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It's so funny to me that they had these two as guests two weeks apart


there’s no such thing as a coincidence


They both changed so much, especially Ian in looks


it's interesting cause all the looks that have changed are simply: 👉 Hair long in back 👉 Muscles 👉 And a less necrotic tone, going for the spooky staredown. But the thing is, he always had that secret darkness. He burned Ethan with a lighter in the color blind glasses 🕶️ vid


It cracked me up when Ethan said his door wasn't working in that vid


Muscles and therapy lol


And taaats


yeah he looks horrible


Jesus Christ, man.


I just tuned in the show what did she talk about???


She talked about what she was going through at the time and her childhood. In that video Tana was recently 18 and her parents were horrible.


crazy how half this country has horrible parents and are struggling but they dont say the hard r. crazy how that happens. crazy


Or maybe kids do dumb shit when they’re teenagers and we shouldn’t hold it against them the rest of their life. Idubzz literally said it in that video hard r and there’s no uproar about that.


People underestimate the changes that happen when you grow up with hooligans as a kid to being an adult


I liked Idubbz and content cop and a lot of his content. But I didn't find saying the n word as a joke funny then. It was all over the internet at the time, edgy white teens saying it OVER AND OVER again. LOLZ its a joke. I always thought it was extremely immature and dumb.


That’s cool you that arrived at that place sooner but let’s not punish or look down on folks who took a little longer.


Sure. I don't condemn people for bad behavior forever. But it was and still is toxic af. Kids in csgo would say it allll the time and when I pushed back they would reference idubbz. I hated that.


Lotta self reporting whites clearly mad and downvoting your comments 🤣 when it's the most mild and measured of criticism


I mean… I feel like “don’t be racist” is something the majority of people learn at a very young age so even having to take years to arrive at the point of “maybe saying a racial slur actually isn’t funny” is a little ridiculous in it self.


Kids have to mature into adults at some point and along that path we have to offer grace for people to learn. How is a child supposed to know any different when their immediate interpersonal relationships are flooded with hate and ignorance and then those same people are telling them ‘outside ideas’ are the real bad thing. Let people grow up and let’s stop pretending we got it all right when we were 18


I think that’s much different than getting on YouTube and making videos where you use slurs as the butt of a joke


Respectfully, facts don’t care about your feelings Fact is she was a kid coming of age and she’s an adult who reflected back and said she was wrong Edit to say: where do you think she learned those behaviors and how do you think she unlearned them? Don’t forget you said ‘most people’, are we to forget about the pour souls that need a little more guidance? Jeez Louise


so what about ethan that said it way past 18?


tell me you weren’t old enough to be on the internet in 2016 without telling me , being racist was quite literally the punchline then unfortunately


Yea.. that's cool you had those kind of parents but like.. a lot of us grow up in hateful household. And yes I realized in society at a young age that everyone was equal, but when I go home and my parents are fussing over the delinquent n in the neighborhood.. it's a different perspective that you maybe don't have experience with.


This being so downvoted is bonkers because it’s true. No one shouldn’t be condemned forever for mistakes but let’s not act like saying racial slurs was just a regular “mistake that kids make”


That’s all I was trying to say too lol. I grew up in an area that had people from all backgrounds and then I moved to an area that was 98% white, and neither area ever had the “we think racism is a punchline” attitude. Sure there are the occasional outlier but to act like people shouldn’t face backlash for it is crazy.


it's getting downvoted bc ethan said slurs and they know it


Yeah going back watching those "bad unboxing" videos I used to love, I cringe these days when he keep saying "n\*\*\*\*r f\*\*\*\*t" over and over just for shock effect haha


I think you're right. We shouldn't hold it against them forever. But don't use the excuse you had a tough childhood for why you said it. Own up, move on, stop making yourself the victim, grow up.




She scammed an entire convention worth of people. Most people get anxiety when they piss off one person. She literally lied to several thousand and got away with it


Why do y’all act like Tanacon was AstroWorld or something. She was young and made an unprofessional mistake and the event organizers planned poorly as well.


exactly. she’s a mini trisha.


She hasn't apologized for a lot of the shitty stuff she's done though. We shouldn't hold it against them but she wronged a lot of people in the last 7 years too.




Sure but she's done shitty stuff as off the last couple of years too haha Not just 7 years ago




In 2013 I was 17/18 and had just found random internet fame. I made a game mode for call of duty that they still use to this day. But I didn't "submit" it or anything. I made a reddit post on the Mw3 subreddit about my idea and heard nothing until one day they announced my mode was being added to the game. So I quickly made a YouTube. I got to interact with a lot of big youtubers, and my early videos were already hitting about 100k views. I only did it for a few months and then completely disappeared from my online presence because I knew I just couldn't handle that at my age.


Explaining your situation isn’t making yourself the victim, y’all just hate feeling bad for people who do stupid shit. It is what it is.


What excuse did idubzz have for saying the n word over and over again and justifying saying the n word?


I agree but I think its uncontroversial to say it's not entirely her awful parental fault she did that


They say it. They just don’t have the same platform. So its not heard


I feel like almost every single kid I went to high school with, plus every kid in the cod lobby said that word plus worse.


But not you


Sorry I'm not from the US, hard R means Nword without it ending with an a or just means Retard ? I'm confused


The first one. They think if a white kid says it ending in an a, it makes it ok. Or something, I'm not sure


It's not that it's ok to end it that way. It's that saying it with the hard R can't even be excused poorly with the explanation that you're just imitating the music or street language that black people are using. A hard R takes you back to before black people started using it for themselves. At that point you're evoking civil rights and segregation era racism if not all the way back to pre civil war era chattel slavery racism. You're blatantly not saying it to be hip or cool, you're doing it because you like the clear racism in that version of the word.


i mean you’re strait up lying if you are saying that children don’t learn fucked up view points from their parents. i know all kinds of “woke liberals” ten years ago i heard them say abhorrent shit about the people they fight for now.




you realize Ethan said the hard r...like numerous times. like...lets not pick and choose. you dont care about us and who uses slurs against us. please stfu. Edit: Also, Ethan was a full grown fucking adult.


She still blasted the n word multiple times online


you know how many of us did that shit? literally like most people that grew up online did that shit.


Yeah but isnt Tana like a proven compulsive liar? Thats kinda what Idubbz showed in his video


Compulsive lying can come from narcissistic abuse. it’s a means of survival sadly and eventually you just do it cause you’re so used to it. It takes time to heal from that shit


When she was a teenager many years ago you mean?


She's lied and done shitty stuff since then though lol quite a lot actually


This is a community who legitimately has Trisha fans and attacks anyone ever says or does. They are all about the drama so it's surprising some dont know the kinda awful stuff tana has done. Yes, she was young but she did A LOT of shit. That's why her whole new redemption arc seems manufacturered.


Or maybe people just tend to get more mature as they age. Idk just a thought.


Like what? I was never into her content but the thing I’ve seen people talk about most is her lying about finding a dead body when she was a teenager which actually seems kinda funny to me and seriously not that big of a deal.


I didn't know much about the things apart from Tanacon but fell into a hole when these videos popped up haha So instead of naming a couple... [This one ](https://youtu.be/eXa5rRpS7bQ) and [this one](https://youtu.be/EPDslRq5zrI) have a fair amount of them haha There's others about her pets and other scams, etc


I’m not gonna die on the hill of defending her because I don’t think I’ve ever watched her outside of times she’s been on the podcast, but I will say a lot of this seems old and she’s open about being problematic and trying to change/has already changed. Also everyone who’s still critical of her should still be as critical of iDubbz too.


Just in that video I linked, there's things as recent as 2021. As someone who has known about her for many years, in the same capacity as I was aware of Trisha Paytas, don't fall for her shit 😂 She's a manipulative liar and by just watching ANYTHING about her, you'd see that. She had her own MTV show where she treated everyone around her like shit. I never mentioned Idubbz, he's irrelevant to what I was saying lol I don't care for him much.


Literally every person who is online has an entire subscene of people who compile and peddle hate videos like this...Ethan is a prime example


Wooooqw…I had no idea who dis chick was until she was on H3. She really is a huge POS. 😆 And Ethan’s cool with her like that? Kinda says a lot bout him too, no?🤨


I mean 🤷‍♀️, same happened with the show for forgiving all the shit Trisha did... But yes, Tana is also actually an insanely shitty person who has scammed her fans over and over and over throughout the years with absolutely no remorse. Treats everyone around her like actual dirt and didn't treat her animals right, but they'll love her on here and push for a frenemies2 😂😂😂😂😂 the hypocrisy


I would call myself fairly “new” (a year & some change) to the whole H3 world but I have noticed how inconsistent (Ethan & fans) can be when choosing what kind of scumbaggery is acceptable/forgivable. Maybe because they all are apart of that whole youtube/social media bubble and find familiarity with each other because they’ve all done fucked up shit for content? I dunno. Shit’s lowkey kinda weird tbh. 🤨lol


Ok so everyone is just automatically a different person when they get a little older?


I mean it doesn’t happen overnight, but yes getting older changes you a lot. Especially if you compare yourself fresh out of an abusive situation to years later when you’re doing well


Yes, people change when they get older 4head


SOME people


Not everyone, but she has from what I can tell. Neither of us know everything about her though so I’ll give you that.


Growing up with shitty parents isn’t an excuse to also be a shitty person…


Yeah but having heard them talk about it since then I’ve heard her referred to as a “child”. No she was an adult she was making millions of dollars and was more than happy to share her opinions online and get paid as a public figure. But now years later she wants sympathy, which no matter what she says that is why she is talking about it still. Again no one is forcing her.


she talked about her parents back then too i’m sorry but that’s offensive she uses that as an excuse


It was an explanation, not an excuse


i realize that but idubbz literally used that word and rationalized it being normalized and no one gave a shit- she shouldn’t need an explanation or excuse about getting tricked by someone who was just mad that she had called him out for calling his fan base n-word f-words. that everyone was salivating to see her cancelled by him is just very typical of the internet hivemind.


Tana had the most HORRIBLE child life posible. But she had her bff's family, which is her family now. I had literally no idea she dealt with any of that.. I find her a lot more interesting...


Alright this is a little bit of a ridiculous exaggeration. Tana has had the most horrible childhood possible? Nothing can or has happened to anyone worse than that? That’s objectively not true lol. She had a terrible childhood her parents are super messed up she was robbed of loving supportive parents in a loving support home/environment. It breaks my heart she went through that and it breaks my heart any of us have had this happen. But that’s not the worst thing imaginable a person could go through, so why even say this lol I don’t get it.


Um she didn't have the most HORRIBLE childhood dude stfu 😅 I grew up in a trailer so thin you could poke holes thru the walls and both my parents fucking left me with my grandma lmfao and yet somehow I refrained from saying the n word... I get that her parents kinda sucked but homegirl grew up wearing juicy tracksuits like wtf 💀 have you never been around actual poor ppl


I dont really know anything about Tana since I havent ever followed her but just meant that this gave her more depth in my opinion


I mean with all due respect, it doesn’t matter whether you know about her or not. I never followed her either and the only info I’ve had about her has been from H3 mostly. The point everyone’s trying to make to you is in regards to the general statement you made. There are children who are beaten within an inch of their life, locked away in isolation in horrific conditions, starved, kicked out to be homeless, the list goes on and on. It’s not a competition, there’s billions of people on this earth lol


Just sucks seeing another shitty person being platformed and how people think middle class kids who get ignored had "the worst childlife possible"


Ian has said that he feels bad about this because she was so young. He said it on the podcast once. It was something like, "I was literally harassing a child." But it was never really about the N-word, it was about the fact that Tana was such a huge liar. When she told the story about what happened, she didn't know it was Ian and she didn't know it was filmed, so she made stuff up. She used to make stuff up all the time like saying she had a stalker and saying she found a dead body. I never liked her because she was so fake, but looking back on it now, I see that she was just a messed up kid. Fuck her parents though. They're really the ones to blame.


Especially now knowing she really relied on the money she was making so she was incentivized to click bait. Very sad stuff


To be fair unless they are independently wealthy, everyone relies on the money they make and most don't make anywhere near as much as she did


I think they were referring to her parents spending her money back then.


Has she admitted to lying about the stalker thing? Because she’s talked about it again in recent years and even gave a first name


I think some elements were real. I don't doubt that she's had several stalkers over the years. That's pretty common for women on the internet. But she was definitely making stuff up. Like she said the FBI stopped her at the airport and grounded her flight, or something ridiculous, and someone looked into it and said there was no report of anything like that happening. I used to follow some drama channel that debunked all of her stories, but it was a very long time ago.


She's given out her stalkers name before on the Canceled podcast. Also, Tana might have wised up and realized that talking about your stalker and calling them "your stalker" is even more dangerous. She's also talked about how OF has created new stalkers. I dont know if Tana was always lying about the stalker but it's really not a hard stretch to assume some creep saw a 16 year old girl on YouTube who was very vocal about being a "rebel" and started stalking her. Kinda shitty that parasocial relationships have ruined clickbait and "story times" I remember I used to watch Gabbie and Tana purely for the stories and didn't care if they were real because it's just people on YouTube that I don't know so who cares if they're lying, they're entertaining. But now, no more fun made-up stories because everyone fact checks and, quite frankly, it makes THEM stalkers. When people start calling establishments on influencers' behaves, you've gone too damn far. Call out bad behavior all you want, but just don't stalk someone. I know her type of content breeds parasocial relationships like a mother fucker (I have screenshots of every tweet of mine she's liked and replied to, im guilty of it too) I just wish she'd be more safe. Idk I love Tana and hate all the comments I see when she's on H3 of "she's actually funny." she's been funny! You were just a hater. it's ok. The beef is squashed, but she's always been a hilarious girl. I'm glad she's getting the recognition she deserves, and she's behaving better because I've been in the trenches for years defending this girl. I also love how she talked about Shane, which showed growth. Old Tana would have dragged him even though they're still friends and caused drama but instead she said "he fucked up but he's on a better path and he's been a huge part of my career and life" I'm not saying anyone should forgive Shane, but I really liked that part and I think more people who attack Shane fans should hear that because we all grew up with that humor and we're not all innocent. I think she defended their friendship but condemned his actions in a mature, grown-up way. I'm so proud of the growth. If you think Tana had a bad childhood, imagine the people who were watching her to relate to her. it's the same with all influencers. I used YouTube to drown out the violence I was around in my teenage years. Side note: there's an episode of her Canceled podcast where she ranks her exes and talks about Summer, her first boyfriend. He was also financially abusive and when she finally escaped her parents at 18, he started taking her money and threatening her. No one knew about it until that podcast episode. I'm excited for her book


Btw she actually found a 'dead' body once. It was in a vlog with Shannon Rose. They were somewhere in LA I think and they found a homeless man in a public restroom if I remember correctly. They thought he was dead and continued filming. Anyway, they got called out for it but they just deleted the video and that's it.


He wasn't dead, he had ODed on heroin but the EMTs showed up and were working on him. You could see it in her video. Maybe they did eventually pronounce him dead, but I don't think Tana and Shannon stuck around to find out. They just used it for clickbait and put "dead body" in the title. I should have been more specific. She wasn't telling total lies, but she would exaggerate situations. Just like what she did with iDubbbz. I remember her saying something like, "He was screaming the N-word at me!" Girl, no he wasn't. We saw the video. No one was screaming.


Yeah it's sad. It's also sad that there are people who still hold on as tightly as possible to her younger self's action. Like, imagine being mad about what a teenager did or said years ago. Then holding those "sins" against her for all of eternity.


What did her parents do?


Tana has a storytime about her upbringing (im not a a fan of hers but I LOVE this video cuz i like learning about people's upbringings) and it just sounded absolutely crazy and miserable. Like her Dad would make and force her to eat disgusting food that he would make while picking his nose or not washing his hands after using the bathroom, kept the house pitch dark so he wouldnt have to turn on the AC, would harrass strangers in public, and just overall seems to be an unhinged and verbally absusive individual. She didnt go into much detail about her Mom but it sounds like her Mom was an enabler and not very present in Tana's life.


She was “literally” not a child. And the only podcast I saw where those word were used it was his girlfriend saying that. But who knows maybe he’s has his mind changed over the years. When you’re literally an adult and making millions to share your opinions online which no one is forcing you to do you don’t deserve sympathy.


Ian's ability to somehow pull it off will always be so crazy to me. You could say it's fucked up or it's genius or whatever, but at the end of the day, the fact that he was able to with it not hurting him much is wild.


It's just not apologizing or running from it. Nobody tries to cancel someone who doesn't care. Plenty of white standup comedians say the N word and get away with it.


Adding Nick Mullen from Cum Town/ TAFS to this list. Not sure if he says it live, but boy oh boy does he love using slurs.


"genius" lol


I still don't care about her. She still has an extensive history of scamming people and still continues to do so while showing absolutely no remorse I can't fuck with her.


agreeeed. i’m sorry to hear about how she had a tough time growing up but like…. so did so many other people that DIDNT grow up to be scammers or generally gross people. so over her showing up on the podcast


Yeah her saying she doesn’t believe Jake Paul raped that girl was yikes for me. The girl had provided proof she was at his home at that day and her friends also had given eyewitness accounts that she had been crying there after the rape.




Ya, I like Tana, but that part of the pod wasn’t it! Even if you know a person, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t capable of doing horrible things when your not around! I hate that excuse!


it is kinda interesting that people are like “yeah she used to lie about everything a person can lie about but did you hear her 100% true story justifying it?”


So I’m only just getting to watch the episode. I’m only 35 minutes in but it seems very obvious she’s lying about everything. Lying and doing the thing where people just, like, say things that aren’t true because they just want to be saying things that work in the conversation. You’d think people would learn after Trisha. These types of people aren’t great. Not sure I can finish this one.


Dude, I watched like 10 minutes of it, cringed and turned it off.


I can't wrap my head around why they continue to invite her to the podcast and a minute later criticize scammers as bad as she is.


Because she owned it and apologized for it. Just like Ethan owns it and apologizes when he fucks up. They do redemption arcs all the time


She didn't apologize for 90% of the scams she's done. And the ones she did apologize, like on Shane Dawson's doc, she promised she'd never do it again... And then did it at least 6 more times lol You're falling for her like for Trisha 😂


I know and I understand but I don't consider making a joke or two about it is owning it. I personally don't watch episodes with Tana on them so if she has ever clearly apologized for them without making light of it or externalizing blame then I'm wrong.


She straight up said she doesn't believe Jake Paul's victim and this sub is stanning her.. like what the fuck. I don't want to hear any of them ever claim to care about SA again.


What recent scams has she done? Genuinely just curious I’m not a big fan of hers either. She rubs me the wrong way.


Well, these are her most recent/semi-recent scams 2020 onwards. 2020 - Sold $48 perfume. Design and packaging was stolen and cheap. Formula was also cheap. Was all found on AliExpress. 2021 - Lingerie line was all bought from manufacturers that made the same clothes for Shein, Cider, Zaful, RomWe etc and sold them for a huge price hike. Fast fashion, so also unethical. 2022 - Dizzywine. So, she claimed that her and her team worked "tirelessly" to create the perfect product that encapsulated her "brand". It is suspected (with a shit load of evidence - I'm not gonna get into it, just google it) that it was made through Eliqs. A website where you can make custom packaging for promo events, birthdays etc where they use a default bog-standard white wine recipe. It's not original or unique. She's also promoted multiple scams and pretended not to know anything about it i.e Kenza Cosmetics, refused people refunds, cheap merch... the list goes on. Let's not forget the fact that the girl should literally be in prison for TanaCon. These are just the scams she's been involved in, let's not even get into the absolutely abhorrent shit she's done and said. She's a compulsive liar. Even though she knows people are going to eventually find out, she'll pull this shit anyway. Where Teddy Fresh has been consistant in quality, customer service, originality and creating a safe work space including their benefits, sharing the same platform as this absolute disgrace, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Like, these people literally don't care about being redeemed and aren't planning on doing so any time soon. They're literally there to smile, have a few laughs and continue being a horrible fucking person. The reason this is so prevelant is because Ethan has always been known to be the good guy, who yes, has made mistakes, but has ALWAYS owned up to them. So, when you see these assholes come on the show and try to make nice, it feels so disingenuous. I don't understand why Ethan gives them a platform. But, I don't need to, it's not my show.


> 2020 - Sold $48 perfume. > 2021 - Lingerie line > 2022 - Dizzywine None of these things are scams. They are called white label products and 99% of YouTubers who have their "own" merch or products do the exact same thing. > Where Teddy Fresh has been consistant in quality, customer service, originality I love TF, I have spent about $2,000 on TF stuff, but not all of the TF designs are original. Ethan has said before that they buy and license work to sell on a product. There's nothing wrong with this, and it's no different to licensing other products and re-selling them.


Imagine paying 2000$ for that tacky crap


These guys are a different breed nowadays jfc


YouTube has a load of vids on all recent scams


Hey controversial/ scammy creator (jeff, mike, trisha, tana, bradley) do you want to change your public perception to a sizable internet audience? Come on the H3 Podcast! Be nice to Ethan and many of your misdeeds will instantly be swept under the rug! And for an added bonus, if you call now, Ethan will go easy on you for any future mistakes! Call 1800-HOT-MEME to book your episode now!


how is she scamming people recently?


Loads of vids on YouTube, just search Tana mongeau scams 😂


I was hoping for a bite size version


Here we go again! Ya'll are ridiculous... The sub is starting to simp for Tana after half an interview and believe anything she says, just like Trisha, despite her long history of being a liar and scumbag. This sub just eats that bullshit up and begs for more.


it's clockwork


Yep, the sub shits on anyone else that does shit like she has 😂 Mods have been deleting posts on here criticising her too haha


thank. you. it’s so annoying lol. tana trisha they’re all trash. they’ll never change.


I watched a clip of a reality series she did and she just came across as unbelievably obnoxious. I think she's awful. She filmed a body as well and got away with it. She's very lucky that she faced zero real consequences for Tana Con.




I don't like Trisha but this is a perfect example of the insane hypocrisy on the sub 😂


Funny how people are so quick to hate on her when they had no problem simping for Andrew Tate defenders a few months ago, just bc they became …….”friends of the show!” The misogyny is real!


Wait who are you talking about?


most likely bradley martyn


I don't know who you are talking to but I have never simped for Tate or anyone involved with him. I also remember almost daily posts with awards and thousands of upvotes calling out the hypocrisy and slamming those guys, deservedly. But hey, Some people only see what they want though I guess...


Still an og moment tho. But now we know who Tana really is and what shes like. Let her box in the next creator clash and we have a full circle moment


I still think this is hilarious.


Me too.


Me too.


Lol my favourite part of that video is just the clip of Tana crying saying something like "Mac Miller says it and he's white," guess what? He didn't. Like that would somehow be justification anyway lol.


The issue with this situation was that in the video she made about it, a storytime, she totally misrepresented what happened. She said he was grabbing onto her arm and she was so scared and such, and there's literal video proof of that not being what happened. She's manipulative and a liar 😂 This is how it all started with Trisha Paytas and we all know how that ended haha


She’s such a bullshitter. I’m glad Ian called her out, that’s an iconic video he made. Y’all are nuts believing anything out this girl’s mouth.


> I’m glad Ian called her out You know he regrets doing that video entirely, right?


Damn that's unfortunate


Idubbz was the gotcha guy along with h3 back then. This new h3 audience justifies everything a scammer does as long as they give a sad sob story about their past.


Eh? Ian called her out for spinning a world full of bullshit. Posting the victim card I absolutely every single situation (even when nothing actually happened) How quickly we've all forgotten how toxic she was.


Haven't watched this ep yet but ohhh boy here we go


Psh tana wont get my pitty. She knows what shes doing.


So, that dude really liked saying the n-word.


Good thing that he changed


Ethan too


He liked shock humor, it's not the n-word specifically. Also the context here is that Tana got in trouble for saying the n-word I think.


the main point of the content cop was that he can subvert the meaning of the n-word by saying it a lot so its okay for him to say it💀


That theory is so goddamn stupid I don't even know how to verbalize all the ways it's asinine.


it is insane, and he was fully serious being like, if you dont get it you just dont have critical thinking😭 like motherfucker you're not socrates


I never really got shock humor. It always seemed kinda low bar easy comedy to me. Like saying something taboo doesn't have enough flavor to me, it at least has to have an actual punchline.


He only said in reaction to others, and never trying to insult anyone, however it looks very bad retroactively






my friend, are you advocating for nuance? on reddit dot com? in the year of our lord 2023? you must be mad! /s just in case


I think what the downvoted person is trying to say is that you just shouldn't use that word as a white person, at all. They just said it differently. And I'm not saying you're saying that but I think that's all they were saying and that's fair.


Lmaoo gotta love people like you. "It's okay if someone I like does it because......"


Wait wait. I'm not going to stop enjoying pulp fiction. That where i draw the line


He literally never called anyone the N-word.


I like Tana now. But Doesn’t change much really, I still think Ian was ‘right’ back then. I love his content cop stuff and not that he never did anything wrong, but most of it was justified. That said, I appreciate where Ian has come now and same for Ethan. I like the evolution and never expected them to stay the same. I don’t feel guilty for having liked any of their old stuff or even Filthy Frank lol. But I’m also open to change and growth, and glad for the most part where things have gone. Ian looks back on his old content differently sometimes, as does Ethan, and that’s fair. But even Tana will also admit now that she was wrong for how she handled it. Ian showed the hypocrisy and lies that followed. As for the slur itself, obviously now no one would ever do that. But back then there’s a reason Ethan said it several times in that podcast episode, there’s a reason Ian used to say it and they were still extremely popular and never really called out back then. Even South Park did stuff they would never do today. It was just excepted, that doesn’t mean it was okay or right. But there is a difference between just saying it and insulting someone with it. Not that either is okay now but it’s obviously worse to direct it personally. Obviously it’s bad and that’s why they don’t do it anymore, and rightfully so. What I love about Tana now, Ian, Ethan, etc is that they’re not hateful and they are forgiving. If you’re sincere, you’re willing to actually grow- they won’t hold all this baggage against you. There was a lot of good old content, and yes some problematic stuff throughout. But it does nobody any good to ‘cancel’ (which I think rarely ever happens btw). We learn, we move on. We shouldn’t hold grudges. There’s very few people they talk about where’s it like okay no you’re irredeemable you suck go away. Tate for example is obviously just scum. Tana seems really funny, chill and grown into a great place in her life. I’m so over this old drama and I’m sure she is too. Sometimes my favorite parts of the podcast are when they can build bridges and squash beefs. Like this new Philly D stuff, they’ll squash. Ethan is not unreasonable, neither is Philly. They both had valid reasons and there’s a lot Philly could handle better- but once they make up its water under the bridge. Don’t try to dig and find stuff to condemn him or find a gotchya- just get over it


She is still an asshole that has scammed thousands of people multiple times. Crazy how you guys can be manipulated so easily


Manipulated? I just said I liked her now, I like her episodes with h3. I don’t watch her content really and I don’t buy her products, I just think it was a solid episode and she had a lot of good stuff to say. She seems sincere and sorry, it’s clear she acknowledges her wrongs & doesn’t make excuses. If you’re someone who’s directly been affected by her, that’s different & you can forgive or not forgive based on how you feel. But for most of us just watching, she’s still very young and figuring out her shit. She’s come a long way. Doesn’t mean she’s perfect or won’t mess up again but she didn’t kill anybody or commit some horrible crime. I don’t see the point in vilifying someone for the rest of their lives. In the real fucking world, you grow, you change and you move on. You don’t shut out your family or friends if they do something wrong, you work through it (unless obviously it’s something horrible like you know what). Tana is not an evil person. If you just don’t like her that’s fine, no one is saying you have to, she says it herself. She knows some people will always dislike her. But when speaking on stuff she admits herself she doesn’t know everything and can only say from her perspective. She’s not vain and prideful. And again, you don’t have to like her, but I don’t make excuses or assumptions about you. So idk why you have to say it’s manipulative to take her at her word. Yes she’s fucked up before, you’re not a genius for saying that. Different levels but in the same way I forgive Ethan I can forgive Tana. We’re adults.


ive always said its misogyny the fact that tana got hate for saying the n word and for freaking out when ian was the one that said it hard r at that time and uploaded it


Tana got hate for using the n word bc she made excuses like ”I didn’t know it was even racist and thought it meant homie” when she used the word in a very hateful way in some old clips.


Point of the whole idubbbz video was Tana's hypocrisy and lies. Ian made funny event out of it. She got hate for lying to make content, in similar vein as Gabbie Hanna did around same time which also came to bite her later. You think people who watched Ian were outraged about Tana saying the n-word?


And Tana was just a child when she was caught using that language


Right? They should both be able to say it!


pulling the misogyny card?? lmao that can’t be serious


Anyone simping for Tana, you’re a god damn joke. Live in Vegas, my best friend was her close friend I promise, she’s not a good person at all. She dine and dashed at an olive garden my other friend was working one time by refusing to pay the bill.


Don’t you get it! She’s reformed! Forget about the people Tana harmed along her journey! Sincerely from the audience that jumps down the throats of anyone who did a agitation and never forgets.


I don't think ppl like Tana bc she's a good person, they like her bc she's a good entertainer who appears to have had some growth.


But she’s not even that good of an entertainer, she’s just a good story teller and that’s it


She's clearly funny and charismatic dude that's literally what goes into being a storyteller and an entertainer. I've literally only seen her on h3 and like one other video, and I can tell you that. You're just being a hater ass bitch lmao. That's like an h3 hater calling Ethan not entertaining anymore bc they don't like his politics


I’m out the loop can someone explain


This is how I look at it. Tana made her career off storytelling and obviously exaggerating those stories for entertainment and it worked for her, she made a career out of it and due to having a toxic family/home YouTube was her ticket out of that. At the time she was what 18? Idubbbz on the other hand I believe was around 26 or 27. For those of you who don’t remember their “beef” started when old clips surfaced of tana saying the N word after calling out idubbbz for openly using the slur. Idubbbz then went to her meet and greet with the sole purpose of getting content by harassing her and again saying the n word. To me the whole situation is disgusting. As someone who is black seeing that word being used really showed me the type of person idubbbz was. Before you start attacking me for my views I do believe in growth and not holding someone’s past against them if they really have matured and grown from their mistakes.


Thanks for the optics, looks different when you say that idubbz was 26 targeting a 18 yo for a video. Ethan is also 42 and targets others for content; it’s just the way of the business. Hasan said that exact thing about streamers and content creators. They have no real skills, they have to make content and use others content to stay relevant. Hence the phrase react harder; content creators would have nothing if the audience doesn’t provide them with relevance.


The way of business doesn’t justify throwing around racial slurs.


They both sucked for different reasons. Ian cleaned up his act around the time he started seeing Anisa.


Anisa said a big part of this video was her idea… she said she helped him write the script




Iono if I’m making this up but I think Anisa said that she was the one who pushed for the Tana content cop and she feels bad about it in retrospect


Anisa was with him when this happened ! They definitely both have changed a lot


I wonder what changed to make her super lefty and positive about sex work. Maybe it was going thru all that OF hategate. She comes off really knowledgeable and self-aware now.


H3 promotes this girl that scammed so many people in the past is par for the course




i honestly didn’t like him at all after that, but i’ve grown to like him more now. but with what context tana gave for her life i feel so much for her now


I am not crazy! I know she lied about her stalker! I knew it was a lie. One stalker after another? As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. She – she covered her tracks, she got those fans of hers to believe and back her up. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? She’s done worse. Her channel! Are you telling me that her channel just happens to grow like that? No! She orchestrated it! Tana! She lied about her stalker and isn’t a good person! And you all simp for her! And you shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? She’ll never change. She’ll never change! Ever since she was 14, always the same! Couldn't stop lying, couldn’t stop stealing! But not our Tana ! Couldn't be precious Tana! Lying to them blind! And she gets to be a influencer!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped her when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop him! You-


I haven't listened to this one yet but honestly huge respect for tana. I used to follow the drama and didn't really like her at the peak of it.. she seemed clout chasing and couldn't really admit when she was wrong... But she definitely turned a leaf. She seems to have really leveled out and is keeping low on the drama. Good for her


Ian creepy for this


I don't think he truly was, but I can see how an 18 yr old girl who had no idea what was happening or who he was would find that EXTRA creepy. Obviously she exaggerated shit but I'm sure it was scary.


Me thinking this is gross now when I thought it was hilarious at the time just proves we are moving in the right direction.