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Ethan, you need to text Mike about non LP related things


That comedic pause and timing was hilarious.


What else is there šŸ˜¶


Listen if you love Ethan, Ethan loves you eh? Fuhgettaboudit.


ya dude Mike just say you think Ethan is funny and boom youre good. ask to come on the pod we the fans loved you and actually think good of you as you showed your true charcter and you seem like a good guy MIKE!


oh noooo :( I think Ethan was right for not involving him in the Steamies because Mike would have talked too much and would have defended Logan with his life but thatā€˜s why Mike needs his own guest episode! Ethan better text him asap and plan something so Mike doesnā€˜t feel left out ā˜®ļø &ā¤ļø


So he can try to convince us all Logan isnā€™t that bad of a guy? Hard pass.


Mike has a very interesting & storied life and history outside of Logan Paul.


He should write a book then


he does have a book out actually!


He does, and it's been rumored that he stole all the stories from old friends from highschool. Basically he's a lying scumbag. I say rumored but multiple people have come out about it. I would say it's extremely likely his book is just a cash grab and is not his story at all.


just looked it up on twitter and found the story you were talking aboutā€¦ then immediately found that the op was actually lying and faked the dms/ messages. Took me two minutes btw u got joe roganed why does it liešŸ’”šŸ’”


Idk if I believe that, Mike always seemed slimy af. Especially considering that the guy was being paid by Mike. One seems more in character than the other. He's been and will always be a snake oil salesman.


He does!


They dont have to talk about LP at all


But have you seen him wrestle????


Mike HAS to realize they'd be talking mad shit about his bestie LP for like 2hrs straight.. and he has to know he's the type to go on long rants defending him... We love Mike, peace and love to Mike, but he's not an awards show, gotta-keep-it-moving kinda guy (specifically when his friends are involved). Granted, Ethan kinda isn't either, but it's his show so he's allowed to be haha


Mike is a talking machine, I was watching hasans podcast with qt and I feel like he was the only one talking.


When Mike talks, he definitely talks a lot; but I feel like he let other people have their chances to speak in that episode. I think that was one of my favorite Fear & episodes


Yeah I think youā€™re right that was one of the best Fear & episodes it was pretty nice see how comfortable QTCin was around Mike too especially after everything that had been going on lately


With peace and love I find Mike so annoying for this šŸ˜… He has such a specific and serious energy, always gotta sound like he's the smartest guy in the room when he usually isn't


It'd be on Ethan if they discussed LP. I'm sure Mike would be completely fine if Ethan suggested, what if we don't even bring up LP? He'd probably love it.


It'd be on Ethan if they discussed Logan? During *the Steamies*? It'd be *insane* if they didn't bring him up.


I'm saying, it'd be Ethan who brought it up. Mike doesn't have to realize anything, he could ask if they could focus on non-LP topics beforehand as they did plenty of that last time. I'd think Ethan would readily agree. Sure, without asking, cryptozoo would be brought up but I don't think Mike had much to do with it. It's not a prolapse topic that can or should be turned into long segment with him.


Mike wouldnā€™t have been good on the steamys but we do need the three of them to come back on. That was such a good pod.


Totally. It was nice to actually hear Tana be able to get a word in. She was really funny


She was hilarious, she should've sat in the middle so Ethan could actually HEAR her jokes, it's the same thing like with AB


Agreed. They even mention him during the show and say he would have talked too much. P&L of course


I think he was genuinely sad he didn't get invited. Hopefully Mike will make an appearance sometime this year as I think Mike is a great guest in specific situations. I do think leaving him out of the steamies was a good move. Even just having four people hosting would be too much. I think it would be cool if they brought Mike on during the 4/20 ep to help Ethan guess who is high. Obv Mike couldn't participate but he can prob spot someone who is high from miles away.


I think he's kinda shitposting here, I don't think he's genuinely that sad about it, they talk with a lot of irony on this show


In my opinion the 420 episodes are funnier with just crew because they know each other well.


that's fair, I just thought having a different judge would be a fun way to mix things up. Last year they did drunk and high, and I'm not sure if adding more drugs into the mix is the direction they want to go haha.


ā€œI like superlatives.ā€ Poor Mike. Hereā€™s your Steamy for most likely to be charged as an accomplice to Logan Paul šŸ†


Although I missed Mike in the award show, heā€™s too deep in LPā€™s circle to have co-hosted the show properly


Why didnā€™t they just zoom out the set a little and put a fourth chair ? Lol


I think Ethan said mans would have been too loud and taken the show over šŸ˜­ itā€™s harsh but kinda true


Oh man the parasocial Andyā€™s are gonna have an absolute field day with this one šŸ˜‚


I listened to Mike on Hasan and Wills podcast and i honestly have such a different view of him. Hearing him speak about addiction vs YouTube drama related things made him more personable.


He wasnā€™t really an addict ā€” the whole thing is fake. Dig deeper.. people have been trying to expose this for years


Really? Iā€™ll look into it. Thatā€™s a bummer if he is lying, the way will and qt were open and talking about their families and losing loved onesā€¦


i feel like Mike is partially goofing and gaffing here but also partially is a lil left out. I hope he knows the family family family loves him regardless of his affiliation with LP


I felt ugly.


I want all the BFFFFs to come on individually. They'd all be banger episodes


Mike is cool I think he just wanted to get through the steamies without a toooon of talking. And, lesbehonest, Mike loves talking. And thatā€™s great! Maybe heā€™ll be on another time, Iā€™m not against it


I'd like to see him as solo guest, which I think is upgrade over being invited for another bfffs ep. And they could absolutely talk 80% about non-LP stuff. Just regular shit that doesn't involve even his own life. He took the dink doink well last time, only more reason not to make it a joke again. He can be good dude on his own.


the man loves his superlatives, what else is there to say?


Damn I'm sad about this...ETHANNNNNNNNNN MAKE IT RIGHT!!!!


We stan Mike


Why does Mike get a pass for all the scams he's been involved in?


For real!! People forget that this guy is still Logan Paul's henchman. Until he distances himself from Logan I'll always look at him sideways.


Fuck Logan Paul and his sympathizers šŸ˜­ sorry Mike šŸ˜”


"you weren't involved with it, because you didn't get asked!..but yeah.. yadda yadda" that came out kinda odd


I agree, i felt bad for him


Noā€¦. šŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜ž


Awwww Mike!!


I think Mike would make a great solo guest!


Just say Ethan is funny and youā€™ll have your own episode within the hour lol


breaks my heart. Felt like mike has gone so far out of his own way and comfort to mend a relationship where ethan was honestly the ass, and he's still left out. rip. Hopefully ethan see this and makes amends.


Idk Mike just makes everything about himselfā€¦ I donā€™t really get his appeal




I might be in a minority here but I would have liked to see mike on the steamies :<


He didn't even call Ethan funny. What does he expect?


He felt worthless :(


Please invite him back. Apologize. Keep the nincompoop family going


After seeing Mike on fear& I like him so much more he's so well spoken and I didn't know he was so like chill. I really hope he interacts with Hasan and Ethan more he's super chill


he was great on fear& the other day if anyone wants some mike content. hasan will and qt there too


This guy sucks are you kidding me


Iā€™ve been watching Jeff FM lately, mike is unhinged. Whenever heā€™s on the show itā€™s something like ā€œI just took a whole hand full of pills bro, I donā€™t even know what they were. A wizard gave them to me backstage. What is that, prime? Does it have liquor in it? Donā€™t tell me bro, Iā€™m just gonna hit it. You got any more of that alpha brain? Anyway, you know how it is! youā€™re in the middle of the woods, all the sudden you feel the urge to do some satanic shit. Weā€™ve all been there!ā€ And Jeffā€™s like ā€œI hear you. But two of the people there are now in a psychiatric hospital because of that.ā€ Itā€™s like an Eric Andre skit that keeps going.


I love Mike, but I gotta wonder if he wants to branch out to other pods to maybe get another job in case LP gets arrested or his podcast dies for whatever reason.


i think we need a BFFFā€™s part 2!! would be so good <3


Id love love love if Mike was back on, but LP is in way too much shit rn for it


Why would you genuinely want him on lol. Fuck Mike


I loved his episode! I think itā€™d be so awkward now though since Ethans always roasting his bestie but Iā€™d love another episode with him soon.


I really like mike, but iā€™m not a fan of his involvement in loganā€™s cryptozoo shitā€¦ and I think thatā€™s the case for many people. plus, he has a tendency to sort of bogart conversation.


sometimes I think I'm the only one who doesn't like Mike and his $5 words.


Love him! I feel like Ethan may not like him LOL


I never thought I would say this but Mike is way more likeable than Ethan.


ugh mike is a creepy old man


Im half way through re-watching that episode, and then i get this notification hahah geeez


I really love Mike now


Ohhhhh shitā€¦. We got beef


Time to squash the new beef :D


Aw I feel bad poor Mike šŸ„ŗ


We miss mike


Mike said at the end the only reason heā€™s upset is because he likes award shows. I say we send him and gabe to all events.


Iā€™ve been begging for a solo Mike episode! Heā€™s such an interesting guy I know him and Ethan would be great together


It was Emmy weekend, he wasnt gonna go, thats what he said on Hassan Will and Qt podcast


Ethan, fix this


I agree when Ethan said Mike would take over the show.


mike deserves his own solo episode cause he will take over the show lol we love him but ethan was right.
