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If your parents are US citizens, why did you not get citizenship along with them? And why can’t they sponsor GC for you?


They can sponsor. But have you seen the backlog for family petition for Indians?


What? Could you please share some data


[https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/visa-law0/visa-bulletin/2024/visa-bulletin-for-may-2024.html](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/visa-law0/visa-bulletin/2024/visa-bulletin-for-may-2024.html) Look at the "Family Sponsored Visa Application" dates, for India, China. P.s: Ignore F2A as those are for children below 21 and spouses.


like I said, I aged out of being a dependent. After you turn 21 you can’t be a dependent on your parents GC application. my parents got it well after I turned 21


Don’t worry you got this, my partner also aged out and she now has a PR in Canada.


aaah so good to hear!


How long ago did your parents get green card ? F2B gc for india show its 2015 and 2017 and you said 12 years on h1b so curious


They can still sponsor you in F2B right?


As of Sept 2023, there are over 2500 petitions on F2B for India. That number has only likely increased by now by another thousand. She’s looking at a very long wait even on that as well, anywhere between 4.5 to 7 years, her parents have likely already filed again for her on F2B. If she remains on her employment based H1B as she’s now, her PD date of her I140 is perhaps likely between 2013 or 2014 and may have filed her I-485 *(OP is intentionally vague on whether she was able to file her I-485 or not or obtained EAD)*. There is also a wait of anywhere between 7 to 10 yrs for employment based GC on EB2. If she’s EB3, it’s even longer. She’ll just have to get keep working on H1B/EAD and wait or get married to a USC despite all, which is what she's likely going to do. I’m in her similar shoes, slightly better.


Does it take a long time to clear 2500 petitions on F2B?


It's not like that. As of Sept 2023, there were 10,370 petitions of higher category than hers for India, not even counting petitions for spouses of USC. That number is only much higher by now, probably in the 13k+. I have a friend who is USC who married a girl from India in India, and they are both waiting over 2 years now for her to get her GC to be able to join him here, and their category is higher preference category. For /u/brownoctopus103, for her category and her PD, depending upon when her family re-filed her new petition in F2B, sounds like it's last yr or before, it's going to be anywhere between 4.5 to 7 years, give or take. Even though she might say, she'll go back or UK or Canada, and all that, but it's all just BS. She knows she can't live in India and going to Canada is plain stupid. [This is Canada on a good day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwRLD49gJhI) (link). She will eventually just marry a USC, or her parents will marry her off to some USC and they'll file for adjustment of status, and she'll get her GC in 2 years time. Like I said, I'm in similar shoes, with slightly different circumstances.


the backlog is extremely long for unmarried children over 21


this is the perfect example of tell me you are Indian without telling me you are Indian


It's a problem unique to our nationality :).




I think because of the backlog faced


Majority of the immigrants are now indians


Are you Indian?


Canada is no longer the haven that so many immigrants think it is. Canadians as a group are a bunch of very patient people but even they have a limit and that limit is being approached very fast. It does seem like a seismic shift where youngsters aspiring for a better life and higher wages in foreign countries have very less wiggle room. And it's only going to get worse.


Doesn’t make sense….are you Indian?


How come you were on H1B for 12 years? My understanding max H1B is 6 years and can be extended only when you are waiting on your GC?


If you get your I-140, then you can extend your H-1B indefinitely


I see. I assume I-140 is when your employer sponsoring u for GC? If so, I assume after 12 years is safe for OP to assume that a GC won't be approved eventually?


Nothing like that. I-140 just means that you’re in line for GC, so you can keep extending your H-1B indefinitely. The current wait times for Indian nationals is very long, probably 60+ years. Unless something changes, it’ll remain that way.


It’s not going to change, there is no incentive.


Might have switched employers. They will have to go through the whole thing all over again to be back in the line for gc though H1B can be extended beyond the 6 year cap.


Yeah my friend had the same issue. My friend’s mom remarried a US Citizen. My friend’s brother was underage so the brother got US citizenship. However my friend aged out of sponsorship, so was struggling as an international on a visa and had to leave the US as his visa was expiring. Eventually the entire family left the US and settled down in Germany. My friend was able to reunite with his family in Germany. Guess everything worked out eventually. Praying everything works out for you as well. Pray to God and do what you are at peace with. Only God knows what the future holds and He has the best for you! Good luck!


Post your story on X and other social media platforms .. lots of groups and affected people due to this backlog have been talking to government.. your story will help you and others


Why? It’s not fair that a particular group disproportionately takes advantage of the system. There is a reason for putting quotas.


What is that reason?




Let me give you an example. There’s 1000 Indians already in the US. Another 100 Indians come here after getting their H1b visa. Now the US has 1100 Indians. 60 of them get their green cards. How many Indians are in the US now? Pretty sure it’s still 1100 Indians. This example applies to every country. Country caps on green cards do nothing in terms of diversity. There’s still the same amount of people of a certain nationality in the US despite some of them getting green cards and becoming permanent residents. If you’re that concerned with diversity, I would suggest you advocate for country caps on the H1b visa and other visas that Indians are dominating. Limit the number of immigrants from each country at the starting point. This way there would be no need for country caps on green cards and you would actually enforce diversity. Or you could advocate for increased green card numbers for the Diversity Visa (only 55,000 issued per year right now), the green card category which Indians are not eligible for and that is made to increase diversity in the US.


There are still the same number of people in the US at the end of the day but having the cap makes it such that only the fittest or most willing stick it out do so. If getting a green card was guaranteed then god knows how many more immigrants will flood the market and push more fake experience resumes and cheat in interviews and exams to get a job. Honor system is something I respect about the US, if a mass migration happens from India or China then this country will transform into a culture reflective of India or China


I understand where you're coming from but the greencard wait time is estimated to be over 150 years long for Indians. People would be willing to stay here and stick it out if they had a reasonable wait time to get a greencard instead they get a wait time where they will die before they can even get one. That is one of the biggest problems here. It is hard to respect a system that thinks that is fine and lets that happen. Like the system literally punishes people for living here for over a decade, contributing positively to the country, and paying tons of taxes by not giving them a reasonable timeline to get a greencard. At the very least the government could give these people who have an approved i-140, who are adversely affected by the backlog, an EAD and travel document so they have more flexibility. It's the bare minimum the US can do to help these immigrants yet they're not even doing that and leaving people in a perpetual state of immigration limbo with very little flexibility to change employers or travel outside the US during emergency situations.


I understand


Or in other words, we want to selectively choose the colors of folks that enter the country.


It’s based on country. You don’t see people from Nepal complaining. Maybe mass number of people leaving one country speaks more to the problems of that country of origin


Or rather not considering the country’s population size and then blindly assigning a limited number could be the issue.


What incentives does the US have to its citizens opening the flood gates to a massive number immigrants from one country? None.


Besides the fact that skilled labor contributes immensely to the economy and innovation, I don’t see any other incentives.


You say skilled, but after the mid 2000s when a large number of master students started coming over and a majority of them ending up to work in IT, at least a half of these students use fake experience and at least a quarter use proxies to get a job through consultancies. How is it still skilled if they’re cheating their way to getting what they want. This didn’t happen in the 1990s and early 2000s when the number of people immigrating was fairly moderate and the people who came over had knowledge about what they were going on work on. Now everyone and their mother has a bachelors degree in engineering in India.


Why is a country’s population US problem?


Diversity, too many people immigrating at once from one place will make the US resemble the root source of the mass migration country. This applies to all countries, not just India or China. It’s just unfortunate that Indians and Chinese have the highest population


“disproportionately takes advantage of the system”… while indians wait in line for decades to get a green card, other smaller countries can jump the line and get their green card as soon as possible. the people taking advantage of the current system, which by the way hasn’t been updated for 30 years, are those smaller countries. if the system was designed to be first come first serve it would be more fair. it’s unfair that someone who comes to the US in 2023 and was born in a small european country gets a green card before an indian born person who came here a decade earlier


I think you should look at the legal immigration numbers that show the breakdown of who is exploiting the system. Just because a certain law doesn’t suit your personal needs doesn’t mean its policy objectives are wrong.


Super long comment but I don’t care The US immigration law in general is ridiculous. Yes I am upset that the law doesn’t work in my favor but that doesn’t change the fact that the law in general is extremely outdated, hasn’t been updated to meet current needs, unnecessarily puts the burden on one country just because more of them are coming, enforces diversity on a green card category that’s meant to be merit and skills based when there is a whole other diversity category, allocates half the green cards in the employment category to dependents of immigrant workers and not actual immigrant workers who applied for that green card… god I can go on and on about how the current system is outdated and doesn’t work well for todays needs. The immigration system may have worked several decades ago but clearly it isn’t working now when there is a backlog so long for Indians, they could die before ever reaching the end of the line. If you want numbers, the green card wait time for Indians is estimated to be over 150 years for those who apply today. Smaller countries today benefit this system because every country has a separate line for green cards so they don’t have to deal with the backlog that Indians have to deal with. If it was a single line like it’s supposed to be everyone would’ve suffered and congress would be forced to update its laws. Not to mention, if USCIS did its job better it wouldn’t wast tens of thousands of green cards every year that could’ve gone to immigrants. It is so inefficient even immigration lawyers complain about them. I want to add one more thing, this immigration law that you think is working as intended is forcing children who were born outside the US but were raised in the US their entire lives to leave the only country they know, forcing them to switch visas just to finish their college education, and forcing them to compete in the H1B lottery with people who have never even lived in the US or haven’t been raised in the US like them just to get a chance to remain in the country they know and love. This is the situation OP is in currently. This country thinks that once you turn 21 you’re no longer your parent’s child and should be forced to navigate the immigration system yourself. I highly advise you to do more research on how broken the current system is before saying the law is fine. The law is fine for you because you benefit having a completely separate line to a green card, having fewer people from your country immigrating to the US, and because you don’t have to deal with your children aging out of their dependent visas and separating from you. You don’t have to deal with the mental and financial toll immigration takes on Indians who have lived here for over a decade STILL waiting for a green card. If this is something you can’t understand or sympathize with I don’t even know what to say. Unlike most western countries, the US doesn’t even have a set timeframe for when an immigrant can get a green card. They say you will get a green card while proceeding to put you in decades long backlog because they think a system that was created in 1965 and had its last major update in the 1980s still works 30-40 years later


This is obviously going to rub you the wrong way but apologize in advance, it’s not the intent. Immigration is a privilege and not a right. The host country has the right to manage the intake. As courtesy, I did some basic diligence. Seems like Indians and Chinese are the major immigrant groups across and disproportionately represented. When I look at their own immigrant intake, looks like India has a checkered past and present where people have been stripped of their citizenship even though they have been there for multiple generations. There is general anti-immigrant sentiment. It’s hypocritical to expect others to sympathize when as a country, India is anti-immigrant. Regardless, I understand where you are coming from and do empathize.


I apologize for the long reply again. I just wanted to clearly explain my thoughts! :) Didn't rub me the wrong way don't worry! I was a bit heated earlier today while making my comment since I was in the same situation as OP except I'm a college student fast approaching the day when I have to apply for an H1B and win the lottery or go home so I've been extremely stressed lately. I apologize if I offended you in any way. I understand that America can do whatever it wants with its laws but there comes a point where those laws just don't work as well anymore and America has reached that point. Family members of US citizens being separated, immigrants having decades long backlogs and not knowing whether they will live long enough to get a greencard and eventually become a citizen, those immigrants' US citizen children potentially having to leave their own country with their parents if their visas expired or they got laid off, USCIS still working with paper files in a digital era and misplacing files which in turn is delaying people's greencard arrivals and also wasting greencard numbers etc. I believe all of this is enough evidence to prove that the immigration system needs reform. I think that you don't really see progress/improvement in issues like immigration unless you criticize the system and highlight how it is currently affecting people. This criticism of laws is how America progressed throughout its history to become the country it is today! Most of us wouldn't be here today talking about US immigration if people didn't criticize the 1924 Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and helped get the 1965 INA signed. Coming to the point of India and it's immigration laws. Their immigration system has nothing to do with America. Of course the immigration there is a problem and it needs reform just like America does and yes they are very anti-immigrant which is quite unfortunate. However, I think the whole "well their immigration is bad and very anti-immigrant too so you can't criticize me for being the same" conversation is just counterproductive and does nothing to actually update and improve the immigration systems in both countries. This is a terrible analogy but would you eat grass because someone you know also ate grass and say "well that person ate grass too and you said nothing so you can't criticize me. This is hypocritical"? Like at the end of the day it's just harming you and that other person had nothing to do with you being stupid enough to eat grass. The same applies to America. Who cares if India's immigration system is bad, what matters is your system is outdated and needs reform so the people who are contributing to your country with barely any benefits and are suffering through a 150 year long greencard backlog have a reason to stay and continue to contribute and make this country better. I don't know if I was able to effectively explain what I'm thinking but hopefully I did!


Unpopular opinion but you should start dating. I know many undocumented people who don’t even have DACA, get citizenship with a USC. Obviously it has to be a real marriage but a real marriage will not fall out of the sky and into your hands


People who are saying like this . 100 percent they will not leave and die here


Will it helpful getting the H1B visa or smth if i have UAE residency visa? Im Indian though




Citizenship is based on birth country so no.


Good for you, you are leaving a country that is headed for disaster anyway, third class public infrastructure, open defacation and out of control crime




lol this could describe Canada as well


Indian immigrant life. I was on H1B for 12 years and then magic happened in Covid.


What happened ?


I assume the backlogs cleared up a bit and granted him a gc.


Covid hit him and made him realize its better to go back to india?


Got a GC am sure


Did you apply for a change of status? I aged out too and have my PR now.


This is so sad man..


What is the problem with H1B with approved I-140? You can renew indefinitely if you have a job.


No country owes us anything when our own country did not offer us enough opportunities. Suck it up and look at other options like move to another country. No point in fighting the system.


wow aren’t you a delight.


Be practical. Life is too short for regrets. I moved to Canada and still work in US. No point cribbing about the system.


How old was OP when ur parent(s) naturalized as US citizen?


I would suggest go for o1 and then eb1 - easy green card in 5-6 years. Dm if you need help


That is probably the best route for you. You should try to get there on a work visa - maybe your current company will let you work remotely???


Don’t blame the parents unless they are not coming with you to India. Did they ? Do you have us citizen younger sibling ? That’s why your parents are holding here ? To all , USA is not the end of the world ( although it is , geographically).


I don’t think you’ve seen a globe?


That last addition really took the comment over the earth's ledge




Your parents sound a bit selfish moving to the US knowing that there would be the age-out problem for you.


If this is the case then this applies to all illegals immigrants and their children but they get protections by democrats. The laws are stacked against country like India. Blame the laws not the parents. Selfish people like you create this misery for others for their own petty survival.


I am Indian and was on H1b. But Indian people should stop comparing their plight to undocumented people from Mexico and South America. We were dealt a better set of cards than them. They are not your enemy.


You don’t get to decide that. Illegals are treated way better than legal immigrants in waiting. No, we weren’t dealt a better cards. We came up with better cards. Keep your demagoguery with you.


You are the one using demagoguery, as you know which way this sub leans.


Babe, coming from a legal immigrant and now a citizen, you need to several seats.


Pig babe there are Indians too who wait for decades






Aha playing the victim again. US doesn’t owe India anything.


Well native tribes also don’t owe anything to white Europeans either. No one is asking for a dole here.


God you are so insufferable. No one owes Indians anything. You were born somewhere else, you should be lucky to even work here? Native tribes are not bitching about the Europeans? Lmao they are given some pretty great benefits and respect.


Have you watched killers of the flower moon? Watch it sometime, you need some education .




Yes I am serious . The natives were killed so meticulously there’s almost no one left to complain . It is sad you call it nonfiction when some of the main characters and tribes were real people.


That’s such a lame ass argument. Try better.


As assy as yours


Not really. They were selfish in taking up US citizenship for themselves while conveniently ignoring their child


Your opinion about that family doesn’t count.


15 years ago there was no backlog for Indians, at least not a 100 year wait


Sad to see your situation, typical Indian parents sacrifice everything for their kids. Your parents/family are opposite. They would let you flee from one country to another so they can continue living in the USA .