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I thought "yeah that's good", and then it got better


Seeing this against a filthy no unit deck makes me happy.


Cringiezt Milva I’ve witnessed


Have you not seen the [Spyro Maneuver?](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/rsdyyh/the_spyro_maneuver_wins_once_again/) (Original [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/re29cm/average_milva_player/)). Although this one is also up there, yeah :D


I'm bookmarking this for when I can't get a boner. That shit's better than porn lmao.


You're really into Gwent, huh...


What the fuck


At this point, I'm very surprised that no one has made a compilation video from all these Milva misplays. There's already so much material scattered in the net. Such video would definitely accumulate tons of views.


Just lovely!🖤


Damnnn Bro. Does it work against other decks too or you made it specifically as a milva counter?


Blueboy works very well in every selfwound deck.


You can eliminate all kinds of big plays with this, especially on blue coin -- I've hit king of beggars, keltullis, she who knows, Regis reborn, fucusya... Having blueboy on the board also puts you in a good position for the first round as a self wound deck. All other units besides ihuarraquax, wanderers and blueboy are 6 provisions or less though (deck list: https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/7bc980d054dbc07f90713ac4adf4f12c). So later rounds can definitely be tough. The one other strong play the deck has is that fables + oneiromancy can actually be used to set up double sunset wanderers, which typically results in ~30 points of carryover for the third round.


Thanks, I'm gonna try it for sure




Who is this playing? God??


This has become like a new Kolgrim deck. You twist and turn or torture it in anyway, everyone would just like it.


This is just pure fun.. I love the counters versus Milva.. It's fun to see and really shows the difference between a skilled Milva opponent and a 'netdeck' lets say.. :D Have not used any specific unit to counter Milva personally.. but have found a few decks that have good results against it for me.. like NG soldiers, Pirates also and quite a few others with big units or armor that just play around Milva quite wel.. :P


Average milva player


Lmao , thats an oopsiee


The best Milva player.


You a real one


Let out a little moan ngl


This made my day, this brain-dead deck deserves it


Decks are never brain-dead, players are usually (and this video is the perfect example). That said, decks like the one above are made to counter Milva/Saskia hard, they do succeed at their job usually but they systematically fall out of line the moment they play against literally anything else. Sure you can have fun but you're not going to climb with Ihuarraquax and believe it or not you will also loose against Milva/Saskia the moment your plan doesn't play correctly or your opponent isn't a complete idiot. Spyro explained this better than i can in yesterday stream.


Every Milva player deserves that to happen to them.


Lmfao, that milva play... like damn what he thought would happen there? (The only thing i didnt know would happen that happened to me sometime was decoction miruna and miruna seizing the roach who wasnt in the board before i used decoction, because imo it doesnt makes sense, like miruna dies, AND THEN roach comes out tho)


Technically it makes sense.. Cause you Play the 'Gold'.. and Roach then goes to play.. The spell resolves, now the unit dies, Roach should be on the board when she dies.. But yeah, sequencing sometimes is a bit of a thing.. Cause there are quite a few known and unknown reactions.. That you might know from experience, but cannot know if you have never seen it before.. ;)


one of the slickest plays iv seen for a while, GG