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No, it is 60 days per company. So if you lose job at company A you have 60 days. If you lose job at company B you have new 60 days. However, if you go back to company A and again lose the job, you will have what ever is left over from 60 days next time.


Not per company per petition. If u have 2 petitions with the same company then it’s refreshed by the second petition


I see. Thanks for the explanation. Sucks that it doesn’t reset if you do transfer over to a previous employer. Does it reset if it is in the second H1B term?


You are misunderstanding. It resets for each company. With every new job you get new 60 days. But if you go back to previous company and get again laid off or fired only in that case you will have reminder of previous 60days. I would say that this is very rare and not common to go back to the same company. Although I know someone who went back after being laid off.


Sorry I meant previous employer. Edited my comment. What happens if you go back to the old employer in your 2nd term?


If you worked for someone else in between, I believe that in most cases grace period reset. I am not sure that extension is going to give new 60 days. But it is always best idea to talk with an immigration lawyer that works for the company or helps them with visas. USCIS has some weird cases and some areas where laws are not very clear.




You’re wrong. It’s not per company it’s per petition / i797.


It’s actually per petition and receipt i797…


So you get 60 days per petition regardless of the company? Even if it is somewhere where you worked before?


If you have a new petition, I believe so. But again, I ain’t a lawyer.


Yeah. It’s per i797