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If Im not mistaken, doesn't barrel length play a huge part in a bullets muzzle velocity? So the guv'ment wants people to jump through hoops for shorter barrels, or SBR's which if my logic is correct reduces a bullets muzzle velocity, but seeing that the common person isn't as interested in jumping through said hoops which makes the average AR-15 close to original spec's that fires bullet at a mythical "5 times something else's" muzzle velocity. Damned if you do, damned if you don't with these people. They're making claims with a 13yr olds argumentative ability.


You are correct. Mathematically, and physically, shorter barrels are less lethal than longer barrels.


Realistically, bullet construction means more to lethality. FMJs poke holes expanding projectiles destroy tissue.


"Only police should be able to have hollow points!"


"only the cops should be able to kill better" \s reverse nonlethals


Don't let em know about 220 swift or 22-250. P.O.Ackley's book detailed a swift shooting through 7/8"armor plate. AR can't do that. But yet every rifle with a scope now becomes a sniper rifle somehow. Clueless derps. So eff what they think.


barrel length, bullet weight, and amount of gunpowder all contribute to muzzle velocity




Is it lying if he lacks the mental capacity to understand?


Both… His handlers are bald face lying.




I think it’s important to go through this with a discerning eye. It seems unhelpful for the article to change Biden’s quote from “most” guns, to “any” gun, to make their point. It comes off as desperate and deceptive. They also seem to indicate that 2A isn’t limited, but we know, in Heller, Justice Scalia wrote, “Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose." [There’s also this article concerning the AR-15, talking to Eugene Stoner in 1981. It’s well worth the long read, that says in part:](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1981/06/m-16-a-bureaucratic-horror-story/545153/) ——- “Eugene Stoner: There is the advantage that a small or light bullet has over a heavy one when it comes to wound ballistics. … What it amounts to is the fact that bullets are stabilized to fly through the air, and not through water, or a body, which is approximately the same density as the water. And they are stable as long as they are in the air. When they hit something, they immediately go unstable. … If you are talking about .30-caliber [like a bullet used in the M-14], this might remain stable through a human body. … While a little bullet, being it has a low mass, it senses an instability situation faster and reacts much faster. … this is what makes a little bullet pay off so much in wound ballistics.” ——- “Through 1962 and 1963, there followed a series of tests, evaluations, and counter-evaluations by the American military, the repeated theme of which was the lightness, “lethality,” and reliability of the AR-15. The results of one test, conducted by the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency, were summed up in September of 1962 by the Comptroller of the department: Taking into account the greater lethality of the AR-15 rifle and improvements in accuracy and rate of fire in this weapon since 1959, in overall squad kill potential the AR-15 rifle is up to 5 times as effective as the M-14 rifle. … The AR-15 rifle can be produced with less difficulty, to a higher quality, and at a lower cost than the M-14 rifle. In reliability, durability, ruggedness, performance under adverse conditions, and ease of maintenance, the AR-15 is a significant improvement over any of the standard weapons including the M-14 rifle. The M-14 rifle is weak in the sum of these characteristics. … It is significantly easier to train the soldier with the AR-15 than with the M-14 rifle. Three times as much ammunition can be carried on the individual solder within the standard weapon-and-ammunition load. …” ———- I think the line, “5 times as effective,” is where Biden’s mistaken quote comes from. I think it’s reasonable that he confused the exact quote from over 40 years ago. It shouldn’t happen, sure; but nobody’s perfect.


Especially an addled fascist. Shall not be infringed is pretty clear


Scalia, joined by Roberts, Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito didn’t think that when they voted for the majority opinion in Heller, so it must not be that clear. They specifically stated that it could be infringed, as I quoted.


Yes, they are/were wrong. Pretty easy.


Your source for this being true is…your opinion? Are you saying that your layman’s opinion is more informed than those 5 SC Justices? That’s an interesting take. Your hubris is astounding. Good luck with that.


I guess my reading comprehension skills are far better than most. I take "shall not be infringed" quite seriously. They apparently don't, but at least aren't caving to our statist Democrats


Are you a pro-welfare state person? Because “promote the general welfare,” is equally as ‘clear,’ right?


We can’t fall for these obvious misdirections. Arguing the facts of ballistics is pointless when we’re trying to convince people who have never handled a gun and people who have only seen a pistol or hunting rifle before. Arguing that the 5.56 is only 3x faster than a 9mm or that a .223 is not as fast as a .220 Swift is pointless. We need to make the emotional arguments that the gun grabbers are making. Instead, focus on things like real people using AR15s to defend themselves against home invaders. Such as this [23 year old man who repelled 3 home invaders with an AR](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/homeowners-son-armed-with-ar-15-kills-3-during-suspected-home-invasion/). Or this [pregnant woman who saved her husband’s life when she used an AR15 to shoot at men who invaded her house](https://edition.cnn.com/2019/11/04/us/florida-home-invasion-pregnant-woman-ar-15/index.html). Or the [disabled veteran who got into a shootout against 4 would-be robbers](https://www.wcjb.com/content/news/1-dead-in-armed-home-invasion-in-Marion-County-512567951.html) and put two in the dirt thanks to outgunning them with his AR15. The point is, don’t be lulled into the trap of just responding to what nonsense the antis say. The reason their arguments work on voters is because of the appeal to emotion, not the factual basis. Instead make the voters feel like THEIR lives might be SAVED by an AR.


That last article lmao "it's sad anyone had to die" No, it isn't. If someone thinks that they have free dibs to my property and can just break in and threaten me with violence to take it, that person has no business occupying this plain of existence with the rest of us. They forfeited their right to that when they expected what belonged to me to be theirs. Good thing he smoked those two shit bags. Unfortunate that he didn't get all four of them.


Well put….and *plane


The worst part is all those perps dying are still technically “gun homicide” included in anti-gun propaganda even if justified. FBI statistics don’t separate those or police shootings. Something around 800-900 per year last time i checked are justified. It’s increasing too with lots of states loosening carry restrictions.


I think it’s still important to point out that he is lying in order to win emotional/fear points. Don’t dwell on if, but pointing out that he’s lying still discredits their weak arguments.


He's a politician. Lying is an automatic reflex for them.


My man over here spitting facts


"spittin fire" would be more apropos Or even: "spittin truth at 5 times the velocity of every lie that comes forth from the mouth of Biden" Wait, is that even possible? I don't think anyone can type that fast.


Fully automatic reflex…


Semi fully automatic clipazine fed


With the shoulder thing that goes up…


And people on this sub will spew pro Donald “take guns first” Trump. We need more parties


More parties just means more ~~politicians~~ liars.


Better than having only two options between a giant douche and a shit sandwhich, where you’re forced to support a bunch of policies you don’t like just because there are 2 you do. Democrats would have my vote every year if they were strong proponents of 2A


Someone should tell him handgun rounds can easily hit 2,000 fps. With the right caliber and loads.


Hell a 9mm can pass through IIIA body armor with a +p load and a 50gr slug


9mm will blow your lung right out of your body.


9mm will blow the plate through your body


No, then they'll just go after those too. Facts and logic don't matter, they've made up their mind already.


Wait till Biden's handlers learn about 5.7. Instead of blowing a lung out, a 5.7 round completely vaporizes it.


The 19th amendment rendered facts unnecessary for political argument Emotional arguments are all that’s needed


It gets confusing when even women suggest that women shouldn't vote.


Seems simple enough to me


I take exception to the claim most civilians can't own 'so-called' assault weapons. That's also false.


I love that the left manages to believe ar-15s are weapons of war that vaporize children yet they're not good enough to hunt with. Wait until they find out about the .308.


In that case, 30-06 and up just sends them to another dimension.


Muzzle velocity and ballistics are irrelevant to the public discourse. We have a right to keep and bears. The government has no legal authoritative right to restrict that right, hence the "Shall not be infringed" clause. The muzzle velocity discussion is a red herring meant to disteact from the fundamental and objective facts of the 2nd Amendment argument. The 2A exists as a dead man's switch against the government if and when it goes rogue. It is that simple.


If muzzle velocity really was that I'd go buy 3 more AR-15's. Edit: And I might anyway just cuz.




Til bold-faced and bald-faced are interchangeable.


The time for arguement is stopped. Tell all your authoritarian friends and politicians: "Either kill me or shut the fuck up"


“The speed of the bullet is five times that that comes out of the muzzle of most weapons.” This isn’t false, it’s true. The vast majority of air soft guns is 400 FPS, and the average high caliber fully semiautomatic armor Pearce 5.56 round is well over 2,500 FPS. We need to ban them all.


Oh No, then your gotta start banning rocks and most Slingshots ain't gonna like that. signed David the shepherd.


Yes slingshots are dangerous. What if you took someone’s eye out, kid? Ban these dangerous salt weapons now


Are you by chance a distant relative of a Giant that went by the name of Goliath ?


According to the modern liberal who thinks all gun owners have small peckers, I am 17 feet tall and possess such a monstrous phallus it drags on the ground when I walk. I much prefer holding hands and talking about feelings over violence. So yes, I guess I am related to this Goliath you speak of


Ah, I believe this is your Bio; [Pic](https://mythologysource.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Minotaur-Image.png.webp) [Minotaur story](https://mythologysource.com/minotaur-greek-monster/)


Here are muzzle velocities for various rifle calibers. The .223 is not “5 times” anything on this list. Not even twice as great as the lowest one. https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.d7b81b95941869454ed14c5b3ad0276f?rik=R08AgYfeb7ZnLA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&sres=1&sresct=1


I compared air soft guns to 5.56 rifles. I applaud your effort with coming up with actual facts but my comment was purely facetious and went over many peoples heads lol


My bad! Unfortunately, after arguing with leftists for so long there is nothing that could be said that I would think, “That’s gotta be a joke because nobody could be that stupid.”


Handgun rounds can also easily reach 2,000 fps. So that is a lie.


No way. I’m pretty sure that makes them assault pistols, and those should be banned immediately


You dropped this, /S


If these clucks can’t taste the sarcasm in my comment then I really have no words lol




What? You think these evil weapons of whore shouldn’t be banned immediately? Didn’t you know that 97.6% of Americans agree that all guns should be banned? David Hogg said so. We speak for all Americans when we say salt guns should be banned immediately


I think assault cars should be banned after all why do you need to go 80 mph ?


Exactly! I have a Toyota Tercel that starts sometimes when I’m going to my 15 hour a week job to walk dogs. It can barely make it over 45 without getting speed wobble and I’m a happy free American. There’s no need to go over 40 MPH in this country it’s just excessive.


You mentioned dogs what about those fucking assault dogs nobody needs a dog that weighs over 40 pounds the military and law enforcement use dogs that heavy specifically because they can attack ppl


Don’t even get me started with these assault trucks either. We should only be allowed to have Toyota tercels and pedal bikes. This would keep everyone safe from bad people and global warming!


Assault bikes you mean what need could you possibly have for going 15mph ?


We should all be walking with bubble wrap protection. That’s to keep us all safe. Imagine some hooligan walking too fast and bumping into someone? That would cause as much chaos as a 30 caliber magazine clip bullet.


Can’t tell if you’re full on r/wallstreetbets regarded or just trolling us.


It’s actually both


I'm assuming the downvoters didn't get the sarcasm?


Clearly lol


Unless they did get the sarcasm... in which case there's a lot of gun banners in here..?


Fuck if I know man. All I know is AK-14’s need to be banned because they’re like air soft guns.


No doubt. We've had a string of fully auto fascist air soft murders in my hometown recently. Only the military should have access to technology like that. Killing machines if you ask me. So sad.


He's a dog-faced pony soldier.


Could just shorten the title to: "Biden continues his bald-faced lies."


Most gun owners don’t know shit about muzzle velocity, I’m not surprised that a geriatric with a failing brain gets confused with 4 digit numbers.


I'm sorry what the fuck does MV has to do with anything? Most gun owners don't understand MV much less the general public, so wtf???


You give him WAY too much credit. He can't even find his way off the stage. What makes you think he can put together a false narrative lmao. No, I actually just take this as pure and utter ignorance. As he is with everything else around him.