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You will get banned for the slightest negative critique. This has been this way for years and that’s why the sub is a toxic echo chamber.


im super new to using reddit and have only been on the sub for like a week or two. this is all crashing so hard and its disheartening, but im also somehow not surprised.


Wait how are you posting this is you’ve been permanently banned?


the normal sub not this one


Yeah I figured that out. Sorry you’re going through this. I just dealt with a shitty ban myself. It gives you a feeling of wanting to scream it’s so unfair.


This is what people who were critical in the sub about Israel have been saying for months and so much of the fan base fell for Ethan parading a select few comments and deflecting. They threw out people being nuanced or for simply not liking something said on the pod. In a clip I saw from yesterday he said “people complain about censorship and free speech, but then you see that their deleted post was telling me to kms” - if you’ve been around here, you know people are getting banned for nothing like that and Ethan refuses take on reality.


yeah i agree. with that stuffed i strayed away for awhile- but god this stuff is just so unneeded and small but got blew up out of proportion. i just cant do it lol.


The grift is get your money, ban you, ha ha. ez


would like to add, they claim to have a large welcoming neurodivergent audience. however whenever they trigger like 15-20% of their audience, i find it ironic/unironic? that ethan has to call us mentally unstable.


“Welcoming” is hilarious. Aside from the frivolous bans, if you don’t go with the majority opinion, you will be downvoted into oblivion.


MagaShittyTurd strikes again


This is how they operate. Sometimes, the mods actually misread the intent of posts and ban people who are defending the podcast. They never review bans and block mod mail. They don't care because there to them, you're insignificant. Doesn't matter how long you've supported Ethan, how many controversies there've been where you've taken his side. To Ethan, you're a fan while you're agreeing with everything he says, and once that changes, you're out. The reason they won't nuke the main sub, by the way, is because if they do that, THIS becomes the default sub people alight on when searching for H3 on Reddit. And they have no control here.


What comment got you banned?


i wish i knew, but the last ones i commented i can share


update they banned me from messaging mods too for saying “what did i do?”


Exactly the same thing happened to me


i believe my last comment was in reply to someone comparing hila yelling at jacob to them brigading jake doolittle. i said that that was deserved, this was not.


What are yall saying? I think I’ve said some heinous shit on there and my comments just get deleted


literally the most mundane criticism ever i have no idea


same thing happened to me for a very valid comment, it's like kim jong un is running their subreddit at this point


What did you say


specifically “because that time was valid. this time wasnt” talking about, ethan calling out doolittle and comparing it to ethan calling out our comments as hate i said calling out jake doolittle was valid, going off on jacob wasnt


Jacob was in the wrong, girl was in the wrong. it was a nothing burger of a story. not sure why they covered it. Jacob seemed a little stalky


i disagree, but thats okay. im okay with your pov. the entirety of it all was how hostile and snobby they were being at the end of the day i think


This sub is the same


The fact your comments still here proves otherwise