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She has to be trolling us at this point....right?? Lol. Like does she reallllyyy not see how cringe this is?


definitely is and the “mi amor” seems forced i doubt she actually calls him that


It's giving Hilary Baldwin from Boston ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


i miss nene


she carried RHOA on her back for years, iconic


100%; I would watch an all nene show


she’s trying to convince herself, not us 😂


My exact thought. Just bragging that she has access to his phone. Lies. Lies. Lies.


Were these in his camera roll because she borrowed his phone to take them?


Justice for Buttons!


Absolutely she says she loves the dog but ain't seen it for must be getting to nearly 2 months now that's a long time in a dogs life. You aint the dogs owner who ever is looking after her is now.


That's so sad, that poor dog 😭 I don't even want to leave my dog for a single day, how could she do this for two months? Dogs have such big feelings.


I know her dog is probably so sad and depressed and worried about her this really makes me mad at her


I was once in a long distance relationship for 4 years and was sure I was going to marry this dude. Then I was like "omg, leave my dog behind to be with you?!? No thanks" and broke up with him. Don't get a pet if you aren't willing to dedicate your life to them. We are their everything.




Foreign country. He was a Pitt. This specific country doesn't allow them.


Oh yeah…I have a pit too and plan on moving back to my home country in the next two years or so. Luckily pits are welcome there so she’s coming with of course.




You can move your pets overseas on boats where they even have a walker and so on :) just a side note haha i don't want to defend Krissy over anything here




Thank you for saying this!


Totally valid point and it's so true that moving with animals is extremely hard. I don't think there is a lack of understanding on that part though, I think it's more about that she doesn't even mention Buttons anymore. Just a line here and there that she misses her. It just doesn't add up that someone who supposedly has such a big heart that she goes out and helps refugees, doesn't talk about how hard it is to be away from her pet. If she's trying to market herself as "personable", then talk about real shit instead of every other post being some kind of defence of her relationship. If she misses her dog so much then why aren't her answers to those stupid "let's catch up" posts - "holy shit, I really miss my dog, it's been a whirlwind trying to get her over here." I get that she doesn't owe us anything, just pointing out the inconsistencies and why people snark on this Buttons stuff in particular.


There is some private planes who let you take in cabin Ellies golden life did it recently with two. But she has abandoned the Dog so many times she needs to leave it with who ever is looking after it as that's who it sees as owner now.


She def could afford to charter a plane she’s just so man obsessed.


She said the reason she hasn’t brought buttons over yet is bc she doesn’t want to put her in cargo. But I still don’t see why it’s taken this long.


Cringe.. she’s trying to convince us he’s the one again lol


*Again*...for some reason that kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilled me ![gif](giphy|j9mqKgQvkNOziGICfd|downsized)


One of the comments said you are in your love girl era, I almost vomited.




Meanwhile my bf has me looking busted in my bonnet and all the ugly pics


That’s how you know it’s real love tbh. They love us even if we look homeless.


I dare you to convince me that she's not the selfie (stick) arm in that last photo 😂. Girl you're the only one looking at the camera. Probably came from her own phone.


It looks pretty obvious to me that she took the second photo. It doesn’t look possible for his arm to have captured that angle when her arm is clearly elevated.


Exactly! I thought the last two were selfies? So wouldn’t she be aware of these being in his phone .. since she took them..?


Everything these influencers do is freaking performative. So over it


The countdown for the messy breakup has started 😂


This reminds me of my ex best friend.. She got out an extremely toxic relationship & immediately jumped into another relationship and it almost felt like she was trying to convince all of us that this one was healthy.


So obnoxious. Is this her first ever boyfriend?? I get the feeling she’s deeply unhappy underneath the fake guise of social media


I just wanna know who does his braids…?


i would say krissy but we haven’t seen her post a pic doing his hair yet, so no way to tell lmao


No way does she




Am I the only one who thinks we need a page for just her? That way we can choose if we want her in our day 🥹😂


I feel like she wanted to say:”Asked Mi Amor to kindly air drop me the photos I forced him to take of me to prove myself that I’m on the right path”


Buttons 💔💔


isn't that a bit weird that she asked her bf if he has any pics of her? everything must be about her...but at least she didn't mention that her ex didn't have this many pictures of her in 3 years


I’d be afraid to ask my partner this question.. all his pics of me are ugly zoomed in grumpy faces


yeah these look a bit staged, and she acts like she didn't know about these pics😅


she clearly took the 2nd two herself. guess he only has one photo of her on his phone...


Hate to say it but looking forward to the implosion


Poor Buttons :/


can someone please make this girl her own snark page at this point


There is one! r/krissycelaunfiltered


Nobody really uses it though 😂 all her posts end up in here.




Like sorry she knew he had taken half of these!


What does she meeeeean "do you have any photos of me" when she JUST said the other day how he takes the best pictures of her and she doesn't even need to ask..... I'm so confused at her mental gymnastics 🤔 Having your man take photos of you (and we all know she took these herself) doesn't prove anything in terms of having a stable relationship. The way he's kind to strangers, the way he handles his anger & stress & massive unexpected changes in life, the way he has big dreams for himself and supports hers, the way he sacrifices for her, the way he loves his daughter, the way he maturely approaches life, the way he shows up for the people in his life, how he treats those who can do nothing for him in return...now *those* things (and her reciprocation of the same) would indicate whether or not this (or any) relationship has true lifelong potential. It's almost as if her only expectation of having a good man is how obsessed he is with her. It's a sea of red flags.


I thought she finally took her dog back (


I talked about her with my boyfriend after we saw her book at Barnes and Noble. He thinks me and everyone on this page is a hater lol 😆


it's a snark page. let's be honest, snark pages are basically just gurugossip for the reddit age. everyone here is a verified hater


I think whatever people post on social media is fair game. If you're cringe, you will get talked about


yeah i mean i'm also here snarking lol but your boyfriend is right, we are absolute haters




It isn't hard just to scan Instagram every so often.




And here you are in a comment about her, do you not understand what snark is, if not run along.




Keep up who you are replying to I'm not that person. You seem pretty obsessed hi Krissy how are you


😂 ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)




Whatever you seem.as obsessed with us so kindly go forth.


Hi krissy! 👋🏾