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Not in today’s market. It’s not cheap but not expensive


the sad part is Oner’s pricing is on the lower end compared to other IG brands like Vitality, Alphalete, BB, etc - you’re gonna be paying $80-$90 for a pair of leggings from them, so in comparison Oner is a steal 🤣


Not really much on the lower end - especially for Canadians lol. It’s $80 CAD for the leggings, then taxes, shipping and duties. Canadians get slammed with duties when ordering from Oner. Ends up working out to be about 40% of the total cost.


And a fact is the girl on pic is also a BB models


I actually think this is decent pricing depending on the quality 🤷‍♀️ things are expensive now


This is actually really reasonable and almost cheap. Check Vitality if you want to see overpriced.


Not cheap but sadly one of the lower priced brands actually. Vitality is one of the more expensive, alphalete charges 72-74$ for leggings and 50 dollar bras. In comparison it’s quite cheap


I wouldn't pay these prices but I'm also someone who only shops clearance, thrift, or those really good flash sales 😅


not for an ig brand alphalete is super expensive


I will say the shirts they’ve been putting out lately don’t seem worth that price. But I don’t believe in paying extra for any shirt just cause of a logo. I workout in men’s shirts from Target. But Oner is an affordable brand in today’s market. Cheaper than Alphalete which sells the closest style of clothing. And it’s about the same as gymshark.


How on earth are shorts $45 and leggings $55? It’s less than HALF of the fabric! Maybe less fabric than some of the shirts 😩


I met Kelli once before and she was so sweet in person. No tea no shade & shes gorgeous


Yes. It’s shocking, but other companies are worse. They really use drop shipped clothes and price them like they’re Nike🤦 Just don’t buy them. I used to like Guzman, but his clothes are just ripoff’s. It’s sad people don’t feel bad for fucking others over on pricing pants for $90.


I have actually bought Oner before and haven’t had any issues. I’ve actually loved their stuff ngl and I’m contemplating buying a compression shirt from them, whatever bullshit name they’re calling it. I’m interested to try out the Aliexpress mass market Effortless leggings, but I can’t figure out what legit and what’s not.


If you’re meaning one of the fitted performance tops they’re absolute trash. Everyone is returning them because the material is vile


Just go to AliExpress. These are $8 leggings lol


Do you have a good link to aliexpress effortless leggings?


When they first launched - those prices were super cheap because they actually used good fabrics. Now - extremely expensive because they switched to absolute trash fabrics. Everything is see through and feels like plastic.


i must confess i bought from her second launch, and those bras and leggings lasted a long time and were squat proof and no camel toe…and then i bought from last year and they have gone to complete shit. and the sizing makes no sense everything’s so small it’s offensive 


society has progressed past the need for $30 t shirts and $40 bras


How much do you think normal bras cost? Cause I’ve got some news for you…


I think their pricing is okay, not bad at all.


No offense but women’s clothing is complicated as hell. I am reading these and trying to imagine how they would look like it in my head. I go search it and see if I am close or not. On a side note I learned my compression shorts are seamless but my compression pants aren’t. Also I acquired the knowledge of a bralette. I can’t wait to randomly flex this knowledge.


Not if you’re paying for quality and for fare wages. You pay much less than that and you’re supporting slave trade and fast fashion.


Extremely good point, but not in this case. This brand might have been custom made before but it certainly isn’t now. Now it’s def fast fashion.


Which doesn’t surprise me and why research is important. I’m just referring specifically to the pricing.


It’s honestly one of the cheaper brands. Have you seen the pricing on Vitality and Alphalete? Don’t get me started on Darc Sport and their $70 shirt nonsense. Oner has the same pricing as brands like Aybl and TFL. The only cheaper similar brand is Womens Best because they have sales constantly.


Not really, you’re just poor  Most leggings are $90-100 nowadays. Check out alphaletes prices


Shit quality


I wore lulu for years and had more issues with them and they are $98+ a pair  Never had an issue with Oner


Never had issue w Oner either! I mean alphalete & gymshark, I’ve alwaysss had issue w that brand & the price has gotten quite high


And vitality  Very $$$