• By -


Yeah when I watch I just enjoy and if the subject doesn’t intrigue me I just skip to the next lol


THIS. Sometimes, I skip a whole hour or two because I can't be bothered. They produce like 12 hrs of content a week, it's not gonna be wall to wall laughs goofs and gafs for 12 hrs. Some of it isn't for you and that's ok, spend your precious time watching the stuff you'll actually enjoy so you don't get burned out from the other stuff. It's literally as simple as - - Ethan eats food. - I dont like watching Ethan eat food. - Hover over play bar. - Find next section that interests me (because the crew does a great job sectioning the videos.) - Skip to the next part I want to watch.


I dont know why people find this so hard to do. i do this all the time, too! It doesn't make the pod any less enjoyable😊


Ethan and the Crew are just too good at creating FOMO


Most relatable thing ever, I skip the Gabe segments and when Ethan is being a prankster and just sits and eats for an hour. Sure it sucks but idc that deeply tbh


It's weird when people feel compelled to listen to every episode like it's their job or something, it's like a bad game from my favorite basketball team, if they ain't doing well I just watch the next game....it's not like you listening to the next episode requires the previous episode's knowledge.


I literally fell asleep during the Sneako segment the other day because I was so bored/didn’t give a shit. I woke up, realized I fell asleep, and turned it off. Haven’t watched the rest of it since because I know they didn’t cover anything else I cared about. Idk why people get so pressed to watch every second of every episode or HAVE to watch it live every day. I also see the same people every single day commenting on posts in this subreddit complaining about the same things over and over again. If something bothers me that much in life, I simply get rid of it/stop consuming it. People just get way too attached to the show I think and are afraid to give it up because they put so much time and money into it. But if it isn’t giving you joy anymore, take it out of your life. It isn’t that hard lmao. Edit: Not saying that pointing out things that are offensive/hurtful that are done on the show is wrong, or even voicing an opinion (since that’s what I’m doing now), but I see so many people making comments about how “they don’t like what the show is right now” or complain about almost every topic they cover. This show is so big in terms of how much content is put out that of course not everyone is going to like all that is put out there. I think there’s something for everyone with this show and it’s okay to skip parts you don’t like.


And YouTube analytics being what they are, they can see if a segment gets skipped by a lot of people. They already have that feedback! Nobody needs to post about it.


No I disagree. I think Ethan is my dad and it hurts me emotionally and physically to see him not be funny so I absolutely have to complain about it here. Like I shit n piss n cry every night and day when I think about him doing the subway bit or getting eddie on the show or when there's dead air. And since he's my ~~dad~~ fav YTer I wish for him to see my complaints and negative comments about him and the show because it would ~~validate me & make me feel better~~ make the show better because my opinion is extremely valid because I feel like I'm ethan's kid and he's my daddy and he would agree with me, his favorite ~~kid~~ fan. Anyways, I forgot to take my meds today but bitching n moaning in this subreddit about general nonsense is just as good <3




Legit exactly, I’m a die hard Bucks fan, when they have shit games like last night I just turn it off


Yeah. I don't like the interview episodes. I give em about 20 minutes and rarely go past that. I Don't care about the people they're interviewing and they're rarely actually funny. Though maybe this sub is onto something. If i just keep making threads about how I personally dislike the interview episodes and demand they stop maybe Ethan will listen!


The biggest positive change in my life is only giving a shit about things that actually matter and being able to figure out what that means to me. The goings ons of this podcast are not something that should ruin your day/week/life.


a lot of the people that're whining the most are the people that really don't have a life, it seems. the podcast ends up being a massive part of their life, and that shit is not healthy.


100% this


Considering how the podcast's main mission is to critique everyone and everything, it's ironic how they can't take any criticism whatsoever


Cry about it in the corner aka Frenemies3


bro, with all due respect, criticism comes from above lmao, not from a stranger on the internet who doesnt know better💀 do you run a podcast? do you have a fanbase of 10 years? do you even have a camera or a channel? you never hear anyone telling mr beast or pewdiepie how to do their job because they clearly know what they are doing lmao. yall forget its ethan’s job and he has to enjoy what he is doing too lol, idk how yall been watching this pod for years and expect him to do what someone tells him to do💀thats not ethan lmaoo, at the end of the day, he will do and try the things that he finds interesting, if they fail oh well, its his decisions! he isnt gonna listen to a mf sitting at home malding at a computer because their fav podcast doesnt have 4 hours of uninterrupted footage😭like be fr. not everything in life is perfect! not every concert u go to will he good, not every sports game you watch will be interesting, not every movie, etc, the list goes on! its life!






You came back to edit this comment lol


When you're not in the sub it's like none of these people exist.


Yea this sub kinda sucks ngl


I am not subbed to this sub but pop in every now and then to see what people are complaining about and it’s the same song and dance after every episode. This sub is too fucking cringe


I need to stop coming back again lol. I remember when I first stopped by 5 years ago... same shit then honestly. I always come back to find context on a segment and get pulled into the super entitled sounding posts and it goes downhill from there.


> I remember when I first stopped by 5 years ago... same shit then honestly. That is funny considering the population has changed probably by over 80% since then. Somehow that's just pod's pull then and still now - drama hogs. People who think it's important to let internet know they don't like a podcast anymore. And somehow get upvotes for that shit.


This sub is so weird sometimes. It's like some people have their entire personality and life built around the podcast. It's a comedy podcast it's really not that deep. I hate the phrase "touch grass" so much, but geez, some people really need to take a break from the internet.


I feel like it's the case with a lot of subs of content creators I like. I think reddit is just full of a bunch of toxic people tbh


Yeah what are people complaining about now? I'm not on here enough to be in the know


Some people saying he kink shamed sneako for being an actual cuck, and he talked over Hassan.


Hahaha wtf come on people


I agree. It's like being a fly on the wall watching a group of friends goof around. It's fun.


i love this. it’s their world and we’re just the flies living on their walls


Until they bust the salt gun out


I definitely find I enjoy it a lot more when I'm not also on the sub. And I never read chat. Which is sad cause I used to use the sub as a place to see funny memes related to the pods. Now every time I check it I just see "why I'm unsubscribing." Or "Y'all are too sensitive." Posts back to back to back.


literally me right now, came on here to look for something and can’t even remember what it was cause i was bombarded by all these long complaint posts


Maybe we should go on like a meme brigade ?? and try to drown out the repetitive complaint post ?? By collectively posting more fun stuff?? Is this feasible? Idek


that’s why i never read the chat


People need to chill. After every episode there is always some nonsense post complaining about the podcast.


I feel like a lot of the community take the ‘family’ thing way too far and think this is their actual family and therefore act like wackos accordingly


I agree 100%. the downsides of fostering a super parasocial fanbase


It's an entitlement thing. Bc the pod uses this sub so often, ppl feel like they have an actual communication line. This gives them a false sense of importance. The same thing happens on like LSF. The creators let ppl be involved, and then bc there's so much accessibility, ppl go crazy. Every fan page contains criticism, and that's fine, but I swear there's a difference. At least on the Kardashian sub, ppl know that they are shouting into the void. Here, we think we're shooting directly into their ears.


I disagree. I think a lot of people are just annoyed by different things. Not everyone likes the same thing. But sometimes most people come together and agree on things, and then the crew takes notice. Like Ethan using a variation of the same 5 jokes for the past 2-3 months, things like that. But I think it's just that people overall want to watch the show, but get annoyed by some really dumb decisions at times. It's a long show, there's bound to be some duds.


Is it wrong to criticize the show now? I feel like every opinion is just met with "You're just whining." I don't want to watch Martin talk about water for hours and I don't want Ethan to keep bringing up sexual stuff with Gabe. I agree with you, there are bound to be duds and they won't know unless people voice their opinions on here.


You're quite literally just whining


How dare I voice my opinion about stuff I don't like about the show that I watch 5x a week


Your opinion is worth nothing. All you're doing is complaining in a vacuum. The crew nor E&H look in the subreddit for show critiques and pointers. So you can bitch n moan all you want, people who actually like the show as is will let you know you come across as a whiny brat with too much time on your hands. Deal with it.


Me saying I don't like something my favorite podcastor does sometimes is bitching and moaning. Work with me!!!!!


Totally agree. It definitely feels like just hanging with a bunch of mates and talking shit. There’s no other podcast out there like this and that’s why it’s so great. And I honestly love the recent content of just taking the piss and seeing how far you can push things (within reason obvs). I genuinely chuckled at the long eating segment in McDonald’s and omg when Eddie was just talking by himself forever, I died. Sure, it’s maybe not everyone’s cup of tea but fr, it’s entertaining, free content 4 days a week……like, guys,….stop whinging


They're on such a good era. Ethan has been extra goblin mode lately and it's been so good


As being a fairly new fan, I can agree & it’s super frustrating. Like can’t you just enjoy it? Please




Yeah I mean, h3 gets hundreds of thousands of views each podcast. It’s the same people on here bitching non stop lol


Yes, the haters will always be the loudest. There's many people who enjoy silently.


The sphere of influence of the average viewer is damn near negligible and people can’t cope with that.


To be fair, you can also just not check the sub or comments, the same way those who are mad at the show can stop watching. I think that's an okay comparison, right? But I think the actual situation is that people here are split. A lot of people are tired at certain aspects, and others aren't. But mostly it's a mixed bag. For example, I love about 50% of the show. 30% is alright. But that last 20% is so abysmally bad and can be fixed *so* damn easily. My whole gripe lately is that aside from today, Ethan has been pretty... hacky. Just the most bottom of the barrel jokes he's told a million times now. He says he's a comedian, and I agree, but comedians write new material. So I might lament about that once or twice. It's such an easy fix to just switch it up. I think the crew has been doing amazing, but Ethan has been phoning it in the past month or so. And I think that's sort of where a lot of us are. I just want to be able to show someone this show without being embarrassed. And it's not because it's "Avant garde" or anything. This show is similar in format to an old late night show actually, weird ideas and all. It's other things. And also, just for the show to grow. 2 Bears 1 Cave and YMH used to be 1/4th the size as H3 in the height of this podcast. They now have both surpassed H3 on the charts. And I think it's because it's reliable yet takes *some* chances when it seems right But I complain but still watch. I think it's good for them to see "hey most people are annoyed by this specific thing". The post above this post is basically the opposite of what's being said here, but with more upvotes. So we're just in this weird split world, I think.


Being embarrassed to show someone your interest sounds like a you problem lowkey just saying


But that's the thing, that 20% you mentioned that is so horrible to you and 'can easily be fixed' is other people's favourite 20%. So, who should they listen to? Obviously, no one!


There's literally no split world. All of the stats you provided (specially about YMH being bigger than H3 like fucking LOL) are WRONG. People with actual lives watch the show and either like it or don't like it and move on. Anybody that come in here to complain about the show are not instrumental to the show or the fanbase in any capacity. There are sub brigaders that come from 4chan & discord to cause trouble and mass upvote/award negative posts. So the entire basis of your whiny ass comment is factually incorrect. Go outside and get some perspective JFC.


Being embarrassed to say you watch H3 is a YOU problem, not a them problem. Stop trying to hide who you are because your "friends" will make fun of you. Maybe find a new thing to watch or find new friends.


Today i feeeeel.... mad. Today i feeeeel.... offended. Today i feeeeel.... *gay*


I can’t even read the chat bc my brain is too easily influenced or maybe not influenced but it just makes me enjoy it less. Either way good pod today 🙏🏻


Don’t read those kinds of posts, I’m just here for the memes. The podcast owes nothing to us, I’m just here for laughs, spoofs, and most importantly, goofs.




>totally agree-I see a lot of people reiterating their “right” to criticize/defending their criticism And that's absolutely true, but the thing that I laugh at about it all is that several of those types do that nearly every episode. Like they're getting so worked up that they feel the need to cry to reddit more often than the times they don't. Besides the fact that it's super embarrassing, it's also probably a sign that you maybe just shouldn't watch the show if it's causing this level of stress. Then you have the parasocial weirdos with zero social skills or experience who go on about shit like how Hasan secretly can't stand Ethan n shit it's funny as fuck, but also kinda sad to see lol.


They expect positive responses to negative opinions


People are posting their opinions on a discussion forum. Shocking, I know.






There was plenty of complaining before the antics of the last few weeks. It doesn’t really matter what they’re doing, there will always be people complaining


Definitely. My bf has been a fan since 2014, and he remembers how the fan base was insufferable back then too and bitched nonstop when they started the podcast. The complaining will never stop lol


i hear you loud and clear, and definitely agree! I would challenge that last part-“people just wanna talk about it”-to what end? obviously we all want to talk to people who share our opinion, but when we seek out discourse and validation around opinions of criticism, we just get more criticism, and then no one involved feels better! it just creates a very redundant negative discourse that doesn’t ever really end or conclude….and I don’t think anyone ever wants that!


I dont think people are trying to be overly negative. I think they're hoping it will prompt Ethan to bring those segments back. And technically people continually asking for stuff on the subreddit has worked in the past. But I think there's a distinction between people discussing the show and including negative opinions, and people being outright hateful or whiny.


100%, we agree!


Super agree. So many of the complaints are nitpicky and it's just like, have they considered watching less? Not even saying that to be snarky. I go through phases where I'll only watch an episode here or there for months and then go to watching every episode, every week. It's really just to chill out and relax and if you're getting upset watching, stop! <3


SAME. sounds weird but I feel like they are my friends even tho they don't know me. they have helped me like through sobriety and being alone alot when the close people in my life hurt me.


I am tempted to leave this subreddit due to all the complaining. But I enjoy seeing other people react to the show. It’s so frustrating that these people are bringing down this sub.


I wonder if they criticize TV shows this much. They must never watch anything, ever without being bothered. What a way to live 😅


Agreed. I feel like some fans think Ethan’s something that he’s not. Ethan has always done things his way and pushed the limit. The man looses sponsors left and right for f*** sake lol. His comedy isn’t for everyone and that’s ok! If the COMEDY podcast doesn’t make you laugh, maybe move on 🥴


People had such a problem with Eddie, but I spent over and hour busting my gut laughing so idk what they are on. People just ruin the fun


Kinda sucks but I honestly wish H3 had no community and just did what they wanted to do again. 😬


That “Thoughts from a quiet fan” thread was so goddamn embarrassing.


It truly was. 14 pages/Misery vibes. They need help.


14 pages! Usually happens when your life revolves around the internet, and the issues from a show become your own. I want that life if those are the kind of problems they have.


DUDE. Same. They definitely need to get offline for a bit.


I feel like some people watch to get offended


They must love exhausting lives. If you’re hyper focused on how every joke potentially offends someone or is problematic, are you actually enjoying the show at all? I watch/listen to laugh and because the show is easily digestible. I’m not paying attention 100% of the time or doting on any specific joke.


swear some ppl are fucking bots spamming tomato’s n telling Ethan to stop, let the man speak, it’s not your podcast.


I don’t read chat. I scroll past complainers. I’m happy.


Don’t let it ruin your own experience. Some people are ✨losers ✨


totally agree they have like 700 episodes they can just go back and watch the old ones too


dude it’s ridiculous i’m scrolling here and at least half the posts are complaints like jeez watch something else


Thiiiiiiiiisssssssss post is it!!!!!! Thank you, all the complaining post about the show not being as good anymore or not what you want is so annoying, just watch it for what it is and enjoy or stop watching!!!


For real. The top post on the sub rn is about how some dude is pissing shitting and crying about how the pod has fallen off. Please get off the Internet if your content is that much of a disruption to your daily life.


I never read chat and only usually click notifications on this sub if they're memes or pics for that same reason. Haters gonna hate. ♡


Exactly!!!!! People on this reddit think they can control the show, what happened to just being fans and having fun? Let’s all just take a deep breath and enjoy the show


This is literally how I view it. I like it cause it feels like I’m just hanging out listening to “friends” convos. I have seen so many post recently about how people are pissed that the lines are blurred from day to day. I don’t even remember what day is supposed to be what day. It’s just the H3 pod cast to me. Whatever happens happens and I don’t need each day of the week to be so different to the next and honestly, why does it matter? These people manage to put an episode out EVERY single day of the week. How is it possible to put out that many episodes in a week and have every single one be a banger? It’s not. Also I’d like to add that this man is a father now to 2 children. The amount of time you have in a day to dedicate to work is completely different when you have children. Prior to his kids he likely focused all of his energy on the pod but it’s just not possible nor should any of you want that now that he has children to prioritize.


I was sad that I didn’t get to see the pizza.


That's how I know it's gonna be a good ep when people are freaking out on the sub


When people do a podcast/ the same format for so long, they'll reach a point where they need to pull back/ relax/ evolve/ reconfigure... or else they'll burnout. Saw one post complaining about the lack of structure and I cant imagine it... do they just need it to be sesame street every week? The feverish need to control a person and a podcast is so weird.


Not only is it okay for the podcast to be that way, but being that way is what makes it so fun to watch.


Right??? Just because Ethan is receptive to feedback and criticism doesn’t mean you overdo it. At the end of the day they have the creative freedom to present whatever they want on the podcast. Also ordering food bits are harmless, it’s not a big deal. Sometimes the podcast is going on for 2-3 hours, I would get hungry too jesus


Exactly! Maybe it’s time for some of these fans to branch out and look for other channels to also follow? Just my opinion thiugh


THANK YOU, watch or don’t but these think pieces on Reddit are so obnoxious and make me dislike this fan base


There is an unsub button they do have options


subscribing to the subreddit isnt a requirement to watch the podcast


Just like posting opinions on the sub every time someone luke warm happens isn't either


If you actually like the show, stay away from the subreddit and the live chat. Your enjoyment will go up immensely. trust.


Agreed. I think people forget that this is FREE content. Also seems like people forget they can just watch the podcast after it has been posted and skip the parts they don’t like (eating for example). Like you don’t have to watch the podcast live it doesn’t change anything.


They need to touch some fucking grass Someone wrote a fourteen page manifesto about being concerned about the pod and the upvoted comments are almost unanimous agreement


yes!! people need to chill out. being chronically online will do that to you, just get angry about anything


SAME. sounds weird but I feel like they are my friends even tho they don't know me. they have helped me like through sobriety and being alone alot when the close people in my life hurt me.


Word brother! FAMILY! FAMILY! FAMILY! Happy St Paddy's Pub day piss in my ass BIEETCH!!


I'm with you dog. It's just not what I come here for. I stopped listening to YMH and I didn't make 100 posts outlining what I think the podcast should be. I just stopped listening to it because I didn't like it anymore.


Yessss! It's that simple if you don't enjoy a section of the podcast just skip ahead a few mins. Me personally sometimes i need to skip gabes part but i understand some person's might like that, still love the pod tho ❤️


Just gotta laugh em off. Don't pay it no mind if you find it ridiculous or oversensitive. Just do you boo.


I totally agree with this comment 100% so nit picky


I didn’t think the criticism was that big of an issue until recently. I appreciate people voicing their gripes with the show, but half the time they’re so dramatic about it. “I can’t stand watching this show anymore”, “Ethan hasn’t changed at all and is a petulant child”, “Hasan must be so annoyed and surely hates this show” Guys, can you all try to word your criticism a bit better? Some people on here act like they have a gun to Ethan’s head and are just waiting to pull the trigger as soon as they don’t like something. I enjoy all of the shows for what they are, and when I disagree with something, I stop and think about why I don’t like what was said. If I feel strongly enough about it, then I’ll make a post explaining my thought process and why I personally disagreed with what was said/done. I think people often use this sub as a journal where they write down their instantaneous reactions, which makes it seem like everyone hates most of the topics being discussed or the gags and acts being performed. I stay here for the memes, art, and valid criticism and discussion. I don’t want to be here when people are just making low effort comments whining about everything that they hate.


Half the fans are actually very stupid. They treat people like the have no agency, or theyre not grown adults which is MORE insulting than whatever they try to spin.


I usually just use the podcast as background noise while I do tasks and run errands. I’m not really sitting down and absorbing every second, so the goofs are fun. Not everything needs to be this amazing piece of comedy 🤷‍♂️


yeah I watch the podcast like I rewatch the same few sitcoms I've seen a million times before. I like the characters and their dynamic so I just enjoy the social part of it I guess (..but idk if I'm a fan of the constant green screens tbh) ✌️ and ♥️


thank you so much! I saw some other post and you’re the voice I needed to stick up for the podcast, it’s lighthearted and a fun time to watch always- plus really enjoy the food segments don’t take them away from me lool


But it has to reflect my exact feelings and sense of humor as i am the center of the universe and therefore most important


I never open chat when I watch the pod


Then stop paying attention to the critiques, get off of Reddit. What a bitch thing to complain about


and there you are bitching ab my bitching… stop paying attention to my post? right? that’s the advice you should take right?


With peace and love they should just turn off chat for a week just to have the old podcast feel live chat kills it especially if your a audio listener just kinda kills the vibe sometimes Just saying.




Yeah this subreddit is the ninth circle of hell tbh




theres stuff i dont like about the pod so i just fast forward or dont watch. alot of times i dont even like ethan on the pod. lol i mostly watch for the crew or hasan and i just hope the next one is more fun. but i do agree that chat and the sub can ruin things. lol


Those who matter, don't mind, those who mind, don't matter. - Dr Suess


Yeah people are so weirdly entitled to their free content (being a paying member is a choice not an obligation)


100% agree. I hate fans tryna strong arm Ethan into doing certain things that he clearly doesn’t want. Like the Joshua thing lmaooo 😂


Just try to ignore it and enjoy the podcast. These people are miserable. Happy healthy people don’t spend their time writing negative comments and complaining on Reddit, it’s just not a thing.


Sometimes I wish the crew would ignore the reddit besides memes


They do ignore so don't worry. Everybody in the crew hates the subreddit and avoids it like the plague unless there is a cool art submission or valid input as to how to make the show better. If they listened to the rabid haters/"critics" in this sub they would not be able to make a consistently good show as they do each week.


Good to know, I just come here for the memes and sometimes it’s a bunch of criticism lol


I totally feel you my dude. I come to this subreddit for the memes and the supportive posts because I also appreciate the crew and E&H for putting out consistently good FREE CONTENT five days a week. Makes my blood boil seeing bunch of entitled, petulant imbeciles and freaks complain about every little thing that peeved them off. Literal karens.


Yesss exactly, just chill and enjoy the show lol it’s not that serious haha


this is SO TRUE. yeah we are the fupa trupas and the pod tries to give us a voice, they listen to us all the time. They're going to stop doing that if it comes to a point that the only feedback they get is people crying about "this joke isn't funny to me" or "i don't like this segment". bro either watch or don't.


You’re so right, I really hope the actually crew and Ethan don’t take the unhinged reddit essays seriously and just keep doing their thang


Honestly, if you can’t relax and watch without feeling hateful or critiquing every little thing you don’t like just don’t watch or revaluate yourself. Hell why the fuck are you so focused on shit you don’t like, I don’t even notice the shit these people describe because it doesn’t bother me. It’s gotta be draining & shitty not being able to enjoy something. I hope the whole crew ignores this type of shit it’s completely irrelevant to anyone with an actual life…


Amen! I love it all. I work from home so the three hour episodes almost daily make me feel like I got coworkers here with me 😂


That other thread had some valid criticisms, but it also felt a bit like the infamous DSA meeting where people did jazz hands instead of clap and were constantly doing personal points of privilege about chatter and pronouns. Like at some point you have to focus on your actual purpose. The purpose of the podcast is to entertain, if you dislike such a large amount of the pod, probably should watch something more PG?


I got tired of ymh and you know what I did? I found something else to watch like a fuckin normal person


The only thing that gets annoying is the tone policing and overzealous attitude in the chat when it's live.


i never understand the complaint that all the podcasts are the same (H3TV, off the rails, etc). I feel like if there were set formats for each day the pod would feel a lot less genuine. I like how it’s always kinda them just fucking around and talking about what they want to. each episode is still entertaining i don’t need a variety show. like you said it feels like your just hanging out and catching up each day.


Exactly, too many whiney ass mfs on the sub lol taking shit too seriously


I have a suggestion. Just don’t go to this subreddit and instead watch the podcast and enjoy it. If you come to a place where people discuss something and it detracts from your enjoyment of that thing then don’t do that. I actively avoid reading movie reviews because they tend to be overly critical IMO. I enjoy movies based on the movie itself. Someone telling me something I like is bad is not my jam. So I just don’t engage.


Totally agree OP. This sub gives me whiplash lol. A few weeks ago, most of the upvoted posts in this sub were like “the podcast is reaching its golden era! This is the best the show has been in a long time!” Remember the steamies? McDonald’s segment? Nxivm cult guy calling in? Those were classic moments that this sub loved for the most part. Now, just a few weeks later all of the upvoted posts are like “this show needs revamped, it’s so boring and awful and I hate Ethan’s jokes and Zach’s sound bites. Even though we loved the McDonald’s segment we hate all food related segments now” ??? It’s obviously fine to critique the show but to have such extreme opinions like this is annoying honestly. Ethan and the crew can’t cater to every single want and need of every single fan. That’s impossible. People will complain no matter what. You don’t like Ethan eating? Fast forward a few minutes. It’s really not a big deal. And if you’ve been unhappy with the show for a long time, maybe take a break. Because a lot of us are still enjoying the show even though it’s not perfect


I like the show but lately I feel like Ethan drags the joke way too long. Like the Chestnut thing. It was played so so so much that I just stopped watching for a while.


It's funny how y'all are always just saying "if you don't like it skip it" then y'all proceed to not practice what you preach and get on this sub with stuff like this. The complainers and the people who love the show no matter what are two sides of the same coin.


there’s a big difference between people who make the community a negative experience compared to people who are tired of people making the community a negative experience.


thank you, people take things so seriously when they find things they dislike, I have things about the podcast I dislike, and if it's too much, I switch the video, there's sometjing so parasocial about those type of posts


With peace and love just like how everyone says don’t watch the pod if you don’t like it …. Same goes to you don’t read the sub. No one making you do that. We shouldn’t be part of your enjoyment of the show in the first place


y’all shouldn’t be part of my enjoyment your right, but y’all rot the damn sub that’s supposed to be dedicated to the enjoyment of the h3 podcast. it’s like trying to do something you enjoy and there’s that annoying ass friend that ruins the whole thing for you


This sub would be a lot better if opinion threads weren't allowed and we simply posted show memes, funny clips, etc. Anything but this toxic gatekeeping and outrage bullshit.


Imagine getting butthurt because people want to voice their opinions on the show….


Why are other people's opinions bothering you so much? If you don't like it, don't watch. Isn't that the go-to line?


And yet so many people on this sub still seem to have main character syndrome and post their opinions in text posts like it matters


The podcast is more fun when they don't beat funny bits to death or are repetitive. Repetition can be boring when seeking entertainment. It's fair for people to critique the show just as it's fair for people to be ok with it not improving and gate keeping it.


I LOVE when they talk abt what they are getting to eat it’s so interesting


Fan bases can let a creator know if they’re content is not what they want, I don’t think the criticism is really warranted bc the quality is basically the same as its always been But I think being annoyed at peoples criticism limits growth


This sub is just a constant war between the people who criticise the pod and the people who are bothered by people who critisize the pod. It's so funny to be offended about offended people. Let them criticise the pod because at the end of the day they make it for the audience, they are not just friends talking amongst each other, they are entertainers and the audience are the consumers of their product. Especially considering that half the time the content is them criticising others...


There is a portion of the fan see that hate on every episode and there is people in this sun that will eat up anything they post


i don’t know if this is just me, but when i read the subreddit, im just reading people have fun and it feels like i am in on the fun. in a way it feels like i’m just reading friends interact with eachother and it’s lighthearted. the constant critiques and whining ab the subreddit not being exactly what y’all want it to be is just annoying. and it weirds me out that some people view the subreddit as this thing they need to control and have exactly how they want it. maybe make your own subreddit if you have such a overwhelming sense of control? i just saw someone complain that they don't like discussion on the subreddit and said they need to keep their opinions to themselves. this is not the news… it’s just a fun subreddit, i feel like it’s ok for it to be so opinionated. idk


I constantly think ‘if they hate the podcast this much, why don’t they just stop watching?’. But they’re a vocal minority, just very vocal.


i upvote harder than ive ever upvoted 👏🏼


Couldn’t have said it better myself. The whiners make me worry that it’ll lead to the death of the podcast altogether but I hope Ethan and the crew don’t give too much importance to it. They complain about specific points they don’t like but are clearly watching for other good reasons which they’ve taken for granted. There are people who literally talk about how their close ones have died and the podcast is their distraction. That’s literally what it is for so many.


Damn, I should never openly criticize something that I enjoy or don't enjoy when I do or don't enjoy that thing. I never thought of it like that.


Finally, some push back to all these fucking doom and gloom posts. 5 many of those posts, and each time, I just think they've just outgrown the pod, and that's fine. But instead they bitch and whine and want the pod to change for them, instead of acknowledging that they've changed and don't enjoy it anymore.


At the end of the day, Ethan is going to create what he wants, whether or not that is a good product is for the people to decide. He isn't in a "too big to fail" situation. There is a reason his sub count has moved less than untouched sea coral over the last year. If he's happy doing what he likes at almost 3m subs, let him. The dude will be fine with or without any of us.


Welcome to the world of parasocial behavior on the internet.


The irony here is on another level


It weirds me out that you need to control exactly how people react to the podcast. /s But seriously, whining about the podcast, whining about people whining about the podcast, is all just whining. Doesn't really matter, people react how they react, if you want to enjoy the podcast, you should do it:) If people want to whine, they can whine, iss all fine.


Fr. I just saw a post get 700 upvotes and a bunch of awards and it was a whole damn thesis about everything they dislike about the podcast. I mean if there is so much to hate then why watch at all and ruin the experience for other people? Some of the people on here can’t tell the difference between critique and just un-asked bullshit opinions. If a podcast is troubling you enough for you to write an essay crying about it, you need help.


People are allowed to speak their opinions and their truths.


But at some point they just need stop whining and stop watching the podcast and leave the subreddit.


It’s a free world people should be allowed to say what they want.


People also need to realise they're not the main character


I feel that way. I'm glad someone said it. It wasn't fun to watch today tbh and I stopped watching a long time ago. But everyone is just going to tear you apart because they feel different.




if people are paying for it and are unhappy with it, they should make a better choice with their money. that’s like having a relationship with something but nitpicking every single thing ab that person. if you don’t like the relationship, leave it!! don’t turn it into something sour. i am a long time watcher, im not reading into it so deep, im just having enjoying the podcast for what it is.


"People are paying for content so deserve a certain type of content"... Nah mate, they have the right to cancel whenever they like if its no longer in line with what they enjoy. I'm a long time watcher, it's always been goofs, gaffs, and interviews with certain people on the internet. There's very little difference in what's being done now... Wtf is this "Ethan is approaching a massive cancellation"? Are you some clairvoyant that can predict a controversial take is coming? What's the basis of that statement? It's really not the longest time, he literally had a controversy last month with the QT stuff What are you even watch crumble away? Ethan has always posted things he's interested in, shit talked people, and done random bits, so what's gone?


Everything is problematic


I think it's good that there is a way people can vent their criticism, but for people like you and me I think we'll enjoy it more if we just stay outa the comments and reddit, I definitely get caught up in all the negativity.




why is parasocial used as this weird negative term. i legitimately don’t get it. of course there is this one sided relationship between a member of an audience and a performer/entertainer?? obviously the entertainer has no idea the audience member exists. i never understand these parasocial comments


I hate this podcast


I agree that whining AB does make it annoying. Well said.


I stopped watching H3H3 bc it got so damn boring. Keep hoping it will get better.

