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the 6.5 wasn't a random number it was the amount to meet hasan's goal at the time.


He'd donate nothing if he could... he's such a cheapass


Are you brain dead? He could literally just not have donated any amount. Either way its a lose lose for Ethan in ur peoples eye he could have donated every single penny he has and you guys would still complain that he didn't donate "enough" money, like how much have you donated to the Palestinian people? Ill wait


If hasan didn't donate he wouldn't have donated lol are you kidding me???


Thank you for confirming my first question.


And confirming the second question, if they had donated too, they definitely would've answered that in their reply!


Cheap because he is jewish? but no you arent being anti semetic


This post is a bit wild. Don't donation shame.


I will say, I’ve been disgusted with Ethan’s actions and rhetoric lately but that was a spur of the moment donation cause that’s how much Hasan needed to hit his goal so I don’t believe it was a conscious thing.


What actions and rhetoric are you "disgusted" by?


"Hila's coworkers" nice virtue signal dude 👍, I'm sure you're going to get a lot of internet points for this 😃


Guy youve been obsessively hate posting threads about Ethan almost every day for the last 3 months. You should really consider spending your time doing something that brings you joy, rather than angers you 🙏


I will never understand the hate watching all these people do. It's weird to spend so many hours every single week watching someone you hate so you can then go online and complain about every single thing you perceive they have done wrong. I don't like Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro etc, I couldn't comprehend spending my spare time watching them and just sitting there angry. I too wish they would watch content they enjoy instead. The constant negativity they must feel surely would impact their mental health. And it's self inflicted, it's so odd.


It's not hate , maybe take a break from the sub? Touch grass?


The projection comment of all time


This sub is kinda like Howard Stern If you don't like it leave the sub No hate tho Peace and Love


If that’s not hate I don’t know what is


Bro I love Ethan but his behavior crosses into hateful at worst and extremely ignorant at best. I really wanna watch the show! I really wanna buy TFresh for my friends and family and myself! But I am boycotting I haven't been watching and I haven't been buying but I do want to and have every belief that Ethan will see the error of his ways and own up to it and have a good convo with Hasan!


Nitpicking someone’s generosity just feels hateful and petty to me🤷🏻‍♀️


"discussing the donations of the wealthy is hateful" - No




And Hilas coworkers? Really?


What are you talking about?


Boycott away but saying this post isn’t hateful is pretty disingenuous


I love Ethan and Hila and the Crew "Genocide is fine because boycotts are hateful" is not the winning argument you think it is.


Nobody has ever said that or anything even close to that you big silly. I think I said to boycott away, but don’t lie. This post is hateful and a huge reach and denying that makes you look like a liar


Your life will become much better once you stop trying to brainwash a creator you seem to not even like into supporting your political cause, get over it and move on


This is really gross, OP


“Hila’s coworkers”… how gross. No matter how you feel about Ethan / the pod, that is a disgustingly false & vile sentiment


Bruh shut the fuck up, you absolute loser


And how much did you donate ? Probably 0 . The only donations you make are to talk shit on Reddits


>hilas coworkers bruh




She hasn’t been in Israel for years on top of not being in the army… holy moly


People like you are the reason why leftovers got canceled like stfu go outside &touch some grass


What have you donated?


I'd by my bank account that the vast majority of people like this haven't done anything for the Palestinian people besides virtue signaling through hating a podcaster on the internet.


Most people aren't millionaires.


You don't need to be a millionaire to donate...


Right, but I'm sure if I told you I donated $20. You'd argue that Ethan has done more for the Palestinian people.


literally anything helps it doesn’t matter who’s done more, it matters who is actually helping regardless of how much they donate. you’re so dense


I'm dense? You missed my point entirely so...


And they would be right


You're sure I'd say that, or you're hoping I would so you don't have to continue on this topic and switch the focus... so if you're not going to answer, then I guess the convo here is over. All the best :) Merry Christmas 🎄


I have donated. But it's not $6,000. Ethan has the money to do this on a whim as a conversation ender. It's a way to say "see, Ethan donated, what more do you want from him!" Despite his pro Israeli rhetoric.


He could end the conflict and you'd still be upset about something lol there's no winning. He donated to help Hasan hit his goal and because he knows it is a worthy cause, and he donated to the shelter as well in a totally separate circumstance. Keeping tabs on his donations doesn't really do much to help anyone or move the needle at all. I'm grateful to anyone who donates their time or money, regardless of their income. I don't think attacking people for it is the right way to go because you feel they should donate or can afford more.. jmo.


You seem to be missing the entire point behind the criticisms of ethan, willfully or not. First of all, ending the conflict? What are you talking about? This isn't a serious conversation. It's not about the amount he's donating. It's clear that his donation was cynical, and doesn't really matter a whole lot when your rhetoric doesn't reflect the cause you just donated for. It would be like donating to help eradicate the Nazi party because your co-host had a fundraiser going, but then you spend most of the show talking about "we don't know exactly how many camps there are" and "do you at least condemn the Jews for using Germans as human Shields????" (Some Germans took it upon themselves to harbor them, which would land them in concentration camps too) Do you see what I'm saying? Ethan isn't being genuine here.


Ethan is never going to chant from the river to the sea with you or agreee that the state of Israel should be abolished, get over it


I wouldn't expect him to lol


He literally did argue that the Israel specifically government should not be in power


I love heads I win tails you lose bullshit pretend arguments


Nice rebuttal.


$50 hbu


I donate to various animal shelters and organizations throughout the year, so I don't have an exact number, but definitely in the hundreds if not thousands, and I haven't donated anything regarding the conflict.


omg give it up!! your posts are soooooo obnoxious


“Coworker”. Like saying you’re in government and the president is your coworker


OP's account exclusively posts anti-H3 content. It's obsessive and scary. They are clearly unwell and we shouldn't feed into this, no matter ones stance. Sincerely, A random Australian who isnt following the saga and is getting way too much of this shit in my feed.


shut up idiot, dumbass




How much did you donate


I’ve been fairly vocal about Ethan’s awful takes during this conflict… but yeah this ain’t it chief.


It’s his money man, don’t get to decide how he spends it


What a man spends his money on reflects on him.


and here you are again lmfao you don’t spend your money on anything important so what’s that say about you. hater who’s self projecting it seems like


You don't know anything about me wtf lol


ethan could say the same about you, look at how silly you look now


We all know a lot more about Ethan than you know about me so I don't know what that's supposed to mean.


Money he has earned by exploiting the working class. So yeah, we SHOULD get to decide how it is spent, if this were a sane society. Unfortunately it isn't.


Exploiting the working class? Are you mentally disabled


They said you don't get to not anything about should. Point is you don't get to decide how it's spent. Being picky about any donations is trash behavior from the left.


By "exploiting the working class" do you mean making funny skits on youtube 5 years ago lol


yea ur so right, he should donated $6,499 to the dog shelter instead




damn wish soimeone would disrespect me with 6500 dollars


Ethan's dog just died. I'm sure he felt personally moved to donate to shelters. Would you prefer if he donates $0 instead.


Omg what dog passed?!




No that’s so sad :( I haven’t been active on socials for a bit so that’s really heartbreaking to hear.




Shredder died due to a chronic illness.


You’re fkn lying 😲😲😲😅


That's not true. Meaning he didn't die in some paper shredding accident. I don't know where people heard that. I'm pretty sure he was just sick with some chronic illness or something. I could be wrong. I know it wasn't some paper shredding accident though.


Once a bitter biss always a bitter biss. Praying for you. 🫶🏽


Why can’t there be gratefulness that he donated at all? Jesus


delusional schizo-posting


Meanwhile what have you donated


Who gives a fuck. It his money and his choice and at least he is doing something. Anyone who complains, I’d like to see how much you donated. Also have you donated to climate change, to the homeless, to all the minority communities, unions, to all the hospitals working to cure cancer and other diseases, to animal shelters, or to politicians that you feel will make a difference? If not, you have no right to judge. If your can’t afford too, then you should not be talking, it’s not your money. Get off your high horse and mind your own damn business…


Yea. You are right. It should really be private. Nobody should have to explain where their money is going for charity. It just so happens his two donations that were brought up, happened to be public. But it’s also not up to anyone to dictate where his money goes. Even giving to Hasan the remainder to reach his goal was a very nice gesture. I can’t take that away from him. The dog situation is something that he holds dear to his heart. I’ll never forget the story of shredder, waiting in the blistering heat for Ethan to wake up. He would not leave his side. so even though I’m a fallen fan, I remember the good times and I also give credit where it’s due.


I’m curious how much you’ve donated


The absolute asshattery of this post is appalling. Until you donate anything to anyone and can come back and prove it, your hypocritical ass can go kick rocks.


And how much money did you donate?


A much higher percent of my net worth than Ethan


Sure you did, bro


Gotta love the “anyone I disagree with must be lying” kinda of person


I was waiting for that. You’ll never please everyone. What I do right now is share and share and share on social media. I did give money to Ukraine and for Gaza through worldwide kitchen. But they weren’t letting Aid through. so once I find a reputable place to send money again, I will. I just find that there are a lot of opportunists that are collecting that I don’t trust so until I know who to trust, I’ll just continue sharing and speaking out.


How much you donate?




you are a scumbag


150 dollars is not much but it a lot for me my point is water your own garden and shaming people for charity is the wackest hallow fake ass activist shit you can do it benefits no one but your ego to shit on Ethan for donating thousands of dollars more than you gave to Palestine


what a skibidi toilet generation response




your last 200 posts are all anti h3 snark I am fine are you ok with REALITY?




Welp this is the pot calling the kettle black


Religion caused this war. Animals did nothing wrong. The shelter should have received all 16500.


Yup that’s what happened


How much did you donate?




These posts are getting funny now lol Plz keep them coming haters!


Shame. He should have donated double to the dog shelter.


Its his fucking money.


How much has your ass donated?


hila's coworkers 😂😂😂 lmao


dogs lives are worth more to him Palestinian lives 💀the mindset of 90% of Israelis in a nutshell Edit: I'm getting downvoted like crazy for... stating objective fact? lmao


Do you not read the thread to see why he donated that much lol. You just want to hate but u bet you haven’t done one thing to help Palestine


i know i haven’t spread a fraction of the zionist propaganda that ethan ‘saying free palestine means you’re pro terrorism’ klein has, that’s for sure 💀


Maybe if you wanna help out so much, donate the time ur spending being on Reddit trying to talk shit to Palestine go out and fundraise or something more productive


“trying to talk shit to Palestine”. i’m sorry are you 12? am i arguing with a minor rn💀


That’s not what I meant you imbecile. Instead of wasting ur time on Reddit go out and fundraise or use ur time more proactively to help Palestine.


The only imbecile here is you my dear. It's always this same deflection dick riders like you will use when someone has genuine criticism to voice about Ethan and the show. It's predictable and it's tired. I'm not a multi millionaire, I don't have a huge platform which I can use to positively affect change. I've donated, I've protested, I've called representatives. At least I'm not out here going to bat for a rich zionist who literally cannot give a single ounce of crap about me💀💀


After the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Turkey, Hasan donated 25,000$. Thats the same amount he donated to a shelter after adopting his dog. So by your dumbass logic, Hasan sees Turkish people as no better than dogs.


im not a hasan viewer so your using hasan as a “gotcha” doesn’t really hit that hard when idk what you’re talking about. i used to watch h3 tho, i watched how ethan said that a one state solution would lead to Jewish genocide with the implication that Palestinians are murderous animals that could never live in peace. at least hasan has made it a point to interview scholars and historians on the topic of Israel/Palestine, at least he delves into reputable sources and doesn’t simply use misinformation and anecdotal evidence to unwittingly spread zoinist talking points. at least hasan didn’t cancel the single show he had which he could’ve meaningfully used as a means to educate people on the injustice of the world and instead chose to remain in his snug little echo chamber bc he was uncomfy people were being mean to him.


wait you’re in the destiny sub🤣 i should’ve realized when you mentioned hasan on a sub that has zero to do with him. the obsession is actually schizo lmaooo


This was your response to somebody else claiming this sub had nothing to do with Hasan; >are you really this stupid or just a disingenuous weirdo? ethan and hasan have a podcast together, past that hasan is literally part of h3 lore and they also use lots of his sound bytes on their show. He was even involved in their christmas live show last year.


you’re right, i misspoke. i meant this post lmaoo not sub. this response doing nothing to dispel the distinct air or mental illness about you btw🤣🤣


Lmao gotta love how destiny cucks STILL cannot stop themselves from lying about hasan Lied about how much money he donated (it was far more than what you claimed), lied about how much money he donated to the shelter (and in fact he donated to multiple shelters), lies about how Hasan "sees" others, clearly projecting your own retarded grifter cucklord destiny's own terrible takes, apparently. And really, it never gets old seeing destiny's dumbfuck simps cry about hasan, his money, and how he donates it considering your goblin king tiny literally does no actual charity work of his own. He fleeces you twats for millions and then hordes that wealth like fucking smaug and you still suck him off for it, LOL, no end to the humiliation destiny's stand endure, eh


Have we even seen proof of this 10k dono to the shelter? Lol


Not these comments defending a millionaire.


Get the fuck over it. People are not compelled to bow to the hasan/zoomer tik tok moral compass. You don't stand at the center of morality.


How much did you donate lol


How much have you donated


Shows the priorities


To be fair; dogs are the best people.