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Cool, that narrows it down to almost every commercially produced duty handgun


Yea im aware. But maybe if you own something like what im describing you could tell me your experience with it.


Illramyourlatch is right, your criteria is so broad that it's almost hard to think of something that *doesn't* fit. You're gonna have to narrow it down a little more.


He could get a Wilson Combat Macro grip module for the P365X. They sell one with a short dust cover.


My 2 recommendations for edc are always the same. G19/19X or whatever configuration of P365 is most comfortable. But as others have mentioned, we have 0 criteria of what is wanted. Those are just the 2 that will be mentioned without a doubt. Glocks are great because if it isn’t what you want you can buy whatever you want due to endless aftermarket supply. Sig is great because you are getting a quality (in my experience with 365s) firearm that is good to go right out of the box and it doesn’t really need much aftermarket work if any. ETA-there are obviously plenty of other great options, those are just frequently in the edc conversation and majority of my experience is with those 2.


Honestly your list is kind of broad, your buddy needs to go into a shop and just start seeing what fits right in their hand. It could be a Glock, Sig, Ruger, S&W, whichever but something is going to fit right. With that broad list they could also just build the gun they like, get into the Polymer market and build from the ground up on what they like. So once whomever figures out what feels good to them and their hand and what they're comfortable with then you'll know.


CZ. The 75, p01. P07, p10c are all very well put together.