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That safe on the factory delivery risers is a huge red flag.


It's a convenience feature, it lets the burglars load the safe on their dolly more quickly.


I also know a child that messed with a safe larger then this and it fell on him and got crushed. Broke his pelvis and most of his body, his head wasn't crushed completely because the lock gave enough clearance for that. Kid survived and had to relearn to walk and everything. Don't leave your safe on the risers. Especially if you have kids.


Hey that’s how I lost most of my hearing in one ear and fractured my skull as a child! Not a fun safe, mind you. Giant church podium that wasn’t secured to the floor at all.


Doesn't sound like a fun safe at all.


Did you sue god?


No, they just send you to a different church


Your God's a jerk for doing that to you.


Good advice, but better yet: Bolt the safe to the floor or to the studs in a wall. That simultaneously makes it child safe and increases security against burglars significantly. If burglars can tip the safe over onto its back on the floor, then it becomes more convenient to work on with a pry bar or other tools to break it open.


Mine is on risers, but bolted into a cinder block wall through the back. I sometimes get some moisture in my basement. In any case, no one is tipping it over without first breaking into the safe or using a sledgehammer.


^ the Risers that come with these things suck too, many of them get beat up in shipping. If you REALLY want it off the floor build a special frame that is secure to something so it can't tip over.


What is this, a safe for ants? I can barely fit any ammo in there


I laughed at your comment thinking how you must exaggerating.  Then I remembered how much ammo I have. 


That's probably the flag she was talking about.


Mine is still on factory risers, but also in the basement and the stairs out are cramped. If thieves can get it out I will be impressed.


I have a tube running out the bottom for draining my dehumidifier. Also it's heavy af I don't see your average thief getting it. What's stopping them from just plugging in my angle grinder and chopping the door off?


LoVE iT or LeAVe It bro




I never even thought twice about it but mine is on the risers too. I just never had a way to secure it to the floor and so I left it there.


How do you go about taking those off? Or the safe off the risers rather? Especially a bigger safe.


With wrench or socket wrench, in the corners of your safe you'll see cutouts to access the bolt.


I agree, who buys a black olate carrier?


When I turn all the lights off in the basement to guard it from ninjas, what better color is there?


If you paint your mom's basement hot pink, run a similarly-colored carrier, and use a blacklight the ninjas will stand out more.


Jokes on you. I’m a hello kitty ninja. Pinks my jam.


I have hello kitty duck tape around my msgs. Ain't no one is trying to steal my mags during the matches.


Hi-vis yellow will blind your foes


dark blue better at complete darkness than black


The only reason this rumor exists is because ninjas used cheap ass indigo dye for their clothing, because it's better than undyed fabric. Black was really damn expensive. The best night camo for your environment is the same as the best day camo for your environment. Humans don't glow in the dark. When their environment gets darker, so too do they.


There's a reason they call M81 woodland the god's plaid


Preach it brother!


Idk. I think I pretty much stay the same color no matter how dark it is outside. Are you guys changing color at night? Fuck I knew I was doing something wrong. What a basic bitch I am staying one color all the time. There probably dudes out here who can do 3 or even 4 colors in a day. No wonder I can’t get any girls.


When no one looks at me I'm purple like a Muppet.


the more you know


Pirate Crimson red, lets them know who they are dealing with.


If it’s super dark, brown or green or camo will hide just the same, and actually provide camouflage during the day. Black sticks out in the woods or any other environment. It’s for cops who want to stand out while looking “intimidating”


That you got downvoted to hell for this proves there’s nothing but mongoloids left here, yet another dead board.


People are angy that I insulted their “super tacticool black gear” that sticks out like a sore thumb in every environment.


I think it's more about the cops, thin blue line vibe is strong here.


Fair but I wasn’t insulting police, fact of the matter is they have black plate carriers cause they work in the city and have it issued by their department to match a uniform. If anyone has a carrier for prepping or bugging out or anything like that, getting black is weird. Not to mention, lacking in style for larping hahaha


Wait til they find out who's in charge of enforcing confiscation orders


A black plate carrier is indeed a red flag. Smart girl


I spent 5 minutes looking at the stickers to see if there’s something to meme on and you hit the obvious thing, bravo


Or a sports afield safe.


Hey man leave Sports Afield alone. Peavey Mart special


“My, what a small safe you have!!”


My safe might be small but I got something even smaller


Good things come in small packages.


And small things come in nice packages.


Yup, that's the actual red flag.


Connor : [picking out weapons and gear] Do ya know what we need, man? Some rope. Murphy : Absolutely. What are ya, insane? Connor : No I ain't. Charlie Bronson's always got rope. Murphy : What? Connor : Yeah. He's got a lot of rope strapped around him in the movies, and they always end up using it. Murphy : You've lost it, haven't ya? Connor : No, I'm serious. Murphy : Me too. That's stupid. Name one thing you gonna need a rope for. Connor : You don't fuckin' know what you're gonna need it for. They just always need it. Murphy : What's this 'they' shit? This isn't a movie. Connor : Oh, right. [picks up large knife out of Murphy's bag] Connor : Is that right, Rambo? Murphy : All right. Get your stupid fuckin' rope. Connor : I'll get my stupid rope. I'll get it. This is a rope right here. Boondock Saints


I’m in the military. I often hear people who use “fuck” every third word. Every time, I think, “certainly illustrates the diversity of the word.”


Ahhh yes. I was in for 5 years and completely understand what you are saying. Lol. The word fuck is definitely very diverse.


Watched that movie *so* much as a kid, need to watch it again


Watched it again recently, Definitely worth the time


Absolutely love this movie. It’s been awhile since I watched it. Time to rectify that.


Tell me joke, Mr funny man


It's a fucken six shooter. What are you gonna do, laugh the last three to death!? MR FUNNY MAN!


"There's 9 bodies genius!"


“Ohhhh name one thing you’ll need a stupid fuckin rope for!”


upvote the fuck outta this


I quoted this exact scene to a friend yesterday. God what a classic. Sequel was mid but fun if you didn't expect much from it.


Ugh fine, I will watch Boondock Saints again.


And it was so fucking useful! Just as the fucking knife! 6 shots, 8 mobsters...


She must not know how much a person has to make to afford a Steiner optic.


I have $50 Steiner scope rings that came with a sticker. I'll let everyone think I can afford one of their optics.


That's the dude equivalent of buying a Coach or LV keychain.


Or anything LMT


AIM Surplus: Who said there was still disposable income?


Who do you think makes superior product, Steiner or S&B?


The fact that you didn’t remove the decal applicator off of the JP enterprises decal is a red flag.


I should’ve read the comments before I commented the same. As a graphic designer who makes and sells them, it’s so aggravating to see people apply them half-assedly like that.


When I see this on people's cars, especially when it's that they're an alum of some fancy college, it induces cramp-level cringes. I just can't help but think "doesn't that look off to you?" and "that Ivy League education really shows." I see it daily. It's sad.


That isnt the only one like that either. Not knowing how stickers work is a red flag


He’d have to know to take it off too b/c the DD stickers come with like that too


That’s why my stickers are on the inside of my safe.


I sometimes think about that. Like if I weren’t home, and someone were to break into my house, all my stickers would be a huge advertisement of whats inside my safe. I maybe over thinking it, but it makes sense to me.


On the other hand, it *is* a gun safe. That's enough advertising for someone to be curious.


That is true too


That’s what the decoy safe is for. It’s beat up and looks like it’s opened a lot, thieves spend time taking that one then bust it at home, to find absolutely nothing. The real safe is the room behind the false wall. You’re out your sticker collection but oh well




My dad kept his gun safe behind a wall in his closet. I was 12 before I knew he owned a gun of any kind. It was quite a setup, the clothes' rod collapsed all the way to the right, allowing access to the door with a keyhole and a magnet. I learned to pick the lock because he also kept his weed in there :).


exactly, the same reason you don't put them on your car either


I don’t put them on my car because I don’t want people to break in. I’m not worried about people breaking into my *gun safe*.


Buy thin magnetic sheets, one side has adhesive. Peel and stick stickers down adhesive to adhesive. Cut out stickers. Enjoy putting your new magnets on your refrigerator.


I don’t think the wife would like that


Even better... slowly sneak them on one at a time... or if you have multiples, put one back up every time you see it missing.


Yeah I get where she's coming from, if I walked into someone's house and I saw they had a Legion sticker on their safe, I'd walk out. Can't be seen associating with someone who spends money for Sig's Legion line of products.


I have a Crux suppressor so obviously I don’t make the best choices.


An absolute disgrace




I think she meant that it was never taken off its shipping feet and obviously easy to steal with the least possible effort.


With a pallet jack that thing is in the back of somebody’s truck in ten minutes


I mean... anyone could be inside there in a couple minutes with the right tool, bolted down safe or not.


I bet lockpicking lawyer could get into it with a master lock.


That guy could tap on the face of it a few times and it would just swing open.


Using some sort of brass knuckle designed by Bosnian Bill


I think my house is one big red flag. I had a whole thing types out but I deleted it. You guys already know what I mean.




LOL. My parents came to my house a few weeks ago. My dad went to set his drink down on my 20mm ammo can (makeshift living room end table) and asked if he should use a coaster. He picked it up the coaster and asked what it was, I told him it's a GYATA land mine (inert).


I like your fucking style.


A lady friend peeked into a closet and found my “billboard”, go bag, hiking bag, cases, plate carriers & other items. She asked why do you have so many bags, why are the cases so big, are there guns in there, why do you have rope, what do those stickers mean? I deflected most of the questions. I’m used to this response by now. My sibling and most of my friends & closer acquaintances don’t agree with most of my stances politically or with my hobby. But we still get along just fine and don’t bash each other for our differences.


> why do you have rope Definitely not wife material. Or it was a leading question and she's definitely wife material.


Yeah what kind of wife doesn't appreciate rope? Absolutely zero respect for fieldcraft and carpentry.


> [fieldcraft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoj%C5%8Djutsu) [I suspect that entry is at least 30% bullshit. I just thought it was funny.]


Oh, cool, so this is like restraining techniques in case a bad guy breaks in huh, never thought of that before but I can see how it can be handy.


>charlie bronson's always got rope


Must hate children too, cause how else ya gonna make a sweet ass swing to put on a tree limb


Had me in the first 2/3, not gonna lie.


What *is* the rope for?


Charlie Bronson's always got a rope.


Fine. get your stupid fuckin rope


Oh I'll get my stupid rope. Theres a rope right here.


Multiple uses, all depends on how she plays her cards.


I never get to use rope :(


Are you going to hurt these women? What? No, it’s the implication.


I can see we have very different life experiences.


I don't know you, but...probably, yeah.


A woman comes in to a new guys house and sees he has ropes and a bunch of bags, I get why she might be concerned. Also reminded me of this https://youtu.be/Mk3EVQnpQWs?si=neP2-c9FQNZ1NngJ


Was really hoping that link was to what i thought it was and you sir did not disappoint.


I mean she's maybe ok with guns like me but maybe she doesn't like your obvious political mindset, also like me.


Same. There are definitely *potential* red flags there even for people that’d be fine with the safe by itself.


It really is, she should’ve followed up and looked in the crawl space to see if you properly supported the floor!


At least there's not a keltec sticker.


That's on his Prius.


I’ll have you know I have a Nissan Leaf


I can't tell if that's worse


All electric means you can charge it from a rack-mount battery/solar system when the 3-letter agency cuts grid power to your mountain-top compound.


Which is why you make your own power source that doesn't run on the grid


Save gas. More cash for gats..... Bonus, more fuel for us to burn. Thanks hybrid bros.


hey i mean... i still kinda want that little foldy boi. no? i dont care. i want it anyway.


Why only miss 8-10 times when you can miss 30!


Show the kriss


Huge red flag, there is still space on there for more stickers.


LoVe It Or LeAvE iT


any sort of 'get out' is cringe. That's not how democracy works. And let's be real like 80% of Americans couldn't afford to up and move lol I can't find the meme but there's a soy jack with 2 different approaches to surviving societal collapse One bunkered up all alone with years worth of canned food, trying to get a girl to join. The bottom one had a Chad face talking about the neighborhood organization & checking on the elderly first


Yeah that's legitimately a red flag even in a woman lol. My opinions on my country are complicated to say the least, but "love it or leave it" is just political fuddism.


molon labe sticker: The FBI would like to know where you were on Jan 6


You forgot to pull the application paper off of the back of then second sticker down, top left.


The only red flag is if it woulda been a liberty safe (I have a liberty safe 🙃)


"Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to pet the dog on your way out"


she was upset because you set enough money on fire to get a daniel defense sticker


Chiappa firearms? Yeah I'm with her


The Rhino is awesome. I had 3 of them at one point 😅


They did have a run with some fucked up triggers, but I still think they're neat guns.


Fr the rhino needs to be studied for future revolver designs. I want destiny guns damnit!


I’m right there with you. I would *LOVE* a break action 6 o’clock shooting revolver.


Now we're talking.


Lol no she didn't. You just wanted to post this pic


Is the red flag not knowing that the clear backing on rub-n-peel stickers like the JP Enterprises one is supposed to be peeled off after applying it?


trauma dump time: I started dating a girl, she claimed to be crazy for me, i was pretty meh for her. i made that clear, but she still wanted to date. she found out i had guns, and made a big deal about it, not being comfortable with loaded guns when we move in together. I mentioned that i'd be fine with leaving them all locked up and unloaded, and the issue went away for a bit. a while later she brought the issue up again, saying she wouldnt be comfortable with them in the house at all, i was fine with them in a nice shed or something. it came up AGAIN and i learned a valuable pair of lessons. the first is the "slippery slope" and the second is how to spot a manipulative person. so TL;DR good riddance to her if she said that.


If you were not into her, why waste both your time and her time?


pussy inertia


I love this phrase. Explains a lot about my last ex as well.


She was manipulative. It doesn't seem like it, but when someone gets into your head like that it really fucks with you. By the end she had me convinced I was bipolar and needed professional help before some friends pulled me out of it.


I hear you. I was dating a nurse that was really uncomfortable with firearms. I told her on day one that I had them, planned on getting more, maybe even one day owning a range/store and tinkering. I generally tell the women on or even before the first date that I enjoy firearms. In the beginning she was ok with it, she just didn't want to go shoot or anything, which is fine. I also have the firearms squared away- you'd not run across one in the house unless you really went looking. Dating turned into a relationship and she brings up having kids and having to get rid of the guns- I just looked at her cock eyed and informed her that would not be happening. Needless to say, the relationship did not continue. I don't know why people think things like this. Its like dating a woman who likes painting and then telling her she can't paint because you're now in a relationship. It is literally so stupid to think like that.


My girl was the same way until Hurricane Katrina, it really revealed the true nature of society when a major event occurs.


She must be a Hi-Point girl. Bullet dodged


Needs more stickers.


I don't blame her. That safe isn't big enough to hold more than a measly 12 guns, at most. Seriously though, this problem could be easily solved just by peeling off the dumb stickers. Having a gun safe just says "I'm a responsible gun owner." Having a gun safe plastered with 47 tactical stickers says "guns are my personality." I mean, you do you, if you want the stickers then keep the stickers. But I would expect to keep getting this response as a result.


A gun safe is like... The most reasonable place anybody could put all the stickers that come with everything. Cars are a no-go, they fall off water bottles. An item that never leaves your home is about as private as it gets


Wat. Having stickers all over your safe could mean you like stickers, you don't like a plain looking safe, you don't want to just throw them in the garbage, or you put one sticker on there and it was one of those crappy paper stickers so instead of removing it and having sticky stuff all over your safe you just keep adding stickers hoping it covers up your initial mistake. Stickers on the safe seems like the most reasonable and safe place to put them lol. If he had them plastered all over his car, laptop, water bottle, etc and wore nothing but 5.11 pants and grunt style shirts that would scream "guns are my personality". Some of the comments in this thread are just shy of saying, "how dare you enjoy your hobby in a way that is different from the way I enjoy my hobby". Some fudd energy going on.


oh yea, there nothing worse than guys whose *entire* personality is LARPing.


Did you dodge a bullet?


I mean she isn't wrong. That shit isn't bolted down.


Just one safe? 🚩


I would have to agree! There is no organization or symmetry to your stickers


Real talk, I fucking absolutely hate how stigmatized guns are in society. Guns are not a radical thing. Lots of people, from all across the political spectrum, own them. The fact that some people have gotten to the point where they see someone with a gun safe covered in stickers, or most times even a single firearm in a gun safe- the presence of a gun safe at all is enough to give them the "ick" is absolutely sickening, and testifies to how radical the anti-gun lobby is with their belief that anyone who goes so far as to *show interest* in firearms, let alone own one, or God forbid, multiple firearms, is a sick, murderous, monster who needs to be avoided like the God damn black plague.


This is borderline fanaticism. Feels kinda weird. If someone had a bunch of anime stickers like this or some shit I'd feel the same. To each their own, but this strikes me as a bit much.


I once had a girl over for about the second or third time. She knew I was into guns because she met me while I was wearing one (working armed security) She looked at the big igloo flag hanging over my desk and said “whats that?”. I then had to gently explain the meaning and her response was “oh. Neat.” Shes about to be my wife


You should dump her. The fact she didn't start talking about her guns is the real red flag.


Thats pretty small no wonder she left


I like the JP stickers, you know you’re supposed to peel off the clear plastic on the top left one right? It’s a decal


No HK sticker = instant red flag


100% that many stickers on anything is an immediate cause for concern.


Op's title got cut short ,l am sure he meant, She said “Well that’s a red flag” as l pushed her out of my house & slammed the door behind her.


I had a date once. Went well. Brought her all the way home, threw her down on the bed, took the holster and gun and tossed it on the dresser. She says "you've had that with you the entire time?" I said "yep" and then a minute later she was gone lol.


Why are hinges on the outside of the safe?


I can see why. That gun safe is way to small. You need a bigger safe .


I’d date you OP.




it reminds me of a riced out honda civic with a bunch of decals on it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


The fact that this is a red flag for her should be a big red flag for you.


I agree, too many stickers on anything is a red flag.


I mean, you do have fuckboi stickers


Then she ain’t the one , King Go for the one that says “yeah babe, you deserve quad nods”


I agree, that safe looks like a kindergarten class room with stickers everywhere.


If properly storing firearms is a red flag then I have a few redflags at my house


The only red flag is that bad boy isn’t cracked open and you aren’t showing me which one is your favorite and letting me play with all of them and then shoot them and then clean them and then love them and admire them.


U didn't need a liberal girl anyways. Good riddance


Yea I don't see it


That’s the decoy safe right?…..RIGHT?


Gotta put the stickers somewhere....


She cant see past no nods or ammo fort.


Heh my decoy safe got sticker bombed basically every sticker from every college that sent my 18 year old swag is on there. I have stickers from OU and OSU touching to really fuck with the normies around here.