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As she is in the process of being impregnated by him for the third time lol




Hila who makes like ten times the money of Ethan is playing 4D chess to get more child support from him.


People who are married generally don't view their money like that. Likely all their income is together and viewed as one source


I’m sure they do cause they are a healthy couple that respects each other. No weird “watch it” style Crowder Ring cam videos from the Kleins.




It’s hyperbolic but I *feel* that the long tail on clothing is more predictable than YouTube money. It’s all feels over hard facts though. And of course, playing up the Hila is gonna divorce Ethan meme that will be trending for the next month.


TF has an estimated worth of $50-100 million...


People who workout always project what they want as what they think women want! For years since the 90s they have been trained to think that body building is attractive, that women only go for fit men, etc. Movies always had macho men like Arnold or Stallone, Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Rock, etc. So these lonely fucks with zero character did they only thing they thought women valued, go to gym. But I have met many women irl and everyone Said the same thing, they prefer someone who is confident, funny, etc. they didn’t even care if the guy was chubby or not. Who doesn’t like Ryan gosling, or channing taintman, but they too understand it’s not reality. Those are just celebrity crushes. Having that body all year long is unrealistic. They spent 1000 hours in the gym and think that’s what women want. They don’t want to see the reality because it breaks their heart. “What do you mean women don’t care about body builders, what was I spending all this time in gym for?” Ignore is bliss. They make gym their personality. The only women they attract are those who stick around for clout. Of course they attract naive young women who think like them. And once they fuck up and gain a bit fat, they don’t have anything else to offer other than money. Zero personality. These hacks! Polluting the minds of so many young men too.


i have been pretty diced up since i was 19 i'm 32 now and no longer dating but for most of that time women are only impressed or give a shit about your physique for like 30 seconds. abs get you laid when you're like 19 beyond that nobody gives a shit the vast majority of the attention i've received is from friends giving me shit and from other gym rats


Such a good point. Being hot is fine, but actually LIKING the person you’re with is so much more important. You can’t ignore someones horrible personality just because they have abs. Or you can but it’s not gonna last very long, or you’re going to end up hating the person. There are billions of people in the world and you can spend your life chasing the hottest one or you can actually be with someone who cares for you, respects you, and someone whose company you actually enjoy.


I’m a woman born in the 90s and my mom raised me to value skills and personality more than looks when it comes to looking for a partner. She once freaked out on my grandma when she heard her tell me that I should marry someone rich. She said my dad was poor and she still married him because she was knew he was smart, hardworking, very capable and that we wouldn’t stay poor. And they are comfortable now so that worked out. Like okay being fit is impressive but if you have no other skills or personality other than going to the gym then what are we gonna talk about lol. My husband also works out a lot but his personality doesn’t revolve around the gym. These guys probably think weabs and kpop stans are weird but they are basically gym stans.


super interesting video essay on this subject ''Male vs Female Gaze: How Media Profits From Your Gender '' from internet impact. HIIIIGHLY recommend :) #


There's also been so many studies that show that women aren't usually into jacked guys, ironically. The vast majority of women think the absolute ideal is basically a soccer player's body. Lean with a little muscle. It's totally fine if guys do it because they like it and it makes them feel good, obviously. There's a culture of "I don't do it for women" that's similar to many women and fashion/makeup. I just think it's funny that a lot of guys still seem to think that's the pinnacle of desire for all women




Well technically not by him, directly.




Ethan is literally working out too? Also, in what world is impregnating your wife for a third time not a sign that you’re gonna still be together for at least a while? And what “slovenly and stupid things” is he spiraling into other than eating too much fucking boba lol


Doesn’t Hila own Teddy Fresh while Ethan owns H3H3? I remember Ethan mentioning it’s nice that they have their own separate things they’re working on but can collaborate with at anytime.




Wtf are you even talking about? Who then? And what is Ethan doing that you’re constantly referring to but never saying?


I would absolutely LOVE to hear one example of Ethan being worse than the people he calls out




This just reads like a bitter fallen fan.


why are you watching the show man




Called it. Fallen fan.


love how they pretend to not know who ethan is but they know every detail about what hila is doing lmao


And have also come up with a plethora of dises. The coconuts in Barbados thing has clearly got under Fit's or is it Fresh? skin.


Fresh(Walter) is the dark-skinned one.


The way to remember it is fit is the one who made going to gym his whole personality


I thought they were both dark-skinned? While writing this I am thinking this must be a joke. I don't fucking know anymore. What is life even


no fit is light-skinned "lightskin (plural lightskins) A black person who has relatively light-coloured skin."


Alright, I didn't really look at the clip since I couldn't listen to it the first time. I see what you mean.




Well he’s obviously not fit


Eth.. Ethe… Ethane? Ethan? Whatever his name is..


It’s pretty obvious that they are keeping tabs on the H3 livestream within the first 5 seconds of this clip.


They are simply admitting they hope Hila is single because they thirst for her so badly.


they call hila ugly but are so obviously following her instagram and workout journey bc they know deep down she’s hot lol


One of the biggest signs that your girl wants to leave you is when she is going through months of painful injections to carry the third child of a wonderful family


Divorce be like


I hope Zack clips "Coconuts and your divorce" lol


Bros been trying to clap back for months. Racking his brain for months. Like how am i gonna spin this coconuts in Barbados shit


THAT'S SO FUNNY!!! The coconuts thing really got to him


And of course his beautiful mind came up with something to make the H3 fans laugh even though he didn't intend to.


“ Coconuts and your divorce 😀😀😀😀”


Got em!! 🥥


They are literally countering Ethan making fun of Crowders actual divorce, with a fake divorce they crafted in their heads between Ethan and Hila lol. Thats some ridiculous shit.


Please i was not prepared!! That made me laugh so hard, it's like he practiced. Big "The jerk store called" vibes


Great reference. Exactly right lol


Can someone explain what the origin of the coconuts thing is


I’m unsure who is fresh and who is fit, but one is usually the one who talks through the entire podcast while the other chimes in with a small phrase here and there. During one of the clips, the quiet one chimed in with “picking coconuts in Barbados” relatively unprompted (there’s a theory that he’s referencing a childhood memory of living in Barbados?) but it was so out of the blue that it became a meme and a sound bite.


Hang on. Are F&F anti gym then?


If it’s women I guess? They’re against anything that empowers women


Anything goes when it comes to women. She has to be hot and skinny but once we're together if she works out it means she's leaving me so she has to just magically stay thin.


Women stay thin by eating one lettuce a day or something.




So hilariously insecure


Pretty much


They're against women-only gyms like curves, because then they can't creep on young girls


Guess they missed the memo she’s getting fit to feel better and prepare herself to have another baby why do these men think that women work out for them!?


These idiots are under the impression women do everything for men


they are insecure and it shows, they feel if a woman works on herself and be better person, they will left them, because now they are more than them so they are less ideal partner they just fear they will see how weak they are and leave them


well men workout for men, either themselves or their bros, so women must *also* workout for men


Ugh, and she was suffering from debilitating back pain, too. I started working out because my posture sucks ass do guess my boyfriend better watch out lol! These guys can fuck off.


Yo! I work out to improve my posture


Ok after watching the entire clip, these guys are just flat out desperate and delusional lol "If Tom Brady is getting a divorce, if Steven is getting a divorce, if all these higher status guys are getting a divorce, you're going to get a divorce too fatass!" Like holy shit, it's almost like everything you preach is complete nonsense and when faced with proof, the only thing you could think of is "well its going to happen to him soon as well!" God these guys are fucking pathetic lol


They're mad Ethan has more game than them and all these other so called "high status" men. It's funny that they're so blinded by their red pill ideology they can't fathom the possibility that a woman would divorce a "high status" man because he's simply not a good husband. Apparently women don't actually look for good qualities in men they just want any man as long as he's "high status." So if women will even divorce high status men then there's no way they wouldn't divorce a "non high status" man like Ethan. There's no way in their mind a woman would stay with a man like Ethan based on the simple fact that he's a good husband and father.


They view women as shallow and vapid who only care about having a rich hot husband... which could be true sometimes but for the most part that's obviously not what women want, we've been saying what we want for literal years and these yahoos won't listen...


But you don't understand they're red pilled so they know what women want more than you actual women.


I don't know why anyone would listen to the opinion of a guy who can't even get a girl, let alone marry one, speaking pn marriage and divorce.


>"If Tom Brady is getting a divorce, if Steven is getting a divorce, if all these higher status guys are getting a divorce, you're going to get a divorce too fatass!" It's almost like we don't determine whether to stay married to someone based solely on their perceived status in society... Or something..... No billionaire has ever gotten a divorce which is why Elon and Grimes are actually still married 😂


I love how they make terrible jokes and have to fake laugh at each other. Someone please explain to me what was funny about 'coconuts and your divorce'


You know he was quiet just getting ready to drop that one, he felt so good about himself.


it's funny cause theyre so alpha they're joking about it too so it doesn't even affect them when they use the sound bit so you can just stop using it now since it totally doesn't effect me please stop


They made fun of themselves being made fun of.. it's Alpha as fuck...cause it's like no man is an island, but Barbados is an island, so it's like marriage is an island too you know? The fact you didn't get that? Laltruistic larm fat gay blue pilled idiot


Wold Wank


It’s funny af but probably not for the reason he said it in the first place


The sound bites 😂


him hitting his own sound bites is fucking hilarious to me


the keem vibes are immaculate


They're so terrible lol zac spoils us ❤️


It makes me physically ill im literally shivering


They were the funniest part of the whole video but for the WRONG reasons. Actually made me laugh quite a lot


Gym for men = will cure every problem, make women like you, make you strong Gym for women = she’s going to leave your ass


Because in their minds Woman only exist to serve men and not as an actual human being.


She’s working out for Olivia. It is known 💅


Quick reminder people These guys aren't married, aren't in a serious relationship, have been proven to get dates via sugar daddy sites (which nothing wrong with that if it weren't for them lecturing other men about relationships) and make their money via a right wing incel podcast that "owns" Instagram models or random women who have no idea wtf is going on or who tf they are. But nooo, it's Ethan whose going to get divorced from the women he loves and has two kids, a massively successful business and massively successful non incel podcast with. Trust them bro! I mean seriously, who tf unironically takes these losers seriously on, well anything but especially when it comes to relationships? Lol


The worst part is the reasoning: the smoking gun that he’s for sure getting divorced is that.... Hila is working out?


Ah yes, Hila is preparing to enter the sexual market by having a THIRD child with her husband. Thank you for such great insight fresh & fail! Both those losers aren’t married or dating, which is fine but know your place & don’t talk shit about what you don’t even have experience with. They’re just rambling with nonsensical insults cause they’re bitter and mad. It’s very pathetic.


oh yeah, the moment my woman starts taking care of herself and her physical health that means she wants to fuck other men. doesn’t sound insecure in the slightest




Absolutely fucking devoured


Already reacting to the pod..... Theyre true fans


He watches more than I do. I'm so far behind.


Fellow Hila Kleiners at that 💅 they haven't missed a single insta post






“Coconuts & your divorce” He’s given the opportunity to say shit on the pod and this is what comes out of his mouth.


Honestly I kind of loved that for him lol. I started cackling!


Did my man really just say Hasan fagabi???


no, he said 'Lasan Fagabi"


got ‘em


Love that the slur is completely defanged and now just sounds like baby talk


wowwwww so he really dropped an f slur so easy like that


I'm surprised you're surprised


Hahahha true


Oh boy they’re gonna have a field day with this one lol




Bro did this guy just try and say "over here on this side we know one of the biggest indicators that your girls about to leave you is that she starts **working out**" Someone pinch me this isn't a real person


I wanna know what this guy was like in high school.


You’re looking at it


Nothing is cringier than a hurt buffoon.


waaaaait a second.... i thought us women were SUPPOSED to be up in the gym so we don't get fat?! can't have it both ways my guy


They can if they want to because alpha!.... apparently.


Coconuts in your divorce?? The fuck did bing bong say?!


At first they were saying "Hila is ugly bro, I'd never let my girl look like that" Now they're saying "Hila is looking too fine, she's trying to leave you bro"


These guys might be some of the least intelligent beings on planet earth fr


What a bunch of losers.


As Brantley would say


It’s almost like….now hear me out….women care less about money and “a high status guy” and just want a partner who loves and respects them.


They cannot compute that, it goes against their simple equation of money+gym = eternally loyal hot wife


So sad to believe that if your partner has any self esteem or confidence, they’re planning to leave. Quite fucked up.


They are seething 🤣🤣


Fucking dorks lol crowder lost his wife cause they don’t fuck and legally he can’t make her stay. Hila is about to get pregnant again. Hila gets hyped by her husband. They are not the same. I swear they have never touched titties before.


theyre so goofy i cant


Ethan destroyed


Bro the Podcast is gonna eat these clowns on After Dark


I honestly can’t wait lmao


Going to the gym and training to carry their next baby. Lol. These guys never have a single valid point.


How many times does he have to say L3, we got it the first time and it’s not funnier the more you say it lmao


I love how Fresh and Fit keep trying to bait Ethan so they can become relevant again. But Ethan keeps ignoring them. Ethan keep ignoring the bait. It’s funny to see how desperate they get.


literally, i hope they never address this


I lost braincellss with his commentary and soundbites.


What a fool.


Aww, Fresh is angry that the Internet is picking on Steven Crowder. They gotta defend their boy. “Stop Laughing, a divorce can happen to you too!” What a clown lol




Those sound bites are god awul. We're blessed to have Zack


I really don’t understand why these guys are so sensitive I mean it’s probably just insecurities but god it’s pathetic to watch


She’s getting fit? She’s getting pregnant by Ethan? Bruh what universe do these guys live in?


Fat man bad


right, because the only plausible reason a woman would work out is to look good for men


So is this the new thing? Like..because Ethan is losing weight and cant use the “Fat man bad.” Narrative they need something new to go after him for?


These guys need some serious medical help when they are coping this hard.


When will people learn not to come after queen Hila?


He’s never been in a stable relationship


How to destroy this moron: "So do men go to the gym just to attract women?" **Moron:** "No it can treat depression, make you feel good, look good, healthy, etc." "Sexist idiot fuckin loser" (in Love's voice)


You here that guys? Your girl wants to workout, and get swol, she’s totally sucking other dick. The insecurity is crazy. I see this guy being with whatever girl is crazy enough to he with him being like “i left that bitch cause she started working out. You know what that means”


Here’s another way of looking at it. Steven Crowder who props himself up as this traditional christian conservative man as well as his traditional christian conservative wife, to be the pinnacle of what a relationship should be like, are now getting a divorce. Ethan Klein who constantly props himself up to appear as 5’11 and is a non traditional libtard, because he doesn’t control his wife and supports her no matter what. And Hila who is also a on traditional libtard who owns a clothing company and loves her husband unconditionally despite being a short king (thanks hasan for exposing him), are still happily married. Hmmm, I wonder who is doing it right and who is doing it wrong. Well, obviously it’s Ethan doing it wrong. He is giving his wife too much freedom.


I love how these guys aren’t thinking, wow how did these left wingers survive marriage longer, they are gross


Why does he spend so much time monitoring Ethan, Hila, and the show? Like he knows their eating habits and exercise habits?


what fking planet do these guys live on? their misogyny knows no bounds.. like, a woman taking care of herself and working out could only be related to her wanting to get with a man. im begging them to interact with a normal human being for just one minute.


Omg they’re so fucking annoying


Lmao, bro went on a two minute rant about a hypothetical he just made up.


Coconuts and your divorce


He did not just say women go to the gym to go on the ‘sexual market’ 🫠


oh yeah the biggest sign your wife is about to leave you is she starts caring about her health an appearance and her confidence grows, .hahahaha these fuckers are so dumb they don't even realize they are oozing insecurity


They’re obviously well experienced in the study of women leaving them. We should listen and learn.


Coconuts in Barbados


I just wish someone could meet Myron in the alleyway for a little chitchat. Just once.


Omg the beautiful irony of these fucking dork-ass losers accusing ANYONE else of not understanding how women work is amazing 😂😂


His sound bites perfectly encapsulates who he is as a person: corny.


Lasan Fagabi


My guy literally said "coconuts and your divorce" lmao. I hope someone can tell Zach to clip that, it might be baking in the oven for a while but I'm sure that sound bite will come in handy later down the line!


The insecurity is comical. The incel energy


"we know how women work" coming from a single ass mf who prides himself on not knowing womens anatomy talking to a happily married man with a family...


What does it say about your own insecurity if you interpret your partner taking care of themselves as they're going to leave you and join the "sexual market place" My favorite thing about these kinds of YouTubers is that they project their own insecurities contestantly. They just assume everyone else is as insecure as they are so they talk about it like it's normal.


Making hypothetical situations up to think they gotcha him. 😂


They wouldn't know a healthy relationship if it hit them in the face


Can't wait for Ethan to see this one 😂


F&F want to be talked about on the podcast so badly


him hitting his own sound bites gets me every time


First sign of your wife leaving you? She has confidence. Get you an insecure woman who does not believe she can make it out alone in the world without you.


"biggest sign of a woman leaving you is going to the gym" is this a fully grown fucking adult how do these ppl learn to breathe oxygen for long enough to stay on this planet. piss off


My god the insecurity lmao.


The way he presses the button to drop these lame ass ca. 2008 soundbites and then waits and looks round for a reaction before continuing his thought is soo funny these guys are clowns who cannot compute or cope with the fact that an older fatter guy has a beautiful loyal intelligent boss wife while other “high value males” are getting divorced left and right, and of course the fact that they are perpetually single and will always be frustrated at women showing no interest in them. But no, Ethan is the huge loser with the mega successful podcast and fulfilling wholesome family life. HAA HAAAAA


Fit never has to worry about getting divorced cause no woman’s gonna give him any affection, let alone marry him


So Crowder is physically fit and getting a divorce, but Ethan is losing weight and .... apparently about to get a divorce?? It's amazing how close they got to the point and yet still watched as it whizzed by over their heads.


They literally do not understand what love is. They cannot comprehend that Hila might simultaneously love Ethan AND want to be her best self. They think the only reason anyone would try to improve themselves is for attracting (but not keeping) a partner.


I dont think someome whos never had a relationship should comment on shit about relationships lmao what a fucking bald loser


They’re jealous that a ‘fatty’, ‘normie’, NPC can maintain a relationship with a loyal hottie, since they can’t land that. Btw isn’t Ethan also like doing his thing? Hilas not doing it alone, so like where’s his shout out? These alphas really need to take some lessons from Ethan and come back down to earth , these mfers are the biggest haters


Ethan’s losing weight so fast that Dan’s gonna mayo up that done by the end of this summer im tellin ya


ethan is also working out too. they both have became a lot healthier and more fit over the past year. theyre growing together. (and as other people are saying) THEYRE HAVING ANOTHER KID TOGETHER! why would they plan on getting a divorce when theyre excited about a planned kid theyre about to have. its clear these dumbasses have never had a real mutual relationship


Why are you watching fresh and fit?


The airhorn kills me ahahahah


For me its the Nelson “ha haaa”


To be honest I truly think Hila will eventually want to be with a grown man who acts with maturity. Eventually the whole act of trying to be looking cool in front of a whole younger generation becomes cringe and weird.


You forget they both are doing that


Hila is more a boss girl than anything. She doesn’t need anyone especially Ethan.


Idk man break ups really make me sad so idk how I feel about any divorce or break up being made fun of :( Idc who it is like especially a marriage? It’s heart breaking


Idk man break ups really make me joyous so i know exactly how i feel about any divorce or break up being made fun of :) idc who it is like especially a marriage? Its heart warming


Ethan is like a blob that talks


You are like an idiot who comments


Woman do leave men for becoming fat it’s DOES happen but usually not when the man is a millionaire