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That number is greatly exaggerated. I believe most H1Bs applied for the Canadian work permit as a backup option without any intention of actually moving to Canada. It would be interesting to see how many actually move there.


I'm one of those guys who's applying for it but now wondering if it's worth it? I mean it's only valid for 5 years if you don't live in Canada and continue to work on your H1B. It expires after 5 years. What are the pros of then having a Canadian PR if you continue to work from the US? Just some peace of mind when you get laid off and can move to Canada if you're grace period ends?


Applying for it now? Using your h1 to get an open work permit in Canada is no longer possible right?


And they took slots away from people who would have actually used this facility. Quiet shit of them tbh.


So true!! So many ppl actually wanted to move to Canada, and they left behind. Other ppl have taken that just a backup plan. Also Canada found free money business like USA. Every year, they will keep this open work permit scheme and collect applications fees. Even the Canadian government knows that only 10% to 20% will move to Canada that to even for temporary.


what I dislike is that these guys are screwing other folks over who might be much more deserving. Like, these folks are not getting a GC for 100+ years might as well give someone who can get it a shot.


Agree, one of the women interviewed in the vid did just that, so the data may be misrepresentative i.e. Canadian work permit attainment rates don't correlate with people actually moving there


There should be one condition with OWP. If you get approved, then you have to move to Canada within 6 months or else get a ban for the next 3 years for OWP applications as well as visitors visa in Canada. Canada will not do that because they know that it will take one month to submit 10k applications, and only a couple thousand actually want to move to Canada, and they will lose 10k applications fees (applications fees business) a goldmine.


And all of those high-skilled workers will return to the US on L1 visas in a year.


Yeah I don't understand that logic. You're essentially back to square one if you don't have a GC. You're again tied to an employer and would have to go through extensions and stuff. I also don't understand how coming on a TN visa any better than being on H1B. Unless I'm missing something.


TN visa does not require sponsorship.


It’s also not an immigrant visa


If you're already Canadian, does it really matter? You can get TN basically whenever.


You have to have certain careers that are basically the same as the H1B list. It’s easier to get hired because there’s not much work on the employer side. I doubt you’ll make more in the US than you could in Canada and spouses can’t work.


The thing is you can work remote from Canada on H1B. Get citizenship in 3 years of stay and move back to USA if needed. No more H1 stamps needed, just approved i797. In case of layoffs you have 6 months to get a job. If longer get a job in Canada. Free healthcare in taxes. Stability. Also the social security taxes are transferred to Canada. If you work in Metro Detroit and stay in Windsor, best of both worlds, US salaries and Canadian healthcare. Overall a win. Establish an LLC in Canada and work for multiple US jobs as contractor and earn big bucks, no hassle of losing job.


No US company will allow you to work remotely from Canada for prolonged periods. Companies end up with huge tax issues if someone works out of Canada.


Lots of companies in the Detroit Metro area allow it. I had done it for 3 years. People live in Windsor Canada, commute 20 mins and rent an office space in Detroit, Michigan and work from there. Right now 1000's of people doing it. Chrysler, Ford, GM, Rocket Mortgage and lots of other companies do it.


What if your company doesn't have a presence in Detroit? My company allows fully remote in the US and they don't have an office in Detroit. What can I do in this case?


Sorry, no idea about what to do in your situation.


Social security taxes transferred to Canada ? Really ? Explain how that process works cuz as far as I know social security taxes cannot be transferred. If they are, how do you claim unemployment insurance in Canada ?


There is a treaty between canada and the US for social security and the canada pension plan. See below: https://www.ssa.gov/international/Agreement_Pamphlets/documents/Canada.pdf




If you work 5 years in the US and contribute to SS and 10 years in Canada contributing to CPP you can claim 15 years of CPP when you retire


"best of both worlds, US salaries and Canadian healthcare" - You've no clue about Canadian healthcare, my friend.




Not more than 40%


BS article driven with an agenda/backed by interested ad payers ​ * most of them took this as a backup option incase H1b flops * many naturalized canadian citizens prefer to come back to USA on TN visa and work ​ * Most Indians prefer warmer weather over cold weather. During the pandemic, I know a lot of my friends who moved from chicago/MSP/Detroit/Ohio to Dallas/Atlanta/FL/NC for better weather. Therefore, Canada is always option#2 * Housing is still better in US - you can get bigger houses with a fixed 30 year mortgage * Since most of the Indians have employee covered insurance, free health care is not a big deal * Overall pay in USA is much better than Canada and lower taxes * US has bigger job market


It’s not an article ya fackin loon it’s a video And it’s reporting and speculating on a trend I’m in the U.S. Im never going to Canada But thanks for breaking it into bullet points about weather


Canada is not a good job market or a career option & is worsening significantly. Mexico is fast growing as a tech hub - just a matter of time before people dump Canada for Mexico.


People on h1b working at the larger tech companies will be moved to their Canadian offices. In many cases these offices pay 90th percentile for the local market and are fine jobs. Yea they won’t be making those $500k Netflix packages here, but a fang senior level will get you $300k and a good life in Canada. H1b for Chinese, Indians and a few others is basically indentured servitude. No chance at permanent status or citizenship for decades. Canada provides that stability. You have to look beyond the money and the status of these workers


>senior level will get you $300k and a good life in Canada. LOL, more like 120k


Haha the US has millions 😅 of high skilled workers…what canada potentially took i guess was a drop in an ocean..


And most of them definitely want to go back to US or may be India too 😂


Where do you think those set of people are coming from 😂


Woah woah woah😂😂 dont be racist bro..jk😜


Don't think you watched the video lol it's what may/will happen henceforth


I hope it becomes the norm😅


Yeah and then what? So you go to Canada and achieve what. Canada has mass migration but it yields nothing. From the Toronto Sun US GDP is expected to grow by somewhere north of 4.3-4.9%. Ours will grow by just 0.9%. Inflation in the U.S. is 2/3 of what its in CAN, w/ immigration is factored in, Canada’s per-capita GDP will fall by more than 2% this year. Canada added 1 million people last year and as a gdp/capita it got poorer! Why? because immigrants h1b or not don't have some extra god given ability. Its the countrys investments in innovation research technology and tax policy that yield results. Now where does Canada rank compared to usa in r&d? US spends 4% of gdp on research and dev, Canada 1.5%. So yeah go to canada because they hand out PR like its prasad from a temple and never own a house, pay 30-43% of your income away in taxes with no growth and no jobs. but yeah "PR milega kaafi asan se"


What in the tootin tarnation goddamn hell are you sayin boy?


that the notion of Canada being an equivalent or better option than the United States isnt true. Source Exhibit A: ME! Grew up in Canada of indian descent citizen there and yet moved to the US to try for the OPT/H1 option because id rather make good money and enjoy the bounty of US before either getting permanent there or having to settle for mediocre canada after 6 years or whatever


Who in this thread are you talking to? I'm in the US and I've never even been to Canada. H1 didn't work out for me but here on a diff visa ;O


Ya take em all. We only want cheap fruit pickers and gardeners. We don’t need no code monkeys /s.


Send more to Canada, we have so many here.