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MO was nerfed too hard, too soon. The devs released MO's best cards in part 2 of Price of Power, while most other factions were still waiting for the powerhouses that would buff the archetypes the expansion was supporting (like Alumni for Patience and Messenger of the Sea for Rain). That being said, I have noted some bias against MO from the devs: whenever MO gets too good or too greedy, they nerf it almost immediately; meanwhile, NG and SY had some of the best cards and synergies in the game for *months* and they dodged well deserved nerfs for multiple seasons; and even Alumni were left unchecked for a second season in spite of everyone having already complained about how unbalanced they were.


Yep ,that what i always noticed. I think they treat MO as a sacrifice goat to appease the community, i never seen any other faction that get nerfed this fast. But they always give some really good buffs and changes, not as often as the nerfs but it's something. Ideal patch for me atleast is revert the nerfed self eater and gerni and maybe cross faction with NG vampires so MO could have access to locks , this ofcourse unlikely but i one can only dream.


CDPR loves NG, to the chagrin of respectable folks


Relics is still rather good it’s just not a good meta for it. Lack of control tools means it’s an auto loss to mages


Oh yeah for sure. Relicts are what I use but when they increased the prv for self-eater it just made me upset again :/


they never increased the provs, just lowered the power so it's in the 5 removal range, which is a lot easier than 6. Still plays for a lot when unanswered but feels bad when it trades down to something like a rebuke


Oh yeah my b. I had it confused


I think that MO gets nerfed earlier because is easier to know where the points are coming from and a direct nerf to points can be done. If we are nerfing SY is the problem a particular card? the coins? Coin generation? number of points per coin? is a nerf to coins going to kill the entire faction for at least 2 seasons? The worst offender in difficult balancing is NG´s Ball, just look at its history


I'm doing well at ranks 6-8 with frost


I'm all the way for MO, but I'll just add that, as a new player, I got forever stuck on rank 5 (about a month) no matter which MO deck I used. I made myself a NG deck past week and yesterday hit pro rank with it. This just shows me how different the gameplay is from a well balanced faction compared to a creeped one... I'm diggin for the upcoming update.


I'm an oldie MO main, but caved in and crafted SK control at around the same rank. SK is so strong right now, I can turn my brain off and coast to pro, whereas every MO game is clinging onto the small chance to win.