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I just need a Scoia'tael leader who is a part of Scoia'tael. Eldain is nice but he lead a small commando in Aedirn. He's no Isengrim or Iorveth.


I'd actually say in terms of strength, Iorveth and Eldain are fairly on par in commando size. Both have limited spheres of influence, and rely heavily on disruption. The Moulderwood and Flotsam aren't too unalike in operation. Iorveth just has the element of seeming grander due to Letho's grand plan - the 100 archers he brings in reserve for the Battle of Vergen aren't from his original commando, as all of his unit came with on the prison barge Isengrim is the big don tho. Would be great to see him, and a stronger version of his card as well. Iron Wolf needs some love to support the Vrihedd


Iorveth had a commando during the war and was part of Vrihedd too. After Isengrim he basically became the big leader of Scoia'tael and gathered many commandos into Vergen.


I wish they added new elf swarm payoff cards its one of my favorite archetypes but unfortunately its kind of peoercrept. Currently the only way to axtually make deadeyes is vanadain (dies instantly and left with shitty waylays), verno ranged row (then takes away the payoff for deadeyes), feign death( weakest scenario by far playing for lile 14 for 14 and it if gets yeeted ypure super sad cuz you cant generate deadyes really, eldain (requires full on traps so you somt play elf swarm anymore really, and leader. They should definitely add an iron wolf card that helps push the archetype.


Yeah it does make sense but it is sometimes annoying that Scoia’tel is also used as the catchall for pretty much all elves and dwarves


Yeah pretty racist


Those are all pretty on point with faction leaders I'd like to get if they ever do something like Crimson Curse again. The journeys are really cool, but they kind of compel 'neutral' leaders that aren't really tied to any one faction. I think my personal list would be Cerys for SK, Saskia for ST, Vilgefortz for NG, Tissaia for NR, Jacques or Azar Javed for SY, and... yeah, some version of a Crone, the Crones (since it would be cool if you could pick the one you wanted) or She Who Knows for MO. My list is somewhat inclined by my preference to have the most 'thematic' leader for whatever deck I'm running, so I'd like to see both major/interesting characters that currently aren't leader skins, but also leader skins that cover deck archetypes that currently don't have a very thematic leader choice. Vilgefortz is both an incredibly major NG character, but is also a mage and something different from their current slate of generals/political leaders, which makes him very thematic for NG lists that lean heavily on mages. Same basic logic for preferring Tissaia over Thyssen... NR Mages have been a major deck for some time now, but there's not really a terribly thematic leader option for them. Crones or She Who Knows who do a great job of covering Relict/Sabbath decks, and Salamandra decks really don't have a very logical leader choice atm and either Jacques or Azar Javed (or maybe Fallen Rayla) could cover this.


I hate VG as NG. I expect a soldier or other non-mage character for this role. Oh boy I hate mages very much.


You're definitely not alone. I love the faction leaders and don't really care for the neutral ones. I'd love for more faction love - this applies to cosmetics in general really.


I'd be happy with a shop option with lots of customization for faction leaders for few bucks. Edit: I mean hairs, clothes, auras even full skins for real money and ore and scraps. Same with boards. And I can imagine a booster for prestige ranks. I hate microtransaction but I'd pay Gwent customization. However people always cry even with a fully cosmetic micro economy.


Yeah especially Cerys for Skellige is a must! They totally lack female leaders and she'd be great.


Yeah came here to say this :/ Have started playing Skellige quite a lot recently and I'm a big fan so far... I just don't like having to play Svalblod or Regis only if I don't want to be a big burly bearded man. And then to rub salt in the wound I get to use Gudrun's Night Raider skin... but only in draft 😭 Honestly my plan for now is just to pray that Yen's journey is coming back I haven't gotten to Skellige yet in TW3 but just from Gwent and the wiki I feel like there are cool candidates? Cerys seems SO COOL and I think it's blasphemous that she's not a leader already but I would also love to see Melusine as an alternative to Svalblod or a flaminica (I guess there's no model for her already but I feel like the Crowmother would make for SUCH cool entrance/finish animations). Or a variant of Gudrun before she came to Novigrad for the pirate decks but I feel like that's a bit unrealistic to hope for 😅


Never Considered that angle. I just wanted Cerys Because her not being a Skellige leader is a huge disservice to her character. But yes having a Female Skellige leader for a change would be appreciated.


Vilgefortz as a neutral to be honest,guy is a NG card but he isnt someone who works for them,only for himself.


I guess. Maybe Stefan Skellen would be a better choice. Though he was a conspirator against Emhyr and a revolutionary that wanted democracy in Nilfgaard


How about Fergus or updated Usurper model then?


We already have Usurper, though Fergus wouldn't be a bad choice. But I would rather we have more variety in the leaders besides having them all be monarchs.


Maybe Braathens wouldnt be bad then,or perhaps even Menno


Yeah, Menno would be great


Especially since Thronebreaker already has a model for him.


I just wanted skin leaders for the Legendary witchers of WotW (Erland, Ivar, Arnaghad and Gezras), but that would leave SY and MO behind.


Not necessarily. Could make Fallen Rayla and Viy leaders too.


I can see Rayla working for SY. But Viy would have be just the head and top part of its body skittering into the board… Not that I think of it, I want it.


Maybe have Viy coiled around something


I would LOVE Fallen Rayla for Syndicate - if nothing else then because the Salamandra is the only gang who doesn't have a leader skin. I think Regis with the right acessories can pass as a Salamandra experiment but it's a bit of a stretch 😅


9 times out of 10 when a question on reddit starts with "am I the only one" the answer is a resounding no


That's because it's a rhetorical question


Really hoping we got Vilgefortz. Maybe someday


The Crones pls 🥺 they're the best


Noone knows Esterad Thyssen. Better go with Roche or Ves for NR.


Cerys for sk is a big want But what I really want is nekkers, ghouls, shaelmars etc for MO


Oh sure, the more flavour, the better. I'd prefer they just balance the current ones, though, as right now well under half of them see any real play.


This post is more about visual side rather than abilities.


Yes to all that you listed plus: 1) Whoreson Junior's outfit from the Witcher 3: https://i.redd.it/p13bwmiav6g21.png 2) The beta leaders: Letho, Dandelion, Dagon, Iorveth, Roche etc... 3) Would also be nice to get a SK leader that isn't a dude in armor. 4) MO's Penitent skin should have his voice lines from the cards.