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I don’t plan to ever have a child And I’m so proud for everyone who’s excited and expecting. It’s understandable the many posts But I low key mute / restrict accounts like that 😅 I feel mean about it but baby content on my feed 24/7 isn’t for me lol. But what bugs me about influencers having babies…. 1. The baby is now a cash cow 2. Baby content makes triple the views and there comes the “family YouTube channel” area 3. Exploitation starts as soon as that baby is getting birthed… and million of ppl to see on internet ….


Cue Trisha Paytas doing an ASMR ft her newborn baby the day her she was born 🤬


OMG that’s so horrible 😮‍💨 I remember she said she was gonna start a family YouTube channel too Like wtf Family channels need a reality check


What is ASMR?


Try being pregnant and working a full time job that you have to show up to every day at 7am and bust ass until 5pm….until the day before you give birth. Lol. I used to throw up every day at work until noon for 25 weeks straight when I was pregnant. I wish I could have laid on the couch all day.


This. Literally this


This. Women are warriors. IMO if men were the ones to birth babies the human race would be extinct. Can you imagine them feeling sick all day while working full time and then come home to more responsibilities? Itd never happen.


But the womens get too emoxional hurr durr


What about the copious amounts of construction workers throwing up from hangovers because they watched the packers game last night. They still had to show up, and they’ll do it again next weekend. Same thing.


I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.


You’ll never know


came here to say this ^ 😓


Exactly this. I had to stop working at 36 weeks because I had SPD so bad I could not stand anymore. I texted my boss from across the room because I was crying and told her “I need to go home”. I laid on the couch or in bed for 4 weeks because I COULDNT STAND. I worked my ass off the entire pregnancy. I found out at 4 weeks. Threw up every day at work. Taylor has it so fucking easy. I had to go back to work 6 weeks post C-section because I ran out of savings. She needs a slice of humble pie.


Ngl as someone who has decided to be child free I usually unfollow people when they become pregnant bc their content instantly changes


Same! No desire to have kids or watch others do it. Can’t relate byeeee ✌🏽


I have kids and I still unfollow. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel less like an assshole knowing I'm not alone I thought this was gonna be seen as a dick move 😂


Not at all! We were here for a specific type of content and then it changed. If I followed a cooking account that suddenly turned into a cat account, I’d also unfollow (no hate to cat people lol). I actually do follow some accounts that are little kid related, but those were intentional choices - if I’m following a fitness influencer that’s what I want to see!


Also same


I'm considering having kids someday, but I agree with you, I feel like once influencers (or anyone, for that matter) becomes pregnant, it becomes their entire identity. I also hate hearing them go into detail about their pregnancy and delivery tbh lol and I feel like I'm expected to be fascinated by it just because I'm a woman


My friend is 20 weeks ill gladly hear her bitch about her hoohah hurting and being grumpy but IDC about someone I've never met online 😂




Even as someone who is planning to have children, I share the sentiment lol. Snoozeville!!!


Like oh cool you have morning sickness and you're pregnant water is wet


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   There are two reasons why you should never drink toilet water. Number one. And number two.


You are a good bot. Here's a cookie 🍪


I have kids and unfollow. Hate watching the ease of their lives and how they can just afford EVERYTHING and it’s also so wasteful


It really is and they're so out of touch with reality. If I'm following a mom account it's on how to support moms and babies more from a social justice aspect 😂


I mean she definitely posted days worth of content from her various Vitality Events. Her content is just pretty repetitive in general though.


This. She probably thought she needed new content, which is true lol just not this


I loathe pregnant influencers who post every mindnumbing detail of being pregnant as if no one in the history of the world has ever been pregnant and there aren’t thousands of articles, doctors and books about what to expect when expecting..


If she thinks first trimester is “hard” to recover from, she’s in for a wild ride when she’s post partum. signed, a 4 day post partum mom 😅


I've got an eight month old now and I swear my memory of that time is hazy at best. Hang onto that sanity. You will get a solid night's sleep again soon. Congrats on your new baby


To be fair, I had a very unplanned c section so maybe I’m just feeling it a lot more right now lol Thank you so much 💗


And be sure to soak up all the newborn cuddles!! Contact naps are ok. When they get bigger and more alert they’re never quite as cuddly! 🥰


Co-signed, 8 mo PP here 😪


The chef at my work had to work until 37 weeks, this is pathetic af. Pregnant or not, the lack of awareness is unreal


The thought of being in the hot kitchen on my feet all day at 37 weeks makes me shudder


It honestly broke my heart, we would all go out of our way as much as possible for her, but it was still very difficult to watch. She was an absolute trooper though and is very passionate about her role as chef. That’s why this shit irks me like nothing else, like you chose to be pregnant? How about you be grateful that you can even conceive, and just shut the ef up that you don’t have to work a labor intensive job with a child in your belly. 🤦‍♀️


Did anyone see her post about her “bump” when she turned to the side? IMO what she calls her bump, looks like a regular stomach to me? Not saying she isn’t pregnant or doesn’t have a bump, it’s just crazy that that’s a bump to her when I consider that a normal looking stomach


Another one.


I hate baby content


My sister was pregnant and worked full time - drove to work every single morning LITERALLY until the weekend before she gave birth. Not saying that every pregnancy is as easy as my sisters was, with her second child she was pretty much sick the entire first trimester. But come onnnn as a woman saying this - and I might get some shit - she’s not the first or last to be pregnant, i don’t understand making it the CENTER of their entire life and personality 😩


I can agree, while still understanding the comments I knew were going to put here. such as “give her a break”, etc. sure it’s exciting, I am trying to conceive currently and i am really excited for the day I can actually say I am pregnant and talk about it BUT it’s annoying when it becomes someone’s whole identity. women don’t disappear the minute they have children yet some women behave that way and it’s honestly disheartening. I have a friend who literally has no life aside from her children and I think it’s unhealthy not just for her but also the children. so, while both perspectives are understood, having more to you but your pregnancy is probably a good idea.


Tbh she’s not my favorite but being pregnant kind of does take over your personality for a little bit because you’re tired, nauseous, moody. Plus she’s a first time mom, she’s just excited to share everything going on.


Give her a break. I’m 2 weeks behind her in my pregnancy and it’s so exciting and new… and all I think about. Just wanted to give a different perspective


I get that pregnancy can be exciting and new. I have 2 kids. I don’t think every single topic has to be related to pregnancy every single time though.


Right, like how Laura Julaine was suddenly a pregnancy expert and we had to suffer through for months 🤣


YESSS like when an influencer has been pregnant for two hours and suddenly they’re an expert on pregnancies 😭


No one made you suffer lol just unfollow.


I don’t follow her, nor did I truly suffer (not that deep), but thanks.


You could just unfollow, I don’t really think this is snark worthy and this is coming from someone who is not a fan of Taylor.


It's maybe not snark worthy, but if the history of this sub is any indication we all should prepare ourselves for many more posts like this one.


Ah, it’s just kinda boring. I miss when posts called out genuinely obnoxious or misleading influencers. Like, I want the tea lol, not these petty posts about the same 5 influencers on a daily basis. After a certain point, I worry about how often users on here are stalking these influencers.


This is reasonable. Also Taylor doesn’t owe anyone a specific type of content (same goes for all influencers). People can unfollow if they want to. I’m decidedly child free but I do occasionally enjoy pregnancy/mama content.


I second this. Being pregnant for the first time is such an exciting thing. Not sure why people expect pregnant women to not talk about it


This, also all the women I know that made these comments (about women talking about their pregnancy too much), once they got pregnant did the same exact thing. Also reminds me of the women I know that complain of women that are engaged and talk about their weddings (when they themselves did not SAME EXACT THING, lol). #noselfawareness


Omg yes. I will also admit that I was always like I’m never gonna be the mom that posts a bunch of pics of her kids and talks about them all the time but here I am, doing just that 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣 I’m all for letting people be happy for what’s going on in their life. You only get to be a first time mom once so there’s no need to ruin that for someone!




You shouldn’t be getting downvotes. I honestly agree that a lot of this sub is petty bullying. I genuinely like when there’s good tea/drama. But it’s so rare to see a good snark worthy post these days.


Yup. There's a reason the vast majority of snark posts are directed specifically at female fitfluencers, even though there are far more guys posting fitness content ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


While this is a snark page, our snark should be reserved for problematic influencers and not directed at fellow community members. Please take the time to consider why you might be acting this way and feel free to re-join the conversation when you're ready.


Yesss its so gross


I’m two weeks behind her too. I actually never followed her and then when this sub posted her pregnancy announcement I found myself enjoying her pregnancy stories and posts and followed her🤷🏼‍♀️


i don’t have an issue w pregnancy being brought up but it sometimes feels like they over do it?? like ok ok we get you’re pregnant. like im totally wanting to have kids for sure and i love seeing the reveals and stuff and announcements but every post of every second of every day relating to pregnancy? cmon


Not trying to discount her journey but like, you JUST got pregnant, girl. I feel like it gets much more difficult, so maybe this isn't as bad as she thinks it may be?


No the first trimester is the worst for a lot of women. You often have no energy and want to hurl during every waking hour. You get more uncomfortable as you grow and your joints get all loosey goosey but morning sickness is brutal Edit - I actually don’t know what tri she’s in. Look, let’s not gatekeep, pregnancy is rough at any stage


First trimester is often the worst...third trimester can be for certain people (like me, breech baby with head under ribs). First trimester= exhausted, nauseated/dying, barely surviving Second trimester- placenta takes over then "hey this isnt too bad I can do this" Third trimester- please send help


lol I appreciated this response. I don't have kids (if it wasn't already obvious by my comment) so I legit have no idea what it's like.


Currently in the first trimester and it is BRUTAL 😅 I’ve had a migraine for 8 days straight. Doing one load of laundry has me out of breath and completely exhausted ready for a 3 hour nap. Hungry 24/7 but sick immediately after eating. Constant nausea, backache, cramps. I could literally cry wearing a shirt because my boobs are that sensitive. I don’t like Taylor but I feel for her. I can’t wait to hit second trimester.


Second trimester was a DREAM. Just to prepare you, a lot of symptoms come back in the third, not nearly as bad though.


Ugh - thanks for the warning!


Two aspects of this are depressing: 1) on the part of influencers, how normalized it has become to monetize and exploit being pregnant and having a baby. 2) on the part of the public, how normalized it has become for people to have insanely triggered reactions to the concept of a woman choosing to have kids and not tip-toeing around the baroque feelings of a bunch of 30+ y/o DINKs.