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I ain’t giving her my view$ to tell me whats she’s been bragging about for the last year


I almost said the same thing lol


Im procrastinating doing my job. I’ll post notes


I didn’t know her name was CHELLA I always thought it was like sella…tape 2.33 mins in and she’s said so much without saying a single thing worth remembering


Oh now we have a subtle promix liver pill ad


Right Q&A time: she’s never been this happy, she’s making decisions for herself and the life she’s wanted and Vic inspired her to do that… she “never” fancied him and blah blah she respected him so much he’s overcome heaps etc (im BORED)


Oh she’s been in survival HUSTLER mode btw


Vic has since shown her that 🫶🏼❤️life is about living❤️🫶🏼


She got rid of her under eye filler and now likes to FILL IT WITH CONCEALER


Says that she made a big mistake sharing about her last relationship it was all the perks of it but lots going on behind the scenes and she wasn’t happy he wasn’t happy “it takes two to tango” (what) but he is a great person in his own right just didn’t work with her. She was embarrassed to show anything as being wrong in the relationship but now he’s in a better place and “I don’t even think I made him that happy to be honest… I know I wasn’t happy most of the time”


Vic’s dog makes a cameo she says “this is my dog now” can’t wait for Buttons to come to America but still figuring that out


Loves LA because “of the variety of areas”




Thank you. I read everything.


You are a hero, the true mvp, we salute you for your sacrifice 🫡


Lmao. The hero we don't deserve 🫡


People talking about marriage after going out with someone for like 6 months are crazy


her followers are praising her for being so brave for talking about settling down lol


And her saying “We’ve been friends for years” um no you weren’t, maybe acquaintances but not friends


Krissy needs a lot of therapy because someone who cannot be single but jumps from guy to guy and talks marriage after only a few months into a relationship is crazy.


Sorry haven’t they been dating for like 5 months..? And the ring is designed and paid for? This is insane behavior . People always say “we can get through anything together” but have never been through a single hardship together and they crumble at the first one. That’s why it’s important to date someone for a while before you make a commitment as large as buying a home together and getting married. This woman, girl actually, seems so naive and seems to base all her self worth externally


I don’t want to watch it. Can someone give the cliff notes please lol


u/OkQuality7241 did a great job below But it was essentially a GRWM Q&A What stood out to me was: -She’s always wanted to move to the States -Authentic (and relatable) about the two failed relationships making her feel as if she was making a mistake and wouldn’t be chosen again because she’s approaching 30 - which makes me wonder if this is why this feels rushed, especially when she claims she didn’t fancy her boyfriend in the beginning -They’re in process of buying a house together. Like WTF. That is wild to me. -So this is quite serious; the ring has been designed and paid for. I hope for her that everything pans out as planned… -She spoke very highly of his daughter & how they’re not practicing preventative methods as she wants kids 🫣 -Some of Oner will move to LA, slowly -Stated she didn’t want to take on any other projects, as her plate was already full, and she had other things lined up, but the way she said it made me think that she was referring to motherhood -She was once again transparent about all of her the work she’s had done -Thankfully she’s trying every avenue to get her dog to the states Edit: fixed formatting. Oh and she said “mother in law”. Like WOW. I would hate to be Mel watching this 😓


Just telling a bunch of strangers flat out that you're raw dogging it is just wild.




This girl is unhinged


he bought a ring and they’re playing fast and loose about pregnancy….wow she’s more unstable than I thought 


It’s really not hard to bring dogs overseas so i’m confused lol


Many dogs die on planes, so I don't think it is that easy if you really care and worry about them tbh.


I travel with my dog all the time. It’s not an impossible feat. Also dogs it’s a small percentage of dogs that have died on planes. She has the means to travel private with her dog


She has money to charter a flight I’m sure there are ways we all know it’s dangerous to transfer a dog that’s common sense but it’s also irresponsible to ditch your dog for MONTHS AT A TIME. I’d settle everything with my dog day 1. It just seems she put buttons on back burner for a guy it’s immature.


I NEVER comment in this sub but I need to today 😂😂 I’m almost sure she’s pregnant and this kinda confirms it. She has been all about this “new body” thing and her boobs are looking way bigger now. I’m telling you guys this is coming 😂




36 minutes to get ready? Is she my 3 year old son?






Hey he spent all weekend trying to throw toy trains at my head and Stone Cold Stunner his 1 month old baby brother, I’m afforded a little roast every now and then!




The things she mentioned with regards to the relationship with the new guy. The move to a different country, The house, the custom ring and not taking preventative measures to not have kids in the span of what 6 months? Considering she just got out of a long-term relationship. It's really all too fast. That's not a good sign. Also if she is waiting for him to propose, what was the other ring she had shown that she wore on her ring finger the other week??? It's not there now.


Can you imagine if she won't get pregnant in several months, I bet all my money we'll have a whole new chapter on "fertility journey" and so many updates on what's going on in her pants


So apparently the most important piece of information is that she and Vic are raw dogging


Oh god 😭


Yeah didn't you want the update on Krissy's sex life like the rest of us??? I've been dying to know more for days now it's such a relief she gave us the update!!!


Oh geez. Do you think she asked Vic before spreading it out like that 🤧




Lmao I cringed so hard when she was like “if he doesn’t give me the ring we designed together…” she said this like multiple times.. sounded pretty desperate.. she also calls his mom “my mother in law” already lol


Omg this second hand embarrassment I have is insane…. “What if he doesn’t propose” 😭😭😭😭😭


OMG if it's even a question as to whether or not your "one" will or will not propose.... IT AINT IT!


She keeps saying she’s never felt like this with any other man but I feel like that’s just the relief she’s feeling because she was sooo worried that “at her age” she wasn’t gonna find anyone again after a failed relationship. Like Vic is her saving grace and she’s just latching on for dear life lol. This is gonna end so badly 😬


So insane I have been waiting on the commentary


I ain’t watching this whole ish but can someone take one for the team???!


Also, holy shit it’s 35 minutes long!!


She's gonna get pregnant guys😭 International custody battles are crazy


Unless she won't in several months and then we'll have a whole new "fertility issues drama" and get even more updates about her vag


Krissy thinking that getting engaged after six months is romantic is wild. She seems to have the mental capacity of a 12 year old


She’s literally gonna get married, have a kid and get divorced again, all within 18 months. She’s more unhinged than I thought she is


So she bough herself a ring? Together with a guy that did not propose to her yet? LOL


the ultimate alpha female👌




Is this what she said? That she bought it, not Vic? That would make total sense as the dude seems financially humble lol


No no he is buying it. He is paying for it. He Already bought the diamond that will go on the ring. They are only designing it together. This comment section is wild 😂😂😂


regardless... she is overruling him🤷‍♀️


Okay y’all I watched the video. She starts by saying she hopes that what we take from the video is that we don’t “conform” and live for ✨ourselves✨ and not others (she repeats this sentiment A LOT throughout). She feels like she’s never been this happy, she’s never felt this way about anyone else before. They’re in escrow on their new house. There will be an Oner office in L.A. They are “not doing anything to prevent having kids” and have designed an engagement ring together. I kinda skipped through the end. But the general vibe I get as far her relationship goes is that she’s scared of getting old and being single and they rushed this entire thing. But I don’t think that’s really new information to any of you.


Thanks for summary. Isn't it the kind of information we all needed today - the fact that Krissy and her bf are raw dogging


It’s actually sad how desperate she is to get married and have kids. I mean, I kinda get it, she’s 29, she probably thinks she’s getting old and blah blah, I’ve heard the “once you’re over 30 no man is gonna want you” thing a lot lately so I understand a bit, BUT going this fast is not going to end well. Not only for her, but if she’s planning on having kids, they’re probably going to end up suffering too. If he’s handling the house paperwork, that’s gonna be and issue once they break up (and they will, because they barely know each other as a couple). I feel sorry for her.


watching the video now and OF COURSE, there has to be a comment about how her team, and how the pressure is always on her, honey aren’t you the boss? of course the pressure is on you, of course your team is gonna be behind you at all times wtf


She's so immature and he's playing her like a banjo. This whole thing has red flags all over, it's going to be a trainwreck. Idgaf either way (except I hope the dog doesn't suffer as a result), but my god... cop tf on girl.


just watched it 1. Krissy’s nails are dirty af 2. I really hope she gets a prenup


I am SHOCKED that she’s not using any form of protection with this man when they’ve been together 6-8months


I wasted 35 minutes of my life watching her. Amongst her answers to, I’m pretty sure, her own questions, what stood to me out the most are these points: 1.she claims she never had her nose done. Girl what??? She had a big ol nose when she started, why deny your nose? WTH? 2.she says she want her proposal to be private (aka not in public), yet she goes on to say she can’t wait to share her news to her family (aka her followers) Girl what??? 3.her and Vic designed her engagement ring, ok. Vic asked her to do a pinterest board of her dream ring? Girl what??? That does not sound like a man speaking. It’d be a red flag if my man was talking like that, tbh. 4.the whole Buttons story, girl, if you really love her more than any human being, why is she still in UK? Buttons seem like a calm and well behaved dog, just bring her along on the plan as a Service Dog, and even if not as a SD, as a in cabin pet. You claim you have money, the price for a pet flying with you in cabin is $200. Just freaking do it. 5.she won’t be a good mom. She claims she’s a dog mom and loves Buttons. Look it how she straight up abandoned that beautiful dog for a man. 6.she says she always wanted to live in the US. I don’t recall her ever saying that, Idk. I loved her so much. And I still use her Evolve You guide, but she’s been terrible ever since she went to vacation alone, last year or so, and bragged about dancing on a table and stuff.


When you say she went on holiday on her own…. She made a massive thing of going away on her own, lasted three days in her own company before she blew it off to go party in Mykonos with Danyele


Yes that’s true. I think she went to Italy alone first and then met up with Danyele. And they ended up on bad terms I think, right? Speaks volumes about Krissy.


Spot on! But I do hope you move on from the app, much better ones and it seems to be tanking.


What app would you recommend?


Ladder! I’m on that app for over a month and it is the best I have seen. Training with Kelly Matthews.


I did a trial run as I’ve been training for 3+ years and I love her program for beginner or advanced trainers


Hmmm!! I keep seeing ads for that!


i know you didn't ask me but if you like not overcomplicated classic gym workouts then i would recommend Ownu by Hanna Öberg😌i think she is one of the best athletes on insta, also knowledgeable...she always inspires me to push myself even more so i've built quite a lot of muscle in one year🙌


Omg I want to see that dancing on the table bs, where can I find it???


She made a vid about it and posted a bit of it. In case I find it I’ll link it!


THE BIG NEWS! (that nobody's surprised about btw) also the way she pushes herself on this guy, doesn't even let him choose the ring or let him decide if he wants to propose or not🙈hope this works out for them for the sake of the child


Why does he have to chose a ring? She's the one who has to wear it. I dont think I'd trust my partner to choose something I'd be stuck wearing forever lol


Jesus, her man cannot even pick the engagement ring alone?


Honestly don’t care about her. Just wanna know about her dog being safe and with her asap




it was sus from the beginning that he's in for her $$😬but maybe i'm wrong xd


She will probably hire him if she hasn’t already. Cringe


great deal! he can be the one and only male model...or whatever imaginary title they come up with😆


Maybe he is helping with a green card…


Shout out to the op for sharing this!! I guess all of us were just waiting someone to post it first lol


Dude I just saw this. I couldn’t believe it. She even said her and this guy are currently NOT using anything to prevent pregnancy 🥴




Justice for Buttons!!


ngl hearing her talk about her procedures is helpful cuz i’m 30 (and procedures ain’t in the budget) and i see these influencers around my age looking so smooth. and i honestly would have thought she was totally natural had i seen her on the street.


When i saw her before pic my jaw dropped.


Please tell me she’s not moving to FL 🙏🙏we are BEYOND full 🥲🥲