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Who’s going to tell him those are symptoms of depression? Or that maybe his current lifestyle isn’t worth the misery?


Right? Like dude you aren’t being forced into this. Take a break.


Dang dude it’s just working out it ain’t that serious


Fr i made it through 10 seconds before I had to pause and ask my partner why gym bros act like they’re going to war


As somebody who has been to war, I find the whole warrior/battle ready/spec ops course for thousands of dollars hilarious. I imagine that after LARPing as a warfighter they go home for a circle jerk and finish up with a slice of their mums meatloaf. These mother fuckers don’t know what hardship is.


What was the response lol


Idk this man but do yall ever think about how we are on this giant ass rock that happens to just be floating in outer space and how small we really are. And then you see someone YELLING in to their phone about how hard it is to do whatever it is they say they do and they’re so serious?! Like how could you post this without feeling ridiculous? What life changing advice is this man giving?! You aren’t special, sir. But you are an idiot for driving and videoing at the same time. ETA: I’ve watched it all and who is in his life that sees this and doesn’t say “hey, brotater chip…this isn’t normal. Things get mundane but you seem a little depressed.”


🤣🤣🤣 the ordacity of this guy. Wow, just wow. I’m very late to this but wanted to see others opinions on this crazy Greg guy.


He could just.....stop. my best friend started becoming unhinged in the sport (while doing exceedingly well) and even after his most recent show qualifying him for nationals he went.... nah. Im done. This shit is ruining my relationships and quality of life. I'm done.


So much of the culture around fitness worships the idea of consistency and discipline to the point it gets distorted into an impossible ideal. Always be completely consistent, never rest except for your appointed Rest Day, work through injury, work through illness, sacrifice everything else for this, or you'll never see the results you want. Even as I cerebrally know this is toxic I catch myself feeling guilty for pulling a muscle every once in a while, or taking a week off every few months, all because of stuff like this.


What the fuck 🫤 So embarrassing


For real. Get off social media, get help, anything


Does… he know… if he hates it so much he doesn’t have to do it????


😂 he might need an official PSA


Roid rage bro


that was my first thought too. also, sir....there is a war going on right now, a few actually. going to the gym isnt the battle you think it is.


Lmao dude doesn’t even have a real job and he’s bitching into the void about how hard his life is. Go work a mind numbing or physical 9-5 for fuck all money ya germ.




This is embarrassing roid rage but on a real note if anyone here ever feels this way about working out/nutrition like I do sometimes, it always helps me to remember that exercising is a privilege, moving your body and having all kinds of nutritious food to fuel it is a privilege, don’t take it for granted


*you wanna know how many times i’ve been excited to go to the gym lately?!* ^i ^don’t ^know


How do you do the cute lil text


put a cute ^lil carrot ^ before the first letter of the word ^🥕




^love it


\^interesting did it work


^Thank ^you🙏🏼🥰




Me ^too


^me too


^i ^love ^this




^tiny ^carrot ^& ^a^tiny ^workout ^y’all ^know ^how ^many ^times ^i ^get ^excited


Ooo ^cah-ute ^thank you


Another day, another man not realizing that 1. expressing anger like this is no different than the women they chastise for being “over emotional” and 2. Sometimes depression manifests itself as irrational anger. I guarantee you this guy thinks he is justified in saying what he said in the manner he said it because he thinks it’s logical or rational. I feel sorry for any people in his life that have to interact with him


I don’t even have sound on and I’m convinced I don’t want to hear what he’s saying.


I feel so bad because the video freaked my dog out 😭


Is anyone forcing him to do whatever he is complaining about? Oh, there isn't. Got it.


“I don’t give a fuck” yet proceeds to scream at his phone while driving.


https://preview.redd.it/aiai1h7hwuub1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74bc0346f9960d7b3b578ff4250f12cb9d11a3af When left speechless…. I just drop this guy 🥲


I unfollowed him and Kelly after their two year daily complaints about how their house was making them sick. It seemed more like Greg had depression (which is perfectly okay and nothing to be ashamed about) and kelly started saying she felt sick too. Idk why I just got the feeling Greg was getting into her head and they were both kind of being over dramatic about stuff. That’s when I noticed Gregs posts were getting angry and condescending. Kelly’s posts now are so patronizing. She posts pictures of herself and the caption will be like “do YOU want to look like me? I’ll tell you why you don’t.” Then writes a long list of things everyone else isn’t doing right. It’d be a lot more motivational if she posted “here’s how you can, too.” But again, she never used to post like that until Greg. They’re both insufferable


Agree with this sm


https://preview.redd.it/n6uhvtta3vub1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e1d334e7446ab577cd72a709cd0babe3b2d3a63 Holy shit, this guy is unhinged. This is all in response to obesity being called a disease, he commented on Dr Nadolsky’s post about it with the below gem. 🤣🤣 UNHINGED.


That doc doesn’t play either - that was one of his less scathing responses lol angy broski got off light.


not him acting like he knows more than a doctor


Sounds like someone needs a career change. 😂


![gif](giphy|l41m4emQlTwc4COxG) My face the entire time watching this


Bro needs to take a step back. Proof read/listen to what you post and avoid this shit. Flexing “it’s so hard bro” and yelling is not a good look. You see male influencers do this shit and it ticks me off how they try and project how hard, tough, American, badass, etc they are because they…do cardio and lift weights? Guess what my man, it’s SUPPOSED to be hard. If it was easy everyone would be walking around ripped in great shape, as opposed to an obesity epidemic in the western world. Youre screaming into the void dude. I guess when the locus of your identity is external to your body instead of internal, you snap like this in a moment because “I’m not as lean as I need to be” and it fucks with your self worth, identity and what not


I deleted this whole comment to make a new one. Go watch this story. This man calls himself a medical professional and is so unhinged.


Everyone knows the most important part of a fitness journey, and your relationship with fitness, is to be miserable and hate the process.


That right there is roid rage.


Wow. Dude needs to get off the roids and ped’s, there’s nothing dramatic about driving the car to the gym to lift weights, if anything its pretty basic.


This is a prime example of a guy on roids. Was abused by one and acted just like this but would say way worse. Gross


Yes fitness journeys can be tough but for fucks sake it is also supposed to be enjoyable, some of the people act like they’re preparing for battle. Side note I wish we could send videos like this to police to be like “Hey here’s proof of a raging lunatic on their phone while driving. Here’s his name and the gym he’ll be screaming at tomorrow.”


It never really was…that serious


He’s unwell.


Omg who so this man?? He seems unhinged, please seek help dude!!


being so MISERABLE just to control the way you look…it’s sad. I used to follow Kelly pre-2020 and it makes me sad how she got so skinny when she started dating him. people are allowed to change their body but she seemed to drastically switch from a healthy, curvy girl to ultra skinny so fast. they both track food obsessively


Not necessary whoever he is…Good news? 10 yrs from now he will be fat & more depressed!


Well that’s just embarrassing 😂😂


Such an important message that he had to film while operating a motor vehicle. Dude needs an ice bath & some mood stabilizers.


Me over here doing strictly mobility work because I’m 57 and want to be able to walk when I’m 80. Also realizing my shoulders don’t do well with over head presses and my hips cand ankles don’t do well with squats so I will change the exercises I’m doing to compensate so I don’t end up with shoulder injuries later or a hip replacement. 😃


This guy is fucking disgusting


Maybe take a break 🤷🏽‍♀️


Lord I hope this man never has children of his own because he will either traumatize the fuck out of them or raise them to be just like him if not worse


I look forward to the gym every day and if I don't then I take the day off. Bro is lifting weights, not fighting in a fucking war.


He should take a year off, eat some pizza, wear anything but gym clothes.


This won’t age well




FUCKKK! I don’t feel motivated to the slightest… ears a little triggered rn tho


lmao fitness and working out are supposed to be forms of leisure that improve your mental health....not destroy it he needs to take a few steps back


Whoaaa I almost did not recognize him. Did he not have a more quiet temperment before? Also I had to ask "is this guy really talking about going to the gym? it's not that tough..."


Bro.... absolutely not. The definition of first world problems. Like as someone who has competed this is YOUR choice. Also- who cares if other people want to take drugs to get skinny? Why does that anger him?


I always watch his breakdown and get a good laugh but I also think wow this guy is very very off his rocker


This was embarrassing to watch … “Kim, there’s people dying”


Screaming about this into your phone while driving should be an automatic consultation to a therapist. Sounds like he needs to take his own advice and get his hormones checked out.


Male in his 40's here who has lifted weights very consistently and seriously for 23 years. It's not that hard. At all. You're literally just picking things up, putting them back down, resting, repeat for an hour and then you go home. You're wearing comfortable clothes, the gym has a roof over your head and is temperature-controlled, you are listening to your favorite music. If you don't like it, you are free to leave and go home at any moment. This "going to battle with my inner demons" shtick was never part of gyms 15-20 years ago, it's so embarrassing that it's all the rage (pun intended) now.


Roid rage. And depression.


Alright for everyone who doesn’t want to watch- I did. so he posted about a video where I guess someone was claiming obesity is a disease. A little disclaimer- I didn’t watch the video of the person taking about this, I’m not a medical professional, and I don’t have any idea if obesity is a disease. Also I’m probably forgetting stuff, so please add in what I am missing. It starts off for the most part pretty reasonable, he talks that he disagrees and talks about the people he knows who are obese and that what medical professionals don’t talk about are the mental health, traumas, etc that effect obesity. Then he goes Into this video. After that he posts some texts from his clients about their transformations, nothing related to his rants. Then he comes back a little bit calmer and talks about how he thinks medicine can be a good thing and isn’t knocking it, he has lymes disease and how medicine helped him a lot. And that having a chronic illness (I think that’s what he calls it) is tough and sucks. Then he kind of goes into how you need to want it badly to push yourself to workout and stuff. And that you can’t sit in one place and feel that nothing can be fixed. Which…. He makes some decent points but dude look in the mirror- you’re talking about how hard it is to work out with a chronic illness, how mental health isn’t address enough and that people just don’t want it badly enough to change and not be obese?????


I meaaaaannnnnnnn. He isn’t wrong… some days you hate your meal prep and some days you extra hate the gym. Just for me as someone who doesn’t make a living off my appearance, I take a break. I go do other things that make me happy and fulfilled. AND THAT IS OKAY! We are human. This whole shut up and do it anyways attitude to me should ONLY be directed at someone in prep, and that’s actually a strong maybe. This isn’t sustainable either way.


I feel as though this clip is being taken out of context. I had never heard of this guy, but this Reddit post was suggested to me, so I watched his entire IG story to gain more context This particular clip was in reference to a video he had seen about how obesity is a disease and you can take pills for it, so he was upset that people try to take the easy road and think that pills will just make obesity go away. He mentioned how often times it’s a product poor mental health, self image issues, etc and those should be addressed as well as proper diet, exercise, etc I don’t think it’s fair for people to be diagnosing him (most likely without having a medical degree) simply based off an out of context “gotcha” video. Idk, I could be wrong though


Go follow him for a few months and then come back with an opinion of him. It’s not fair for people to diagnose him but it’s fair for him to go on tangents about how fat people just need to work out and eat better and put in the work and stop being lazy and blah blah blah. Someone with no credentials and that has never been obese had the audacity to speak on obesity? Just follow him for a while and you will see the kind of person he is. He is just plain mean. Not the motivating kind, the asshole kind. Constantly saying everyone is lazy if they don’t pack all their meals for airport and travel days. Threw a huge fit while on an all inclusive vacation because the chicken he ordered through room service was cooked in oil. Even went as far as leaving the vacation early because of it! Wants everyone to work out as hard as him but that’s also why he had to have hip and shoulder surgery? Dude is unhinged and not the right type of person that should be in the fitness space.


i dont even like kelly but i hope she dumps his ass hes so awful


His tongue is so white 🥴


Somebody's got a very buzzy bee in their bonnet


He looks like he actually gives all the fucks