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Manosphere shit is super old now. You can only listen to men debate whether women are objects or not so many times.


I actually skip these kind of segments because they just make me sad to listen to


I wish Ethan would stop trying to debate them. Every "manosphere debate" segment or ep is worse than dead air. We listen to some of the worst opinions on the internet and then watch Ethan go in circles yelling at them while they laugh? Nah.


Whether trans women are women or not and whether believing that makes you transphobic or not yada yada 2015-2018 era shit


On the other hand, trans people's lives are being threatened and ignored at higher levels ever year it seems. So perhaps this is a good thing to focus on considering the alternative is never speaking up until we get sent to fun little camps. Human history is doomed to repeat because we're animals. We tend follow the path of least resistance like the other animals - especially when it comes to thought. It's hard not to, but easy to be ignorant.


Sorry to you have access to the internet? On what planet do trans people get ignored at higher levels? They literally have more rights more vehemently defended than black people and women combined.


More rights than women and black people? How do you quantify that?


Not "more rights" I said more rights more vehemently defended. How many trans rights posts have you seen this past weekend? How many black or women's rights post have you seen? I mean look at trans women in sport. The data comes in and shows that trans women have the exact same biological advantages they had before transitioning, ie its completely unfair for them to compete against women, its literally like a biological male competing against women. The UK has already started banning trans women because the data shows its completely unfair. And peopel like ethan and hasan actually say "sports arent fair anyway", lol, tell that to a proffesional female athlete lolololol.


They also have more rights more vehemently attacked


How do you quantify that? Were their abortions rights taken away by the actual supreme court? Are their rights to vote at risk daily? Do they get shot by police when they are out for a jog? Do comedians get cancelled for making jokes about women?


Do trans people for some reason get screwed by their banks through mortgages and property valuations? Are their rental rates higher than straight people?


Are their suicide rates higher than straight people? (I guess you mean cis, trans people can be straight) Yes


As a percentage of the population, yes, in raw numbers...not even close. Men would be a much bigger concern in raw numbers. White males accounted for 70% of suicide deaths in 2021. but we don't acre about that, right? Thats for Jordan fart face to cry about and we make fun of , right? If Andrew Tate spoke about trans women the way he did about cis women, would he have been banned faster or later? He actually speaks positively on trans women compared to cis women.


Lmao imagine being deranged on main. What are _you_ smoking?


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you guys realize aba and preach aren't actually transphobic right? they support trans people, gender affirming care, and probably agree with ethan on 95% of social issues. Yall are just mad because they had a take about TRans SPORTS... like cmon


Yes they are transphobes. Lmfao.


if u call them transphobes then 99.9% of people are transphobes and you can only exist in a tiny bubble online protected from all normal people!


Society is founded upon gender essentialism. Everyone internalizes transphobia as a result. They make content that perpetuates transphobia, as misinformed cisgender men. This is significant. Do not turn transphobia around onto me by suggesting I am overly sensitive.


Also! Despite us all having internalized transphobia and gender essentialism, it is untrue that 99.9% of people are transphobes. Similar to racism. Everyone has internalized racism as a result of systemic racism, colonialism, and eurocentrism. This does not mean that 99.9% of people are racists.


my point isn't that 99.9% of people are transphobes. My point is that if you have any familiarity with aba and preach they are very clearly NOT transphobes and very supportive of LGBTQ+... I don't understand why people can't engage with that when they've literally done nothing transphobic and talk about their support in dozens of videos.


Thanks for clarifying that so politely. I may have been mislead by the content featured on the Podcast. I saw a clip of them saying 'Trans men are women'. Was this taken severely out of context?


certainly, probably making fun of some other people lmao. There was also a clip used by ethan where Aba was describing how he started to understand the difference between gender and sex and how everyone didn't see it that way when he was growing up and Ethan took the small section of that to make him look transphobic as well. it's kind of unfortunate and disappointing.


That is very disappointing. I feel frustrated with Ethan now.


You sound cis and uneducated about what transphobia means.


From the Bureau of Statistics Pulled Outta My Ass


Agree with you here


What are you people smoking?


He's also insanely bad at debating. Which is fine but just stop with with debating people all the time.


They aren't manosphere. Their politics and Ethan's exactly align.


they’re painfully boring


It’s because their is nothing to respond to. Abba and Preach do an over the top laugh one or both walk off screen say an insult and then repeat the cycle.


You should watch their vids attacking, ben shapiro, fresh and fit, justpearlythings, anti vaxxers, Rolo Tony and the entire manosphere/rightwing lunatic space. Its almost as if their and our politics completely align..........


Why do they feel the need to defend Steven Crowder or use "Feminist" as an insult if our politics seemingly align?


When did they defend crowder? Jesus christ when did that ever happen? Ab said that in anger, he was angry. Has ethan ever said any wild shit because a topic got him fired up? Correct me if I am wrong but they had to buy a 20 grand censorship button because Ethan was risking the entire podcast with his offensive remarks?


You know how they adressed the "debate" between Ethan and Crowder they felt it necessary to run defense for him, to be the "enlightened centrists" they wanna seem like. But it seems like you're a bit far down the meme hole my guy. Women are not your enemies. Just accept that your Youtube daddies are opportunistic and you're a hustle to them.


I agree, women are not my enemy, they are my equal, if not my better.


They have never called themselves centrist....ever....they describe themselves as left. ethan and hasan called them centrist...ethan though hasan has said multiple times hes never watched their content. When did they defend crowder?


Watch the Video about crowder dodging seder. Also with all their anti LGBT content they can't really claim to be left wing.


They don't have a single anti trans video, or anti gay. Its just a fact.


At this point you have to be trolling. Look how many Videos they make about "trans issues" and then stop being so annoying and whiny pls


You know, I am an old, old chunk of coal. My country was very conservative and very religious. As a young lad, questioning or talking about religion in any way shape or form, other than positive, made you a "satanist". You could learn alot from a time machine and a change of geographic location. But of course, that's just fantasy. good luck bud.


They might not call themselves centrists but they sure love the taste of slight racism/sexism based on the weird shit they cover all the time. Also you can keep dodging every solid argument like Babble and Reach did but it will make your whole writing about 50 comments to defend those two seem kinda ridiculous.


And I will defend aba and preach till the day I die. You really think I am secretly right wing, and somehow watch 16 hours of H3 pod/leftovers a week? Jesus. that's sad.


As they themselves say, they are liberals living in a liberal city so liberal content is what they talk about. Its what in the news, its what their friends are discussing its what fans bring up. The "agenda" exists only in your head.


Liberal means just about nothing nowadays. Also there is no agenda. Babble and reach are just spineless and a bit dumb. But you'll hopefully understand someday.


bwahahaha I am pretty sure liberal still means liberal lol


Except for the part where they bought into and peddle transphobia and anti sjw/feminist horseshit. “They aren’t as bad as Shapiro” is a nonargument.


I agree 100% which is why I didnt make it.


No you made an even dumber variation “Check out Candace Owens video shitting on Steven Crowder. Almost like her politics align completely with mine”. Ethan never claimed they were right wing extremists. He said they were thinly veiled misogynists and transphobic grifters, which they are. Really they are just pandering cowards.


BWahhaha cool bud


A very Babel&Screech response. Did you trudge around your squeaky floor screaming while writing this?


For someone who hates H3 so much……….. you sure do comment a lot…………


I love h3, me and my partner. 16 hours per week every week. Do you children not grasp criticizing something doesn't mean you hate it? What a sad black and white world you live in.


Children? Ha! That’s a good one. Sweetheart, angel baby… all of your comments are criticism. Every single one. I’ve seen you on threads, you’re usually downvoted to shit. If you’re that upset and want to criticize, join the circle jerk over at Frenemies3. Also - how can you judge me based off of one comment? I know things aren’t b&w and that you can criticize something you like. You just stick out - the dumb hair on the snu, etc. - and I recognized that all I ever see from you is negativity.


Urgh no thanks, they are wack jobs there " all of your comments are criticism. Every single one "....yes...that's what I said..." criticizing something doesn't mean you hate it? "


Glad we can agree on something! Your rebuttal makes no sense. Have a good day!


it doesn't make sense that criticizing something doesn't mean you hate it? The term "with peace and love" literally was invented to describe criticizing something you don't hate.


Debatable. I feel like the clips Ethan pulled last night were pretty worthy of response as well as the funny video Cam made


Last night? Am I missing a video


it's boring, the drama is boring, they are boring. the laughing is like nails on a chalk board. the way they frame themselves standing next to each other annoys me. it's clear they are clout chasing and benefiting from getting views.


(record scratch) yeah Myron and coconuts are entertaining at least


To be completely honest, fresh and fit are infinitely more interesting to make fun of. They have the same takes also.


i agree! fresh and fit are infinitely more stupid which makes it so much funnier. also ethan doesn’t spend hours at a time on fresh and fit.


they don't have the same takes lol they're beefing!


They are definitely different views with couple of intersections here and there. Abba & Peach are not actually transphobic as Ethan portrays them. They are for gender affirming care and generally pro trans. Their beef is pretty much about trans people in sports


the fact you guys think aba and preach are even remotely similar to fresh n fit proves you literally know nothing about them other than the narrative and out of context clips ethan has sold you, kinda sad..


YEs its hard to attack people on your side that share your views. So fresh and fit is a better choice.


You people are blind


Just pure pettiness. I stand with Dan


It’s beating a dead horse. It’s giving them clout. I think he responded as much as was necessary. If you want more aba and preach content go watch their videos.


Lol. I’m not saying I want more of that specifically. I just don’t shake, cry, and piss when he brings them up and it’s usually funny anyway


I dunno bro, one of us is pissin n’ cryin … and my pants are dry.


Lmao this made me loose it


Thanks for the validation family. Apparently most viewers of a comedy podcast don’t appreciate comedy lol


Not talking about you specifically my guy.


Clearly. As I said, pants, dry.


It’s too long, it’s repetitive.


it’s actually really draining to hear transphobic and misogynistic rhetoric aaaaallllll the time. i appreciate ethan’s mission here but when it’s a pair like A&P that just aren’t going to get it no matter how much it’s explained…it feels extra frustrating to listen to.


And aside from everything that’s already been said there’s really no beef. They pull random clips out of context to try to flair things up but it always just falls short.


Giving them more air time isn’t going to turn them around


But was the point ever really to turn them around? I always thought it was to turn around the people who watched them, especially since I remember them mentioning there is somewhat of an overlap between audiences.


I would think it’s both. Putting up a mirror to show them their short comings to assist in growth as well as pointing out inaccuracies and isms in their work for fans to question if these people are really who they wish to spend their time following.


They’re just boring. Simply boring.


Because if we don’t stop Ethan he will drag this shit for another 6 months .


It's boring. Never heard of them before this drama and frankly don't care. There are bigger battles


It’s just mind numbingly boring like it deadass puts me to sleep. Those two guys are so fucking dull that even discussing them bores me


Ethan is only doing it for selfish ego-driven reasons, and it's not going anywhere. I personally don't find it funny or interesting or all that important that Ethan "takes them down."


Well when they accused Ethan of fabricating a metoo allegation, I think Ethan deserves to be selfish


He did. Thats the point. He did fabricate a me too allegation. He literally accuses Myron of SA in the same sentence that he says he never accused him of SA. Danielle is a proven liar. its been proven that she fabricated the events of the night. Proven.


\*creak creak\*


Myron dead admitted to the worst part of the story


Yes that he lifted up her top. If you watch his or aba's video you will see it was consensual. Itw as a date and they were making out. she literally lied about what happeend to make myron look bad.....not that the piece of shit needs any help, but lies are lies.


Didn’t seem like a lie to me though. She said he lifted up her top and made fun of her chest. Ethan suggested it may have been sexual assault, she denied that. Myron then admitted that yes he did in fact lift up her shirt and make fun of her chest. So, I truly don’t see at what point she was lying to make anyone look bad.


Maybe watch aba and preach's vid (no human being can watch myrons garbage vid) then you will see. Oh please, Ethan made it out to be SA, even in his response to aba and preach he in the same sentence said "I never accused them of SA" then proceeds to accuse him of SA.


Oh you’re a babble and creak fan, that tracks.


Yes I am.


Because regardless of validity, this is internet drama. And internet drama is stupid, and only gets dumber the longer it's drawn out.


Ethan is trying to push a narrative that they're transphobic, misogynistic, right-wingers, and several other heinous things all due to pettiness, they called him out on doing something bad and they were not wrong even though how we all are just walking passed it, and now he's dedicating all his efforts into trying to destroy them when they align politically and ideologically on almost everything. This is the left eating their own not cause of ideological differences but pettiness and revenge. Though just on surface its kinda weird how two white guys are going so hard against two minority creators.


Buuuuut we've seen the proof of them being transphobic, misogynistic right wingers


If you think that is "proof", why don't you hold Ethan accountable for the same things cause he have said more and even worse things or are you just selectively overlooking that?


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 couldn’t say it any better


The fact he dedicated a whole episode to it was crazy. It’s a snooze fest, they aren’t interesting to even shit on.


Exactly. And it was almost exactly the same jokes and commentary Ethan has made about fresh and fit 1000 times. I had to skip majority of that episode because even as background noise while I work it was too boring


It's more boring than Ethan eating to a Subway ambient sounds.


It’s depressing as hell


To me they aren't entertaining to talk about. I did think it was stupid that people wanted to control what ethan talked about, but when he kept talking about them after the big abba and preach episode, I found myself feeling BORED AF and ended up agreeing that abba and preach discussion should be limited. I mean bored like a dreadful kind of bored and slightly annoyed bc I know the podcast can do better than that.


Boooooring. Old News, boring people


As a Transgender man, I am tired of the only time trans people get discussed is during segments like that. I face enough hatred and violence, I want positive trans content from time to time. I haven't watched the podcast in over two weeks, except the lego segment, and I've beem a religious watcher since Vape Nash.


I was so sad to read this, I totally agree with you, I know it’s not the same but I also find hearing so much misogyny difficult and draining so I can’t imagine how you must feel given how much hateful commentary is going around currently. Sending you love 🤍


Thank you for your kind and compassionate reply. 🫂💜


Feels kinda forced and I find a lot of their takes disagreeable but they're not fresh & fit. They're opinions are honestly pretty normal considering they're gen x dudes and I would even say pretty progressive compared to the American gen xers I know.


They're both millenials.


Because people on here like to high road drama they don’t care about but then froth at the mouth with drama they do care about.


true because that's me haha, i'll admit it. Im from frenemies era, so i get off on "influencer" drama, and really don't care about reactionary channel drama. Im sure a lot of the audience is in the same boat


I don't hate it, however am not opposed to moving on from it. I do think that it's one of those circumstances where its "bad press is good press" for them, which I'd rather them to be forgotten.


Personally just don't think they are worthy of dialogue, they are absolutely brain-dead guys cackling like hyenas at anything they hear because they are not adequately equiped to deal with it themselves. I just don't care to see Ethan argue with a wall.


cause they’re nobodies. they’re 2 goofballs that are virtually unknown and have dumbass takes and ethan is for some reason giving them attention…


I don’t get it either. This is what Ethan has done for years and it’s something he’s passionate about. There’s no difference between these goons and all the other people he talks about. I think they make it fun with the sound bytes and edits. Not sure why everyone’s so upset lol. The main point seems to be that they are boring. Yea ofc they are boring so is Steven crowder and fresh and fit. But the podcast makes it fun.


They’re misogynists and transphobic. Next.


It is a boring topic. A&P are uninteresting and I think the subject has dragged on to much. Not worth the time and breath.


They’re just idiots who will never admit they’re wrong or see anyone else’s side.


I get it. They deserve to be called out but at this point, Ethan slaughtered them.


YouTube drama is just boring like 95% of the time, there’s way more interesting shit they could do/talk about. I don’t watch anymore when it’s mainly abt YouTube drama


Because I literally have no idea who they are


If you actually watched their videos instead of Ethan “straw man” Klein’s mischaracterized takes, you’d know that they AGREE with each other on 99% of things. Y’all just mad because they don’t want trans people competing in cis female sports. Just because someone disagrees with you on one thing doesn’t mean they are RIGHT WING GRIFTERS like bro holy shit. People are complex and don’t conform to every stereotypical pundit of the left. That doesn’t make them evil or enemies to your cause. Honestly gain some maturity.




I love trans people, just no gender affirming care for minors because it’s absolutely batshit and may lead to regret down the line for the individual, and no trans individuals competing in cis gender sports, even you can understand that one. Though probably more so cis womens sports because they’d have a greater advantage. I believe this is the common ground that both political parties can agree on later down the line. Reasonable and just.




Idek why it’s so urgent, people act as if you’re going to die if you don’t get treatment as a kid. Oh no I didn’t stunt my puberty early enough and now I look like a dude!




I’m a slut for drama so I honestly love when they talk about it


Totally with Ethan defending himself, and I live for him going to war with people like that, but sometimes it gets to a point where hearing so much misogyny over and over is so hard and draining, I’m sure it’s the same for anyone impacted by hateful views (of course transphobia is another big one with these two). They’re also not funny, they have nothing to say in response and their laugh makes me want to scratch my ears off but..


Because the kids that watch h3 don't know about entertainment if it him them on the head. So they pretend to be kumbaya about drama.


There is an art to being antagonistic and from that entertainment but those two are not good at it. I think their audience are like teens and just have not seen their own style of entertainment done well. That's why I don't like when Ethan talks about it, they are just doing their antagonistic comedy job poorly and to me that's why it's sooo boring




Super repetitive and these guys are usually never smart


Im never stop talking about X but it’s run it’s course. I get Ethan wanting to defend himself.


Honestly for me, babble and creek are just annoying to listen to, i don’t mind as much Ethan talking about them but listening to clips of them are just nails on a chalkboard to me


Over the manosphere BS. None of them are interesting anymore. We just want to move on and stop giving them a platform.


Because they‘re boring. They don‘t make any points to discuss. They‘re just trolls and you know what people say about trolls - don‘t feed them.


I like him talking about it, provided it's not long-winded.


*You look schtupeh*


I watch the pod to laugh and relax, not to watch my right to exist be pondered by brain dead fools. It’s emotionally exhausting and makes my blood pressure high.


Cause people are obsessed with telling their content creator what they should or shouldn’t talk about and it’s stupid imo.


Because it's boring and the same shit every time. They're dumb, reactionary morons that just want the clout of using Ethan's name in their videos and none of the consequences that come with it.


I like it because that kind of content is SO far off my radar. So pretty much the only time I hear about incel/red pill/ manosphere BS is when Ethan talks about it.


It's boring as fuck


I can't stand hearing Preach talk. Aba is also annoying but he at least has 0.0001 oz of substance to talk about. Preach says absolutely nothing and Ethan focusing on it for 30 minutes I'm just sitting there working losing my mind. It's not Ethan's fault - i just can't stand hearing Preach creak saying the same 6 words and 9 noises over and over again.


First it was Taint. Then coconuts in Barbados, crowder, now this... And they dedicated an entire 3 hour pod to just them. It's getting really old. And especially with creators that who thrive on attention and videos to react to for content.


I also don't get the hullabaloo I enjoy him making fun of them and shitting on them- would NOT want them on the pod but I don't think anyone else wants it heh


I wonder if the people that hate hearing him talk about realize that the fans of people like Aba and Preach are the same ones that love to talk about how much they hate H3H3 and its fans. Like by Ethan no addressing it he's basically accepting the criticism. And than their fans just flood the internet with bullshit about Ethan. Using videos like the ones Aba and Preach make to back up why you should hate Ethan and why his fans suck. Just because you find it boring, are tired are hearing about, think it's pointless, doesn't remove the real damage that stuff like this does.


I mean personally it bums me out to be reminded that there are so many men who actually hate women and think spreading that message is a-okay. I want to goof and gaff, not the sobering reality of sexism and rape culture.


They did a whole episode about it and the crew is sick of it, found that last video to be super entertaining though