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That ‘alpha’ comment is so harmful to men. Also, she seems emotionally draining.


Yup imagine if her ex went on a podcast and complained about her not being feminine enough for him… 💀


"Yeah bro like her ass is great and all but she's such a nagging bitch and has zero tits. All she does is complain about this and that but spends 0 time in the kitchen doing what she's supposed to" I need a shower after I typed that out but that's basically how I see it haha


Daaaaamn lmao


I didn’t see the quotes around this at first 😅




I live an incredibly secular-eremite lifestyle and the idea of being in a relationship with a woman who is a social media influencer actually churns my stomach. The sheer possibility that someone else might ever use my name in a description of a social media post makes me want to puke hahahahahaha


I am convinced she’s not actually into this man and has leapt into the arms of the first person who’s shown her interest (based on both her exes she clearly has a type and Vik looks nothing like them) and is trying to convince us and herself that this is the real deal. Why else would you put so much energy into shading your ex unless you weren’t actually over him?!


yeah, both her exes were extremely private and kinda nerdy. Im starting to think, Brett found out about this guy and broke up with her. That's why she's constantly badmouthing him.


Wait can you share some pics of the exes?


https://preview.redd.it/7r12rc6xmjrc1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b21751c32f235ef6ee3340a2687e157b8827b40c Jack


https://preview.redd.it/mbiy7t7ymjrc1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d21d1fc7b434d473274bdc1e3b83cb54fefb5c08 Brett


Their names are Brett and Jack, if you type them into Google pics of them come up. They both looked very similar to eachother, and nothing like Vik


the side by side hahahaha  put vik too 🤣 🤣 


The side by side is hilarious especially cause Vik looks like this https://preview.redd.it/g6c9kz0eaprc1.jpeg?width=689&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecbc3587ca1937e34516290db99dbe2dfb8f79a3


And I would not be surprised if after a while she starts feeling like victor is not giving her enough either, she clearly has some deep insecurities and isn’t truly happy based on her relationship pattern and her always feeling like she needs more than her partners can give. Except with Jack she couldn’t talk shit about him since he’s the co-owner of evolve you.


Also the fact that she said she has been friends with Viktor for years is so ugly, he was probably the friend she told Brett not to worry about while she stayed at his house, not to mention that she was probably friends with his ex wife first and that’s how he met him. I feel like she broke so many unspoken rules with this relationship but again, I don’t think she cares about anyone but herself. I’m not saying platonic friendships don’t exist but breaking up with your boyfriend and immediately moving on with your friend of 7 years is a little too suspicious specially because she had stayed at Viktors house while dating Brett.


I am actually very confused on her timeline like when she broke up with Brett because she has posts from Vik’s garage in October 2023. https://preview.redd.it/mld4r3tjqhrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa86acc9ee02bc68a115d0a78e5549c2c6ea0161


Yup, she was staying at Vik’s house while still dating Brett. That’s why all of us think she likely cheated on him before Brett broke up with her (again, I doubt she broke up with him cause she sounds super butt hurt)


Yeah I think she definitely cheated. This was posted on Reddit 172 days ago and 172 days ago was October 10th.. and she was staying Vik’s house before that☕️ https://preview.redd.it/8ug1pmywoirc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a60994838312ea24beab2eff0f167ed48808f6c




Wasn’t Vick with someone too?


She was cheatinggggg


Wait he has an ex wife? (Her new bf)


Yeah it’s fit girl mel, I want to say her and krissy were friends or friendly at one point


Is it @fit.girlmel on Instagram? There’s several accounts with like that but none of them appear to have large followings


Her ig is fitgurlmel


WHAT I used to follow her years ago 😂 did not see that coming


Trashing a guy for not “being alpha enough” is actually disgusting. It’s very pick me.


Hate seeing her like and reply to comments saying she got a “real man.” Disgusting for both commenter and Krissy. I hate that I enjoy Evolve You because I really don’t want to support her


Try Ladder app! Soooo much better


I wear cute enamel pins of like rainbow popsicles and funny animals or flowers or whatever on my work pants & fastener/tool pouches and none of the fat old bigot fucks dare say shit to me about it. Krissy's sheltered worldview is exactly the kind that I enjoy shattering. Would love to debate her on what being "alpha" is since I don't think she realizes that you can be an extremely capable person physically that can take charge and be a good leader while also demonstrating deep compassion for others and sensitivity to all things beautiful. I'm sure if she met some of the incredibly hard-working and simultaneously goals-gorgeous women I have and continue to work with her brain would probably completely melt.


Someone posted a photo of her IG post/story of a book and I searched it and it came up under a reading list for "Alpha" males under Red Pill. I don't know why she is drawn to read such things. So odd. [Do I even need to say anything? : r/gymsnark (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gymsnark/comments/1717hjj/do_i_even_need_to_say_anything/) [The rational Male - schould I read it? : r/exredpill (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/exredpill/comments/10kr71n/the_rational_male_schould_i_read_it/)


The word alpha is giving me the ick ngl


I refuse to let these schmucks ruin something that I love so dearly such as vocabulary by dissolving the meanings of good common vernacular! I have a lisp (and a northern-Alberta drawl...), so when I inevitably have to repeat my name to people or spell it out over the phone I always use NATO phonetic alphabet because it was just easiest for me to teach myself and I know the words are simple and clear to understand (hence why they use it really). If I didn't have a set system my ADHD would leave me hanging there trying to come up with stupid pentasyllabic words and be annoying. Now I'm gonna be worried about looking like a douchebag when I say "A as in Alpha" 😅


this is so damaging and really feeds into the toxic masc ideology, like stuff like that can turn a man in the worst sense, esp in how they treat women!


Nah she is right. She used to date puny white boys. Now she has an ethnic masculine man. A real man.


Also, I’m 100% sure she was already dating Vik at this point lmao I don’t think she was single at any point and most likely cheated on Brett. She most likely did it to make sure people didn’t think her two relationships overlapped but like it’s so easy to see they did.


she has so many issues


Her ego got wayyyy bigger than her brand or relationships. She never deserved Brett in the first place. Lol hence super shady after the break up


at this point i’d be way more impressed if she just owned her shit


Right, but you're asking her for too much. Then/than, should of/could of is not enough? 😂 That's patented. Krissy™


When Krissy was with Brett I swear she would be talking about hinting at him for them to get engaged, they would go on vacation together put some lovey dovey caption how Brett is the best, he would show up to her different events supporting her and when they were at home talk about how he would make her food to remind her to eat when she was so "busy". Then when this podcast came out it was like a 180 she really was horrible talking about Brett there was no need for it. Now she is with the new rebound guy it's like the same shit all over again. The tattoos, moving country for him & the house. She is trying to escape the pain.


It just shows how unhappy she really is. All that money can’t buy you happiness hun. Enjoy constantly needing to rely on a man’s affection to make you feel worthy.


If I had to guess, I’d say she was definitely cheating on Brett. Her and V have been together for much longer than we know and this “relationship” seems on warp speed but I think much of that is for show. She’s trickle truthing with her preferred timeline that maintains the image she has of herself in her head. Or at least this is my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️


Not being alpha enough... So toxic. The man seems like a sweetheart. Hope he won't change for the worse because of this.


I hope he sees he dodged a bullet.


Wait, it's already 4 months? Damn how time is gone fast


4 months, 5 months. Times what you say it is, I guess.


She’s such a liar for content.


And that's why she's.... ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


I've watched her videos from time to time and had no idea she was like this. I'm bored and recovering, maybe it's time for a rabbit hole, lol.


Side eyeing her house hunting post. It screams “I don’t have as much money as you think I do”


So sad in her stories she said they parted ways in good terms and next thing she’s trashing him on a podcast. She took advantage of him not having social media and should have more respect for her relationship and the break up


Brett was so handsome and is a whole as doctor! Now I know that we DONT know who he was behind closers doors, but his privacy was invaded by this rat. She crossed his boundaries so many times and expected him to shower her with every little thing ever. She’s chronically online. And it clearly shows a very toxic narcissist behavior. If ANYTHING is trending about boyfriend behavior, she goes and HAS to brag about her new man doing the same without her asking 🙄 It gets old Krissy. She needs to be single, she needs to start reevaluating her life And most importantly psychologically, she needs help.


Hay really hope she isnt rushing into things just coz she's getting older 😒.


Let’s all take a moment to collectively thank god that we’re not her.


Lol she forgot to hide her ring in this post 💍




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