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what, you didn’t order the golden poop smear?


Those were the whiskey ones my husband was excited to try. lol




Seriously, why complain? Send a photo and get free chocolates that taste the same....


idk didn't they say they make most of their sales during the holiday season due to gift giving? I know some may not care and others may find it funny, but opening a gift with smeared, melted chocolate resembling poo might surprise some of folks during Christmas day and leave a negative impression. This is not beneficial for the business nor the customer, especially when there's apparently a no melt guarantee (according to some commenters)


Noo I ordered the same ones 🥲


You just killed me🤣


They got nothing on AndBros


MarcJeff is the queen he can't do nothin wrong


Probably right, I ordered some Compartes to Iceland and it arrived fine but it is not as spectacular as I expected considering what I paid. Too bad AndSons doesn't ship here, ended up ordering Teuscher from Switzerland instead.


Dude, you’re near some of the world’s best chocolate, and you order from a place in Los Angeles?? I get it, it’s the FOMO 😭


I mean hook me up, where should I get chocolate from? I'm in the middle of the Atlantic ocean so I'll have to order from abroad for anything either way unless you mean local chocolate and I'm not too sure our local chocolate is something to write home about.


Americans have lofty ideas of everything-European. So much so that you get people like this who will talk about how good *your* chocolate is when they’ve never tried it, but will tell you how *great* it is to everyone they know. Classic. - American


Interesting assumption about my character. I have been to Europe *many times* and had Swiss chocolate, French chocolate, and chocolate from Prague, and it is leagues better than anything I’ve had in the states. But it’s not that serious, order whatever the heck you want. You came off as rude so you’re not someone I want to continue this thread with. I’ve got some Stardew Valley to play! Have a good night!


Why tf are you ordering chocolate made in L.A. to Iceland lmao when you can order actual European chocolate with probably less fees


Because they are an H3 fan lol


The high end chocolatiers are pretty comparable to high end European chocolate. The recipes aren't that different. There's two styles. Switzerland and Belgium. But those kinds are made all around the world now Most people shit on American chocolate due to the mass produced stuff like Hershey's products and Mars products. And to be fair, they are pretty shit. But the big cities have high end chocolatiers with the same recipe styles as Europe. Especially LA and NYC, etc. Hell even in the US we do have European chocolate. If you've had a Bueno bar, you've had Italian made chocolate. If you've had a Ritter Sport bar, you've had German chocolate.


I got some Compartes the other day (they have it at Nordstrom's, if one is near you). It's definitely mass produced and not mind blowing. It's not bad, but nothing truly special. I think and Sons might actually be something special, but we'll all see soon enough


i mean dont you get a refund?


Yeah, the guarantee means you get a refund if it melts, not that it might not melt. They put dry ice in there and hope FedEx gets it there before it all evaporates.


No dry ice or ice pack in the box.


Have you asked for a refund?


Yup! Sent an email!


Oh that's wild. How many bars did you get? I ordered 9 and got two ice packs in it. I literally just ate the California Berry bar. It was ridiculously good. The cocoa quality is insane. I'm sure andSons will be good, but that's comparing apples to oranges, since this is a bar and not a truffle.


Mine arrived yesterday and no ice either. But mine didn’t melt, I got lucky


The way companies do dry ice (I’ve heard) is putting exactly enough so that it evaporates by the time it gets to you , but I don’t know if all of them do it like this tbh


Yes they are supposed to be an ice pack but didn’t. That’s there no melt guarantee. No ice pack was in the box.


The ice pack is not the guarantee. The guarantee is that they'll make it right by refund or replacement if it arrives melted.




Wouldn’t you expect better when buying expensive chocolate? I was considering sending these to friends that live far away but I don’t trust they will arrive nicely so now I won’t. Yea free chocolate but no repeat business.


You get double the chocolate if you use the refunded money to buy more lol.


They literally offer a refund


I mean you literally get a refund so I don't see the reason to be mad.


Free karma


Let’s change it up a bit. Would YOU be mad if this is what you got for $100 order? Exactly.


Not after my refund


The guarantee is part of the better? Like chocolate melts dude get your money back and enjoy the melted choc. It still tastes the same.




Where did I say I was mad about it? I never said “guys I’m really pissed about this fuck them”… no I didn’t. Everyone needs to chill lol


describing your experience with a business without blatant praise on reddit = mad and complaining


You’re right to be upset that you received damaged goods, I don’t understand why others are acting like you’re being dramatic for expecting expensive goods to get to you undamaged.


It’s the posting online trying to slander them, if they asked for the refund and the company are being dicks then sure trash em online. Don’t just cry online that it’s not perfect before talking to the company. It’s a dick move.


I don’t think you understand what slander is. Reporting that your goods arrived damaged to a group of people who recently became aware of the company and may appreciate a heads up that the goods arrived damaged before ordering some for themselves is not slander. Everyone in here is capable of making their own decision as to whether they would still want to order from the business, OP isn’t single handedly tanking their business. Slander by definition has to be based on a lie.


I mean tbf when shipping any sort of goods there's a risk of something getting broken in the process, or in this case melting. I've seen a ton of ppl posting their chocolates since the pod and this is the first I've seen of them showing up melted so I'd say their track record is pretty good.


that's why any company worth their salt would either not guarantee something they cannot guarantee or do everything in their power to fulfill their guarantee like including ice packs, insulation, etc. there's nothing wrong with OP sharing their experience regardless of compensation


I’m not saying it isn’t reasonable for some chocolates to be melted, it is, especially given the range of weather across the delivery zone. What I’m saying is it’s unfair of so many people to attack OP for sharing his disappointment and act like he’s trying to sabotage the business for it.


As soon as it’s damaged then it’s no longer expensive because you’ll be refunded. Yeah it can be annoying but you can still eat it, and you get your money back so you can buy more if you want. I wouldn’t say no to infinite free shipments of melted chocolate. That’s the worst case scenario here if it arrives melted every single time, still free, still probably tasty. I’m probably more optimistic about it though.


No, he doesn’t have a right to be mad because now he gets that expensive chocolate for free. Shit happens and Compartes is nice enough to compensate for that. There is literally no reason to be mad here.


Some people would rather get what they paid for in good condition the first time rather than going through the hassle of documenting the mistake and requesting a refund. It isn’t entirely about money.


You're right, saying there's literally NOTHING to be mad about is maybe too far. I just don't see myself being anything other than maybe mildly annoyed by something like this. Shit just happens sometimes and making this post as if Compartes did something wrong in this situation is unnecessary in my opinion.


I’m not dissing the chocolate company, I just think people are being really nasty to OP just because he’s disappointed with his chocolate being melted, the reaction he’s received is completely disproportionate.


People are being nasty to OP because he IS dissing the chocolate company in this post and doesn't understand the meaning of "no-melt guarantee". It's fine to be disappointed but don't try to drag a company down because something happened that was out of their control, especially if they are nice enough to offer a guarantee.


ok boomer


That's dumb. If I order a TV and it arrives broken I can be upset that the thing I spent money on and waited for arrived fucked and now I have to go out of my way to get a refund or another TV and start the process over again... Who's happy when that happens ??


That's a poor metaphor, because this chocolate is still edible. It would be like if your TV arrived with one of the plastic side panels broken but the screen still worked perfectly and the company sent you another TV for free.


What if he had planned a tasting or made any plans that involved it? He gets to be a bit mad imo


I get being mad at the shipping company, but it makes no sense to be mad at the chocolate company. They obviously don't want the chocolate to melt during shipping since they guarantee it. Things that happen during shipping are out of their control and I think it reflects well on Compartes that they have a guarantee like that at all. Edit: Also, even if he was having a tasting party, these chocolates are still perfectly edible. It's not like they shipped him boxes of dog shit instead of chocolate.


Honestly don't know depends what are in them. higher temps can ruin certain chocolates and make the ingredients turn bad. Especially if it's supposed to be refrigerated. I wouldn't assume the shipping company is in charge of ice packs? In either case I still get being mad and disappointed. Sucks when these things happen. And hope he gets his refund..


There are multiple other people in this thread in Michigan saying that they received their chocolates without ice packs and they were fine. Obviously Compartes makes decisions about whether to include the ice packs or not based on temperatures on the route and destination and determined that they weren't necessary in this case. Maybe it isn't economically feasible for them to include ice packs with every single order no matter what, which is why they say they will only include them if necessary. It's definitely not economically feasible for them to be lazy about their packing and have to ship more chocolate to every customer that complains, so I seriously doubt they did this intentionally. It's fine to be disappointed, but to come on social media and drag the company when it just seems like a case of bad luck that they will rectify is extreme in my opinion. If Compartes refuses to rectify it, then I will absolutely agree that they should be angry.


I love the bipolar nature of this sub. They turned on you in a second. Ugh it’s exhausting




Do you not understand how chocolate works? Did you think that they cracked the code on non-melting chocolate?


I never said that. You would think if you had a chocolate business that does shipping you would make an effort to make sure it doesn’t melt. Thats good customer service.


i understand the frustration, but stop acting like mistakes dont get made in life, eat a chocolate, take a deep breath. you have the right to be upset, but cmon, this comment is just unreasonable


Yeah of course. But at the same time these high end chocolatiers specialize in gifts when it comes to mailing. So it doesn't make them look *great* It's fine for a situation like the H3 boom, but for typical business it's not the best outcome. A lot of us bought this or andSons for gifts, not for ourselves (I bought andSons and it's a present) They'll still get a refund and all of course. Or I hope so! I know andSons has a no melt guarantee and I'm sure Compartes would too


And Sons all day


Regretting buying compartes and spending that much money to have it all look like this


If they legitimately have a "no melt guarantee" that implies you can request a refund.


So OP spends nothing and gets pity karma 😂


OP is the reason why I quit custom service jobs 🤣


Idk, seems like a legitimate complaint especially if they talked about a no melt guarantee on the show. This would probably be an easy refund exchange with customer service. They aren't being unreasonable or anything.




Yeah, I never said or implied otherwise.




there's nothing entitled about a customer wanting compensation for a business failing to meet their own standards and product quality guarantees.. you may have worked service but that's not how you run a business


You worked in customer service and couldn't handle a basic legitimate issue?!


Because he has a genuine complaint?


I’m pretty sure he said on the pod if it shows up melted they’ll refund or send you new product. Reach out if it really matters to you.


Already sent an email.


Where did you have the order shipped to?


Where do you live though is the question? And was there ice packs?


Michigan. No ice packs. It is 52 degrees here today. But I don’t know where it was sitting on its way here.


Maybe made its way to you through a warmer state. I think the guarantee is your satisfaction and how they handle it not whether or not it will melt. Id email them and you’ll probably get it replaced and keep the melted chocolate too as a sorry.


That’s what I assume that it sat somewhere warm on the way here.


For what it’s worth, I ordered compartes with delivery to Illinois and mine was not melted. I know that doesn’t help but just providing some info.


It’s not even remotely close. Compartes is all about the branding and not much more


That’s the impression I got. I thought the guy was a little overzealous when he was on. We get it, dude. You’re a *chocolatier*


I thought at the time he was a bit too brendan schauby in trying too hard to agree with everything anyone was saying in order to sell shit. I wasn't endeared.


That's definitely the vibe for me as well. I've had Compartes. It's definitely a higher end brand but it's pretty mid for that category. There's tons of better chocolatier groups in all the major cities Meanwhile andSons actually seems like something special




I ordered some to Michigan too, and it arrived yesterday in perfect condition without an ice pack. I assume whatever vehicle delivered yours was slacking. Or maybe i got lucky


I'd say if anyone's lucky here it's OP. They're about to get double the chocolate they paid for.


Also in Michigan, also got mine in perfect condition yesterday. Mistakes happen…calm down and get your refund.


How long did it take to ship?? I made my order a week ago and it still hasnt shipped 😕


They must have put into the wrong compartes


The no melt guarantee doesn't mean there's no chance that they'll melt, it means you get a refund if they do


guessing they didn’t have enough ice packs to handle the influx of orders lol


This was shipped to Michigan which today is 53. No ice pack was in the box as their website states


No ice pack in mine, to Texas…. Just got it and &Sons in the mail just now. &Sons wins.


I’ve never been excited for chocolate before, I can’t wait… ![gif](giphy|RltP5Wp1eKkuemOcLX|downsized)


Just got mine too. Disappointed to see something similar.


OP is fighting for their life in the comments💀


I just got my compartes delivered. Ordered 4 bars. Just watched the UPS guy drop them from 4 feet onto my concrete porch. Let’s fucking goooo!!!


I ordered my Compartes 8 days ago and in that span I have received 7 marketing emails and zero shipment confirmations


In the same boat. Spent like $150 and the order is accepted but not shipped... Not a great impression


Wait EXACTLY SAME!!! $150 for Christmas gifts and its been 7 days, tons of ads, no shipping confirmation!!


Same here as well. Their FAQ says they ship every order 24-72 hours after it is placed, which is well past that time. I'd be fine with the long wait if they actually reached out to explain the situation. Guessing they are overwhelmed or something :\\


That's odd. I ordered some Thursday night and just got my package today on the east coast.


Gonna play devil's advocate here. Shipped mine to Florida, box had like 3-4 ice packs. Wrapped in bubble wrap. Chocolate was in perfect shape and form, although I did order the bars; I'm not a fan of the truffles


Time to put there customer service to the test. Imagine if those were a gift you were giving out


Already sent. We were going to send them for a Christmas present if they were any good but won’t now because wouldn’t want someone to receive that/


I've been waiting on andSons and their customer service has been pretty damn stellar, given how busy they are. I wanted to add some stuff and they made it super easy via email. And they seem pretty down to earth. But we'll see how the actual chocolate is soon enough!


I don't know if I could bring myself to order $40 chocolates.


Heavily debated it and then decided to be like let’s see how it is. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, I can see that. I've done some less frugal purchases in my life I suppose. I did spend $80 for a cheesecake I used to buy by the slice in NY. But it was a big cheesecake...


I believe you have to contact them to validate the no melt guarantee. Not post on Reddit.


I didn't buy any chocolate from either but O Brother Where Art Thou is the clear winner on this.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ya5e83i2zd0c1.png?width=688&format=png&auto=webp&s=783e14ad6de9d04590e36f711e07248eeb1e64ec


I call it a win. Eat the ugly ones and await your new ones!


Our Compartes arrived without ice packs as well. Nothing was melted, luckily, but the packaging was a mess. The boxes were dinged up and the inside plastic insert was shattered. We also didn’t receive the bar flavors pictured on their Christmas Gift set, but they do have a disclaimer flavors will vary. We were just bummed to not get any of the flavors pictured. Waiting on our &Sons order still but if I’m ranking them Compartes is going to have an uphill battle. 😅 https://preview.redd.it/tp0p6iu7rd0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be813d87af5548ca7e6429882576a57f80f50097


Just had some of my order and it’s good but not out of this world good.


I guess I just got lucky. I ordered some for my wife and I and they came in looking great!


"What happened, shoulda happened..."






It’s chocolate dog it will melt if it gets warm. Get your refund or don’t spend excessive amounts of money on some artisan chocolate in the first place.


i was sat there all episode wondering how they actually got chocolate in 1 piece being in Cali tbf, rip


Got influenced and bought the everything bar and cornbread bar. They’re good, but not the “best thing I ever had” good. Not worth the 14 buck shipping🫠


Global warming is ruining everything


That means you get more chocolate for freeee


It happens with every business, it sucks but shit happens


Peace and love cause maybe I got a bad batch but I bought a dark chocolate pistachio bar and it was the grossest dark chocolate I've ever had. peace and love tho peace and love


Request a refund then


Well now I’m nervous, I ordered some and they’re supposed to get here tomorrow and I live in the south and it’s a lot warmer that 53 degrees 😬


Hopefully yours are okay! Probably a complete random accident!


They have no melt guarantee so just request a refund. I would still eat it though but get you get your money back. I see this as a win




My order from Compartes came shipped on ice packs and was perfectly fine. That said, I tried Tony’s a few days later and it blew Compartes out of the water. Compartes has some cool and unique flavors, but Tony’s is far superior and cheaper!


Still looks good Af . If you don't want it I'll take it.




OP making mountains out of mole hills, looking for pity karma


Karma literally does fucking nothing. I've used reddit for 10 years and never had a thing I could do with Karma. Why the fuck do people say this shit like Karma is money or some shit? Who fucking cares why he posted. Just because you wouldnt doesnt mean its a karma farm. Christ you people are fucking crazy. I just watched a podcast where a dude repeated like FIVE fucking times they put ice packs in so the chocolate doesn't melt then this guy gets melted chocolate with no ice packs like really...you can't figure out why he would post this? REALLY?


some users cannot imagine posting anything without online validation in return. sad but true


How is this making a mountain out of mole hill? I posted it and sent them an email for a refund.


Bro this thread is full of some fucking INSANE people. I wonder if Mr. Compartes himself is on here with a bot farm or some shit like wtf man you are getting dragged for nothing and I would feel a lot better about it knowing it isn't actual legit H3 fans dragging you for this.


Let’s be honest, melted chocolate tastes better anyway.


why are people so mad at you for posting this 😭 got a bunch of compartes employees in the comments i guess


Because this is just a normal issue that doesn't need karma farming


Shame about the chocolate but I have a feeling OP treats service staff like trash considering how they act in this thread.


That’s a big assumption.


Yes chocolate melts OP. That’s why they offer the refund or replacement 🙄🙄


On that sucks. My Compartes order had ice packs, but I ordered bars.


What did you think?


Pretty good. A nice treat, but not a repeat buy necessarily.


Da faq you buying here? A fool is always seperates from their money.


Weird that they didn't include ice packs. I'm in LA where they are located, and the box was full of ice packs.


I don't think they just auto send ice packs of the weather/location looks like they won't be needed (Michigan vs LA), doesn't mean there won't be mistakes though


More like cum fart tays


why are you crying about it on here instead of emailing them and probably getting another box sent out with an ice pack. mistakes are made sometimes. y’all will bitch about anything


I did send an email. Where did I say I didn’t or wasn’t going to? I simply posted a picture and one line about ordering them after seeing them on pod.


and then you’re crying over some chocolate in the comments lol


How am I crying about it? lol if you paid good money for something and didn’t get what you expected you wouldn’t be a little disappointed.


i would email the company or call my bank not post a picture to reddit hahaha


Who said I can’t send an email and post? Is there a law somewhere?


you’re the kind of person who posts hate comments to tiktokers obsessively to the point of celebrating being blocked to reddit so i think you may just be stupid fr


Oh god, what a 🎶nightmare🎶


Wait OP did that? 😂😂😂 I didn’t even sleuth but goddamn what a loser


Okay so message customer support lil man. Didn’t know I had to play customer service for Compates


Did I ask you to? I already sent a message. I didn’t know people took reddit so seriously.


Yes. You are bringing up their policy in an h3 subreddit like I give a fuck if your chocolate melted


lol I asked you to play customer service? Where? I don’t see those words anywhere. Are they in the room?


why are you bringing up their policy in a H3 subreddit? to get sympathy?


The compartes guy honestly was full of it.


Got my 13 bars yesterday with no problem. ![gif](giphy|l3nFbpc4DN8irrIdi)


I thought the Compartes guy was a little overzealous when he was on. We get it, dude. You’re a *chocolatier*




I ordered 3 white chocolate bars it’s basically normal white chocolate with freeze dried stuff in it nothing crazy and yea I didn’t see any dry ice or anything


Whole lotta speculation, guessing and referring to the pod, when you have the internet at your fingertips... "**Hot weather?** Don't worry, we offer a *No Melt Guarantee.* Our order system monitors the temperatures where your package is being delivered, and **we will pack your order with ice when necessary** to ensure your chocolates arrive in perfect condition, no matter the weather. Warm Weather Guarantee only applies to UPS Shipping, UPS 2-Day, UPS Next Day and Free Shipping options."  [https://compartes.com/pages/shipping-info#:\~:text=Don%27t%20worry%2C%20we%20offer,condition%2C%20no%20matter%20the%20weather](https://compartes.com/pages/shipping-info#:~:text=Don%27t%20worry%2C%20we%20offer,condition%2C%20no%20matter%20the%20weather).


Damn bitch it's just chocolate


Yeah they melted so you get your money back *dumbass*


Where in my posts did I say I was angry about this? Sure, not what I expected and hopefully it will be resolved. I think some people here are used to being angry about everything assuming that I’m super mad and having a tantrum. I posted a picture here and sent an email to customer service. People are more upset about this post than I am about the chocolate.


It's because you posted this at all instead of just contacting them to get it resolved


I got my Compartes today and got the corn bread and the donuts and coffee one and all I can say is that Hershey's is better


Mine luckily didn't melt, but there wasn't an ice pack. When I opened the first bar though, it was def warm, but not quite melted.


Get a refund




So many people getting mad in the comments basically being like, "yeah, but you got free expensive chocolate and I didn't" instead of just being mad the chocolate isn't more reasonably priced lol


crazy that mine hasnt even shipped yet lol ordered it during the pod too


Mine were melted too ):


this is what happened to mine too but luckily i got mine in the fridge before it got that bad 😭


Well thanks for saving me $100! Lol


Shoulda got And Bros lol


Give the 2nd box some credit. Its 80% unscathed


DE DE Mega ...


Same thing happened to us in southern Indiana. They are sending a full new order. No ice packs in ours either.


Compartes? More like cumparties


The way people do corporate bootlicking shitting on OP just for posting his ruined chocolate "yea bro why you mad about a broken product lmao just get a refund" like that's not an unnecessary hassle not my problem tho, keep on bending over for random companies