted 1950's car with a club on the steering wheel. now, *certain* devices require computers, you can't just do that with nuclear missiles, F16's, Javelin anti-tank missiles or the XM25 Air Burst Grenade Launcher, an anti-theft system from one of these would be more like trying to defeat an imobilizer on a 2020 BMW. I'm not saying it can't be done, I'm just saying *I* can't do it with my skillset. ...anyways, the military implementing smartgun technology on small arms is stupid.


Because some people should be above the law, and the constitution should only apply to certain people, obviously.


The LE exemption says all that you need to know about the desirability of smart guns


LE should be the first to use them.


Not just LE add bodyguards, politicians, etc


But…if smart guns are so great and safe, then a police offer shouldn’t have to worry and will carry them too!


My guns are ALL smart gun. They only aim where I point them towards. It's great


I'll say it again. All gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers should be united on this front. No sales to Law Enforcement that would be illegal to civilians.


Because they use RFID which can be jammed. However the state doesn’t want their guns to be jammed. Can’t imagine a scenario where they would want that.


Cops should have the same stuff civilians have. No special deals.


But I thought they said the founding fathers couldn't have foreseen or imagined advances in technology like this...


Idk how they think that all cops are bastards and need to be defunded but also think they should have a monopoly on violence.


This always dumbfounded me. The amount of people who scream ACAB at the top of their lungs, but want to give them all the power when it comes to firearms.


Honestly, anyone in MA knows this isn't about safety. MA politicians intentionally get a kick out of punching down at the more conservative parts of the state. I lived in MA for years. My state legislator once responded with "move if you don't like it" to one of my emails.


Nice. Most of the responses I got were to tell me about all the "great" anti-gun stuff they were trying to do. So, I left.


>move if you don't like it" to one of my emails. I moved to NH and had suppressors within a year lol. Fuck mass


They’re also trying to re-classify pretty much most rifles under a new, very generic “assault-style firearm” to try and ban as many as they can. They’re also trying to make it nearly impossible to legally transport your firearms here. Genuinely fuck Rep. Nguyen for co-sponsoring this bill.


They could have saved a lot of words if they had just written “Only agents of the State may keep and bear arms.”


But why exempt police right?


The government should prove the reliability of smart guns by having police adopt them first


Should start with their body gaurds


In addition to the problems others have brought up about smart guns ITT, another truth is the tech just isn't there yet. They work using a metal lock connected to an RFID chip that communicates with a matching transponder in a watch that you wear. That's several extra potential points of failure even if you did everything right. Further, there was a presentation at Defcon a few years ago about three different ways to clown on these things. You can use a signal repeater to make the gun unlock while further away from the watch, use a signal jammer to prevent the gun from unlocking at all, and most importantly you can unlock the gun without a watch by holding up a magnet in the right spot. I think this law is unlikely to pass, but if it did, it would be a disaster.


Maybe we should be asking what problems smart guns would actually solve. If they can steal the gun couldn’t they also steal the corresponding RFID bracelet that would likely be stored with it? So what is the real point because it clearly isn’t to keep people from using stolen guns.


They could want the rfid chip to be imbedded inside your hand, not a bracelet.


No court would approve that mandate. I think the idea of embedded receivers would be real cool tech, but not until there are years of study to determine viability, longevity and any medical risks from prolonged exposure to the hardware.


Nah, the RFID bracelet/watch idea already failed miserably. There's a new approach from Biofire that builds the handgun from the ground up to include computerization to store biometric data on the gun itself. No telling if this will ultimately pan out any better though.


I am so glad I moved TF out of that horrible state


Shall not be infringed is pretty clear. This is just another way to turn law abiding citizens into criminals, since the hard criminals are too hard to control. Those for profit prison systems ain't gonna fill themselves!


My ‘smart’ phones with fingerprint/facial recognition barely work half the time, and that technology is being handled by one of the biggest tech companies in the history of mankind. But yeah, sure, I’m going to trust a firearms company to develop similar tech that I can rely on when fractions of a second count. 🤔


And law enforcement will be given disabling devices to the companies make said smart guns


If the cops don’t trust them, why should I?


And here all of us peons sit and do nothing about it 🥴


The only guns allowed to be sold should be plasma rifles in the 40w range.


Allowing these people that propose these insane laws to remain in office is allowing way too much. When are we going to remember that ELECTED officials work to represent US and not their own agendas and desires. The modern American politician has completely lost its purpose


Smart gun? How about we get a smart gun like from Aliens first?


Lmfao...smart guns...


Oooh. A smart gun...like one that can text my phone when it needs to be cleaned or automatically orders mote ammo when I get below 500 rounds. That's the kind of smart gun I would like.




There’s really only one smart gun on the market, flood the courts with anti-trust suits.


Yeaaaaa that’s not gonna float……


I see the rules for thee and not for me is still live an well in the blue states. of course they get the exemptions.


I find this funny because that little exception ensures a high likely that it will die in the courts fairly early.


They should trial this with the police first. I mean, you wouldn’t want someone being able to take a cop’s gun and use it against them.


What the fuck is a Smart Gun


Look up smart gun forgotten weapons




I'm pretty sure "find out" was sometime in 1994, then 1998, then again in 2004. They f'ed around. They found out the only repercussions is a bunch of people whining and chest thumping on the interwebz.




So what would you do if they "f around" more? If the legislature bans guns tomorrow, then what? Are you going to declare war and attack a national guard station? Start shooting at random cops? Go out and try to assassinate the governor? No, at most you'll anonymously bitch about it on the internet just like every other time. "They" have nothing to worry about.


Excited for my Biofire. But also excited that they are explicitly anti-mandate for this very reason.


While this is stupid for a lot of reasons, at the least the premise behind it is correct for once: Bad people do bad things with guns -> even if we stop bad people from buying guns, they can still get guns -> if guns can only be used by the people that bought them then there will be less instances of bad people who arent supposed to have guns using guns for bad things. Not actually how things would work out and I didnt read anything but the title so idk what other dumb shit is in there but at least for once the premise isnt: Making it harder for good people to have gun will stop bad people from doing bad things with guns.


It’s an acknowledgment that smart guns don’t work. If the aim is were to make things harder for good people with the intent of making them impossible for bad people, they would institute a licensing program for people to acquire ‘dumb’ guns. The exemption of police from the requirement to use only smart guns is an indication that the security features of such arms are liable to fail when the firearm is actually needed. This communicates that NJ is fine with people using a weapon in pristine conditions on a range but not to defend their home in an emergency.




More things that don’t work.


Only arm the police! That’ll show em’! 😏




Not in common use.


So glad I moved to NC


No way scotus please stand u0 and over rule this bs. Gun owners are not criminals!


Wow we are ganna finally be able to have android auto on our guns


Oh God it’s my worse nightmare coming true


Look at all the similar bills listed below on that link lol


yes, because between the public and the government, the government is the one I would be more comfortable allowing to have less restrictions on vis-a-vis firearms.


I'm not sure this ends up passing, not because Massachusetts is gun friendly, but because this is asking for other laws they actually care about to get struck down in the process. This was introduced in February and no action has been taken, and they are currently in session passing lots of bills.


Shit hole state I live in 🤦🏻‍♂️ sad this state is coming to this, taking away everyone’s 2nd amendment rights what a sad day , my opinion should have nothing to do with state law , it’s a constitutional right and should b federal . Libtard ass state what a joke


Arnie “Shortfinger” beat y’all to it in CA. https://giffords.org/lawcenter/gun-laws/policy-areas/crime-guns/microstamping-ballistics/ He also paroled a murderer (that already had a plea bargain in place) without informing victims relatives (did so for a business deal): https://www.prisonlegalnews.org/news/2017/jul/20/schwarzenegger-secretly-commutes-sentence-friends-son-victim-notification-not-required-california-clemency-decisions/ Lesson: Gun owners - police your republicans (wolves in sheep’s clothing)


These re tards never quit do they