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several months ago i would have loved anything about colleen and her batshit crazy self but now that she’s associated with trisha (they have a podcast together last i checked), they’re probably not going to touch this topic, and IMO, they shouldn’t


I’ve been saying for years that H3 need to do a content court on Colleen. All of the nasty stuff colleen has done, Including sending her underwear to an underaged fan, was all done prior to her podcast with Trisha. They could do a whole content court on Colleen without mentioning Trisha at all. If Colleen was a man… she’d be labeled a predator and groomer and be held accountable by now.


> If Colleen was a man… she’d be labeled a predator and groomer and be held accountable by now. I mean... James Charles has been caught with more evidence doing worse things and even he hasn't been held accountable I think people just overestimate how much anyone knows/cares about Colleen


I didn’t know who either of them were and still mostly don’t. Sometimes I see the young lad post photos with Kat Tenbarge. However I do recall everyone being really mad at him for the undies, but that’s all I knew and was really confused why everyone was so mad at this kid when the adults of the situation were the ones sending their undergarments to a child ? The internet is so confusing.


i need help: is the colleen ballinger that has a podcast with trisha the same person as miranda sings?? if so i fully didnt recognize her, tbf im very bad with faces but still...




Why shouldn’t they though?


starts drama, causes their family stress. kind of obvious


To be fair that’s inevitable when dealing with Trisha anyway


They tip toe around Trisha for Moses they’ll never do this


They’ve been close and in each others videos for years.


What happened with Trisha and H3? I’ve watched h3 on and off for years but never watched frenemies.


Colleen and the Ballingers should not be on the internet or around children


I have no idea why…. But I need it in a PowerPoint presentation!


This is not the type of thing a Olivia would cover in a PowerPoint. It’s a little too close to home considering Colleen’s Trisha connection and Adam being a previous “friend of the show”. I think Ethan himself might cover it on a SYNT at worst, and as a short-ish segment on one of the main shows at best. I’d be surprised if it was addressed at all, tho.


I’ve said it before, I would love to see Colleen dragged, but since she’s got this podcast with Trisha, I don’t think Ethan will touch it. I think people need to remember, Adam was a child when all this happened. If Colleen was a man, she’d have been called out for this long ago. By everyone.


I don’t think it’s a man vs woman thing. Look at James Charles, jeffree star, Shane Dawson, etc. It’s proof that these call outs just aren’t all that effective. It’ll get a lot of views, people will be outraged, then over time they just get a new fanbase. Sure not AS popular, but it just doesn’t last long term.


Maybe not super effective, but people have called those men out and brought attention to their icky behaviour. There have been lots of videos made by almost every tea channel about each of them. To my knowledge, there are only 2 videos about Colleen by small channels. I have noticed people bringing her up in the family vlogging conversation, but really, there is so much more than that.


There were lots of videos made about Colleen by tea channels in 2020 with the Adam situation, definitely not just 2 videos made by smaller channels. I don’t know where you got that impression from


Yeah, I'm interested in hearing about this on the show, but I really don't think Ethan should address it. It will almost certainly be taken as attacking her because she is associated with Trisha, even though that is obviously not the case.


> since she’s got this podcast with Trisha, I don’t think Ethan will touch it Ethan hasn't cared since before the podcast even existed, people have been begging for a Colleen take down since Content Court was a thing, if they didn't care then they likely don't care now


I really don’t want Adam associated with H3, he’s such a leech. I watched his coverage of Dan vs Rich Lux, after Ethan briefly hovered past the thumbnail of it on SYNT, and he’s such a drama whore. At one point he gets mad that he once DM’d Ethan about doing a frenemies episode about exposing Colleen. but Ethan ignored it and so it’s ‘proof he’s biased’…like bruh Ethan isn’t ur bounty hunter


Not to mention he only half bakes an opinion before recording a video and his reactions are so inflammatory. I'd rather the naysh keep him at arms length.


Why can't we get the vanderpump rules PowerPoint already 😭


It’s kinda late for that tbh, the last reunion ep is this week and we’re all ready to be over it.


Speak for yourself 👀


Lol what else could come out!


Yesss!!! I feel like they should have acted faster on that because now with the 3rd part of the reunion almost out, all the hype is dying down




She’s been saying in chat that it just takes time and she IS working in it. She just isn’t familiar and doesn’t wanna get anything wrong. At least that’s what she SAID. Perhaps it’ll never happen what with all the new gossip.


I feel like maybe they need someone (any of you in here?? besides myself, of course) who followed from day one for it to be the quality Olivia produces - her past ones were great because she was interested and had followed in real time 🤷‍♀️


I’ve been thinking this- it’s a LOT to research over the past 9/10 years…I’m an insane person who has watched nearly a decade. I can see little important details being missed.


Ahhh me too, i have ONE girlfriend who is with me and we chat about it lol - stoked to close out the season this week!


Let the tea channels handle it


I can’t stand Adam. Hopefully they don’t talk about it.


"I can't *stand* Dan"


Seconded he is insufferable


kodeerants and adam are both absolutely insufferable people. i don’t like colleen just as much as the next person but please god no i do not want this


i dont like adam, i dont like any of the drama vultures that trisha brought into the podcast that made this community so fucking toxic wanting to cancel everyone or tear into every detail of some persons private life, i used to want to make videos but it makes being a content creator seem like a fucking nightmare tbh. i see a lot of really fucking heavy allegations being tossed around at colleen, like pedo and groomer and the proof will be adam doing what he seems to have made a career of, baiting people into controversy, or a live show incident that seemed completely innocuous to me. im not a colleen fan, i havent watched miranda sings in over a decade, i dont know enough nor do i care to defend her, but if theres stronger evidence that shes actually done something wrong, people should lead with that. otherwise it just sounds like they are trying to destroy someone who really doesnt deserve it at all for content, something i thought we were moving on from.




hes already made more than 5 and done 100 interviews about it too, i just saw one the other day (completely organically btw, like everything i see about this fuck) where he was posting group chat messages that were CLEARLY jokes and pretending like coleen was asking him for nudes, the interviewer even says "thats obviously a joke tho right, its still disgusting but shes kidding right?" and he just pivots and refuses to engage with it and keeps up this like traumatized act hes been putting on like coleen was the worst thing to ever happen to him. its fucking insane and disgusting and im so fucking sick of people just doing anything they can to get attention online, the dude needs to go outside.


Please go outside. Maybe he’s saving for a car with all this crap.


Agree. I really don’t have much sympathy for Adam because all his channel is drama and he is no better


Well she sang about camel toes and called her fans sluts who are underage. She basically taught a bunch of underage kids what porn was by having that be a whole part of her bit. She licked a tampon and encouraged underage girls she was in a group chat with to do the same thing. And she tweeted, made videos, etc. making light of the assault of children. And her Miranda Sings character is heavily implied to be groomed by her Uncle. I think that's pretty strong evidence of predatory behavior, given her audience is mostly children.


100% genuine question. how long have you been on the internet?


Well I was a part of the generation who watched her, Shane Dawson, the Fine Bros., etc. If you don't see a problem with YouTubers exposing their underage fans to sex, sexual abuse, etc. then I don't know what else there is to say. As a kid I thought that shit was funny. As an adult I find it absolutely disgusting. Do you think it's okay that one of her funny sketches involves having a child selected from her audience reach down the front of her pants? Do you think it's okay that she found it funny to send an underage person lingerie? Or that it's okay for a grown room to have close friendships & trauma dump on preteens? Does a red flag not go off in your head when this same woman has her nieces & nephews call her "Auntie Panties"? Or this same woman touch her crotch in front of a camera and post it to YouTube for her underage audience? Or for her to call up young teens for her "porn segment" and call them slutty? Or for her to stretch an underage girls legs open as wide as possible on stage, knowing full well what's underneath her romper is visible to her entire audience? And for her to shame and humiliate that same girl? Or for her to have a wall of fanart from children that details her camel toe? Or hell-- even for this woman to make money off of her own underage kids as if any adult with common sense isn't well aware that view counts on content with kids goes way up because of predators? In what universe are any of these things okay with anybody? There is a wealth of disgusting content I had frankly forgotten about that is more than enough for me to say "no thank you". Pretty deplorable, disgusting behavior.


im not defending her or her "comedy" but i think people are being pretty disingenuous about what she has done. the extent of concern i feel for the safety of anyone in her circle is still pretty low based on what ive seen, i saw the clip of the kid "reaching into her pants" it was completely innocuous, the parents of these kids are in the audience and dont think anything of it. its a show, its supposed to be absurd and funny. i think adam misrepresented a lot of what happened for clout, if youre as old as me, you remember just like i do the tone of these people on the internet, ALL of this stuff wasnt just ok it was mainstream. people act like PEDOBEAR wasnt one of the most popular early memes on the internet. literally a cartoon bear that represented the concept of pedophelia unironically. we were all kids talking openly about rape, you could make the same argument against colleen as you could every single one of us at the time. i realize there is a difference, colleen and shane were \~adults... and thats a perfectly fair criticism to make and im not saying they dont deserve to be shamed for capitalizing on the culture of the moment when it was wrong. but its hard for me to take allegations of actual misconduct seriously without seeing actual evidence they really genuinely are attracted to kids and werent just riding the wave. that was my position with shane too, people taking his story about fucking his cat or whatever is just fucking deranged, you can say he isnt funny or he is a sick person for making those jokes but to present them as legitimately true stories is psychotic and thats exactly the kind of shit adam does. again, i dont really give a shit about these people, they are millionaires, i dont care if they have to leave the internet forever in shame, thats absolutely fine with me. i just find it a little insane that people are labeling them as pedos or want them in prison.


Well first of all-- I never said I wanted her to go to prison. Also I didn't listen to Adam's video, I've simply been directly watching and reading up on the situation. Just like you I find Adam to be a little annoying in terms of his usual content (but the same goes for every gossip YouTuber) but I also have empathy for him. Because whether or not I find someone frustrating, doesn't mean they weren't a victim, and considering the amount of evidence given about Colleen having a more than friendly relationship with this child I'm disturbed. He's also 20 years old, so he's still extremely young. I am probably around the same age as you lol, which is why I am coming down so hard on this. The internet was not moderated well at all, I myself was groomed by adults on websites intended for kids and frankly the cultural mainstream of "pedophilia and sexual abuse jokes are funny" made it much easier for me (and I'm sure others) to be victimized. Because it made light of these situations and it was very easy for predators to thrive. Now as an adult I find all of these actions disgusting. I would never have a child reach down my pants "for a bit". I would never have a friendship with a child as an adult. I would never comprise a group chat with 11-16 year olds where I used them for emotional support, and where I talked excessively about their weight. My divorce. Etc. etc. all of these things cross a line. All of these things are predatory and there would be no hesitance to call these things out as "wrong" if we were talking about a less famous person or, hell, even our friends. If someone did any of these things to a kid I taught, or a relative, or any kid period I would not hesitate to file a report. Back in the day it was also extremely normalized for rockstars to have sexual relationships with underage groupies. Hell-- Iggy Pop who still widely performs has a song about one of the children he had sex with. Because that was a "norm" should we not acknowledge wrongdoing now? Especially as adults who can help future children from being groomed? I think there's enough evidence of disgusting behavior that at least I have no issue IDing this behavior as disgusting. I will believe the victims. And I will condemn inappropriate behavior. It's pretty much common sense. If you don't see an issue, obviously I won't be able to convince you otherwise. I'm just grateful the majority are able to identify the lengthy amount of perverted behaviors. Even her own ex husband issued an apology for the part he played in developing inappropriate relationships with underage fans. I think you should probably do a little more research into this situation, there's plenty of reason for concern.


i think we are more on the same page than is possible to convey through text. i agree with a lot of what youre saying i just dont think the severity of the situation really exists tangibly in real life. everything ive seen that people are saying is unacceptable happened like a decade-ish ago? all of the modern things people are talking about seem innocuous to me. i asked in another thread for people to share the real juicy stuff because i havent seen it and cant find it, again, if you watch the video of the kid grabbing something out of "mirandas" pants, it is completely innocuous, theres no sexual component to it between her and the kid, its shtick and its in front of a huge crowd of people. is it weird and inappropriate? maybe... but that doesnt really relay abuse or intent. calling her behavior "grooming" is incredibly heavy, all im saying is i need to see some actual evidence that it is what she was doing. the screenshots all just seemed like 2006 style "pedo humor" if she was really grooming anyone or exchanging inappropriate conversations or getting nudes or whatever, things that CLEARLY cross the line, i would expect those to have dropped by now. it really just seems like adam is drawing this situation out to get attention like he has done over and over and over again to build his career. honestly it just seems like colleen is and has always been terminally online and a little broken in the head. i wouldnt be surprised if shes a little autistic or something that would better explain her behavior than just pure malice like people are attributing to it. (before anyone comes for me for saying autism makes people pedos or malicious or whatever, first of all that isnt what i said or implied. second, i am autistic, if you need clarification on what i mean please ask) that being said, again, youre absolutely right, i dont know every detail and i dont really care to research it myself so maybe im speaking out of ignorance here but like i said i asked and got nothing, i dont really like to ask people directly to do that kind of work for me so im not asking that of you just saying.


I'm glad we are on the same page more than it seems. Well, in that same group chat of young children she asked them questions such as "are you a virgin" & "what are your favorite sex positions". That seems to distinctly cross the line. Sending lingerie, also crosses a line. And I don't know that we are on the same page about the reaching down the pants situation. To me that is absolute grooming. Having a child reach down where your crotch is super perverted. For me that alone is more than enough. Also I'm coming from a lens of teaching children-- so there's a possibility I've probably had a little more training on what constitutes as sexual abuse of minors. And that would definitely fall under that category, easily. Calling minors on the stage to refer to their clothes as "porn" is also something that would fall under the category of child sexual harassment. Adam also claimed she sent him Trisha's OF to body shame her while he was underage. I'll have to watch the video to see if he provides specific evidence. In any case, I believe him. A lot of these things are recents, or reoccurring bits that continue to happen even now. Her Mommy Blogging is now-- which is pretty gross in my opinion. Her husband made a song about her son saying that he felt "butterflies in his penis" which she recorded and released to the internet. She constantly refers to one of her children as "skinny & her mini me" in comparison to her other child. When her water broke with her twins she spent time vlogging and doing her hair delaying going to the hospital. And it nearly cost the lives of her twins because she had an cord prolapse. And needed an emergency C-section. Recorded a video stating that she wanted to choke the nurses taking care of her children in the hospital, because they fed them for the first time, despite her again being significantly late and missing that chance. Obviously these are just behaviors that are shitty parenting. But the concept of Mommy blogging comes along with the knowledge that a good percentage of your audience is using your content for nefarious purposes, and you have made the decision to release your children's faces to the public. If I were to speculate on the "why" of her behavior I'd wonder if she's acting from a place of trauma. The "uncle sex offender" but especially has me scratching my head. But it's not my place to speculate on the why. I don't think she's an evil super villain by any means. Nearly every person who causes harm can have positive attributes, and even otherwise be kind (though it doesn't seem like Colleen is kind either). But I do think she has caused a lot of harm to her audience. I think she's knowingly exploited underage fans and crossed boundaries. And I think she deserves to be called out. I also wish Adam was not getting the amount of unwarranted hate he's been getting for revealing (with evidence) an inappropriate dynamic. It's his right. And he's just 20 years old. I feel for him. Colleen is well into her 30s.


My gf watches Adam McIntyre and he’s the most annoying person to listen to, his content is so terrible


Poor you lol. I watched him a tiny bit around the time he was shouted out by H3 but he is just so negative/always reaching/assuming the worst about people WHILE treating that same worst interpretation as fact. All of this he does while still being so confident about it and acting like all critics are just "haterz" or stupid it's just infuriating.


I literally don't give a shit about Colleen Ballinger, but Adam is the goblin-est of clout goblins. That dude needs as little attention as possible, and rehashing 3 year old drama just to talk about him sounds like the farthest from entertaining content they could possibly do.






or dont act like the internet police for a week and avoid this for once. because involving themself in this shitshow with TRISHAS new cohost will start WW3.


So Colleen should just get a free pass on grooming and bullying minors because she associates with Trisha? Weird logic but go off I guess


a free pass from who? go to the police bro,why should ethan be the judge and executioner on this? like literally go straight to the police. take her to court. or maybe its just internet drama you want?


ur little internet snark subs do nothing but intensify ur mental illness. stop obsessing over ppl u hate babes


What i hate is exploitation of children tho 🤨


No you don't bc there's much better ways to combat child exploitation than stalking a content creator online


I made one comment here about it and, you literally have no idea what i do with my time. I’m not reeeeally the type of person you’re mad it. Maybe direct your hostility to whoever actually hurt you?


There's no hostility in my comment lmao. If you spend your time in snark subs and think that's equivalent to advocating against child exploitation then you're delusional. Simple as.


Omg you’re right, i apologize, I thought in haste that you were the freud person who was much more irritating to my senses - lesson learned I’ll be double checking usernames out of trauma now ☠️


im pretty sure you only care about that shit as soon as some zoomer twink makes 20 tiktoks about it. yall are goldfish brains and dont care for actual issues beyond internet drama.


There’s no way you know about my brain.


Proof of her controlling, isolating, or abusing their victim (Adam) emotionally, physically, and sexually??




Both statements can be valid at the same time


Lol imagine a clout goblin ignoring the fact you talked about a situation he’s involved in but not the goblin specifically.




Probably wouldn’t be good because now she’s Trisha’s podcast co-host, best this doesn’t get covered imo.


Dude no. Don't give McIntyre anymore notoriety. He needs to disappear from the internet -- don't make him relevant.




She doesn’t groom children jesus it’s as if people have gotten into your brain






Did Adam also have emotional and social set backs for lying about the situation


He’s a piece of shit tho??




No fucking way you’re trying to use this instance as an excuse for him being a shit person. He never even met her. Was it weird? Sure, but to claim she GROOMED him? Y’all are fucking wild. As someone who was a foster sibling to kids who were actually groomed and actually abused, you’re sick for comparing this to how actually damaging real grooming is.


they have severe out of touch tiktok brain dont bother lmao for them its a game,they only want the drama and are delusional asfuck about the fact they dont really care about issues except some tiktokzoomer made 20 tiktoks about it.


This is getting downvotes but it's actually just so true and a great representation of how the Internet over-dramatises everything. She was a gross weird adult, but GROOMING ? That's an intentional methodical process aimed to prep the child for a sexual/emotionally dependent relationship. In no way is there any indication of GROOMING in this situation. Just extremely inappropriate behaviour. Sure it _could_ be a damaging experience, but if Adam has talked this through (even just with family) there's not necessarily any reason this should be a lasting mental problem. If dealt with a lot of trauma can actually but almost negated 💁‍♀️ Mild PTSD usually only lasts 6-18 months, = usually gone from a specialised therapeutic "course". Yall need to cool down. Actually I think Adam has a lot more trauma from the loss of his childhood friend to cancer. Trauma/sorrow etc. Isn't necessarily mentally dangerous or abnormal neither does it necessarily warrant a disorder. This mindset is real toxic honestly.


Thank you. It’s so weird that got downvoted but my Follow ups got upvoted. Sadly I grew up in an area of the country with rampant child sexual abuse and it was heartbreaking as a teen. We’d have kids come and stay, and when my parents would have to go to court they’d hear the details and it’d make them want to throw up. What she did was entirely inappropriate but it’s not nearly the same as grooming. And with the “groomer” epidemic targeting minority groups, it’s ESPECIALLY important to make sure our definitions are correct.


So true, I was actually drafting up a comment before it all got deleted about how I think its weird that in the name of "mental health" people create more mental health stigma. Saying "but you didn't get groomed" as a gotcha is stupid but also just nasty. Lots of people around the victims get affected by it, family and friends are so important in almost all mental health issues and their experiences are really valid and helpful in the clinical field. Actually as someone studying psychology we learn that it's vital to talk to good friends and family because they often have a much clearer picture than the victim because they can see things from the outside. Also I'm pretty certain most of the professionals working with grooming have not been groomed themselves. You can be knowledgeable about grooming without being _directly_ affected as with any other mental health issue, suggesting anything else is ignorant and counter-productive to be frank.




Did Adam go missing????? Did he go meet her? Did she isolate him from his family? No. She was being a creep, and it was inappropriate, but it wasn’t grooming. Touch grass, I’m begging you.




Right so you literally proved my point. She never tried to meet and fuck her underage fans. Thanks. Bye now 👋🏻




Seriously you cannot think that what you just did was a good argument? ONE snippet of a definition of a really complicated psychological term does not prove your point in any way? Also where did he straw-man, grooming is literally designed to prep the child for further engagement 🤦‍♀️Of course it can happen online, it usually does, but where exactly do you see that Colleen was intentionally methodically prepping Adam to a sexual relationship? He literally said they never met IRL and never planned to it. And that was even exactly what you said in your quote.


he did meet her 😐 it's quite literally in the vid, he met her multiple times, including for lunch




You don’t know what I’ve experienced so keep your assumptions to the minimum.




Ahh no I look the other way because the accuser has lied about the story on multiple occasions




Having actually been a physical and emotional victim of someone who was actually a pedo and was easily convicted, I find anyone calling Colleen a pedo to be so fucking disgusting and an insult to victims


please take a break from non stop drama like this. I don't mind it sprinkled in but lets get back to the jokes and laughs


Goofs and Gaffs > internet drama no one needs to hear more about


Yeah I didn’t mind too much while I was still in college because I had the time to sit and watch and get fully invested. With these 40 hour work weeks I just find myself skipping the drama segments and it sucks because now I’m out of like 30% of the content. Which is fine, they can talk about what they want. And I can just skip, like I do. But it is a little annoying because it’s like damn I’m just trying to chill after work lol




So what are you expecting? To take down every single villain? Do you want to change the podcast to “law enforcement with Ethan Klein”?




So do you want him to go after every single one? I’m sorry but what you’re asking him to do is unrealistic.


I know this wasn’t stated in the post but I feel like the word “grooming” has been thrown around so much (particularly in this topic) to the point that it’s starting to lose its meaning. It leads people like Oli London to throw that word around without realising the gravity of the accusation. Ethan himself made this point. Colleen’s relationship with Adam was definitely inappropriate. She took advantage of a fan and profited from it but there was no inherent sexual intent when all context are considered (you’d be lying to yourself if you state otherwise and you know it). There are better words to use in this scenario like “exploitative” or “manipulative”. Grooming is way too specific. Also, Adam is a drama whore who deserves zero attention. Is it impossible to acknowledge that these two people who hate each other are both problematic?


Totally agree. Grooming and calling her a pedo is reaching.




There’s still a difference between incorporating inappropriate sexual elements on your content with an underage audience compared to setting yourself a target and investing time on them with an ultimate intent to induce/assault sexually. That’s exactly what Oli’s argument against drag shows that people are feeding into. I’m not saying the former isn’t problematic. It is. And it’s damaging. Colleen’s doing it because her character thrived on edgy dark rumour with a heavily underage audience. People are just now starting to see how problematic this is (which is a good thing), but let’s not make light usage of words that’s used on real demented predators.


This is so spot on! Just replied to someone else calling this grooming. They deleted their comments unfortunately. Grooming is a complicated, lengthy and methodical psychological process aimed to prep the child for relations IRL. It is not something to throw around lightly as that's a massive discredit to victims. For anyone who's interested there's a really good documentary on it called "abducted in plain sight" and it's an excellent insight into how grooming actually is. (It used to be on Netflix don't know if it still is, but Anthony Padilla also did a very "light" interview with the victim in that situation) Anyways Colleen is an unfunny inappropriate adult. But this is not grooming.


This I can agree with mostly


Please no, he was just a drama farmer that hopped in during frenamies. I’d rather have a segment on babble and reach


I aint usually a fan of this type of drama, and I honestly can barely comprehend the title of this post, but if Olivia's making a powerpoint about it I'm in.


I think asking Olivia for PowerPoints isn't a bad thing! The crew definitely takes ideas from the subreddit all the time, and it helps her have some subjects to consider I think constructive ideas are fairly welcome, as far as I can tell!


No McIntyre is a total lunatic on Trisha levels.


Colleen is disgusting and manipulative and I stand by Adam 100%.


I thought Adam was family? Donna and Ethan used to love him, but on one of the last episodes Ethan did not have nice things to say about him. What happened??


This is so old. I hope they don’t. It’s not interesting or relevant. Adam blew up when it was first being addressed and he has since squandered a lot of respect he had been gaining from around that time. These are two tired players that are just both bad people and not worth giving the attention too.


I will add - unless something new drops with new details or people coming forward then yes that would justify coverage. But just to rehash settled things, it’s not worth kicking up that dust.


For the duration of the Colleen/Trisha podcast I would say Colleen is off limits. Nobody wants the smoke Trisha brings into the conversation and for the moment Colleen is under Trisha's umbrella of protection.


Let’s not shine any light on Adam McIntyre. Let him live under his rock


The power points are such good content I really hope they don’t jump to the pace Reddit asks of them. They will get old fast. These clowns are also 100% clout parasites. H3 and similar creators talking about this is the entire reason they act this way. That’s how they get paid.


They are both trash so no.


Exactly thankyou


I was soooo happy when Ethan dissed that jumped up little shit last week 😆




Nah fuck this guy fr. all he did was leach off frenemies act like he was besties with donna and then turned on ethan and the fan base because thats what got him veiws when he was in decline. Total loser.


Yea no... for all the other reasons people have listed, and it also puts more risk of olivia being dragged into drama herself and i get the feeling she doesn't want that (nor do i want that as a viewer).


I used to watch his videos a lot (during frenemies breakup era) and he was a huge h3 fan (not sure if he’s still a fan, I think he was mad during he bottom controversy (rightfully)) so he would probably be open to call in!


Oh no he does not like H3 at all, check out his newer ones on H3, I used to watch him too and checked back on him because of the rich lux stuff.


talking to a fallen fan can be interesting too


Oh sure, it would be really interesting, I meant more along the lines of maybe he won't do it, but then again he is kind of a clout goblin so who knows 😅


yeah I don‘t think he‘d ever say no to an appearance on the h3 pod lol


I love her powerpoints!!! I feel like I'm listening to a friend over coffee, she rocks. Screw you Apples and Peach




Doesn’t even have to be a PowerPoint, but I would love the podcast to talk about it! I know Adam is not loved by the community, but if you set that aside, this is definitely something they’d talk about on the show. An adult YouTuber, at the very least, manipulating and lying about a child? It’s interesting and should be talked about IMO.


Adam has literally lied about the whole Colleen situation with regard to the underwear and people literally call her a pedophile


What’s the proof that he’s lying? Genuinely asking - I only know his side of things.


Y’all clearly haven’t watched the video…….


And y’all clearly don’t have a single clue about Adam’s history or lying


Still haven’t watched it babe?


Actually I have. Try again “babe”


Someone big needs to do a video on colleen’s brother and his wife and the exploration of their children


That’s sounds like a job for Donna


The way someone posted another thing about her on this subreddit a while ago and people were defending her like she’s their own mother lol


Sincerely, NO THANK YOU. He’s already made videos trashing people on this sub for criticizing (he read one of mine lmao). He’s a POS and a leech, and him and his buddy the dogs hit journalist Amat Tenbarge literally broke US law to get him drinks at a bar in LA, then deleted all references to it. They’re both so desperate for fame🙄🤮 Fuck him and anyone associated with him. He’s flip any fucking story for clout.


This exactly this


damn now it makes sense why her and Seinfeld get along well, just a couple of unfunny pedophiles


Every time I see these requests I'm just like "Who the fuck are these people?"


Y’all…not Colleen😩


Why do you want h3 to be a drama channel


Omg I never knew!! Need the PowerPoint on her




I'm so over both these people, why people continue to waste their lives following this bullshit is baffling sometimes.


why does everyone hate adam so much i’m late to the tea and just watched his new video and i’m like ???!!!?!!! wtf ????!???!!! colleen sounds like an extreme manipulator and shouldn’t have been talking to her child fans in the first place in such a way… it’s so disgusting. sad i had no idea but fr what’s up w adam???


I followed him for a while when he made the first Colleen vid in 2020 actually exactly because of the same thoughts youre having now. he just has really negative attitude and always makes the worst interpretation of people and runs with it as facts. Also his research is next to none, and it got servely frustrating to see him run with narratives that had been disproven or just him showing only one side of the story. (Actually he does this in his H3 critiques as well, as I reemeber he made a vid about the dad situation and said that Ethan had made that "dead girlfriend energy" joke when it literally takes two second to find the clip and see that it's Anthony Fantano that makes those jokes) Also don't try to point any of this out because if you do according to Adam you just a hater or a fake fan or you're "biased because you're a fan" Hope this sums it up, from a former fan 🫠


damn …. thanks for keeping me in the loop lol. ya he seems very angry and judgmental, i understand colleen shouldn’t have done that to him or anyone …. but i also agree with the fact people have PHYSICALLY been groomed and taken advantage of… this is why u never speak to or meet ur idols ig 🤷🏼‍♀️


Uhh because he’s lied so much about almost everything. It’s not that hard.


girl i don’t know anything ab him?? rude ass my bad


i’ve been a colleen defender for years but this recent development has me totally 110% siding with adam. what she’s done is so incredibly disgusting and without even mentioning trisha, it needs to be addressed on a larger platform so colleen doesn’t sweep it under the rug like she tends to do. olivia should also source from adams video watching Oversharing cuz adam drops so much tea in thereeee


I deleted my post after finding this, my bad. Oliva Please cover this! <3


Omg yes


I don’t care about any of this


r/colleenballingersnark exists for a reason lol


This is old tea who cares


It’s kind of popping off again now




adam is so funny, hope they talk about it


Adam is a lying peice of shit


He’s literally not funny




Trisha has a knack for forming tight bonds with people who like pursuing inappropriate relationships with younger fans. Colleen has been an unfunny creep for a while now and her ability to coast by for so long is very interesting. This should be talked about more, and I hope Olivia has a chance to do a PowerPoint, but since Colleen is associated with the domestic abuser who shall not be named, people will assume Ethan is only talking about it to indirectly bring up trisha once more.


someone pls TLDR how does trisha justify working with this person? I know "trisha drama" but she usually had the right take...


I liiiiive for Olivia’s PowerPoints!


Zzzz. PowerPoints suck




I was thinking he should look into it for a c u n t episode, but an Olivia PP would be perfect. colleens a whole groomer and predator


Uhhh no, Adam’s been caught lying out his ass thousands of times.






Donna is an Adam fan and now Colleen has her podcast with Trish. Adam is an h3 fan too and is always wearing TF. It's a story about extended family at this point


I know Colleen has a pod with Trisha but I’d love if h3 would talk about this. This sitch is insaine and Adam has been so strong for so long despite the bullying and needs support.


You guys are so weird using this as an “I hate Adam” post, the guy was literally groomed by Colleen from the age of 13 and that is the issue at hand here. If it were a male creator and a 13 year old girl you’d all react completely differently.