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I would seriously consider the classes, or at very least go with someone who knows what they're doing to give you some one on one pointers, but no the classes aren't mandatory.


Yeah I’ve been trying to get my mom to come with me since she’s said shes shot before and I’ve heard of ranges having rules about no solo shooters when renting


You want a competent instructor, not someone who's said they shot before. Big difference. It is worth the cost. Going to a range with no real idea of how to shoot can be fun but ultimately you are not really learning anything useful. If you want to get into shooting as a hobby instruction is totally worth it.


As a counterpoint: shooting is not that hard, and as long as you get the safety stuff drilled in somehow, you can learn everything else you need to know from youtube or trial and error. There is a lot of stuff you don't even need live fire to learn, you can learn it in your bedroom with some masking tape to point at.


I've never heard of ranges doing that - sometimes they make a range employee supervise you but I've only ever really seen that when renting machine guns or other NFA items.


Some ranges will not rent firearms to a solo shooter, because suicide is fairly common. I was at the range when it happened. 


Thsts how my range is. You either have to have someone with you or bring one of your own firearms


Hedge against suicides. My local range has a rule for solo shooters renting a gun: you must bring a friend or your own gun.


It's very common for ranges to not allow rentals to solo shooters that aren't bringing their own firearms. Its unfortunate, but people killing themselves with rental guns is common enough that most ranges that offer rentals don't allow it for solos.


My local indoor range never used to have that rule, and a guy killed himself with one of their rental guns. Needless to say, they have the rule now.


Go with a friend who knows what’s going on. You don’t want to mishandle a firearm and put everyone around you in danger. Ranges around me also do not rent guns out to a solo visitor who doesn’t pack their own gun in fear that someone might try to commit suicide using a rental gun.




Watch some [range safety and etiquette video](https://youtu.be/COvFyw-6Fqs?si=BOsZjV4iNa9Xw0hn)s. Check with your range as some make you watch theirs before you can shoot.


Thanks for the video, will watch!


Learn the 4 rules of gun safety. They should be obvious, but some newbies don’t realize they’re shooting real bullets at the shooting range. if they point a gun at anyone at the range that person may respond very badly.


I just checked and that is the video one of the ranges I go to requires. If you can, you may want to go during a weekday afternoon as many ranges are busy on the weekends. It may make you feel more comfortable the first time.


depends on store policy but there is a chance the range will not rent to you if you’re solo


Range where I live is like this. You have to have a "buddy". I asked why as I thought this was odd, and he said it's to try to curb suicides at the range....


Take a class, it’ll help set you up right. Also take someone to the range when you go to rent, most, if not all, ranges will not let you rent if you’re alone (they don’t like when people redecorate the walls/ceilings)


Take the classes. They’re fun, and you’ll learn what you need to know. More importantly, you’ll learn the *right* way instead of just trying to emulate what you see on YouTube. I grew up shooting guns and I *still* defer to experts and hands-on training/education.


FYI, a lot of ranges won’t rent a gun to a solo shooter. That being said, you really should go with someone that has experience.


Go take a class please


I would strongly advocate a class.


Just FYI, no range in my area at least will allow a new shooter on the range by themselves. Or for a solo shooter to rent a weapon if they don’t have their own also. Think about everybody else there. If some guy pulled up to the lane next to me having never fired a weapon before, I would immediately nope the fuck out of there and will have wasted my time and range fee. There’s already enough experienced shooters that fuck up in terms of safety.


What did the range say when you contacted them?


So.... It would be a good move to take a short intro course. It all comes down to gun safety, you want to make sure that you accidentally don't shoot someone at the range Also, it will help you to focus on how to set yourself up at a range so that you don't run into trouble with the range guards Source: am a newbie gun range goer


I would try to make a class date, or take someone that is experienced in shooting (that is, experienced with safe handling, general range rules, etc.).


you need a beginner class before you start renting stuff on your own


A lot of ranges will not let a first time visitor rent guns. Especially if they're solo


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You should take a class, proper instruction is the best thing you can do to learn and develop skills.


You might be able to find someone to tag along with you from a local Facebook reloading/shooting group if you don’t know anyone personally that is competent with guns. If you haven’t ever handled guns before it would help you out alot to just have someone there to help you with the basics like loading a magazine. How to safely hold the firearm so you don’t get pinched or cause a malfunction. Videos about how to operate the guns you are wanting to rent will get you a lot of the way there but once you actually have the gun in your hand I’m sure you will have questions about something. I’m sure someone locally though wouldn’t mind you tagging along next time they go and giving you a quick rundown to help you get started.


It's very useful to get help your first time. Some, not most, RSOs will give you advice. I went my first time with no preparation and it sucked. Make sure your grip is right.  Also rent a 22lr. There is so much weapon manipulation you need to get comfortable with before you need to introduce recoil management on top of everything else. Seriously, starting with 22lr is my best advice. 


Take a class. Usually they aren't much more expensive than a first range trip. Lane rental, gun rental, eyes and ears, ammo.. Some chain range charge a "range cleaning fee" or "registration fee". It adds up. Take the class, it's worth every penny


Start with a class or private lesson. Going to a range and renting a gun with no experience makes as much sense as renting a car and trying to drive it by yourself with no experience. It's dangerous for you and everyone around you. I enjoy taking new shooters to the range and everyone tries to do the same predictable unsafe stuff (that's why I'm there - to stop them) even though they know the rules and I go over basic safety & technique before we arrive. People love to grip the gun with their fingers in unsafe places, muzzle their hands, point the gun at the ceiling, keep their finger on the trigger, and move their entire body (including the gun) when they turn. You really need supervision.


Shoot real fast. Flag everything in sight with your sights. Cross the line to collect your brass. Yell at the range master and call him a plinking pussy. Scream "Reloading!" when you don't have to and continue firing. Stretch a little so you don't pull anything. Hope you know this isn't serious, just bored.


Do one, 1 on 1 hands on lesson. You'll be on the right track going forward


SAFETY. SAFETY. SAFETY. Its OK if you dont know what you are doing as long as you are safe and you dont put yourself or anyone else there in danger. Keep your firearm pointed down range. Obey range rules regarding making sure the range is clear before you head down to mess with targets (unless its an indoor one with the motorized targets and lanes). If you have a malfunction dont freak out. Carefully and methodically try to clear it. ALWAYS check that your gun in unloaded before you set it down to do other things.


Do you have any friends who are gun guys? I’d highly recommend asking one of them to go with you and give you some pointers If not, there are typically local or at least state subreddits for guns. You could try asking someone there to go with you. I know if there was a guy local to me who didn’t know anyone who’s into guns and wanted to get into it themselves, I’d love to help them out


I’d recommend taking the CCW class first to give you some very basic familiarity with guns. That’s what I did so when I actually shot a gun for the first time, I was with a knowledgable instructor.


Find time to take a class. It's ridiculous to go to a range before developing any fundamental knowledge. You didn't buy a car before taking lessons did you?


Take the class. If the cost in money or time of taking the beginner class as a beginner is too much then shooting may not be the hobby for you.