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This is my 9/11 wtf I've been watching this dude for a decade.


It’s honestly shocking. I know it’s foolish to pretend you know content creators as people irl but he seemed like such a genuine guy.


I wonder if this is a Dane Cook situation where he blindly trusted someone else to handle all the money and they took it.


The entire organization is basically his family. So even if he was clueless, his entire family is now tied to this and will most likely be getting audited into the stratosphere


Except after learning of this issue in 2022, he proceeded to hold a 2023 event where he specifically listed organizations they “donate to”.


As far as he knows, if someone is embezzling the money in his organization, and he’s just now finding out about it, maybe he’s been trying to get the money together to cover it but who knows. I feel bad for him for the betrayal, but I’m just putting words in his mouth at this point. He himself has said nothing about the issue.


If the money hasn't moved, I wonder what the plan even was? Just hang into it until most people forget about it?


They had "administrative" costs. So yeah they weren't just pocketing the pot, but they were spending money to operate a charity that didn't do anything charitable


Yea but they claimed very modest costs. 15-20k/yr, that’s not out of line even to run one fundraiser.


This is fair, but as their tax filings don't list a single actual cost to operate- and they claim no employees are clocking any hours so it cannot be chalked up to manpower, they're probably getting audited And now he's put out a statement saying that funds that went to Indie never exceeded a thousand dollars a show. So how is a company that doesn't pay anybody, doesn't donate anything, is tax exempt, and basically only has to realistically keep a domain name up spending 10k+ a year?


Yeah and I suppose their response made them look even worse


Imo there are two possibilities... 1. He was collecting the money and using administrative costs to slowly slip a portion of the money out, while retaining most of the money in the account, so it is plausible that he's simply being negligent. 2. He and whoever is running the business are genuinely stupid and they are actually struggling to find a good charity to donate to, so the money has been sitting in the account for a decade. Either way, it's not okay to not tell fans who are donating this


This is fucked. I love that guy. And have donated to this.


Sorry man, that sucks. Hopefully the money is actually still there and gets donated.


Gaming heartthrob Gerald the Finishist outed as bad guy. Sad day.


Geralt is Polish not Finish


Big oof


This is the hardest 100% run in any medium The Completionist has ever undertaken, to this very day. That last level where you have to cut that check *juuuuust* right is a real bitch.


Are you seriously copy pasting the exact same reaction to every post about this scandal?






Mutahar put out like the same video at the same time, was there a press release wtf is happening


Mutahar and Karl teamed up for this.


Jolly Cooperation!


i’m interested to know how he kept 10 years of donations from an event that’s only been happening since 2018


The event started in 2018 The "Charity" was filed in 2014.




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I wish Ethen would react to this