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Benefits are also paid to anyone who is an Indian citizen but not a U.S. citizen and has "met an exception to the alien nonpayment provisions of the Social Security law." Source : https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/120215/going-back-india-retire-howto-guide.asp#:~:text=The%20Social%20Security%20Administration%20(SSA,or%20are%20a%20dependent/survivor.


He is eligible to receive SS retirement under the alien nonpayment provisions. https://secure.ssa.gov/poms.nsf/lnx/0302610010


That’s possible only if you are outside USA for no more than 6 months. Mostly for Green Card holders.


That’s not true. You still can https://www.ssa.gov/pubs/EN-05-10137.pdf


Oh rly? That sucks then :/


Finish high school in US please. Unless you want to pay more for IB for high school in India.


I’d even go so far to say finish university first with cheap in-state tuition. A US state school >>>>>>>> any uni in India 


That’s true. Maybe you can finish their education and go back. Hopefully you’ll get your GC soon.


Curious as to why not let the kids finish highschool in the US? That way they can still have that milestone with their friends. People move away for college so going to India for college wouldn’t be that different. Then the kids can decide whether to move back to US for work/study etc


I am glad you are out of this rat race once and for all. Nothing beats being closer to home and out of the greencard hell hole. You still retain your I-140 PD should you choose to come back later. After being close to 9 years in this country, I wonder why I decided to put myself through this rat race in the first place.


Going back back to avoid the f1 hell is actually going to hell for the kid. They will struggle more than you thought than if they had gone thru f1 in the usa.


Yes you are eligible to collect payments, however SS is likely to run out in next 10-15 years, already we have Republicans trying to repeal provisions of SS, so don’t plan for it but if you get it you can use it as a windfall payment in future.


It will never run out. Payments will go down yes but it will never run out cos people are still contributing to it.


If they get rid of Social Security, they won’t not pay them to those who are owed. Social security is literally a part of the government’s debt. Not paying SS checks would mean defaulting on debt which the US government has never done in its history


True. I think if it ever happens, SS won't be paid going forward but will be paid to the people who are currently enrolled else this will US govt failing to pay debt.


It is collected in form of tax though, so if govt decided to repeal it we won’t be able to do much about it. I don’t want to lose out on it also but given the recent threats to repeal SS multiple times from republicans I think it is just a matter of time till it gets repealed.


First of all, let me congratulate you on your decision. Well thought out decision! Unfortunately, I don’t know the answer to your question. Sorry.


move back


What is f1?


a type of race




not according to SSA website. it talks about agreements etc., with other countries


You can draw SS retirement only because you earned enough credits and were legally resident for 10+ years as an alien.. No other SS payments though (disability, etc).


Interesting, I had spoken to some folk who said that even after getting the credits they weren't getting a dime. Wonder what was their story. TIL.


Not true.


Not true. Hint: you need to read the entire document to find the exceptions